Opening | Girls Chase


Your initial approach: how you first start talking to that girl you really like.

Do Pickup Lines Work on Women?

Darwin Niwrad's picture

Do pickup lines work on women
Do pickup lines work on women? Yes, but canned lines can backfire if you don’t know how and when to use them. Here’s how to make your lines work for you.

Pickup lines – can’t screw with them, can’t screw without them.

The first thing I want to address here is that you shouldn’t let anyone tell you that master seducers don’t use canned lines. Whether they’re technically pickup lines, stories, quips, jokes, whatever... everyone uses them. Because they work.

The important thing here is that it’s difficult to know what will work, when you should use lines, how you should use them, where you should use them, and on whom you should use them.

There are a plethora of pickup lines tailored for a plethora of female personalities and situations, so for women you just met, you’re likely just rolling the dice by using a pickup line. With experience, you simply gain the ability to make educated guesses.

Highly-skilled guys have the advantage of experience, which gives them a better idea of what to say to particular girls, and whether to use a canned line or craft something on the spot that’s more natural and unique.

And not only do you have to consider a line’s effect on particular girls, you also must understand what type of person you are to know what works well for your body language, attitude, and style.

14 “Anytime” Compliments to Use on Her Today

Hector Castillo's picture

how to compliment a girl
A good compliment goes a long way with women. But to give a good compliment and have it be effective can take a bit of know-how. Here’s everything you need.

I love to give a good compliment. It makes me happy to compliment girls, because if I’m not being brazenly honest with someone, I’m uncomfortable. I have to be like that.

Plus, it’s so beautifully polarizing to compliment women. It’s the epitome of strength, in my opinion.

All of that “oh, never compliment a girl, because you’ll make her think you’re just another loser who’s chasing her” nonsense is exactly that – nonsense.

Are there times when you shouldn’t compliment a girl? SURE.

If she’s being a snotty ho with her nose in the air? Don’t compliment her. She doesn’t deserve it.

But if you just met her and you’re having a conversation, and she’s been nothing but nice and warm?


I find the “don’t give her a compliment” camp quite funny because they’re so afraid of coming off like they’re “beta” that they inevitably come off as beta. They’re afraid of some girl thinking, “Oh, he likes me.” Sounds pretty lame to me.

Complimenting a girl makes it a man-to-woman interaction. She knows you’re attracted, have a sexual and romantic interest in her, and are going for it.

Girls respect that purposefulness.

Okay, so why is the title of this article “14 Anytime Compliments to Use on Her Today”?

Because you can use these compliments anywhere and anytime.

The sun is up? Compliment.

The sun is down? Compliment.

The world is ending in an inferno of chaos? Compliment.

You can use it at any point in the conversation.

The first thing you say (the “open”)? COMPLIMENT.

Five minutes into conversation? Compliment.

As you’re fishing for the edge of her uterus with your dick? CUMPLIMENT.

K. Cool. Compliments are cool.

So, how do you give a good compliment?

Tactics Tuesdays: "She'll Probably Reject Me (So Let's Try)"

Chase Amante's picture

reject me
An easy way to get your feet moving despite fears of rejection: just tell yourself "She'll likely reject me anyway... so let's go see what happens.

I just talked with one of our senior discussion forum members, who took on the 30 Days Invite a Girl Home Challenge. This is a challenge for advanced guys, where the singular goal is to invite a new girl home each and every day for 30 straight days. She doesn't have to say yes and you don't have to sleep with her, but you do need to invite her home to do it. The goal is to push a guy's comfort zone and open his eyes to what's possible.

In our forum member's case, his first day on the challenge ended up with the girl he invited home saying yes and going home with him. However, he liked this girl a lot, overthought things a bit, and escalated too timidly, despite feeling like the girl was quite into him.

He didn't get the lay (although he did get a nice start to the 30 day challenge!), and the girl left.

He tried to set a date up with her later, and she LJBF'ed him.

