Opening | Girls Chase


Your initial approach: how you first start talking to that girl you really like.

What Tight Game Looks Like (or What It Should Look Like)

Alek Rolstad's picture

tight game
Tight game in general should be hard to say. That’s for good reason: while flashy game can be attractive, it can also attract a lot of unwanted attention.

Last week, we discussed the difficulties one may face in perceiving tight game – the elements involved and the ability to spot guys who are truly good with women. We also discussed some of the key elements that constitute true mastership compared to simple flash. And no, mastership is not about having that super-crazy routine or having girls react crazily over your approach; rather, it is about calibrating smoothly, making good calls, having your timing in check, and being able to handle logistics.

In this post, we will discuss “why” tight game should not be easily perceived. What are the benefits of being low key? Why is it a good thing that nobody sees you as the player guy? Keep on reading, because I believe this is a key subject that can’t be covered enough. It may have a direct impact on your dating and pick-up success.

Using Social Proof to Get Laid: A Report (with Demonstrations)

Alek Rolstad's picture

how to use social proof to get laid
Alek demonstrates how to build and use social proof to pick up a girl in a nightclub. See loads of social proof building examples and demonstrations on the way to the pickup.

Hey, guys. I’m finishing this year off with a report that will cover an event that took place last weekend. The idea here is to give you a story that will be entertaining, present some techniques, and give you an example of how they are used in real life.

Here at Girls Chase, we cover a lot of techniques, new ideas, new tricks, and solutions to issues you face in your dating life. However, in some cases, reports can be useful in order to demonstrate:

  • The context in which the techniques are used

  • How many techniques are used over the course of a night, and how they contribute

  • Which techniques fit different situations (how to analyze the situation and decide which techniques to use)

  • Which techniques work well with others

  • How it all comes together in a seduction

This can be a great addition to the actual posts covering the original concepts shared on this website. It helps put things into perspective.

For this occasion, I will be using the following techniques and strategies:

These will be the main concepts applied in this report. Things like opening, escalation, and other basics will of course be applied, too.

I know many of you are fans of my sex talk and were hoping for me to give you one of those reports. I will try to make more of those. The reason I chose this subject is because serious verbal seduction requires you to be able to talk without too much interruption. Where I live, the smoking areas tend to allow for that. Unfortunately, during the winter, it is too cold to do this outside, which means I have to stick to indoor club game, which makes sex talk difficult. I also think variation in the content of my reports is a good thing. Previously, we covered sexual tension; before that, we covered a typical verbal seduction night, and so on. Today we will focus on “social game,” although I will use some sexual gambits!

On the night in question, I was wearing black Chelsea boots (must have), a black sweater, a long necklace, a red bomber jacket with some cool “Chinese dragon” prints, and tight black jeans. With my long hair, I looked like a 70s rockstar.

A bit of background on the night: I was in this venue till 2am, and I left as a result of some drama with one of my girls. I had to let her go, which kinda sucked. In other words, my mood was not great. However, when shit like this happens, the best call is to venue change (go somewhere else). This report takes place in the new venue.

Hit and Run Social Proof for Girls You Meet at Bars

Alek Rolstad's picture

hit and run social proof
If you’re already in a chat with girls, it’s easy to both excite those girls and set up backup plan girls… by stepping away for a second to meet someone else.

I’ve got some more great pickup tech for you guys. Hopefully by the end of this year, you will have a huge arsenal. This post is primarily related to social proof, which we have covered a lot here in September and October. And you may be asking, “Alek, why didn’t you just share this technique while covering those other aspects of social proof?”

I have only one answer to that: Well, I just discovered this technique.

Yes, I am going out every weekend – and sometimes weekdays. I am out there meeting girls, banging girls, and discovering new strategies, techniques, and tactics all the time. This means I am sometimes sharing my techniques as I discover them. And in case you’re wondering, I give them 3-5 field tests before sharing in order to secure their validity and also get to observe their nuances. I believe techniques are best served fresh. I hope you are enjoying it.

Either way, let’s get on with it. Note that this technique is made primarily for night game (bars, clubs, house parties, etc.).

How to Use "Grand Master Style" to Rack Up Scads of Lays

Chase Amante's picture

GM style
GM style: a crass, irreverent, and utterly hilarious way to make women horny, excited... and ready to hop in bed quick.

In 1999, an American expat in Paris named Nathan Szilard commented online about a talented natural seducer in a bar he kept running into:

There’s that guy -- looks like an heroin addict, looks fortyish (but might be younger), dressed in black and/or like shit, skinny, tall, wrinkled, never smiles ... and gets laid like a rock star.

