Seduction | Page 34 | Girls Chase


Moving from standard attraction to physical and emotional intimacy with a woman of your choice.

Your Desires Are an Unmatched Tool to Motivate and Seduce

Varoon Rajah's picture

desire in seduction
Desire – your real desire – is a deep motivating force, and immensely attractive to the opposite sex. Tap into it and use it well, and you can do the near-impossible.

I received some very positive feedback from my article on the Interest-Preference-Desire model. If you haven’t read that, I suggest going back and taking a peek, because as a follow-up on that model, today I’m going to dive deeper into what “desire” is and how it affects our lives.

Desire is not only applicable to the process of seduction and attracting women, it plays a key role in the pursuit of our goals and how we live – specifically, the choices we make.

In the last article, I concluded that among the concepts of interest, preference, and desire, desire is the ultimate tool that actually results in committed action. There’s greater nuance when it comes to desire, because desire itself can be more fluctuating and relative. Some people never experience a constant desire for something long term, while others desire an outcome so badly that they continue to chase the desire even after it’s already been fulfilled multiple times.

What gives?

I’ll break this down in a hopefully easy-to-digest form, but do keep in mind that there is a lot of psychology and philosophy involved when it comes to desire.

Girls Who Seek Attention, Part II: How to Pick Them Up

Alek Rolstad's picture

female attention
Just because she’s a flighty, flirty attention seeker doesn’t mean she can’t be gotten. You just need to switch up your approach to get her a bit.

Welcome back, guys. This is a follow up to last week’s post where we covered the psychology and the underlying factors of female attention-seeking behavior. Part 1 covered all the whys, and is therefore recommended reading before this article. This post will be less theoretical and more practical, covering how to deal with female attention seekers – and actually manage to bed them. So this is a more technical post.

Fun fact: October and September have been months where I have encountered this type of girl in clubs and managed to successfully bed them.

  • I have had 2 recent cases where the strategies covered in this post were implemented. In those cases, I managed to smoothly and successfully bang both girls.

  • There was an additional case where I did not apply the strategies covered in this post. In fact, I tried doing something else. It did not work and I failed at pulling. So I’ll use this girl as a sort of “control group” in order to find correlations and identify the effects of the techniques presented here and how they help with attention seekers.

Now, I know some of you guys like to get outright scientific about stuff like this. And I realize that 3 cases may not be a very representative selection, sure. However, to my defense, I have had many similar experiences in the past (been doing this for 10 years) that more or less reflect the same pattern as what we’ll be discussing. This post is based on my overall observations, using those 3 cases to best exemplify the techniques, which seem to work out pretty fine if you ask me.

Without any further ado, let us get into it. The strategies presented in this post are inspired by the old-school seducer Swinggcat and his book Real World Seduction.

When Dates or Pickups Go Awry, the 3-Legged Chair Is Your Guide to Why

Daniel Adebayo's picture

date awry
Just because you hit it off with a girl doesn’t mean it’ll stay good. When your interactions fall apart, use the 3-legged chair to figure out why.

You’re talking to a girl, it’s going great, she seems into you, all the signs are pointing to you two getting more intimate later on. She’s contributing to the conversation, flirting with you, maybe even touching you here and there. Then all of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, her mood changes; she goes from quite hot for you – or even very hot – to stone cold for what seems like absolutely no reason. Ever been in that situation? I think we all have.

When you’re starting out in seduction, this’ll happen a lot (mainly because you failed to do something obvious), but as you become more experienced with women, even if you consider yourself a pretty skilled seducer, you’ll find that this still happens every now and then.

Things were going great, and now they just aren’t. What’s worse is that you’ll think you did everything correctly, and it won’t seem to you like there were any obvious mistakes in your process. In fact, you might have even had the exact same interaction with a different girl a couple weeks ago and the two of you ended up going back to your place for a nightcap. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe you just write it off completely. “Can’t win them all” as the saying goes, and then you forget about that weird interaction with that weird chick who suddenly went um… weird.

You forget about it completely – until it happens again.

Now, what if I told you there are actual, identifiable reasons why the seduction suddenly took a sour turn?

What if I told you there are ways for you to spot these curveballs coming from a mile away and prevent them from happening, or that there are even micro calibrations you can make to get the interaction back on the right track?

I’m willing to bet your first response would be: “Okay, could you share this information, please?”

Well, I’m glad you asked. Because that’s what we’re going to cover in this article.

Girls Who Seek Attention, Part I: What Are "Attention Seekers"?

Alek Rolstad's picture

girls seek attention
Women love to get attention from men. Why girls become attention seekers, and how to interpret what they want, is key to getting somewhere with them.

Hey, guys. I hope you are ready for a theoretical post regarding female psychology.

Today I will share some in-field observations I have made recently concerning attention-seeking behavior in females. Now, this phenomenon is nothing new to me; however, it wasn’t until recently that it became clear to me how to deal with it. Yes, I have had encounters with attention seekers before and have managed to have sex with them, but it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realized a post about the subject would be highly valuable to many of you guys, as you will inevitably meet attention seekers in your seduction adventures – it is more or less impossible not to.

