Articles by Author: Frankie Bismarck | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Frankie Bismarck

Tourism Game – How to Get Laid as a 'Free Tour' Guide

Frankie Bismarck's picture

tour guide game
Last week we covered the 2 best guide jobs for getting laid. Now let's dig deeper into how to capitalize on the 'free tour' guide niche, even if you’re NOT the guide.

Last week we looked at the two best guide jobs for all you horny dudes in the industry. As a guide, you have access to multiple short romantic affairs with hot tourist girls.

We went over the process from meet-to-lay with girls in the #1 certified best job for consistent one-night stands with these girls: guiding pub crawls.

This week, we will focus on getting laid from the #2 best job: guiding free tours.

Tourism Game – The 2 Best Guide Jobs for Hooking Up

Frankie Bismarck's picture

Editor's Note: This is our first post from FRANKIE BISMARCK, a guy who went from socially-awkward high school virgin to popular college man after hitting the gym and befriending the foreign exchange students who threw the best parties. Later, he found a niche in the tourism industry, becoming a guide and cashing in on horny tourist girls. Let's see what he can teach us!

tour guide game
Here are my favorite tour guide jobs for hooking up with hot girls, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the best of the guiding profession – without getting fired!

What is the best type of tour guide job for access to a consistent stream of hot girls?

That would be the pub crawl guide.

Of course, that's not the only tour guide job that can land you hot girls on a regular basis, but it's my absolute favorite!

I've been doing this stuff for several years, and I've learned much in the process. At the moment, the industry is a bit shattered due to the Mexican beer fiasco, but it's bound to make a comeback, and perhaps even experience a boom as destination countries open back up and involuntarily homebound adventurers feel safe to travel again.

For now, I can only reminisce and share some insights with all of you out-of-work or prospective tour guides who'll want to bound right into action when times are better.

Let's talk about my favorite two guide jobs for getting girls, the pros and cons of each, and how to make the best of them – without getting fired in the process!

In this article, I also cover some general aspects of the tour guide game, so treat this as an intro. In the coming weeks, I'll be posting at least a couple more articles with finer details. So stay tuned!

Let's start things off by jumping into my #1 pick.

Don't Ask Girls for Permission; Seduce Them Instead

Frankie Bismarck's picture
don't ask girls for permissionThe guys who get what they want with women aren't asking for permission. And women don't want them to ask for it, either.

Hey guys, welcome back!

In this article we’re going to explore the question of whether or not guys should ask girls for permission regarding what they’re allowed to do.

We’ll start by touching on how girls view and treat sexy guys (i.e., you after lots of self-improvement).

Then we’ll do an exercise in future projection (if you’re not there already) where I will invite you to imagine how a man with a strong frame would deal with the most sexually attractive women... were he in the process of seducing them into his boudoir.

We’ll touch on the importance of setting sexual frames as soon as possible.

And finally we’ll talk about how you can pretty much do anything you want with a girl, sexually speaking, without needing to directly ask her for permission -- provided you read her correctly and present yourself congruently.

(that last bit is important. You must be able to read women appropriately