Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Charisma Breakdown: Ryan Reynolds

Chase Amante's picture
Ryan Reynolds charisma breakdownRyan Reynolds wields a puckish, irrepressible charisma he uses to easily place himself at the top of any social pile. This Charisma Breakdown shows how.

I first saw Ryan Reynolds on primetime TV in the show Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place. I was 15 years old, and instantly, I found myself hooked: Reynolds’s effusive, puckish charisma and his amazing humor sucked me in. “This guy is AWESOME!” I said. A few years later he starred in National Lampoon’s Van Wilder; he was hilarious in it and his charisma was off the charts. For years since I’ve described my seduction style (and this site) as “smooth, stylish, and irreverent; think Sean Connery mixed with a dash of Van Wilder.”

In 2002 (when Van Wilder came out) I fully expected Reynolds to become a humongous star… only to be disappointed as he landed B-movie role after B-movie role for over a decade. People Magazine naming him the Sexiest Man Alive in 2010 did little to help his career.

Of course, today, Reynolds is a bankable leading man; his star rose to the heights it’s still at after the 2016 hit movie Deadpool (based on a character described in the comics as “Ryan Renolds [sic] crossed with a Shar-Pei”… in 2004, five years before Reynolds ever played the character – the role was really just a match made in Heaven. Or in a comic book office by some writer as enamored with Reynolds’s charisma as I was. Take your pick). I feel vindicated Reynolds finally achieved the clout he clearly deserves – but almost like that was a given, given his rare and potent charisma, know what I mean?

Anyway, today, as part of our ongoing discussion of charisma – which is itself part of our ongoing New Year’s promotion of my course “Charisma In A Bottle”, which is pretty much the best training program you are going to find on charisma anywhere on the Earth (and you can pick it up at a discount + with a limited edition manual through this Saturday) – let’s break down what makes Ryan Reynolds’s charisma so good.

Charisma Breakdown: Brad Pitt

Chase Amante's picture
Brad Pitt: Charisma BreakdownWhat made Brad Pitt the Sexiest Man Alive – twice? It’s his charisma… and in this breakdown of what he does and why, you’ll discover just how he does it.

In light of our special on “Charisma In A Bottle” – the most complete charisma training course on the market – I’m adding another entry to our Charisma Breakdown series, which analyzes the charisma of famous leading men.

Today’s subject: People Magazine’s twice-awarded ‘Sexiest Man Alive’, Brad Pitt. A Charisma Breakdown on Brad Pitt is probably overdue; here in the men’s corner of the Internet, we’ve long used ‘Brad Pitt’ as a stand-in for ‘ridiculously handsome and/or sexy man’. While of course tastes vary and not every woman agrees he’s all that attractive, most can agree he’s a pretty charming guy.

For the purposes of this article, we’ll be looking at the charisma of young Brad Pitt. Many men get better with age (see: Sean Connery, John Wayne), but others decline (see: Errol Flynn). Pitt, unfortunately, is in the ‘decline’ camp (albeit still solidly charismatic; just not as much so as when younger).

So let’s do a review of young, sexiest Brad Pitt – and see just how he worked his charismatic appeal!

Tactics Tuesdays: Story-Based Charisma

Chase Amante's picture
story-based charismaYou can tell a story to amplify your charisma. Showcase charismatic qualities in your storytelling, and be amazed how people start treating you different.

In light of our New Year’s promotion of my charisma-generating course “Charisma in a Bottle” (and the new, limited release Sexual Charisma Manual that comes with it until January 7th), I wanted to share some pieces devoted to the theme of charisma.

For this Tactics Tuesdays, we’re going to discuss a simple type of charisma-building tactic that anyone can use, and that builds charisma even if a guy doesn’t have great charismatic fundamentals or advanced charisma game… yet.

I call it “Story-Based Charisma” and it revolves around telling stories that frame you in a charismatic light.

If you think that sounds like it couldn’t possibly work to generate charismatic attraction, you’d be very surprised.

This New Year, Let Me Help You Reach Your Charisma Goals

Chase Amante's picture
new year charismaTo help you achieve all your interpersonal goals this 2024, I’ve got something you’re sure to love: a nice discount on my charisma-generator… plus a brand new sexual charisma model.

Happy New Year! It’s the dawn of 2024.

