Seduction | Page 38 | Girls Chase


Moving from standard attraction to physical and emotional intimacy with a woman of your choice.

Sexual Tension Report #1: The Girl Who Wouldn't Stop Talking

Alek Rolstad's picture

girl won't stop talking
A case study of how to use sexual tension to sleep with a girl… Even when she won’t stop talking about work.

Hey guys, so today I will finally share a report in which I cover an interaction from meet to lay. Many guys have requested this from me lately, so here it is. Sorry for the delay; the reason I have delayed this report is because I really wanted to finish my series on non-verbal seduction, and then submit a report that illustrates how many of the tools shared in the series are applied. This way you can see how everything works when put together while also having the necessary in depth knowledge of the concepts being applied.

This report will cover a non-verbal seduction. It will be pretty obvious why I chose this path in the report. It was overall a smooth seduction with a pretty tall Swedish blond girl. That being said, I love a wide range of women, and this girl represents just one of the many types I like.

In this report, we will cover concepts like:

Let us get right into it.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Get Laid When You Have Roommates

Chase Amante's picture

get laid when you have roommates
How do you sleep with a girl when you have a roommate? There are two (2) scenarios: housemates, and roommates… And there exist strategies for each.

This is a question we get a lot on these parts: how do I sleep with girls when I have a roommate?

I’ve done enough hooking up with girls in places where I’ve had housemates, or even full-on roommates (i.e., someone who sleeps in the same room as you). While I usually prefer to have my own place or go to the girl’s place, it’s been my experience that roommates can actually make it easier for you to sleep with new women... I’ll tell you the reasons why in just a minute.

Caveat: this entire article is predicated on you not having totally lame cockblock roommates. If your roommates are lame pricks who don’t get laid and want to do everything in their power to make sure you don’t get laid either, then either change your living situation, or get good at going back to girls’ places or sleeping with girls in less conventional settings.

Assuming your roommates are at least marginally cool people whom we can get to play along with helping their bro get a new girl in the sack (or at least, they’re folks we can get to not interfere), let’s examine some strategies to help you bed babes in spite of your living situation.

How to Use Sexual Tension to Escalate to Sex

Alek Rolstad's picture

escalate to sex
Once you’ve built some sexual tension, what do you do with it? Well, using high notes, and 3 types of make-out, you escalate to sex.

Hello there. Today’s goal is to wrap up this 7-part series on sexual tension, which I hope you have enjoyed. This will also be the closing post of my bigger “non-verbal seduction” series, of which the sexual tension topic was a part. If you are only just now joining us, here are parts one through six:

  1. Sexual Tension Basics: What is Sexual Tension?
  2. How to Create Sexual Tension with Women
  3. What to Do When She Giggles or Jokes (Hint: Don't Break Tension!)
  4. Create Comfort with Her, and Sexual Tension Comes Easy
  5. How to Recover from a Sexual Tension Break
  6. Fractionation as Sexual Tension Amplifier (Make Her Crazy Horny)

Now, I would like to make the following clear: yes, I am closing off this series, but this does not mean I will no longer be discussing the non-verbal aspects of seduction in the future. Quite the contrary; you can count on more to come.

So, today we will discuss the closing, or rather, the final touch before you go in for the pull (i.e., tips on extracting her from the venue back to your place). In other words, we will discuss the final push. Along the way, I will share a few very cool and powerful escalation moves that didn’t make it in other posts so far. So, even though this post will have a main topic, some practical bonus nuggets will be added.

Touch a Girl and Take Her Home | Podcast with Pablo Garcia

Varoon Rajah's picture

Welcome back to another edition of the Girls Chase Dating Mechanics Podcast. In this episode, I interview Pablo Garcia, Girls Chase contributor and winner of a seduction community contest for the seducer who could be the most new girls in a single year. In this podcast, Pablo gives you an incredible array of ways to touch women that turn

Why Won't Women Just Say What They Want?

Chase Amante's picture

women won't say what they want
Women use ambiguity for three (3) reasons: to expose a man’s true colors, to retain room to maneuver, and to preserve their social reputations.

