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Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

Tactics Tuesdays: 7 Rules to Help Guys Touch Girls Right

Denton Fisher's picture

touch girls
Touching girls can seem scary when you’re inexperienced with women. But even experienced guys get touch wrong. With these 7 rules, you’ll get touch right.

Do you get touchier with a girl in the club?

Do you have to kiss her to get to the next club?

Is “more the merrier” true when it comes to physical escalation?

These are some of the most common questions of beginners, and probably the biggest misconceptions from intermediates. Everyone is under the impression that the more physical you get, the more likely a girl is to go home with you.

Yet, get physical at the wrong time, and your touch may have the opposite of the desired effect.

Is physicality sinking your chances at sealing the deal?

How to Pick Up Girls on Christmas

Chase Amante's picture

pick up girls christmas
It’s Christmastime. But what if you’re alone? In that case, it’s also a prime time to find a new girl to cozy up to for the holidays.

It’s Yuletide. Christmastime.

Christmastime is also the time of the Wild Hunt, an ancient European tradition that predates the birth of Christ. And if you’re single and not otherwise with family this year, Christmas is the perfect time for a wild hunt of your own.

Last year, Alek wrote a piece on why winter is a tougher time to meet girls. It’s a great piece, and it’s a phenomenon I’ve seen with plenty of guys. Most guys are a lot more motivated to go out during summer... a motivation that all but dries up during winter. There are fewer women out during the winter, it’s colder, and many people settle into seasonal relationships (which they may or may not abandon when spring returns). Seasonal affective disorder kicks in. Lots of people just get, well, depressed during wintertime.

Nevertheless, personally, winter’s always been my very favorite time to meet girls. I love it. And there are some very specific reasons why I love it:

  1. If she’s out, she’s motivated.There’s a certain level of self-selection that comes about during the winter. People go out just to party and have fun and enjoy the good weather when it’s warm out. These people who just want to have fun tend to stay home a lot more as the weather gets worse. For practical purposes, that means any given girl who’s out is a lot more likely to be looking to hook up during winter than summer, and is not out just to party. Her motivation is far more primal, and her drive to brave bad weather and chance an empty venue much stronger than her more contented, less motivated peers.

  2. The vibe is more conversational. Another reason why I love winter is because everyone is in a more subdued mood. No one’s partying hard and getting crazy. That makes it much easier for me to run my preferred approach, with lots of deep dives and chase frames. Girls have less time for conversation when it’s warm out and there’s energy in the air – they just want to party, and their attention spans are shorter. During winter, their attention spans are more focused and they’re more down for a good chat.

  3. She gives you more leeway. A third reason I like winter best of all is the ever-present desire to pair up for winter. If she’s single when it’s cold out, she probably doesn’t want to be single. That makes her more motivated to do things that may lead to her not being single – like giving a man who approaches her more of a shot, and being more willing to take a chance with him. In practical terms, this means you get more leeway with women during the winter. I’ve noticed in general I can screw up with girls much more during the winter (like: slip onto a boring topic, or be a little too aggressive, or not have any time to meet up with her for a first date) and still take them to bed. Whereas if I make the same mistakes when it’s warm outside, a girl’s more likely to get ghost. I’m not sure if this is because of the longer attention span / fewer distractions / less male competition the winter offers, or if it’s because girls are less content being single during winter... I suspect it’s a combination.

That’s just winter in general.

Yet here’s the important part for this post: I have noticed, having gone out on Christmas on several occasions, that on and around Christmas day, it’s like wintertime in general on steroids.

For this reason, Christmas, in my opinion, is one of the best times of the year to find a new girl... and unwrap her present.

The Spontaneous Bounce, Conversation Control, and Seductive Flexibility

Daniel Adebayo's picture

flexible seducer
Sometimes it’s going great with a girl – and then it all goes sideways. To have any shot at saving things, you need one quality: flexibility.

We already know how important it is to be smooth.

