Take Her Side in Interpersonal Conflicts | Girls Chase

Take Her Side in Interpersonal Conflicts

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

take her side
You’ve met a girl and it’s going great. But suddenly, she winds up in a conflict with somebody else. What do you do and how do you behave?

I apologize for the title. I couldn’t think of any way to word it that didn’t sound like some kind of feminist “men need to step up and be supporters of women” piece. It may start off sounding like it’s going to be one of those articles, but bear with me, because you’ll quickly see it isn’t. This is a tactical piece designed to help you put more girls in your bed.

So, what do you do when a girl you’re trying to pick up, date, or sleep with lands herself into an interpersonal conflict?

This is a simple post, but it has the potential to raise some hackles. It shouldn’t though. Let me address those hackles right off the bat:

  • We’re not talking about agreeing with her on political/etc. issues

  • We’re not talking about you pedestalizing her or thinking she’s always right

  • And I will not tell you to not disagree with her (disagreeing can actually boost attraction!)

Instead, what this article is about is the emotional element involved in any kind of interpersonal conflict between her and another group. This will be the case whether actual (there, in the moment; e.g., her versus some snippy chick) or related (a story she tells you about something that happened).

You need to take her side.

If you’re a guy who likes to stay balanced and not get involved in other people’s drama, you will tend to not do this, and instead be the ‘voice of reason’.

But the game of seduction is about you and her, united. If you try being the voice of reason while you’re also trying to get her in bed, most of the time you’re going to shoot your own darn foot off.


Lawliet's picture

Hey Chase,

Would this include, asking the guy to comply in some way (submit), such as apologize to her for bumping into her?

And what if the guy doesn't "Yeah whatever" but challenges you in your face, "And what if I don't. What are you gonna do about it jackass?"

Curious, if the guy wants a fight, would you fight and risk losing (attraction loss?) or ignore him (law of least effort) and walk away with your girl (which some may argue is cowardly and attraction loss too)?

Given it's a direct in your face challenge, I believe option 2 would result in attraction loss.
Then, it's a predicament. What do you think, Chase?


Chase Amante's picture


What do I say right in the article? :)

A less socially savvy guy might think his only options here are:

  • Engage the guy (demand he apologize, shove him, etc.)


All those are various degrees of bad, because they either don’t show solidarity with her, or they go too far.

First thing that happens after you demand an apology is now he wants to fight you. It's stopped being between him and her and it's become between you and him. If you're bigger and meaner than he is, maybe he backs off. Or maybe he just goes and gets his crew and comes to meet you later, five guys deep.

Apologies don't win you points with girls either. If you step in like the big hero and tell some random that he needs to "apologize to the lady", it's too high effort and obvious you're angling for favor with her. This is not one you want to do.

Don't provoke him in the first place and you won't have to worry about whether you're going to fight some girl for this girl you've just met, or walk off and look like you're scared to (the correct option in that scenario is Choice C: defuse the fight).


SZ's picture

Think you can give some insightful tips and make an article about cockiness?

I just thought about this while watching YouTube and this kid is just funny, he talks mad shit, and says he's the best, etc..

you can tell he's half way joking, but he is cocky as he'll though.

That made me watch more videos because he's funny.

So I'm thinking how do girls respond to overconfident dudes? I know that some girls say they don't like it, some do.

How do you feel about extreme confidence and it's effect on women? is it better or not?

I'm talking about extreme; think they can beat up anybody, they're the best, etc.

I think what I will ask could really be used for an article, but I don't mind quick tips as well because I know you're busy.

Could you explain cockiness? Are some people just born with that trait? I knew children that were cocky as shit, and they haven't even left elementary yet, so they have no life lessons.

Then it makes me think about very unconfident people, are they born that way as well.

Why are some people cocky and why are some full of low self-esteem?

What are mindsets and training that we can do to get to the Super cocky level?

I feel acting like this will let me get over insecurities, and not care much what anyone thinks, which leads to getting more girls, and taking life by the horns.

I know you can build yourself to it with muscles and money.

But the mindset to me is the most important.

Should we fake it til we make it?

What can we do?


Chase Amante's picture


Check out these articles:

Cocky is essentially these guys + humor/bravado. But I will add a separate article on 'cockiness' to the queue and maybe we can split some hairs on that one.

I've no idea if that's inborn or acquired. Perhaps a mix? Trying to tease out what elements of a personality trait are nature and which are nurture is often a fool's errand. I've seen cocky children too, but they often have cocky parents. So did they learn it from them, or inherit it from them? I'd suspect it's a little of both.

But yeah, check out those three articles above. If you want this mindset, those are all just different variations on the same core mindset - cocky is another variation too.


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