Maybe an hour ago, I finished reviewing a lesson from The Dating Artisan, part of my upcoming master class on succeeding with women. For each of these videos, I have to review once to make sure there’s nothing that snuck in we should edit out (our DoP’s toes sneaking into the frame have been a constant annoyance), as well as to add text and citations I want added. Then I have to review the final video a second time to make sure everything checks out. Each of these videos is around 50 minutes long on average, and there are about 50 of them... so you can imagine why it’s taking me so long (that, and that we still need to build the site / file delivery system / etc. for this thing).

Anyway, at multiple points in this lesson, our actress on the shoot claims she would not like if a guy did something to her I described (in the case I’ll tell you about, it was slapping a naughty girl on the butt). Meanwhile, even as she claims this, she laughs and becomes excited and flirtatious. At one point I highlight this and say, “She’s saying ‘no’, but at some point with a guy she likes, it’s going to be ‘yes’.” If you’re at all good at reading women’s signals, it’s pretty obvious when viewing the clip how the idea affects her. Not only does she get excited in the moment, but her flirting and laughter dial up dramatically after this incident for the rest of the lesson.

If you’re an old pro, you see a situation like this and grin and go, “Yeah... girls!” You love it. It’s fun. It’s a big part of what makes the whole thing exciting.

But if you’re not so good with girls yet, this is likely to be a point of major frustration for you. “Why the living bleeding hell won’t women just say what they want?”

Because sometimes they do.

But other times they don’t.

Sometimes they say exactly what they want. Sometimes they say the opposite of what they want.

How the heck is a guy who’s not good with women yet supposed to decipher all this?

Fractionation as Sexual Tension Amplifier (Make Her Crazy Horny)

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

fractionation sexual tension
When you fractionate sexual tension – by breaking tension yourself, then resuming it later – you make its effect much, much mightier on her.

Alright, this being my sixth post in my series on sexual tension, we have already covered the crucial steps. You can view the previous installments in this series here:

  1. Sexual Tension Basics: What is Sexual Tension?
  2. How to Create Sexual Tension with Women
  3. What to Do When She Giggles or Jokes (Hint: Don't Break Tension!)
  4. Create Comfort with Her, and Sexual Tension Comes Easy
  5. How to Recover from a Sexual Tension Break

Today we will add some seasoning – my favorite seasoning: fractionation. This post, therefore, will serve as a very powerful expansion on the foundational elements we’ve previously discussed.

Some may consider themselves more or less familiar with my previous posts, which will help in grasping this material. It would perhaps also be a good idea to have experimented a bit with the concepts covered in those posts in order to have built some comfort with them.

What I am going to teach you here is how to push the sexual tension to the next level and how you can gain increased control over it.

Now, this post is some topping on the cake – more of a “master class” thing.

Either way, let us get into it.

Turn Her On in the Club | Podcast with Alek Rolstad

Varoon Rajah's picture

In a jam-packed interview, Alek Rolstad shares how to turn girls on (big time) in bars and nightclubs. He shows you how to escalate touch to get her excited. He shows you how to decide WHICH girls to approach (and which girls not to bother with). He shares his approach to dealing with “wild card” situations, where random elements appear to help or hinder you.

Tactics Tuesdays: What to Do If You're Not That Sexy (Yet)

Chase Amante's picture

not that sexy
It takes time to be sexy. Yet while you’re working on it, there’s no reason for you to go dateless in the meantime.

Writing on the Girls Chase boards, a member by the name GottaChange says:

From what I’ve seen around the only men who manage to consistently bed women using a normal “person-to-person” frame are men who are particularly good-looking according to society’s modern criteria. It is as if their looks takes care of the attraction for them and they can just worry about having a normal interaction and move things towards sex.

All the other guys (the average-looking ones) being successful with women are, from what I have seen, those who are able to arouse women by projecting masculinity and sexuality and be consistent with it during the whole interaction. They aren’t faking it, they ARE like that.

I know for some of you this is easy if not natural, but for me this is very very hard. I can open girls using a friendly/warm/playful vibe but this doesn’t lead me anywhere. We keep bantering until she either sees me as a new friend or she loses interest and goes away.

Yeah, rarely I have had women becoming sexually interested in me even if I was just being normal and friendly, but it’s not something I can rely on regularly like I see good-looking guys do. I need to structurally change something about myself, and that’s why I chose this nickname.

