Opening | Girls Chase


Your initial approach: how you first start talking to that girl you really like.

Tactics Tuesdays: Interest Bait

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

interest bait
When she's just about to reject you… or she isn't, but the conversation's grown stale… or you just need a boost… break out the 'interest bait', and suck her back in.

Wanna know something you're sure to find useful with girls?

By asking an intriguing question, or making an intriguing yet unfinished statement, you can draw someone in.

You can use this 'interest bait' to prop up slumping conversations. It's also great as a boost to otherwise okay interactions that could benefit from stronger energy.

Questions and statements like these serve as a powerful tactic for transitions from one conversation topic to another, too.

Such a tactic can even let you stop in her tracks a woman who's about to walk away (as I discussed in a few examples in my article last week on women who are closed off or impossible).

This is a simple tactic to use.

It also isn't anything new. I've used plenty of such questions and statements in my examples in articles throughout the years, as have the other authors here. Alek Rolstad makes good use of interest bait in his excellent 9-part series on hooking girls in, which any serious student of seduction owes a read.

Additionally, simply by using interest bait you set yourself up as a sort of authority (which is in itself attractive).

That's because, usually, the only people who talk this way are people in authority positions. So long as it comes across congruent, interest bait is powerful to use.

Yet few men use it. You ought to be among them.

How to Get Girls Who Seem Closed Off or Impossible

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

impossible girls
Some girls are closed off when you approach them. Some reject you – HARD! Some might even seem impossible to get. Is there a way to get these girls… or is there not?

Over on the discussion boards, we have of late had a dustup where a collection of several of our experienced members along with some other members led a small 'insurrection' against the most senior, experienced of us on there.

The gist of the insurrection was guys claiming, in effect, "You cannot get certain girls, now you old hands just admit it!"

This thinking seemed to stem from a few things, including (perhaps) my frequent suggestions to readers that most of the time, they should focus on screening for the women most receptive to them and their game.

This screening for receptive women is just an efficient, practical step. It is one every experienced guy employs.

Yet, just because you will usually do this, does not mean you treat non-receptive women as impossibly closed off.

Over the years, in addition to my "screen for girls who are receptive to you" posts, I have also authored many other pieces about getting girls who seem disinterested, or like hard cases, lost causes, or otherwise impossible to get.

The key is to be able to hold both concepts in the mind at once: most of the time, it is simply more efficient to focus on the women most receptive to you. Yet, also available to you are those women who are not at first into you, but whom you are nevertheless able to seduce.

Note before we begin: this article is a guide for advanced players, and should not be used by beginners (or probably intermediates either). HOWEVER... I strongly suggest beginners and intermediates read it, so that it is clear that even while we are suggesting you usually move on from disinterested girls, these girls are not actually totally out of reach, and there will come a time, if you continue down the road to seduction mastery, where these girls enter into your circle.

How to Follow Up with Your Openers and Start a Conversation

Daniel Adebayo's picture

how to follow up after opening a girl
You've just delivered your opener and sparked her interest, but what now? These simple conversation tips will help you get an engaging conversation going.

Have you ever wondered how to follow up with your openers?

Maybe you’ve met some girls who were excited during your approach, but by the time you asked them out, their interest levels had diminished, leaving you with flaky phone numbers or worse.

You might even remember those experiences when meeting new women. “Now, if only I knew what to say,” you think to yourself during this early transition phase. Then it happens all over again.

Because once you start worrying about where to take your conversation, that fog of indecision shrivels your odds of getting her out on a date with you. After all, it only takes a few moments to create a strong first impression, but its positive effects on your seduction can evaporate just as quickly.

Repeated encounters with stifled conversations and those awkward silences have even led many aspiring seducers to abandon verbal game altogether and become advocates of a nonverbal approach.

Though, if you’ve been reading Girls Chase for a while, you’re probably aware that it’s a combination of the two that will supercharge your game. And while improving your fundamentals is often seen as a straightforward enough goal, many students of the game believe the road to becoming a good conversationalist is a confusing and complex journey.

