The Young Man Seeking a Wife | Girls Chase

The Young Man Seeking a Wife

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

Once upon a time, a young man prepared to leave home and venture into the city to find a wife. Before he left, his father, a simple farmer, gave him some advice: “Along the way, there are many who will want your ear. These will give you much advice on securing a wife, but the advice will not be for good for you, and it will not be good for your wife. The advice they give you will be based on fanciful ideas


A-jay's picture

I'm not sure if the morale is "always listen to your dad" or "never take others' piece of advice unless they get it"? Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading

Tide2450's picture

It's BOTH!... The dad told the young man how to get a wife, so I assume the dad has and knows how to get a wife. Also the son should see what those who have want he wants and follow their direction instead of anyone he crosses paths with giving out advice.

Lawliet's picture

Yes, listen to your dad, and move fast.

But what's the true message here is,
Chase is our farmer dad|!
Am I right, dad? ;-)


John the Dragon Slayer's picture

The first time the young man encounters a nightclub...the last sentence in that paragraph..."The young man walked to the back of the line and decided to wait to enter as well, and see what lie within". I think you meant to say, "and see what layeth within." :-)

Seriously, it's a fun read. You're the old man with the beard, huh? :-P

Bruce Wayne's picture

Did they live happily ever after?

fun's picture

Dear Chase

Thanks for this one. It feels right. And its nice to hear that it feels right for you too.

The problem with this kind of dating advice is that the author ( ;-) ) is typically in a transitioning phase of his life where he himself considers wedding a wife. And maybe he wants his future wife to see him as what he truely is and what he has achieved so far. So his girl might know his blog and even read it.

Can this be dangerous? Indeed. The readers know him for clearly speaking his mind, concerned for nothing but their wellbeing. So they might miss the transition of his concerns, and dont read between the lines enough, to figure out the things he cant openly say anymore. Because he otherwise would compromise his own blooming relationship.

There are more important steps in the story I would tell my sons.
- Test her.
- Don`t show too much of yourself early, so mirroring you isn`t so easy. She will reveal more of what you have to expect a few years in this way.
- Become a master of drama. She needs it. (and possibly you too) Become the stage director of your own grand story.
- Date her for a long time before you have children with her.
- Have the money for 18+ years of child support ready and write them off, the moment you drop the condom. Dont expect to see your children. That is a bonus.
- Never mary her in a legal way. Have a Wedding ceremony for you two, the world and her girlfriends though and make it a day to remember.
- Your money is your time, your health, your life. Stay in full control of it at any second. She will love you for it.

A farmer.

Ps.: Whoever reviews this may forward it to Chase before it gets published.

Jimbo's picture

Dude, what do you mean "don't expect to see your children"?

fun's picture

Even though the official story is that both parents have similar rights, the way things go is that women typically gain the upper hand regarding the children. This means you are left with the option to either fight a rather futile and costly (especially for the mental health of the children) war, or back down. You will likely be in a lose lose situation. Either she hates you for not acting like a dominant men, or she hates you for acting dominant after the fact that you failed to lead the relationship to her desires. Double Bind galore. And the more her status etc is at stake, the worse things get. A situation where her lack of respect and your lack of power lead to a point, where she tries to kick you out of her life (which is connected to childrens life) is quite common. Seeing the children for the price of your dignity might backfire in the longer run. Quite a few men reestablish contact only when the children are 16 to 18 and become more independent.
This stuff is hard to anticipate, but I think it is good to have a rough idea of the potential dangers. As a man right now you have to be quite smart and plan ahead, because eventually you might face a hysteric women, who knows your weaknesses inside out. And she can rely on institutional powers, which have a tendency to decide against you. It is extremely hard to argue against disrespect, emotion and societal norms all at the same time. So better just don`t get there at all. Accepting that you might not see the children gives a little relationship-power back to you, because like this at least you have the option to stop contact with her, when she goes too far.

Jimbo's picture

I see. Thanks for responding.

AlluringSpy's picture

Ahhh, the ancient cycle of men's journey to getting laid.
I wonder what advices cavemen gave ;)

EvanK's picture

This is a nice change of pace. It was fun to read and didn't involve any mental strain. I like the analogy and you really should do more short stories like this. Nice work, Chase.