One day, at that bar – the same place Nathan always spied this guy – he chatted up a pair of girls. Suddenly, the guy showed up, flashed Nathan an amused grin, and swooped in to talk with the cuter of Nathan’s two girls.

Two minutes in, the guy asked someone for a pen and paper and took the girl’s phone number.

Five minutes in, Nathan excused himself to the washroom... and walked in on the guy and his girl making out with their hands all over each other.

Impressed and amazed, Nathan dubbed this guy the ‘Grand Master’... or ‘GM’ for short. And over the next year or so, Nathan Szilard befriended and worked to decipher the game of this guy he dubbed ‘GM’.

Note: If you are a beginner dater, probably don’t try to use GM style. You risk awkward creepiness if you botch your delivery. Focus on less edgy stuff first. For the more advanced guys (or the still-curious beginners), read on...

One of Nathan’s earliest analyses of GM style was this:

Hm trying to recollect what I forgot to mention in my earlier post.

He makes it clear right away that he wants sex. He explained it to me. He does not really understand what is going on, me thinks.

He does not compliment.

I explained him the concept of neg hit; he disagreed ... YET HE DOES IT ALL THE TIME. Well, it’s not NEGs, it’s more like ‘vannes’ as I explained once, that’s to say, taking the piss on her. So he fucked that German yesterday, and before that, made a few (light) jokes about Germans, then ‘apologized’ by hugging/kissing her.

He takes every opportunity to go kino [touch]. I’ve already mentioned that.

He claims that he does not act the same with every woman. I asked him about some place that’s packed with model-types full-bitch-shielded types, how do you handle that I asked, and he said, “You don’t get it, you don’t do the same thing there, I’ll explain you later.”

He asks boring questions, name, job, then joke on it, and when I say JOKE, I mean FUCKING LAME jokes.

To a German: “you speak German really well!”
To a Japanese: “you speak Japanese really well!”
To an Italian: “you speak Italian really well!”

Original, heh? And on top of that he said it several times to the same girl. “You really speak German well! LOL “.

For a time, Grand Master style (or GM style), a method of strong sexual direct jokes, chase frames, and sexual intent, became one of the most popular methods in the pick up artist (PUA) community, alongside Mystery Method and Gunwitch Method.

These days it’s largely forgotten.

But it shouldn’t be. It’s a different, fresh, and highly irreverent approach to bedding girls in a hurry – and the Grand Master still has lots to teach.

How Much Interest to Show a Girl (The 3 Considerations)

Chase Amante's picture

show girl you're interested
Each girl needs you to show a somewhat different amount of interest in her at different phases of the courtship. There are 3 keys to this: her interest, her type, and calibration.

A few weeks back, a reader commenting on my article “The Single Guy’s Guide to Starting Fresh in a New City” asked a few questions, including this one:

How to show interest while maintaining a sense of mystery and make her wonder whether or not you like her?

The only short answer to that question is ‘it depends’. It’s calibration. Some girls you show more interest in, some girls less.

The long answer involves a few steps: you need to know how interested she is, you need to know whether she responds better to aloof men or interested men, and you need to calibrate accordingly.

Podcast with the Girls Chase Seduction A-Team: Lessons from Stockholm

Varoon Rajah's picture

Welcome back to another episode of Dating Mechanics! For this podcast, I have something different and special for you. A few of us Girls Chase authors met up in Stockholm, Sweden this past summer for a few days and nights. We met up with each other (some for the first time), met plenty of women, both during the day and

The "I've Got to Wait for Girls to Meet Me" Thing

Chase Amante's picture

wait for her to approach
Do you wait for girls to approach you? It may be scary to approach women yourself, but waiting for them to ask first is a losing proposition.

One of the members of our forum has talked about his strategy of waiting for girls to meet him, and then spitting game at them. It doesn't seem to work well for him, since he is perpetually single and has been hung up on the same girl for over a year, hoping every time she breaks up with a boyfriend that maybe she'll pay more attention to him.

Nevertheless though, he's committed. He ignores all the advice from every other member on there and from me that he forget this girl and go meet new ones. This is his strategy, and he's decided to stick to it.

I don't think there are a lot of guys who are 100% into this strategy of “I've just got to wait for women to come meet me”, like Neal is. But there are guys who slip into this some or a lot of the time. So we should talk about it.

Because even while objectively this is about as effective as thinking, “I've just got to wait for the money to come to me,” or, “I've just got to wait until a Ferrari shows up in my driveway,” subjectively it can feel like a valid strategy at the time when you're thinking it.