But what if I told you there are simple ways to make your conversations interesting? What if there were some straightforward maxims you could follow to take her initial attraction to new heights?

There are several easy tips you can follow to boost your conversation skills.

We’ll be covering some that are best suited for the early parts of your seductions. And by the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to follow up your openers effectively.

How to Make Rejections from Girls Work in Your Favor

Alek Rolstad's picture

rejection from girls
Is there a way to make rejections and bad reactions from girls work in your favor? Yes! In fact, it’s super easy with this “walk away and rebound” strategy.

Hey guys. Today I will discuss a subject that may seem a bit odd. Can you actually benefit from a rejection? Can you turn a rejection around into something useful?

And no, I will not attempt any silly reframes claiming that rejections harden you up as a man, or that they serve as great learning lessons (even though they do).

What I’ll discuss is how you can use a rejection and turn it into something beneficial right then and there, at that moment.

I see a couple benefits in having this mindset and skill:

  • Approaching becomes less scary since rejections can be turned into something useful

  • Rejections can actually increase your chances of getting girls

To me, that is a win-win.

But this is just in theory. How it works in practice depends on the circumstances and your ability to calibrate and react accordingly.

Ultimately, it is about how well you perform in the face of rejection. And this is what I will help you with today.

As I cover this technique, I’ll try to be detailed as possible on the nuances. It may be easy to grasp theoretically, but it’s a bit harder to pull off in real life. It requires you to observe small nuances and act on them.

It may be hard for the beginner, due to lack of experience. But the cure is gaining more field experience through trial and failures.

This post is best suited for night game.

During the Pickup, Do You Make Her Feel Like It's Just You and Her?

Chase Amante's picture
just you and her
An intimate feeling during a seduction is crucial to moving forward. Without it, you may never get far with women, no matter how many approaches you make.

Sometimes guys go out to meet girls and girls can tell the guy isn't fully into them.

This may be due to the guy not wanting to throw all his chips in on a girl, to avoid the sting if she rejects him.

Or it might be a consequence of him going around in social butterfly mode, and not being able to commit to an interaction with any one girl.

Regardless, the girl can tell the guy has only one foot in the seduction... and the other foot out of it.

And since he hasn't committed to their interaction, neither too does she.

Thus starts a vicious circle for "one-foot-in" seducers, as they bounce from girl to girl, never committed to their interactions, finding the women they meet do not commit to things either, so that they themselves continue to not commit to their conversations, whether to protect themselves or to keep themselves moving, and on the cycle goes.

Many guys who burn out of nightlife cold approach or day game cold approach are guys who do this... guys who never (or rarely ever) commit to an interaction with a woman.

Women follow your lead (if they like you and accept you as a leader).

If you do not commit to a courtship, women will not commit to it.

Sure, you will occasionally get girls to chase you despite your non-committal nature.

However, the vast majority of the time, with the vast majority of the girls, if you want to get anywhere, you have to go both feet in.

Tactics Tuesdays: Pawning Girls for Better (or More Into You) Girls

Chase Amante's picture

pawn a girlThere's an old seduction tactic called 'pawning'.

When you pawn a girl, you trade one girl in for another.

This is something you'll mostly use in social venues, like bars, parties, and networking events.

Pawning relies on the principles of social proof (people like people whom other people like) and preselection (women find more attractive those men whom other women like).

It also takes advantage of the fact that women usually have much lower guards when approached by a strange man and woman than they when a strange man alone approaches.

What is pawning?

Pawning is when you bring another girl along you've met with you to meet new people... then leave the old girl in the new group, while you pair off with a new girl from the group you've just approached. You have, in effect, pawned your old girl off for someone new. Pawning is useful for trading up to more attractive women, or women who are more attracted to you.

Often in social venues, the prettiest girls there will not be standing around by themselves. Instead they'll be in groups, and you need to find a way into the group to access the girls. Pawning is a way to gain access.

Approach Anxiety: 1 Simple Mindset Flip to Talk to More Girls

Chase Amante's picture

approach anxietyYou won't always be super active with approaching new women.

