Tactics Tuesdays: Adding New Girl-Getting Tactics to Your Tool Box | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays: Adding New Girl-Getting Tactics to Your Tool Box

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

tactics vs. strategy
Tactics are majorly useful to your progress with girls… If you use them right. But use tactics in pursuit of the wrong strategy and you’ll hobble yourself.

I’m going to break slightly from Tactics Tuesdays tradition today to talk about how to learn tactics rather than give you a specific new tactic. To do this, I want to start with a particular hardcase example from our forums, a kissless 27-year-old virgin named Nexus.

Nexus wants to get better with girls... Yet his approach to dating makes this next to impossible. His chief problem is, as we'll identify today, a purely tactical approach to dating, rather than a strategic one.

We’ve discussed the difference between tactics and strategy before, in the context of relationship difficulties.

Today, we’ll talk about tactical vs. strategic learning as you seek to get dates, get kisses, and get laid.


Jest's picture

What is game? I see it often in the articles without really understanding it. Is it your ability to converse, set up dates, ask a girl out, etc?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Game = Seduction skills.

"Have game" (Have seduction skills)
"Game her" (Seduce her).

You are welcome.


Jonnhyhali's picture

The guy Manish from your newsletter, the one who has got a program on touch, I honestly cannot understand how this guy gets laid. Common, I'm skeptical. I mean, apart form confidence, I do not see anything spectacular about him. If that guy is getting laid, then my perception of who can get laid or not is flawed. Sincerely, I would love to get this one clarified for me. I'll be honest with you, I can't help but envy him if he really is rocking it like that.

Chase Amante's picture


I suspect you just watched the prelaunch videos and didn't see the actual course, right? ;)

I watched the course first. In the course, Manish is great. He comes across very dominant, confident, has a good sense of humor, and you can see his stuff working on Olga, the model.

Then I watched the prelaunch videos and he's completely out of his element. Maybe because Craig is there and doing most of the talking (Craig's the experienced sales guy; Manish just picks up and works with coaching clients usually), but yeah, they should've shot those better. He's leaned in / hunched forward, looks sweaty and uncomfortable. Should've reshot those. Comes across much, much better when standing, walking, talking, and calling the shots. I suspect his personality type is more talkative and most comfortable dominating the conversation, and he simply wasn't as comfortable in the more scripted / Craig-dominated prelaunch video series.


TallyHo's picture

Hey Chase,

Kick ass article as always.
I really liked the idea of improving your lifestyle.
But what if with your current situation you cant? What if you are studying STEM , and got no girls, no male groups, no nothing to improve your social skills ...You can't really be alpha in an non existing group...plus you got so little time it's ridiculous. And the time you got left you have zero social momentum and most frankly you might also need to rest/ or hit the gym.


I also wonder if it's even worth it to study that much, only to go get a (good definitely) job tomorrow but with even a tighter schedule and never really get the chance to live life adventurously.

On the other hand you can do that life if you get the money(maybe)... I really dont know the answer....

I guess this went from girl advice to life advice, but what's your take?

Chase Amante's picture


If you have no time whatsoever for lifestyle design, then you don't have time for it. Shelve it away and work on it later. Work on what you can work on for now.

My opinion on "Is studying and college worth it?" is this: if you have a better idea about what you can do long-term for money, then it's fine to bail. If you don't, then stay put, get the degree, and get some work experience. Then decide later. You have time.

It is possible to go in whatever order. I've seen some guys who spent 5 to 10 years after high school working as tour guides or fire twirlers or bartenders or what have you in various exotic locales. Then went to college at 24 or 25 and entered the corporate world after that. Or started a business. I've also seen guys who did college, worked for a few years, then abandoned it to go travel the world and either freelance or run a business (I'm in this camp).