His escalation (too unaggressive for her level of horniness) was the immediate cause, he figured... but the root cause was that he liked her too much, which led him to go too slow for this girl's tastes.

Does he just need to convince himself not to like girls too much, he wondered?

That brought to mind a long-time technique I've used to overcome nervous hesitation with women, that might be useful to some guys.

It's this: you simply tell yourself "Well she's probably going to reject me, so let's try anyway and just see what happens."

Tactics Tuesdays: Smile, Eyebrows Up, Open Eyes

Chase Amante's picture

smile and attraction
It's basic, but it's also easy to forget to do. Smile when you approach a girl, and your odds of success with her go way up.

Sometimes the simplest stuff is the most important.

Every now and again, despite however many years at this, I will go out and discover things aren't going my way. Women don't glance at me or hover near me; when I approach them, they're lukewarm.

At first, whenever something like this happens, I assume it's randomness and asymmetry. Not everyone who sees you will like you; not everyone you talk with you'll connect with. Yet sometimes the pattern keeps up, well past the point you can chalk it all up as randomness. You meet more girls, talk to more girls, and they're still not as receptive as they should be.

Whenever this happens, I do a post-mortem on the outing. What did I do wrong? Where'd I screw up? I can usually find a few areas.

One of the most common, though, is also one of the most basic. All too often, I've been off in whatever kind of mood, and realize I haven't been smiling.

How to Approach Women and Spark Interest – Not Rejection

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

hooking get her attention
See a hot girl during the day and want to get her number, or even take her home? It can be done! But if you expect to reel her in, you’ll need a quality hook.

Most new guys have a hard time hooking a woman they’ve approached during the day – and it’s no surprise. When you approach women, your veins course with adrenaline. You’re consumed with fear over what people will think about you. You can barely force air through your lungs and move your legs, never mind form consonants and vowels into intelligent conversation.

If you’re in this nervous state, most women won’t hook. They’ll take one look at your stuttering, anxious being and just… keep on walking.

Remember the rule of state transference – whatever you feel, she feels.

That’s why I recommend spending at least a year working on your approach anxiety and hooking. What to actually say should be the last thing you worry about, as it’s the hardest aspect of game to learn and it relies more on experience than study.

Once you get the fundamentals down, hooking becomes natural.

In my day-game model, hooking is simply getting the girl you approached to engage you back. You talk, she listens – she talks, you listen.

11 Ways Women Express Interest that Most Guys Miss

Chase Amante's picture

express interest
Women use subtle ways to express their interest. Keep an eye out for these 11 signs though, and women's subtle signals become clear as day.

Women express interest in men in all sorts of subtle ways. Much of the time, you may not even pick up on the signs... or you may have a vague sense she's interested, but not be sure.

It's a common thing for a guy to think maybe a girl's interested, but actually you're not sure, so you let her go... only to realize later on that, yep, she was definitely interested -- and you missed your shot.

In the list below, we'll lay out 11 of the more subtle ways women use to express interest in you. Once armed with these, you won't have to wonder if "maybe she is." You'll know when you've spotted one of the signs -- and can proceed with her accordingly.

Let's start with #1.

Tactics Tuesdays: The 3 Second Rule (Approach Her in 3 Seconds!)

Chase Amante's picture

3 second rule
The 3 second rule says you must approach a girl within three (3) seconds of realizing you want to talk to her. When do you follow this rule – and when not?

For today's Tactics Tuesday, I've dug up an old pickup rule some of you well know, and others may not have heard of.

The 3 second rule stems from the early online seduction community. It's a "Mystery" tactic (one of the early 2000s seduction pros). And while you don't want to be rigid about it, it for sure can be a handy little thing.

The 3 second rule works like so: from the instant you spot a girl you'd like to approach, you have three (3) seconds to approach her.

The purpose of the rule is to avoid all the downsides that accompany waiting too long to approach: the buildup of nervousness, worrying thoughts that lead to psyching yourself out, and the closing of the approach escalation window.