MrCharming's picture

Great Story - your Writing Style is Improving and Becoming More Creative
I Guess you just have to find New Ways of getting your message across, and making it Entertaining for your Audience - when you've been doing it for so long

You have Added Great Value, Good Job. Teacher

MrCharming... Out

Ryan's picture

First off, outstanding story.You really have proved yourself to be a capable and well rounded author! I can tell you have lots of potential, Keep at it!

Now for my issue, you see I have a girlfriend that I have been with for about a year now, and things are going pretty well. We don't clash very often and could probably end up being married one day. However, The sex hasn't really changed much. She is open to different positions, swallows, but has the personality of an innocent cute young girl even during sex. This was fine for a while, (she is my first! I am only 18 so I think its ok..) but it seems to be getting stale. She isn't... Sexy. Or at least she doesn't know how to act that way. Don't get me wrong, she is beautiful with a killer ass and body, but she is kind of a limp doll during sex. Blowjobs are a major chore and she struggles through them. And she almost never, ever initiates sex. We do it all the time and she says she loves it and seems to, but she's not that involved in the process.

I'm not a great writer so that might not make sense, but basically I want to know how to get her to be more involved in sex. I saw Hector's work on how to be a freak in bed, but this relationship is a year in progress, so the concepts don't translate well.

Let me know what you think!

AR's picture

It's nice to see some more of your storytelling, it's one of the most enjoyable parts of your writing style.

Anonymous's picture

This is a very entertaining story. Makes you guess what it is really talking about. Either Chase is looking for a wife or he ended the story like that to stir curiosity in order to get more visitors? Who knows.

oneofyourstudents's picture

great stuff chase, always enjoy reading your articles :)

Han Solo's picture

May the force be with you, Chase.
Great article, as always.

uForia's picture

In case there are some that are confused about the lesson of the story, it is that you ask a fisherman how to catch a fish, someone who has experience (your father), not a person who claims to know about the subject yet had no experience in it himself.

Lawliet's picture

Hey bro,

I love your story articles. It reminds me of the 5 guys at a bar who said they can't get girls because of [blank]. The satirical approach at proving us silly!

Re: Here's my number! Nope, just joking!

Girl says yes to date but "I'll be busy so I'm not sure". Sometimes she just says sure!
Then I go for number swap, puts my number in her phone, and then she says, "I'll text you later." and then never texts. Sometimes I ask before leaving, and she also doesn't text me right away. I don't get the texts most of the times; sometimes I get it.

What's going on here and any solutions to this?

Sometimes they "gets a phone call or dials a person on their phone after approach.
It's hilarious!

Re: 2 min number close
I went for 2 min number closes and got rejected lots.
It's a fun experience, but I realize I'm getting more automatic.
Rejections no longer sting. I remember laughing out loud as a girl walked away after saying "I have a boyfriend" at my direct opening.

Back to 2 min opening,
Some were stunned and I just kept going, and they just kept following.
But when I called them later that night, they wouldn't pick up.

What's up with that and any firefighting?

Re: Approaching 10 a day
So now, even if I'm afraid, I follow your approach article and it helped me a lot!
I just walk near her, and open her.
10 a day for the past weeks of mass approaching, but not a lot of good leads.

Some numbers don't reply after.
Some don't even text me their number
Some will walk away at the spot
Some will talk but not contribute to the conversation and sighs when I keep trying and then socially put up walls like the phone ones above.

I'm curious if there's something else that needs working on or firefighting manuevers for this?

I worked on my walk, my clothes (no longer baggy), on my expressions, on my smooth reactions or none, on my hair (I comb it now as opposed to before!).
Expressions, at times, the girls get turned on, giving me their full attention.
At times, it's as if nothing was registered.
Voice tone, I'm trying to get it naturally sexy without consciously doing it and still working on that.
Sometimes I still mumble, or talk in monotone high tone especially when women are being difficult.

What am I missing, bro?


Sub-Zero's picture

Ok, I'm going to work on my fundamentals hard.

Could you give me a quick recap on them

What fundamentals can I work on by myself that will make me better with women, that I don't have to approach? What fundamentals can I do on my own?

Can I get any type of good game before I start talking to girls? Or does game just come from talking to girls?

I know one big fundamental you say is being in shape. I'm having a hard time right now, I love fast food and junk food, I know they put something in that shit! I try to eat healthy, but get bored with the bland food.

I honestly feel shape is not important to women like that if you have good game. I kinda feel like what's the point of working out to get a good body, if you still have to go to her and approach and she won't come to you?

I feel like it's a waste because you still have to spit game.

Please Tell me how you feel about being in shape and how much easier it helps with women.

