How to Text a Girl: A Girls Chase Guide | Girls Chase

How to Text a Girl: A Girls Chase Guide

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture

How to Text a Girl, the first installment in my Girls Chase Guides series, is now available.


Man-E-Faces's picture

Dear Chase,

You have so much to offer, you are brilliant, obviously... Why are you chasing a dream?


Chase Amante's picture

Not to worry, mankind. Chase intends to do more than just build and run GC while he's on Earth :)

For now, GC offers me the perfect mix of hard-fought gains, extensive writing training, marketing experience, business experience (everything from lots of recruitment/hiring/firing, motivating, managing 20+ person teams, putting out fires, to turning profits, conversion optimization, copywriting, etc.), controversy generation and damage control, deep analysis of usually-inscrutable subject matter, and the opportunity to connect with all manner of people from all corners of the globe.

Won't do it forever (and I in fact have a pretty detailed road map for what pieces/products/systems come online, when, and at what point I can completely replace myself in every facet of the business - if all goes well with the new course launch, and subsequent optimization of it, that time should be coming up soon), but this has been one of the most extraordinary personal growth vehicles of my life.

If subsequent things I do dwarf GC in scale and impact (and who knows, maybe I'll fail at everything else I do from here on out and GC's the biggest), I'm still going to look back on this as a critical stepping stone to everything that comes after it.

Until then, its a full-on sprint to get Girls Chase to where I want it to be, and where I think it can be.


Lawliet's picture

I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations for publishing another fine piece of work!
After all that hard work editing and refining, you finally sealed the finished product.
Would throw a party honestly for you if I can !

Question, do people on your email list get a sample or the book for free?
I didn't receive it in my email but if it is the case, I would love to write an elaborate review on amazon, supporting your book and thanking you for teaching me so long!

Because you deserve everything you put out for us all.
*cue the weird cult behaviour you get when you meet fans while travelling and go out nightclubbing with them haha!*


Chase Amante's picture


We did send out one email blast that linked to a review copy (since I assume most folks on the list have already read the articles already). Reviews are absolutely appreciated.

If you're on the newsletter list and did not receive the review copy, please send Genaro a message via the contact form requesting one. So long as he gets this in the next three days (i.e., before March 1, 2017), we'll still be able to link you up a copy.


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