The ideal master seducer – a man who can walk into a room, pick out a woman, and consistently take her to bed – must be smooth. Now, there are several things we can do to elevate our game to bring us closer and closer to that ideal. We work on our fundamentals, we develop our conversational skills, we handle the logistics. And with time and elbow grease, our interactions start becoming smoother with women and more efficient in our dating.

However, even as we become better with girls, we can still have interactions that go sideways. Something happens that takes us by surprise, disrupts the flow, and makes you think it must be ‘game over’. I’m sure you’ve had moments like these, and experiencing that crushing feeling of:

 “I had her... we were so close... but things just went wrong.”

Thus, the topic of today’s article – a characteristic we want to develop alongside smoothness. This characteristic is a key element of truly stellar frame control. That characteristic is flexibility.

And to help you add a dose of flexibility to your seductions, and give you a pair of wonderful firefighting techniques for those scenarios where things go sideways, today I want to discuss the spontaneous bounce, and conversational control.

Tactics Tuesdays: Provisional Commitment as a Dating Tactic

Chase Amante's picture

provisional commitment
How do you get a girl who’s resisting you to comply with your request? Provisional commitment: “I’ll give you X if condition Y.”

In Donald Trump’s master class on deal making, The Art of the Deal, Trump often mentions his use of provisional commitments as he assembles deals. For example, he may agree to purchase a given piece of real estate, contingent on him getting regulatory approval for what he wants to build there, being able to purchase an extended lease for the property the real estate sits on, etc. That means that if he can get these things, he gets the deal. If he can’t, the deal is off, and he doesn’t lose anything, or loses very little.

You might think this is just something you’d use in business and legal situations. “My client is willing to testify, contingent upon him receiving...” etc.

Yet the provisional commitment has a slew of uses in the romantic and social arenas as well – assuming you’re not afraid to negotiate with the women you’d like to bed.

Why Venues Go Stale (Plus: How to Still Meet Girls There)

Chase Amante's picture

stale venue
Why do cities and venues grow stale? It gets harder to meet new women as you settle into a place because of changes in how you approach them.

In the comment section of my article on beating learned helplessness, a reader writes:

While I have long ago achieved general abundance with women in my country, the women I really want seem still elusive. I breath action in and out, I take risks like no one in my circle, I truly believe it is my responsibility to materialise my goals, and yet my dream women seem to remain out of reach.

To do something about it, I traveled abroad to Poland last week (I will write a detailed FR in the forum with my conclusions).

With only 12 approaches in 3 days, I almost had sex with a 19-year old model-type brunette whom I approached under broad daylight in a shopping mall. The girl was extremely close to my dream girl.

Why do you think I didn’t get that close to my goals in my own city, but went so close with only 3 days abroad, in Eastern Europe? Is it some kind of placebo effect or are there real obstacles, in your opinion? If the obstacles are real, how can I overcome them?

His comment called to mind a phenomenon I’ve often noticed, and seen in other men I know as well: that after a while, places like cities and venues turn stale.

Stale as hunting grounds for new mates. Stale as places to meet girls.

You’ve doubtless seen this yourself. That new bar you discovered that you were excited to go to... But now, after months or years of going there, the excitement has worn off and it’s just some joint.

Or that new city you got to, that was so fresh and full of beautiful women and new conquests when you arrived. Now it seems like the women just keep getting fatter, older, and uglier, and all the hot girls have gone. I call this ‘old city blinders’.

The good news is, if you’ve noticed this, you’re not the only one it happens to. It’s common.

And the better news is, there’s a way around it. For the most part, anyway.

Warm Up with Physical Momentum and Get Laid Easier

Alek Rolstad's picture

physical momentum
It may sound silly, but warmed up physically, you do better socially. Running, stretching, and massages actually put girls in your bed.

As mentioned in my previous post on opening, I have the luxury of going out a lot these days. Having a flat in the center of a beautiful European city, along with the ability to go out a lot, allows me to really immerse into this – and I love these periods, because not only do I get the opportunity to create a lot of momentum and really have fun (i.e., get laid), but I also allow myself to discover new things and try out new things.