I'll honestly will work out more if it does help a lot with women.

Thanks Chase

Phil n's picture

Work on your eye contact, facial expressions, nonverbals, voice tone, vibe, personality, and posture. I'm sure there is more..Other fundamentals you'll need a girl for like basic convos, leading, touching etc.

Getting in shape makes a huge difference so stop kidding yourself. for an example let's take an out of shape you and a you in great shape both with equal fundamentals. Who will struggle more?!? women will be more open and accepting to the you in shape on an approach and a lot more forgiving if you say something dumb or make a mistake. in other words they'll cut you some slack and you'll have more room for error.
When I was fat women would ignore me and dismiss me more often and even show no respect. I lost weight and put on some muscle and their heads would turn and faces would light up when I approach. Yes you can still get girls being out of shape, it'll be rough, but that shouldn't be a reason not to lose some fat. Get in shape for you and your health and other reasons then just picking up girls

Lawliet's picture

Hey Phil,

Great insights here.
Just wanted to ask you about ignoring and dismissing.
I thought if girls weren't interested, they would be friendly in an "Aww sorry buddy" way.
Being dismissive and ignoring, Isn't that auto rejection?

Also, when you ask girls if they're single as an opener, what type of voice tone and body language indicate what type of under message? I get sometimes a "Aww I have a boyfriend" tone too. Not sure if it translates the same thing as above haha.


Lawliet's picture

Being the young man, it's even more painful to know the way but unable to execute the complete instructions.

It's not that I don't want to make love, but I don't have the right logistics.
I'm trying to think of some public places, scouted around.
Parks are out of consideration since it's winter.
I looked at the mall and public venues but there are so many people in there.
Obedient Young man with no way to follow entirely!

Re: Date ideas
I remember commenting about running out of ideas for dates other than coffee.
Then you suggested art gallery, and something else. Would age be a thing to factor into date ideas?
I love art galleries btw and I'm in my 20s.

And if the museum is downtown but you live far away, and can't think of logistics, what to do?
I'm figuring out how to come up with more and more ideas. But I'm guessing anything that's low energy would be a good idea.

Art gallery as opposed to mountain climbing and gun shooting or boxing
I'm tempted to just date anyway to get experience, and choosing random locations coupled with random "let's do this"
But I really don't want to fall into the trap of early boyfriend, and invest my time falling into traps of no intimacy despite of being aware of these.

Re: Natural ask
Also about date ask, I had scenarios of talking about an activity that she likes to do, and then casually throwing in,
"let's go do that some time next week" which she says, "Sure!" as opposed to the usual "Let's grab a bite sometime"
Is this ok in seduction?
She was talking about shooting guns and it casually flowed out my mouth to suggest it! Ugh, shooting next week sounds
I wonder if I sent a text about a bite instead, a bait and switch and see what happens :)

Anonymous's picture

nice one chase...keep em coming!

ehh, so we move fast...
grab number, icebreaker an hour then set a date after day or two...
but what if we know they'll be busy or we are busy...say exam this week... ask anyway ???
ask anyway, they say no or we can't fit it in is bad precedent...
but not ask and lose momentum...they forget us next week if only icebreaker!
or attraction expires!
what to do????

Thanks buddy!

Sub-Zero's picture

What's going on... actually what's been going on is crazy. I'm talking about child support and alimony.

Chase those things makes a man not want to have a child nor get married. I know you say to find a girl who isn't crazy and wouldn't do you like that, but women change, people change.

I'm not talking about deadbeat dads, I'm talking about deadbeat mothers.

How do you avoid this terrible situation of taking car of your ex girlfriend, baby mom, or ex wife for 18 years while she sits on her ass?

Do you just avoid getting married and not having kids? It's like if you do anything wrong at all in a situation that the woman doesn't like, she can divorce you or put you on child support.

I have heard horrible stories of both and would like to know your thoughts on this and the best way to avoid them, and take control of the situation in case someone is too late and is going through it.

Think this would be a great article.

Jimbo's picture

For those wondering about the morale, it's obvious: experience is the best teacher, so ask those who have it. If you want hookups, ask the DJ; if you want a wife, ask a happily married man.

I just take issue with the "asked them to make love to them", it made me cringe slightly, because it sounds kind of weak. You don't "ask" them to make love, women hate that, you just take them home (by 'suggesting' or whatever), and then kiss them, and so on. The dad phrased it better by simply saying "make love to them".

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