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How to Create a Personal Plan for Success with Women

Cody Lyans's picture

Create a Plan for Success with Women
Want to get better with women but don’t know exactly how to go about it? Follow these steps to create a plan that makes efficient use of your time and your mind.

How should you go about planning for success when it comes to learning about women?

This is a difficult question to answer because seduction has many moving parts, but to follow up on my previous post, I will describe my process and the questions I use to forge my way through the chaos.

To plan for success in seduction – or anything you want to get better at – try asking these three questions.

  • What do you need to improve?

  • When do you need to improve it?

  • And why?

These questions might seem simple at first glance, but we can only learn at a certain rate. Therefore, to improve at a rapid pace, you want to streamline the process by focusing on what is most important for you at a certain time, with the right purpose behind it. While these questions are simple, there is a lot more substance to them than meets the eye. So, in this article, I will go through a few things that should make answering them an easier task.

Knowing why you need to learn something requires you to understand the broad context. Knowing when to learn something requires self-awareness. And knowing what to improve requires access to technical details and common trends. The substance of these questions is in how you go about developing technical proficiency, self-awareness, and contextual understanding.

2 Ways to Become MAGNETIC with Women (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

How do you become magnetic? The kind of guy who DRAWS attention to him, even when he's not currently doing anything.

He has... PRESENCE.

It feels like the air is different. The lighting.

He has a physical effect on the environment around him. How else can it be described?

Well, I can TEACH you how to become magnetic.


Viable vs. Optimal Game: How to Best Improve and Focus Your Efforts

Cody Lyans's picture

viable vs optimal game
When we jump the gun and learn specialized aspects of a new skill before getting a solid foundation, the skill can become imbalanced and riddled with holes.

I recently took a short hiatus from seduction to reflect upon its deeper nature.

During that time, I got into boxing, and I have been observing seduction in as much detail as I can to try to reach a new level of understanding. In doing so, I’ve realized something about getting good with women – or anything, for that matter. It relates to how and where we apply our effort and how to get the best possible results without wasting time and energy.

With boxing, I have spent the past year ensuring that every aspect of what I do inside the ring is 100% technically accurate. If I discovered a single flaw, I used drills, exercise, and good old-fashioned hard work to fix it. I lost weight, removed the rust I had accumulated, and changed my foundation as a boxer from head to toe. I worked on my footwork, guard, head movement, hand speed, jab, combinations, counters, and overall conditioning.

It was tough, but I’ve started turning heads as my technical skill has become more apparent. I am entering a new phase where technical ability is non-negotiable. I am capable of all the things that make a decent boxer. However, I realize this is not the end of the road.

To progress further, I have had to let go of ideas of what might be good enough to beat most fighters and start thinking about what is good enough to win against a specific opponent. I’ve made the shift from “good enough” to genuinely commanding my fate.

This is something that is true in seduction as well. At first, we must gain enough ability that it is no longer a case of if we can get a girl, but when. We do so by acquiring universal strengths, traits, and attributes that help us achieve that level of confidence.

After this goal is attained, we then face a tough period where we question what we want, and on the other side of that soul searching is a whole new phase of learning.

How to Be Funny and Make Her Laugh

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

how to be funny make her laugh
If you make a woman laugh, she’s guaranteed to sleep with you… NOT! Lolz, but seriously, you can definitely spark attraction if you know how to be funny.

A few years ago, I wrote a novel that has become a bit of a cult classic.

Most people (especially women) say they read it in one sitting and are unable to put the book down because it’s so hilarious. I also wrote a comedic, pornographic satire called Kuntar The Barbarian. I consider myself a bit of an expert at humor.

Don’t believe me? Pull my finger, bitch.

So many guys have no clue how to make a girl laugh. Are some men just born funny, or is it something you can cultivate? Both, just like any skill.

Now, before we get too far, I want to make it clear that laughter is not all you need to attract women. Humor is a solid tool in the seduction arsenal, because everyone loves to laugh. It’s definitely attractive. But if that’s all you do, you won’t be so great at sparking the kind of attraction that gets you laid. In fact, humor can sometimes work against you. The guys who seem to get laid by being hilarious are doing other things that aren’t so easy to see.