You’ve probably set some goals…

If ANY of those goals touch ‘people’ in ANY way… such as…

  • Friendship goals, where you want to meet more cool people, make excellent/awesome friends, get yourself invited to more parties, events, dinners, and social gatherings…

  • Career goals, where you want to make more (and more connected) business contacts, have job opportunities fall into your lap, even get folks you know pursuing you to work with or for them…

  • Girl goals, where you want to get more approach invitations, dates, sex, relationships, and more from exactly the kinds of girls you want… even if they’ve been ‘out of reach’ in the past…

Then I want help.

Because this week, to aid you in reaching your 2024 goals, I’m dropping the price on my charisma-generating system “CHARISMA IN A BOTTLE”… PLUS adding in a never-before-seen (and fiendishly powerful) new charisma model inside my brand-new and LIMITED TIME Sexual Charisma Manual.

The Ideal Male/Female Ratio for Your Going Out Group

Alek Rolstad's picture
male-female ratio in going-out groupsWhen you go out to nightlife (especially if to pick up girls), you want a good male/female ratio in your group. And the truth is, there IS an ideal ratio!

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I will conclude my series on selecting your peers and who to allow in your group when attending social gatherings.

How many people should you head out with? In my first post, we concluded that you should:

  1. Go out solo

  1. Go out with larger groups

Groups of two and three are not ideal, though groups of three are usually okay, and groups of two are good IF and ONLY IF that person is your trusted wing. Going out with a girl (as a pair) is not a good idea. I’ve explained why in previous posts.

Last week, I shared factors to consider when selecting who to go out with. My criteria are:

  • People who know a lot of people
  • Socially savvy people
  • People with an edge
  • People with money
  • People with a good reputation
  • People who look good
  • People who dress well

Is Marriage Worth Doing Anymore If You're a Man?

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTModern marriage seems to offer many pitfalls for men. Yet many men still marry anyway. So is marriage worth doing for men today – or not?

There’s an ongoing debate on our forum about whether marriage is worth it if you’re a man.

Marriage as an institution has undergone some extremely significant changes in the Western world over the past century. Indeed, it’s been changing for the past three centuries, but in particular over the past 70 years – since the first no-fault divorce law passed in Oklahoma in 1953 – there’s been a complete transformation in what marriage is, what it stands for – and even who marries and why.

In fact, marriage ALWAYS changes… and most of the ‘new’ changes to marriages have happened many times in history before – if not in recent history.

The changes marriage has undergone are argued to have improved it for many parties.

There’s one party marriage has not improved for, however: heterosexual men.

So, today, we’ll take a close look at what the changes to marriage have meant for men… and whether, as a man, marriage is something worth doing anymore.

Conversation Example: Repartee

Chase Amante's picture
conversation example: reparteeThis conversation example shows how to build flirtation, banter, and excitement in the initial Repartee Stage with a girl. Follow along & watch it unfold!

A short while back, a reader requested the following:

Chase, in HTMGC you say repartee is to be used after the opener and that it consists of push-pull, chase frames, intrigue and teasing.

Is it possible write an FR style article that shows these tools specifically being used at the outset during the repartee phase?

All the posts on these tactics only give mid or end-game illustrations of their use.

I've also read the conversation example article. It's awesome! Upon close observation, i notice that in the convo example post you skip the whole repartee aspect post opener and jump right into rapport hence why i'm requesting for an article where you specifically show how push-pull, chase frames, teasing and intrigue can be jumbled up together after delivery of the opener.

So all right; let me give you a conversation example with a fleshed out chunk of repartee.

If you have not read my prior Conversation Example, I’d suggest you check it out. That example takes you deeper into the conversation than this example will (we’re going to stop after repartee). If you want some real (verbatim) conversations and repartee between girls and me, plus the full chapter on repartee, check out that chapter and the two reports in the appendix of my book How to Make Girls Chase.

Keep in mind, repartee must be calibrated to the girl. If she’s responsive to it, laughing, into it, you can draw your repartee out a bit and have some real fun with her. If she’s the humorless type, though, you’re going to move through repartee pretty quick just to not waste time cracking jokes that flop / using tech that doesn’t ‘hit’. Some girls just respond better to bonding than they do playful banter.

For our example here, we’ll use a girl who’s responsive to repartee and gets into it – that way we can unfold a nice, fleshed out repartee sequence with a girl you’ve just met.

Why Are There So Many Single Men and Women?

Chase Amante's picture
so many single men and womenThere are 4x as many unmarried 40 y/os today than there were just 3 decades ago. What’s happened, and why are so many men and women single and alone?