But it's not a valid strategy. It's a terrible strategy.

Tactics Tuesdays: "I'm Just Kidding" + Touch

Chase Amante's picture

I'm just kidding
Want to walk back a mistake, or calibrate your sexual innuendo? “I’m just kidding” + touch is the perfect tactic to let you do so.

One of the most potentially powerful lines you can add to your canned line arsenal is “I’m just kidding”... followed up by a bit of touch.

This line plus touch lets you reframe all sorts of situations. It lets you rebuild attainability in an instant with girls who were about to auto-reject you. And it can amplify a woman’s intrigued confusion.

“I’m just kidding” plus touch was a crucial part of the old seduction community “Grand Master style” (which consists of extreme sexual directness with women, right from the opener... if you’re interested in this style, let me know in the comments and I’ll do an article on it). The tactic gives you an easy way to backtrack if a chase frame or sex talk goes a little sour.

Because it’s such a powerful tactic, there’s a little nuance to it. Get that nuance down, and you have an effective means to control the flow of a conversation and the flow of the emotions within it.

Calibrate to the Venue: The 3 Styles of Night Game

Alek Rolstad's picture

night game
Different types of nightlife venues require you to switch up how you approach new girls. The social, sniper, and fire-at-will strategies all work best in different settings.

Today’s subject is something I have been thinking about a great deal lately, something I have noticed that has had a great impact on the way I do things. I have been travelling a lot this summer – ranging from Stockholm, Oslo, Bucharest, to Krakow. As a result of these travels, I had to deal with different cultures, girls, and social codes. But what is of more interest is how I had to deal with new clubs.

A very common tendency for us night gamers is that we find a few spots we happen to truly like, then we refer to those as pussy goldmines. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this in regards to the actual “getting laid” process, but it can limit your learning curve. Being able to deal with different venues is key, and you learn a lot from it. This posts is about those lessons.

Before I move on, I want to make it clear that there are no perfect venues – all venues have their “shit factor”, but some venues are simply easier and better than others. I have written numerous posts on the subject before. I suggest you check out these links as well:

This post is more about how one can calibrate to different venues. Yes, different venues can require a whole different approach. I have discussed this before regarding big vs. small venues and chaotic vs. more chilled venues, and I concluded that chaotic venues will affect a girl’s state, which may make her horny from the get-go, but they can also cockblock you as a result of the many wildcards caused by the chaos. I have also mentioned how big, chaotic venues can make girls more defensive. You there have to either:

On a side note, smaller, more chill venues allow for a tighter form of game. Girls are more open as they are more in control over the situation; they can see where their friends are and do not have to be afraid of losing them. They also feel their friends are nearby and within their periphery, which creates a form of control. Additionally, as a result of being more relaxed and less chaotic, there are fewer wildcards. This allows you to go in more smoothly. Going in smooth is not something you CAN do, it’s something you MUST do, because as a result of people being more aware of their surroundings, a rejection can lead to negative social proof, as people can see you strike out. On a different side note, successful approaches can create a snowball effect.

Keep all this in mind throughout this post, as it will be key info for what is to come. I believe there are 3 different ways to approach night game:

  • Social game

  • Sniping

  • Fire-at-will

Different venues will allow for different modes. I will break each of these down, discussing what they mean, then cover which types of venues fit for each strategy.

What Energy to Approach Girls with (High or Low?)

Alek Rolstad's picture

energy approach girls
The energy you approach a new girl with can make the difference between acceptance and rejection. So should you go in high energy or low?

Hey, guys. Today we will discuss more practical stuff that can have a tremendous effect on your game and your overall interactions with women. Many guys believe that the difference between a good seducer and a bad one is some magical technique – well, usually it is not. The devil is in the details – and the small subtleties.

That is what this post (and last week’s post about using pauses) will help you with. This post focuses more on calibration. Good seducers are smooth and tight, intermediates are less so, and beginners, well, you get the idea.

So this post is about calibration, focusing on the nature and level of “high energy” you should employ when approaching girls. This is a topic with a lot of misleading – and often contradictory – information. Some claim you have to be high energy; others claim low energy is better. They are both right and wrong at the same time – it depends on the context. Either way, this post will cover the pros and cons of each approach and give you guidelines on how to make the tightest approaches.

The following 3 factors build the foundation for calibrating your energy level for an approach:

  • The social setting

  • The girl(s)

  • The phase of the interaction

Let’s begin by discussing the crucial aspects of the social setting.