That said, humor is a super valuable social skill, and a great seduction tool if used right. So let’s learn how to be funny.

Pickup and Seduction Is Just Marketing and Sales

Hector Castillo's picture

pickup and seduction is marketing and sales
To get laid in a competitive dating market, you need an alluring pitch. You gotta know the customer and present yourself well to gain an edge and close the deal.

You need to market well, but marketing is only attention. Once you get attention, you have to make the sale. I follow this process with women and with Girls Chase.

With Girls Chase, I write articles. I post on Instagram and YouTube. This is all marketing.

Then, over email, phone calls, texting, and Instagram, I sell my private coaching and my book, which will soon be a standalone product, but is an upsell for One Date right now. I had to learn (and am still learning) both sides of the equation.

Marketing is about presenting yourself in a way that’s intriguing and different to people, as the market is very saturated. It’s also about being clear, honest, and entertaining. If people get bored reading or watching you, you won’t sell. If people don’t think what you have to say is new or unique, you won’t sell.

It’s the same when talking to a girl. If your first impression isn’t strong and there’s no external reason for her to give you more attention (e.g., you’re in her social circle), then she will bow out and click on some other video on the sidebar (i.e., another guy at the bar, party, or club).

Sales is taking someone who is in your marketing funnel and converting them into a customer. Someone who clicks “buy” and enters their information. It’s almost as intimate as someone deciding to sleep with you. Almost.

They have to want it but also feel it’s worth the cost. Is it worth shelling out $70 for Hector’s college book? Is it worth spending $2,000 on his coaching?

My frame is, “Yes, it is. It’s worth even more than that, so get it now while it’s this affordable.” The stronger my frame becomes, the better I am at selling and marketing. If you believe in your product, people will believe in it, too.

Some choose to market with deception. They skew who they are. There’s nothing wrong with poetic exaggeration. Every good story is embellished. But if your only strategy is clickbait and false promises, you will eventually be revealed for the fraud you are.

This often happens when you’re good but not great with women. Women will like you and sleep with you. But after spending time with you, the glitches in your character are revealed. This is fine – if you dedicate yourself to improving your product. You.

The product is you.

How to Create a Loving Vibe That Attracts Women

Tony Depp's picture

attract women with love
Your state of mind creates a vibe that can attract or repel women. Use these tips to develop an aura of love that attracts women like bears to honey.

Many years ago, I was on Vacation, visiting a friend from the PUA community. He lived in a small town in Northern Canada with a surprisingly big nightlife. After a long evening at the bar, he asked if I wanted to go to an after party. Of course I did.

“Here, take one of these,” he said, handing the group a bag of white pills.

“What is it?” I asked.


I’d only tried MDMA once, and it was a crazy adventure. So I decided to give it one more shot. I popped the pill and we headed out to the party.

MDMA basically turns your dopamine up from zero to twelve, and as our group walked to the party, we all started giggling like school girls. By the time we got there, we were tripping hard. I felt this incredible joy and love for everyone and everything.

I sat down beside this pretty girl, and in about ten seconds, we were making out. I don’t remember what I said, but I felt an intense attraction, mixed with incredible vulnerability. It wasn’t my words that seduced her, but my vibe.

The problem with drugs and alcohol is that they come at a cost. Alcohol causes hangovers that wreck your day. Drugs like MDMA are the same – you get an emotional hangover. What goes up must come down. I don’t advocate using hard drugs, and I haven’t touched them since. But I did learn something powerful that night: that whatever you feel, she feels.

How to Be a Gentleman and a Cad

Hector Castillo's picture

how to be a gentleman and a cad
What does it take to be a gentleman who attracts women? Present yourself well, be respectful, and fulfill her need to be ravaged in the bedroom.

Every good student aims to follow in the footsteps of his mentors. I, therefore, dedicate this article to Chase Amante. It’s my pleasure to stand on the shoulders of a giant and offer my thoughts on what I’ve learned from him about being a gentleman.

In his article on how to be a gentleman, Chase’s main premise is that you can be respectful and treat women well but still bed them quickly. I want to take that a step further and go into detail about how you can be a dirty MF – while also being a gentleman.