In the same forum thread that inspired my last article about men who resent women, a separate forum member commented to ask:

Does this still apply when women reject all of their suitors to end up single? Many of the women who rejected me over a year ago are still single. This description could well apply to many single women above 33, say. Can we then declare that the woman's standards were unrealistic or that the criteria that she used to reject were unreasonable and harmful (to her own happiness)? Or would you still argue that she rejected all of those guys and ended up single because she has expectations for men based on her experiences with men the past and she didn't see comparable quality with any of her suitors? This could be a past chad boyfriend but even if she's a virgin it could be male figures in her family e.g. a woman might want a guy to be taller than her baby brother. In that case, would you make the argument that the suitors who got rejected failed to effectively compete with the guys/male figures of the past or would you concede that the women can be blamed here for their standards?

It's true; there are lots of single older women, and more all the time. There are also lots of single older men. There are lots of people in general who are not having committed long-term relationships, and even more of them (single and attached) who do not reproduce.

All this – people remaining single, even while older; people eschewing committed relationships; people remaining childless – are part of a broad sociological trend throughout modern societies. It is not just a Western phenomenon; the same phenomenon is occurring in East Asia, which has a very different society but the same exact issues.

If we want to understand the explosion of older single and childless people, we need to look beyond individual cases and examine broad civilizational trends to grasp what is really happening in human societies.

How to Pick Who to Go Out with to Nightlife

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to pick who to take to clubsWho you take with you to nightlife can make or break your night. Choose wrong and you can be barred from venues or see your evening ruined. So pick well!

Hey guys and welcome back. Today, I’ll resume last week’s discussion, which covered how many people you should go out with during night game, or when at social events with the intent of getting laid.

We are not discussing outings with close friends to maintain bonds or for any purposes other than taking a girl home.

For review, here are the four takeaways from last week’s article:

  1. Solo is the go-to for top-tier seducers. These guys like the freedom and independence from going solo. Most other men are not at their level and will drag the experienced seducer down. Those who are good with women, without being trained in the art, are mostly unfamiliar with key concepts such as logistics and calibration.

  1. I do not recommend going out with two guys as the typical wingman combo UNLESS the wing is trained and can go solo when necessary, like when you become isolated with a girl.

  1. Groups of three are not ideal.

  1. Larger groups over three can be helpful because this creates a private party within the venue to which you are invited. Your group will attract positive attention, allowing you to meet other women through warm approaches. The group’s good vibe may positively increase your state. Also, you avoid situations where you are alone and don’t appear as a loner.

So, the best choices are:

  1. Going solo
  2. Going out with big groups

Going out solo will not be detailed here, as we went through this last week. But who you go out with to clubs is just as important as how many people you go out with. That is what we'll discuss today.

First, a few words about going out with a wingman. The ideal wingman should:

  1. Be at your level or better.
  2. Match your style.
  3. Have predictable behavior.

I’ll share a detailed list in my upcoming series on Wingmanning. So, with a bit of patience, you will be rewarded.

If You Resent Women, You're Blind to the REAL Dating Picture

Chase Amante's picture
don't blame womenMen who resent women miss one key thing: it’s not women they’re competing with for women! But who is it who’s REALLY responsible for making them lose then?

We’ve got a guy over on the forum talking about how he resents women because they have it so easy in life (his words). This is pretty common red pill / incel talk these days.

I get it. Men are frustrated. Frustrated people look for someone to blame. Women are the ones turning these guys down, so women are the ones they saddle with the blame. Is it fair? Is it unfair? Well, this is what humans do.

Normally I would talk about fixer vs. complainer mentalities here (Fixer: “I’m failing, so I need to figure out why and fix it”; Complainer: “I’m failing, and it’s all everyone else’s fault!” Guess which one of those two guys is going to eventually get what he wants, and which one isn’t?). Or I would advise men not to compare themselves to women, because men aren’t women, and comparison to women is getting oneself stuck in mental impotency.

But today I specifically want to discuss this phenomenon of men resenting women, because they blame the women for their predicaments as rejected, dateless, sexless men.

But it is not women who are ultimately to blame for you getting rejected.

I won’t even say it is ‘you’ who is to blame.

Nor is it fair to say ‘society’ is to blame for your rejection.

Instead, there is another culprit – a far more ubiquitous one; one you are doing everything in your power not to look at, to avert your eyes from, because he is threatening, intimidating, and makes you feel weak and small.

But you must know this foe if you ever hope to overcome him.