You probably have a good idea about what you need and what your personality style is. If you need more security, then get your degree and get some work experience first. If you're a free spirit and you're confident you'll always be okay no matter what, then it might be fine to strike out on your own and sort the details out later. But be careful you don't run off into the wild if you aren't ready for it and totally eager to do it, come what may.


Sinclair's picture

Chase, you got any experience hooking up with strippers? If so, how would you go about it? Do you think strippers just a waste of money? I go to strip clubs in tampa and they're cool because its all nude and you can touch the girls everywhere except pussy, but I always leave with blue balls lol so Im wondering how i can pick the girls up.

Chase Amante's picture


I've shagged a few strippers, though it isn't a specialty, and I wouldn't consider myself especially good at walking into a strip bar and walking out with reliable phone numbers or babes on my arm.

Of the guys I do know who shag lots of strippers, most of them do not recommend spending money on strippers. Instead they recommend going on off nights, tipping the bartenders well, chatting up the staff (who aren't busy on off nights), and chatting with the girls who come by to chat just because they're bored - but not tipping / paying / buying dances / etc. The moment you pay a stripper, you become her customer, which means she sees dollar signs when she looks at you instead of attraction.

I have heard of a few guys who pay strippers and end up sleeping with them. I'm not sure how this works, and suspect they probably have strong natural or talkative game, and once they get a girl alone with them that's all they need... they just plow ahead until she's into them and they hook up. The more reliable option seems to be either getting a job at a strip joint (as bouncer, bartender, etc.), or becoming the cool regular patron who goes on off nights and is friendly with everyone but doesn't pay for girls.


Munch's picture

Dont girls shoot themselves in the foot when they put you as a boyfriend candidate? It makes things so much harder and will most likely lead to nothing in the end. Plus, its like theyre using you, which is pretty messed up.

Chase Amante's picture


Well, I mean, with a guy who is aware of girls doing this and who doesn't like it / views it as a kind of "Whoops, I guess I messed up" scenario, yes, they may shoot themselves in the foot with this. However, with the vast majority of men, this is a GOOD strategy for women to employ. The fact that it has the opposite effect on the tiny minority of men who are naturals or Girls Chase readers won't cause women to change that behavior.

It is not manipulation any more than it is manipulation for men to take things slower with girls they really like too. Men will deliberately say, "Geez, I really like this girl, I'd better not mess it up with her. I'm just going to go slow and play it safe." That's the same thing women do.

If you want to see this in action, just start escalating fast on a girl who's boyfriend-zoned you. She will not coolly and calmly deflect your escalation attempts, which is what she'd do if she was game-playing / manipulating. Instead, you will notice her get very awkward/uncomfortable. That's a response to a.) a guy she likes as a potential boyfriend treating her in a way that makes her think he does not see her as a potential girlfriend, and/or b.) her not knowing the right way to shut down a guy she likes but doesn't want to blow it with, without blowing it with him (it's kind of a damned-if-I-do, damned-if-I-don't situation for her: either she lets you escalate, but then you won't think of her as a girlfriend and she loses you as a boyfriend, or she rebuffs your escalation, and then maybe you ditch her and she loses you as a boyfriend. Either way, she's kind of screwed).


Mike 's picture

Im sorry if this is a little off point, but it has bothered me to suicidal limits. Imgenerally confused about my looks , some people said I was good looking in the past but now I get called ugly so often it has shredded my self esteem, add this to my social awkwardness and it just makes me feel bad , so if u can help me I will be very grateful. Im at breaking point please

Chase Amante's picture


Looks are a factor in attraction. The importance of your looks varies from girl to girl, and the rating of your looks varies from girl to girl too.

I can tell you myself, when younger I used to worry about this, as I had various people tell me I was good looking and others tell me I was ugly, and I've never been able to tell men's looks myself so was always sort of mystified about this. Didn't realize until years and years later that everyone's looks are incredibly subjective. You may be ugly as sin to one girl. Then you meet another girl - possibly way hotter than the girl who finds you ugly - and that girl thinks you're a knockout. Then another hot girl thinks you're plain. Etc.