All women seek attention; some more than others. We will discuss why they do and which parameters affect their behavior. The idea here is for you to understand how the process works and its impact on your interactions with women. I believe that by covering this subject, many lightbulbs will illuminate and a lot of things you are experiencing when interacting with women will make more sense.

As mentioned, this post will cover the phenomenon, the causes, and the impacts. Next week, however, in Part II of this series, we will cover the solutions to the problem.

How Much Interest to Show a Girl (The 3 Considerations)

Chase Amante's picture

show girl you're interested
Each girl needs you to show a somewhat different amount of interest in her at different phases of the courtship. There are 3 keys to this: her interest, her type, and calibration.

A few weeks back, a reader commenting on my article “The Single Guy’s Guide to Starting Fresh in a New City” asked a few questions, including this one:

How to show interest while maintaining a sense of mystery and make her wonder whether or not you like her?

The only short answer to that question is ‘it depends’. It’s calibration. Some girls you show more interest in, some girls less.

The long answer involves a few steps: you need to know how interested she is, you need to know whether she responds better to aloof men or interested men, and you need to calibrate accordingly.

The Darker Personalities of Prolific Seducers

Daniel Adebayo's picture

seducer personality
Men who sleep with large numbers of women typically are less than normal guys. Whether due to ego or antisocial personality, they stand apart.

A brief warning. In this article, I’ll be shining a light on the darker side of seducers and seduction. I know that a lot of our readers often wonder: what is it like when you’re on top of your game and regularly taking new women to bed? What does the life of such men look like? How do the seducers with strong hedonistic tendencies think? What would it be like to look through their eyes?

These are questions that once plagued my mind several years ago. And I believe it would be quite educational to answer some of them, so I will do so in today’s article. But like I said – it’s going to be a bit dark.

I’m basing this article off my experiences from the last year or so (as well as many conversations with fellow seducers who have been operating at this level – and beyond – for several years).

When you’re ready, feel free to join me down the rabbit hole.

Cody Lyans | How to Meet Girls as the Quiet Guy (Podcast)

Chase Amante's picture

How do you meet girls when you are the quiet, introverted guy?

Well, the good news is, quiet guys have a lot of power to do very well with women, once they can get over that initial ‘shyness’ hump.

How to Pick Up Girls from 2-Sets (or Pairs) Without a Wingman

Alek Rolstad's picture

pick up 2-set
Two girls is one of the most common girl groups you’ll encounter out and about. But peeling one girl off can be tricky – she may not want to leave her friend.

Today I will discuss a subject that may not initially be of huge interest, but once you end up in a situation where you will have to deal with the issue presented, I am sure you will be glad for having this post available to you.

This post will be about dealing with “2-sets” (a pair of two girls). Mind you that the discussion will be about managing to actually pull from this type of set without a wingman. If you have a wingman, and he is either good with women or the stars happen to align, he may hook up with her friend, but that is not always doable. You may not have a wing, or he may be busy with another girl, or perhaps you do have a wing but he is either totally useless or simply not hooking well with the girls in question.

In which case, you are on your own.

Before I get to the technicalities, let us just discuss some preliminary ideas that I believe we should cover first.

And this post will cover this exact situation. It is a pretty tough situation to deal with, so I hope my advice will increase your odds of succeeding. However, do not expect this to go smooth like butter – it never will – because women, unless you are lucky and meet up with two independent women (usually older women), will usually stick to their friend, especially if the friend will end up being alone if she comes with you, which can actually ruin her friendship and put her friend in potential danger. Women are far more risk-averse than men.

In a nutshell: if your girl leaves with you, who is going to take care of her friend?

That’s a tricky one.

Podcast with the Girls Chase Seduction A-Team: Lessons from Stockholm

Varoon Rajah's picture

Welcome back to another episode of Dating Mechanics! For this podcast, I have something different and special for you. A few of us Girls Chase authors met up in Stockholm, Sweden this past summer for a few days and nights. We met up with each other (some for the first time), met plenty of women, both during the day and

3 Sex Gambits: Good/Bad Sex, Sex is Unfair, and the Dark Side

Alek Rolstad's picture

sex gambit
Use these 3 sex gambits in conversation with women you meet to put their minds squarely on sex… in a very good way.

Hey, guys. I hope you are doing great.

Today I decided it was time to get practical again and share some very simple techniques that will allow you to achieve so much – and be easy to pull off. Intermediate players should have few problems pulling these off, and beginners (as long as you are comfortable enough to keep a conversation going with a girl) should also be able to make some of these techniques work.

Now, just as every other technique I have shared in the past, these serve as examples. Yes, you may use the techniques shared more or less word by word – they have all been tested multiple times with great success – but the key thing is to understand the underlying principles and use those techniques as inspiration for your own material. If you want to use a technique as presented, that’s up to you, but I think it is key to understand the underlying concepts no matter what.

The techniques I am about to share will follow more or less similar structures and principles (I will cover all of them in a minute), and they should help you keep the conversation going – a conversation that:

Sound good? Let’s get on with it.