The rule itself is straightforward. Today we'll talk about a couple reasons it's useful... plus when it's better to ignore this rule.

Even the Best Compliments for Girls Can Fail

Hector Castillo's picture

compliments for girls
A girl’s reaction to your compliments can be a great screening tool and indicator of interest. But not all compliments are created equal in this regard.

Compliments are a good way to demonstrate interest. They’re hard to ignore and very clear in their intent. For guys who haven’t yet learned how to be sexy or demonstrate sexual interest with their eyes, face, and body language, a compliment cuts through all ambiguity and makes your case to her clear – “I want you.”

From that compliment, she will make a decision. Is she going to outright reject you? Will she be polite about it? Maybe she’ll entertain you for a little bit and see what more there is to you.

And sometimes, she’ll buy in completely because that’s what she wanted to hear from you. What’s important for you to recognize is how she specifically reacts to your compliment. That’s a critical juncture in the seduction.

If you can get a handle on what compliments to use and when, you can prevent some bad reactions. But that’s not how it always goes. Rejection from some women is inevitable. What’s important when facing rejection is to see how complete it is. If rejection is inevitable, then the question is about saving time: “Is she worth putting more time and energy into?”

Let’s first dive into the types of compliments.

10 Reasons Beaches Are Better for Meeting Women

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

beaches are better
Beaches are laden with scantily-clad girls with nothing better to do than watch your stuff. If clubs aren’t your thing – or even if they are – find yourself a beach!

The beach is probably the best place in the world for meeting sexy, receptive, barely-dressed women. Better than a nightclub? Hell yeah, bro. I argue they’re way better, less expensive, and easier.

My recent exploits include a trip to Thailand, where I basically lived on beaches for seven weeks and went on a date with a new, beautiful girl almost every day. I also grew up in a small town that was nestled between two beaches. Suffice to say, I know beach game.

You might be thinking you don’t have ripped abs, your legs are too skinny, or whatever other limiting belief(s) you grasp on to. Sure, women like fit men, but they also like brave men, funny men, intelligent men, and charming men. I’m not tall or ripped myself – and I slay at the beach, and you can too.

When Girls Think You're a Player (Then Shut You Down)

Chase Amante's picture

girl thinks you're a player
If a girl thinks you’re a player, it can be a pretty uphill battle with her after that. Here’s why she thinks you’re a player – plus how to remove the ‘tells’.

I counseled a friend recently who's struggled with women for sometime. He's a bit of a 'hard case' - a guy who's been in the game a long time, is friends with many very skilled seducers, and is highly skilled at the early part of approaching and meeting women, and even good at getting girls back to his place... but he has lots and lots of trouble sealing the deal with women. After the first kiss at his place, they invariably leave.

Guys like this can be tough to work with, because things that work for almost everyone else stubbornly don't for them. And you run into the issue of the guy not knowing exactly what's wrong himself, and it being hard to diagnose if you don't spend a lot of time with him in-person.

However, one clue recently was his report on a date that didn't pan out. Early on into the date, the girl closed off a bit and made remarks such as "How fast do you usually have sex with the women you have sex with?" and "I'm someone who doesn't just hop in bed right away." This, mind you, was not when he was trying to take her home, or touching her, or hitting on her - this was early into the date, when they'd just arrived at the date location and just began to talk.

This friend gets comments like from other women too; sometimes on dates, sometimes back at his place.

And while it is common to get girls telling you things like "This is too fast for me" or "Do you always move this fast with girls?" once you're back at your place with them, peeling their clothes off, the farther removed you get from that while still receiving these comments, the more of a problem you know you have.

In this case, the problem is the 'player vibe problem'. The problem is she feels like you are a heartless player, and she is only the latest slab of meat to cross your path.

Obviously, for successful seduction purposes, this is one perception you'd like to dispel.