Likewise, for every gorgeous girl, there are plenty of guys who legitimately think she's ugly, and it's not just auto-rejection. Some guys think Jessica Alba is hot and Paris Hilton is ugly. Some guys think Paris Hilton is hot and Jessica Alba is ugly. There are probably more guys in the former camp than the latter, but that doesn't mean guys in the latter camp do not exist.

I recommend you give these articles a look:

Perhaps especially that last one. I think that one might be the most interesting for you. In particular, check out the comment section, and how varied guys' opinions on which girls are good looking and which girls aren't are. No matter your tastes in women, you will find some guys you are looking at going, "How on Earth can that girl be his #1???" It works the same way with women evaluating your looks.


Workhorse's picture

Hey Chase,

I really love your stuff. It has helped me a lot especially in relationships.

I am a bit of natural, albeit and under-performing one. I am good with people for the most part and I have above average looks and physique. I've been getting by on that my whole life. As such I never really have much trouble landing a loyal girlfriend, I just always have to move slow with them at first and I can get needy after a break up.
When I'm single I can usually get laid whenever I want on tinder. Though in both respects I am probably dating girls slightly less than my true potential with respect to looks.

I intend to get into cold pick up and achieve absolute abundance at some point in the future. Of course I know what I'm about to say might come off as a bit of an excuse, and I'll be the first to admit maybe it is to some degree, but this is what I'm facing. I have a number of other higher priority "projects" that keep me from putting in the time to get great with girls. I am an engineering student in a highly competitive program as well as very serious about athletic training. I know I'll never achieve exceptional results by just treating "game" as a side project, but is there anything I can do to marginally improve my game without taking my focus of my work. Maybe a better way to pose question is: If I only had time to work on one to three skill to get closer to abundance mentality, which skill would you recommend? If I was your student, and I only had 1-3 hours a week to consciously work on social skills, what would you have me do? Trying to improve on the very basics. I know there is no shortcut, but I just want to use my limited time and energy wisely :)

Hopefully that made some sense. Your stuff has already been of great help to me.



Chase Amante's picture


No, that doesn't strike me as an excuse. I'm not a purist. If other things are higher priority, they're higher priority.

It sounds like your objective is overall skill-building rather than the fastest results possible (since you more or less already have that with Tinder). So my recommendation would be to focus on gradually adding more pieces to your repertoire. e.g., this month is screening month. Every time you get to approach girls for that 1 to 3 hours a week this month, you will work on screening and qualifying them. You'll test out various kinds of screens and various kinds of qualifications. Next month will be compliance month. Etc. Point is to gradually add capabilities to your skill set.

You can also combine this with testing out different styles of game. e.g., maybe this month is screening month, and it's also day game month. Next month may be compliance month + dive bar month. And so on. This way you are also trying out different places to cold approach and discovering what you like and what suits you best.

Overarching aim will be to give yourself enough of a baseline that when you are able to make this a priority, you already have a foundation built and can build on it rapidly. Or even if you never make it a priority, at least you'll have added pieces in the service of general improvement, and can then use these in your regular seductions - e.g., Tinder girls, prospective girlfriends, etc.


Robb's picture

Hi Chase,

Recently been dating this girl and I made the horrible mistake of making all our first few dates high energy dinner dates that were too exciting. She is a christian girl so I assumed that she would be a bit different. However, even though she is christian, she still drinks and there are times she goes out to get drinks with her guy friends.

She is traveling right now and I have been texting her everyday and also calling her. Today, I sensed that she may have changed her behavior. Normally she is very responsive to my messages, but she was a lot less enthusiastic today.

I see what I did wrong here after reading your articles. I actually asked her to be my girlfriend and she refers to me as her boyfriend. However, I put more interest and effort into her than she did for me and this whole thing I am afraid is going to blow up soon.

