Articles by Author: Peter Fontes | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Peter Fontes

Tapping Your Social Circle to Meet Loads More Girls

Peter Fontes's picture

By: Peter Fontes

'Allo there, readers.

This is to be the final entry in my social circle series. In case you missed the previous ones in the series, you can view them each here:

In our final edition of this series, we'll take a tour deep into the art of tapping your extended social circle - that is to say, branching out of your existing social circle and working with what you've already got going on socially to meet new women.

social circle meet girls

This piece will be of particular interest to the guys with social circles low on attractive, single females. By the end of this one, we'll be using the social circles you already have to meet more attractive, single females... even if you couldn't tell me at the start of it where those attractive, single females might be.

We will, then, socially speaking anyhow, be turning lead into gold.

Killer Reputation Management for Your Social Circle

Peter Fontes's picture

content="Reputation management is absolutely crucial to running a great social circle that helps you meet loads of beautiful new women. Here’s how to pull it all off and look like a stud.">

reputation managementRep - yuh - tey - shuh n.

It's a four syllable word that you'll live and die by in social circle. Have a good one and all I talked about in my 'How to Escalate in Social Circle' article becomes a whooole lot easier. Have a bad one and you ain't goin' nowhere.

What is reputation?

Your reputation is simply what other people think of you insofar that it's reached some level of general consensus.

It can involve the recognition of a particular characteristic or ability. e.g. 'John is clever,' 'Samuel is socially awkward,' or, 'James is good with girls.'

While it's important not to fret over having everybody like you (as Chase just talked about in 'Why It’s Bad to Want to Be Liked Too Much'), knowing how to project a certain image and influence your own reputation is helpful in all kinds of endeavours, particularly in social circle approaching.

How to Escalate with Girls in Social Circle

Peter Fontes's picture

content="Pete dives into explaining how to take a girl you’re friends with socially and turn her into a lover of yours – without disrupting your circle (or her reputation).">

social circle escalateAnd off she went. That girl from my social circle kissing behind the bushes with that other dude. It's not like I was in love with her or anything, but damn I'd wanted to kiss her.

When I was in high school this kind of scenario would play out with girls at parties and social gatherings all the time. I had next to no understanding of what to do to actually attract these girls... and even had I known they were attracted, I had no idea how to move the interaction forward. I eventually resigned myself to the belief that I'd only get what came my way by chance.

You can probably relate to that in some way, shape, or form. In my first article on the 'Pros' and 'Cons' of social circle I gave you a broad overview of what to expect out of social circle. In this article we're going to get down to the nitty-gritty of what my adolescent self didn't know during my high school years: how to escalate on girls from your social circle.

Meeting Women via Social Circle: The Pros and Cons

Peter Fontes's picture

By: Peter Fontes

content="Meeting new women via social circle: what’s good about this avenue for meeting girls… and what’s NOT so good? A bird’s eye view of the pros and cons.">

Note from Chase: This is the first article on Girls Chase by Peter Fontes, a friend of mine and someone I've known for a few years who specializes in meeting women via social circle and in bars and nightclubs. In this article, Peter runs you through the pros and cons of using social circle for meeting women, and introduces you to a bit of his own method for using this - which is a bit less conventional, and a lot more productive, than how most men use social circle to meet girls. Hope you enjoy - here's Peter.

Ahhh, social circles and their potentially entrenching romances. Meeting women through social circle and all its accompanying tricks and snags can be a minefield punishing to navigate without a map.

meet women social circle

While it's a common opinion among men who study the social and seductive arts that there's only a limited number of women available in social circle, and that getting flirty with them almost always engenders drama, good management of your social circle interactions may garner you some of the easiest seductions you'll ever get while mitigating many of the downsides.

In addition to heaps of pretty girls, done right, there are also a lot of other benefits that'll swing your way if you become a social circle master. In this series of articles - my first on Girls Chase - I'm going to introduce you to the best way to handle dealing with girls in your social circle.

This first article focuses on the pros and cons of social circle approaching so that you can understand more fully some of the benefits and trappings before you embark on your quest to cultivate social circles and refine your social circle game.

So, let's check the lay of the land.