You'll go through stretches where you're focused on work or other things. You might only approach opportunistically, to girls who show a lot of interest. Or you might break off approaching entirely for a time.

After you take a little time away like this, after a while when you want to get back to approaching, the rust comes back... and you have to deal with approach anxiety all over again.

When you're not in the habit approaching a lot, especially when you're not in the habit of making uninvited approaches (where the girl hasn't signaled you to open), there's anxiety.

  • What am I going to say to her? you'll ask yourself.

  • I'm not warmed up, I don't feel confident using one of my regular openers.

  • I'm not sure what I'll say to her AFTER the opener.

  • She's not in an easy place to get to, if she isn't into me it's going to be awkward to move away from there.

You might go out intending to chat up women, and end up chatting to no one.

Yet, there's something you may have once known... something you forget when you don't approach as actively.

And as soon as you remember it, you can be fine.

You start approaching again in earnest, shake the approach anxiety off, and have no trouble meeting girl after girl.

That one thing you can remember (or learn, if you hadn't previously known it) -- the one great trick you can use to get yourself approaching after a hiatus from it -- is the difference between creating attraction and finding attraction.

How to Get Fast Sex and Pick Up Girls Quick

Chase Amante's picture

fast sexIn my last article, I talked about putting in your practice to get good with girls.

Let's take a break from all this practice, and grinding, and gradual improvement. What if you just want to hook up with a girl... as soon as possible?

One of the things we discussed last article was going out in 'make it happen mode', and how if you know what you're doing you can actually pull this off.

On my article "I'm Doing Everything to Succeed with Women but It's Still Not Working!", Bizzy comments:

But I have a question: have you ever done an article about how to get sex the fastest way, without doing dates, online dating, chatting and all that stuff? I mean like, only cold approach a woman and then having sex immediately?! I used to do this in my early 20s and was actually successful a few times, but now I am older and don't feel like approaching 100 women to get a few lays. I want to approach just a few women that I think I have a shot with and then close the deal. I am just lazy now, I am sick of dating, talking, pretending and all that. Women notice me, they smile and look at me but I really don't like to take them out on dates, I just would like to take them home and have fun, like when I see a hot girl in a store.

This is sort of one of the Holy Grails of seduction, and it's not usually something you will consistently pull off. So just be aware of that going in.

However, it is indeed something you can do.

Today, we're going to talk about it.

The 3 Best Ways to Start Conversations with Girls

Tony Depp's picture

how to start a conversation with a girl
You can’t get anywhere with that fine chica unless you meet her, so it helps to know how to start a conversation with a girl that intrigues her and sets things in motion.

Every guy wants to know how to start conversations with girls. It's not too hard; you just open your mouth, force air through your lungs, and form vowels.

But still, this is where the vast majority of men fail: at the opener. They let their imagination run wild with all sorts of egoic chatter, creating false timelines, zipping into the future, through the past, and everywhere except right NOW.

Guys ask me how to start conversations with girls at the mall, on the phone, on the bus, in groups, and alone. The list of potential opening situations is virtually endless, limited only by the imagination (opening during a zombie apocalypse, a bank robbery, in a nude sauna, etc.).

At times like these, I want to grab guys by the feet and haul them back to Earth.

We call these cerebral wanderings “mental masturbation.”

So in this guide, I’m going to simplify the process as much as possible. I’m not a fan of micro-managing the meta details of seduction; I’m more of a minimalist. I believe in the power of language and persuasion, yes. But when it comes to starting conversations with women you'd like to get naked in your bed, it’s infinitely more about how you say what you say, rather than what you say. That's the real secret you need to discover here – it's the "how" that should be your focus. Let's get into why that is.

Pickup Practice

Chase Amante's picture
pickup practice
If you have a little trouble approaching (or sticking with it after the first few approaches), just switch yourself over to “pickup practice mode.”

There are three different 'going out modes' a guy can be in when he might meet girls:

  1. Just hanging out mode
  2. Make something happen mode
  3. Pickup practice mode

One of the major differentiators between different skill levels of seducer is what mode the guy gets 'hung up' in. Because to do truly well with women you want to be able to use all three.