At this point, should I just back off and minimize my interest in her? She will also be gone most of the summer so this will look to be a long distance one for the next 4 months. I know I am really f’ed, but am trying to see if there are any learning opportunities out of this?

If I do dump her, should I just tell her all about what she did and how she lost interest and basically what was written on this site?

Abel's picture

I have a very similar problem as that guy mike. Not suicidal though, lol. Sorry mike, but can u please explain looks better and what to do if ure average or terribly ugly,
Xo, Abel

Chase Amante's picture


See my response above:

Looks: Their Importance and Their Subjectivity


Cacc's picture

Hey chase I'm a new member of your forums and I was wondering of I can be a good seducer if I become like james bond?

If so, how?

Chase Amante's picture


Well, outside of becoming an international assassin, this article from Barking Up the Wrong Tree might be a good start:

How To Be James Bond: Science Explains Why He’s Irresistible To Women

If you want some GC tech, these articles ought to point you in the right direction:


Cacc's picture

Thank you so much Chase. I will read them and apply them. If I learn all these things, would I still need to learn things like deep diving and chase framing to have good success?

Troy's picture

Hey Chase,

May i have some information emailed to me as to when Hectors books goes out for sale on College game?


Chase Amante's picture


Make sure you're signed up to our newsletter, and when Hector's book is out, you'll hear about it!


Dallas's picture

Hey chase,

Sort of feel like a loser for asking this, but I'd love for you to write a guide on starting from scratch in a new city without any social citcle.

For reference, I'm 24 years old and slept with around 30 girls (only 3 girls before I was 22. First girl at 19 then dated a girl for 2 years) about half my lays we're social circle and half were tinder (3 bar lays). Graduated college 2 years ago and social circle has dried up, only 3 friends left in city.

The girl I had been seeing the last six months just left the city for good. I have no social circle left to tap and I'm disillusioned with meeting girls in drinking environments, partly because girls act different in these environments ("bitchier") and partly because I have issues with hanging in a drinking environment without getting very drunk. I'm in a relatively small city (Pittsburgh PA)

My basic question is this: think back to the days when you lived in a city you didn't own, had a job and/or lifesstyle you weren't proud of, and weren't good at or comfortable with  meeting girls through nightlife or cold approach.

How did you get the ball rolling and become the social dynamo you are today?

I've read every article on your site during my off and on membership, but still severely struggle with becoming the extremely social guy that can engage any girl any time.

Dallas (Josh)

Chase Amante's picture


For sure, that's a crummy-feeling situation. I'm a lot savvier about it now, but I've relocated to plenty of cities in the past where I knew no one and was completely unfamiliar with the scene, and it can feel very hard to movitate yourself to go out, and may also feel like there isn't much going on (since you aren't privy to what's going on).

I've had this topic (starting in a new town) in our articles queue for years but haven't written on it specifically yet. Have it starred and asterisked now; I'll likely get to it soon.

Before then, offhand I'd break it down to a couple of things:

  • Pushing yourself to go out and both explore the environment and cold approach (doesn't have to be nightlife; could be day game, transit game, meeting girls at the street at night without going into bars, etc.)

  • Joining every kind of social group, class, networking event, etc. you can, and both meeting girls and befriending cool guys

  • Figuring out what kind of scene appeals to you most in that town and integrating yourself into it

It is an exploration process, where plenty of times you will go out and won't meet anyone of note. But then on occasion you will meet some extremely cool guy, and he will think you're pretty cool, and he'll invite you to something. So you'll go, meet some other people, and start to weave yourself into this new circle. You'll still continue to go out on your own, gradually accruing more friends and bigger circles and knowing more places in town, more people in town, and you gather steam that way and expand across a variety of domains (social circle, cold approach, etc.) simultaneously.