I have already written extensively about social momentum (also known as “getting/being in state”) both on a macro and micro level, but I have only taken into consideration the psychological aspects, totally disregarding the physical. This is what I will cover in this post today. So if you find topics on momentum useful and interesting, this post will be a great addition for you.

For those of you who are new to all this (and the concepts regarding momentum), do not panic; I will share a brief recap for you before moving on. Some links to some more detailed posts will be provided so you can catch up if you like.

10 Ways Guys Waste Time In-Venue (and Don’t Meet Girls)

Chase Amante's picture

waste time in bars
Do you go out to meet girls, but just waste time? Here are the 10 most common ways guys twiddle thumbs instead of collect digits.

Think about the last time you went out to meet girls: did you waste any time?

Did you waste a lot of time?

Of that last outing of yours, how much time did you actually spend meeting women, versus... Not meeting women?

This isn’t to say you need to be an approach machine. And it’s perfectly fine, healthy, and normal to go out with friends just to go out with friends, or even to go to the bar just to have a drink and be around people. But if your objective is to meet women, there are a lot of ways you can waste time... And a lot of ways you can turn a promising night into a big, fat zero.

This article’s primarily aimed at picking up girls in bars and clubs, but much of the advice in here is applicable to day game as well (and I’ll use day game examples along with night game ones).

So, if you want to be more aware of things you do to procrastinate and delay, instead of meet your future naked bedmate, here are 10 of the most egregious ones guys are guilty of.

Preselection: The Deadliest Style of Game

Denton Fisher's picture

You can use preselection to “trade up” with girls in a venue. In this way, you go from “cute” girls, to “hot” ones… To outright stunners.

What is preselection?

For those of you who are new to Girls Chase, think of it like this. If a stranger walked up to you and asked you for a favor, would you be more likely to do it if the guy was seemingly homeless or was wearing a suit and tie?

In a way, the same thing is true for women when it comes to attraction. Girls are looking for proof that you are a guy who is good with women (aka a man of value), and what better evidence of that is there than you being seen around other attractive women?

There are enough articles on this subject, so I will not bore you veterans with the details. If this is the first time you’ve come across this concept, all you need to know is that for those top tier women, being a guy who is great with women is paramount to getting them.

My game hinges on this idea. When I am out trying to take a girl home, it is my job to manufacture this so I can cash out on the hottest girl I possibly can. By the end of the night, I ideally want everyone to love me and every girl to be attracted to me – and when the time is right, choose my ideal girl out of the lot, and take her. Welcome to the deadliest style of game.

How to Reduce or Eliminate Rejection by Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

eliminate rejection
You can reduce or eliminate rejection with a few simple adjustments. #1, test the water first. #2, approach in passing – and get rejected in passing too.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing great. I have had the luxury of time to head out regularly again. And whenever this happens, I tend to make observations – sometimes new ones – and sometimes I might be reminded of some interesting phenomenon requiring reflection.

This post, along with my upcoming posts, will be more practical. So I hope you ain’t dropping the field just because of the cold weather, because it is time to get practical... and hopefully you will get dirty.

This time I will discuss some dynamics when it comes to opening in clubs and bars. There are many step-by-step processes one might follow and different ways of opening (the never-ending discussion between direct and indirect opening) that all have their pros and cons.

Tactics Tuesdays: Fixing a Poor Tactical Focus

Chase Amante's picture

tactical reset
What happens if you just aren’t getting anywhere with girls? Should you grind it out? No – instead, enter the tactical reset.

Have you ever seen those a guy who tries to learn game, but no matter what, he just can’t get results?

He could spend months – or in the extreme, years – and never progress beyond getting phone numbers from girls (that never lead to dates) or make-outs with them (that never lead to sex).

Hopefully, you haven’t experienced anything quite so bad (the worst-case guys do seem to be a small minority). But maybe you’ve seen some flavor of this... You’ve hit a plateau, tried to grind it out, and just nothing was working. How do you deal with these situations?

In today’s article, I’m going to share with you the approach I’ve found most helpful for resolving this issue: it’s what I call a ‘tactical reset’.

Before we get to that though, let’s talk about why these hang-ups happen.