Let’s start with threads.

Franco & Amrit | Dating Your Dream Girl as a Minority (Podcast)

Varoon Rajah's picture

Welcome back to another episode of Dating Mechanics! I’m Varoon Rajah, and today we explore a topic that frequently comes up on the Girls Chase boards – the question of dating your dream girl as a minority.

Use Meditation and Self-Hypnosis to Improve Your Dating Game

Tony Depp's picture

hypnosis and meditation to improve game
Our brains are super good at talking us out of doing stuff, even good stuff. Here’s how to switch roles and talk your brain into shutting up and getting laid.

We’ve all been there. You see that sexy creature and you want to approach her, but that little voice starts chirping, “All these people will see you. You don't want to come off as creepy, do you? You can try again tomorrow when you're in a better state. She’s on her phone, you don’t want to be annoying. Yeah, let’s try later.”

Excuses, justifications, and avoidance. The more you think, the less you do. The less you do, the more you think. It’s frustrating. It feels like you’re a broken man, especially after watching all those infield vids on YouTube and reading all those Girls Chase articles that make it sound like common sense, like it’s so easy. But it’s not, is it?

When guys ask me what I think about when I approach, I tell them “Nothing.” And it’s true. I try to do all my approaches and everything that happens after as close to “the moment” as possible. And I’m pretty successful at it. But I wasn’t always so awesome.

The first time I went to a bar alone for the sole purpose of pickup – 11 years ago – I completely froze. I was in a room full of sexy women, completely packed, shoulder to shoulder. The longer I stood there, the deeper I went into my head. The excuses just piled on top of each other.

  • “Everyone is here with someone, except me.”

  • “They all know each other, and I don’t know anyone.”

  • “They’re all looking at me.”

  • “They know I’m alone – and terrified.”

Blah, blah, blah, excuses, fear, etc.

And even worse, I’d spent all night memorizing pickup routines. But as soon as that adrenaline spiked, approach anxiety overwhelmed me, and I either forgot all of them or convinced myself that I had because I was too terrified to try.

It’s amazing how great your ego is at talking you out of improving your life. It makes you think that by approaching women, you’re going to somehow die – a social death at least.

That summer night, I pedaled home through the humid Montreal streets on my bike, and I told myself, “Never again will I go out and not at least try.” But things didn’t really get better until I met a guy named Steve Piccus at a local seduction lair meeting, who claimed to be a master hypnotist. He was famous for being featured in the book The Game.

Steve showed us a simple meditation meant to clear our minds of chatter. He called it “silence the tongue”, the tongue being the voice that goes “Blah, blah, blah,” keeping us from achieving our goals. That short lesson, delivered to a room full of lonely, horny men, changed my life.

Get Laid Like a Rock Star by Throwing House Parties

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

get laid with house parties
Want to know a perfect way to get social proof, pre-selection, and women fighting over you… all in the comfort of your own home? Throw a house party!

My late twenties were some of my most glorious times. I lived with a bunch of hipsters in a huge apartment in downtown Vancouver. I was going out night after night, practicing my game, and though I was collecting loads of phone numbers, I was finding it hard to bring these girls home at the end of the night.

Being a girl is scary. Men are big, hairy, and horny. For a woman, the idea of going home with a guy she just met at a bar or on the street might bring forth visions of an American Psycho-esque chainsaw massacre. They literally risk their lives every time they isolate themselves with a guy. I can’t count the number of times I’ve brought a girl home, only to have her stop on the doorstep and say, “You’re not going to kill me, right?”

That’s why I always flip the script with a preemptive, tension-easing joke like, “You’re not a serial killer, are you? You’re not going to chop me up and feast on my sweet flesh?” Also, whenever I have a date, I try to get her to meet near my apartment and then suddenly remember, “I forgot something at my place.” I bring her inside for just a moment so she can see I don’t live in a BDSM torture dungeon (I wish!). This makes it way easier to pull later, as she’s already been inside my chateau. I call this “priming”.

After one particularly frustrating night, a thought came to me like a lightning strike from Odin. I had this glorious epiphany: “What if I brought them all home at once? What if I primed a whole bunch of girls at the same time?