Eventually you achieve a 'mature' position in your town where you have found a collection of circles that are just about perfect for you, and areas/venues you love, and you start to cut out non-perfect circles and don't have to be in constant exploration mode anymore. Then you shift into 'comfortable' mode. Though I still advise you to devote maybe 10% to 20% of your time to exploration anyway. Old circles die and old venues close, and you cannot find cool people or cool places just by snapping your fingers; you have to go out, sift through lots of options, meet plenty of people you don't click with and visit places you don't like, to find the ones that click and suit you. Once you have learned to explore and build up your position, it pays to continue to do that at least a little even once you have your established circles and preferred venues. One other plus side of this is you get to be the guy in your circles who knows all the new places nobody else has gone to yet, too, which is a little extra social value boost it's fun to have.


Slay's picture

I don't think you've spoken about "strategies" this way before, Chase. As someone who is hellbent on getting tight fundamentals, sometimes I get too lost and have to pull back and make myself realize the goal is to have sex with girls.

What strategy did you employ as you were just starting out Chase? You already had a good strategy from getting good at other skills right?

I wanted to ask you what you think are the pros and cons of your masculine, low energy style vs hector's more feminine, higher energy style for strictly seduction purposes?

P.s: Apologies for the barrage of questions lately :P


Chase Amante's picture


No worries ;)

Yeah, sure. My overarching objective at the very outset was just this:

  • Gain more experience talking to, flirting with, and dating girls

Once I began to gain some steam and actually found girls would talk to me and agree to dates with me and whatnot, my strategy shifted and became this:

  • Be able to get one-night stands

Once I pulled that off, in then became:

  1. Get to the point where you can pick up new girls consistently/reliably

  2. Get to the point where you can get high caliber girlfriend-quality girls consistently/reliably

After I achieved both of those (absolute abundance), I was more or less done following any kind of dedicated seduction learning curve. I'll sometimes set strategies for fun, like, "Shag at least one new girl per calendar week," or I'll take a picture of a girl I think is extremely hot and look for girls who look just like her, and bed them.

So for me it was always taking things that seemed on the edge of achievability, and learning tactics that would help me achieve that. e.g., if 2005 Chase decided he was going to bed a new girl per calendar week, or seek out some girl with specific features and bed her, he'd have given up a few weeks in and probably not talked to any women for a few months. Just too far out of what he was capable of doing then. But when the goal is just "Gradually ramp up exposure to women and look for ways to spend more time with them, talk with them, touch them, and get dates with them," that was doable.

I wanted to ask you what you think are the pros and cons of your masculine, low energy style vs hector's more feminine, higher energy style for strictly seduction purposes?

That's hard to say. And neither Hector nor I are exactly opposites, nor are we at poles. There are plenty of men who adopt a much more masculine image than I do, and plenty of men who adopt a much more feminine image than Hector does. Hector's probably more masculine than me in aggression-handling; if some guy wants to fight him, Hector will just deck him. If some guy wants to fight me, I'll talk him out of it and probably have him laughing with me or buying me a drink. Etc.

I can say after spending 2.5 weeks with him on-set for One Date it was pretty clear how our actresses differed in their responses to us. We had two actresses we switched back and forth with between the modules; one actress had a strong flirtation with Hector, while the other had a strong flirtation with me. The actress I had the strong flirtation with was the one who likes intriguing, challenging men, responds better to a certain degree of elegance, and enjoyed my brand of sort of paternalistic dominance. The actress Hector had the strong flirtation with was the one who likes men who get right to the point, who are more phsyically forward, aren't too bothered by keeping up appearances, and enjoyed his brand of almost gleeful I-do-what-I-want confidence. We would both have likely been able to attract the other actress to some extent without the other guy present, but each have our 'type' that responds to us better.

Non-type pros and cons are his energeticness is better suited to cold approach (I have to shift into a more Hector-like persona - which I can do, but it's not my default - if I am to do a lot of agressive approaching / if I am not doing post-up style game); however, this higher energeticness can be a handicap in certain more subdued social situations.


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