So, this is not going to be an article on how to be sexy. We already have a bunch of those – here’s a few, for starters:

Rather, this will be an article on patching things together in the short-term, before your sexy self has emerged from the sexpot chrysalis.

We touched on the lack-of-sexiness problem yesterday a bit in my massive troubleshoot post “What to Do When Your Approach Just Isn’t Working.” However, I want to give it its own treatment in article form. Partly so you don’t have to read 12,000 words to find the one paragraph that talks about it. But also because it needs highlighting – what you don’t highlight often goes unnoticed.

One of the points we harp on a lot on Girls Chase is the value of being sexy. When you are sexy, girls become... pretty straightforward. You have clear sexual value on offer that appeals to women:

  • Women who’d like a boyfriend like you appreciate it

  • Women who’d like a friend like you appreciate it too

  • And women in need of sexual release really appreciate it

Most men appreciate sexual value too. They tend to view it as ‘charismatic’ or ‘cool’. Being sexy is a boon all around.

There’s just one problem. It takes time to develop that sexy vibe if you don’t have it yet. I think it took me eight or nine months to get mine to the point where I saw noticeable changes in how women received me. So what are you supposed to do in the meantime? Scratch days off your calendar and watch the seasons pass?

Obviously, that’s not so desirable.

Instead, you’re going to have to find some other ways to make girls want to do things with you.

How to Recover from a Sexual Tension Break

Alek Rolstad's picture

sexual tension break
Sometimes the sexual tension just pops. Maybe her friend stepped in or a random guy said something. How do you get it back once it’s gone?

Hello again, guys. I hope you are doing well! Welcome to part five of my series on sexual tension.

In case you are just tuning in, here are the first four installments:

  1. Sexual Tension Basics: What is Sexual Tension?

  2. How to Create Sexual Tension with Women

  3. What to Do When She Giggles or Jokes (Hint: Don't Break Tension!)

  4. Create Comfort with Her, and Sexual Tension Comes Easy

In our fourth article, we discussed how to maintain sexual tension between you and your girl. This article will focus on how you can maintain the sexual tension in light of social context – that is, how to deal with “wildcards” when you are experiencing sexual tension.

Today I will divulge what I know about how to deal with social factors that can interfere with sexual tension, including her friends and the social world.

Without further ado, let us get right into it!

5 Secrets from The Alabaster Girl

Hector Castillo's picture

alabaster girl
Zan Perrion’s book The Alabaster Girl contains masterful philosophy on women. Here are 5 of its most stand-out points.

There is a beast in this world who walks around in the form of a man.

He doesn’t advertise himself too much, but he has been a constant yet subtle presence ever since the seduction community came out of the basement. This subtlety and grace speaks even more to his level of mastery.

He has been dedicated not to fame, glory, or riches (all of which he deserves), but to his passion: to be the greatest lover of women the world has ever seen.

His name... is Zan Perrion.

And if you navigate the treasure room that is his book, The Alabaster Girl, you will quickly discover that he is in contention for the title he seeks.

When you first encounter the flow of Zan’s prose in The Alabaster Girl, you may think you’ve stumbled upon an 18th century poet’s lost writings.

This is a mistake, and one he addresses in his videos about the book (and if you have trouble understanding his sometimes-cryptic language, especially if you’re still inexperienced, these videos will help clarify his thoughts):

Zan is anything but a hopeless romantic. If you’re experienced with women, you will see how the dark truths of male and female sexuality tinge the edges of each page and fill his flowery prose with rustic realism. He will say something so nonchalantly that if you simply gloss over it, you’ll miss how darkly beautiful it is, and how true.

Or, if you’re familiar with his old mASF forum postings, you will know personally how much of a scoundrel he is (a charge he accepts in the opening pages of his book). Eighty-nine lays in one year, cuckolding Johnny Depp in a nightclub, dating and living with two girls who are best friends... he is no saint, and that’s why he knows women and truly loves them. He embraces both the darkness and the light of the world, both of the masculine and the feminine.

Once you get to the chapter on his early childhood, you will understand. You will know his grit, his darkness, and therefore the true breadth of his light, because of that darkness.

And you will know his deep, abiding love for women. Reading of his longing for women was like reading my own confessions of unconditional love toward women.

I could write an entire book on what I learned from his book, but we’re going limit this post to the first five secrets that resonated with me upon my now third reading.