Investment | Girls Chase


The art of involving a woman more deeply in a conversation, an interaction, a date, a seduction, a relationship.

Tactics Tuesdays: Kick Her Out or Leave (at Least Once)

Chase Amante's picture

kick her out
When you kick a girl out (or leave her place yourself), you set excellent precedent – for the long-term of that relationship.

There's one very special thing you should do with every girlfriend you plan to be with longer than a month or two.

It's a thing she will always remember - one of those memories that sticks in the brain.

She may not necessarily cherish it... but then again, she may.

That thing is to kick her out.

You can also leave. Though leaving is less powerful than giving a girl the boot.

You don't want to do this capriciously. You should only do this if a girl truly gives you a good reason to.

Fortunately, women being the boundary-testers they are, sooner or later every girl will give you a good reason.

And when you give her the boot - or take your stuff and go - you set a precedent for the entire rest of the relationship that makes everything else you do easier... because it's backed up with teeth.

Should You Ever Date a Girl with Baggage? The SMV Discussion

Chase Amante's picture

girl with baggage
Every girl has baggage. But should you date one with a lot of baggage... And how do you deal with baggage a girlfriend brings into your relationships?

Commenting on my article about starting a relationship with a new girlfriend, a reader named Arik writes:

Hi Chase,

I’ve been gaming for a while and defintively gotten amazing things from it in all areas of my life. I met a girl that I really like and would like to move foward with her. She has had a bad experience with getting cheated on and feels scared of going through that again.I met her through cold approach. She is scared of me doing this all the time. If she were to find out that I do and flirt with girls boldy like that daily, it will definitively hurt her bad. I dont want stuff like that in my conciense I already talked to her about my intentions with her and pretty much following your points. Nothing official yet but clearly the ‘we can see other people until then’ wont fly well. At the same time, I know that if I stop approaching and doing game, just like with he gym, my gains will be gone and that will drive her away. I’ve seen it so many times happen to others. I am not sure how to handle this, since this is the first girl I want to push things with from game. All this time I’ve been focused on getting good and refusing to settle with girls I met. You talked briefly on ideas of how to handle this, but If you could elaborate further, I would greatly appreciate it .


First, a few notes directly to Arik’s situation. If a girl is adamant that you don’t approach other women, and you assure her you won’t, you’ve made a choice. You could lie and do it anyway... whether you are comfortable with that or want to deal with the fallout from it is a personal decision. That said, you can still flirt with women in your day-to-day life, sans cold approach... that will maintain some degree of abundance (albeit not to the level that taking things farther along with women will).

That said, what we’ll focus on in this article is not the question of Arik’s comment but rather one that occurs to me based on the situation he details. It’s that of ‘women with baggage’ – for example, this girl who’s been cheated on... and fears a repeat. Should you date a girl with baggage... and how do you manage it if you do?

For Getting Girls, What You 'Cost' a Woman Is Vital

Chase Amante's picture

what you cost to date
Once you’ve made yourself an attractive man women want, the battle is half won. The next step: finding ways to lower your cost, to make it easy for women who want you.

Most of what men focus on when they think about doing better with women is what they have to offer women. They think about how they can sell themselves to women; what women have to gain from them. Their value. Being impressive, taking women on fun dates, getting muscular, showing off their successes, having cool stories to tell – all these are ways to better display what you have to offer to a woman.

Much of what we focus on on the attraction side for men at Girls Chase focuses on bolstering what you have to offer, too. With better fundamentals you become a man women are more and more interested in. And with better game you make it easier and easier to showcase your attractive sides and find ways to get girls to go come with you.

Yet there’s another side of the equation to any value offering. It is not just how valuable something is, but also what its costs are.

That’s ‘costs’ plural, because there are always multiple costs to anything you acquire or add to your life. Costs like:

  • Time: how much time does it take to get this thing?

  • Money: do you need to spend money to get it? If so, how much?

  • Image: are there costs to your image if you acquire this thing?

  • Motivation: do you have to exert willpower or fight inertia to get this thing?

  • Opportunity: by choosing this option, do you give up something else?

... and more.

When it comes to dating and seduction, every woman you meet faces these and other costs when she considers you.

How to Hook Girls In, Pt.3: Building Intrigue

Alek Rolstad's picture

building intrigue
So far, we’ve tackled effective pre-opener tactics. Now it’s time to build intrigue to set the hook and reel her in.

Welcome back. So, last week we discussed opening, and in particular, pre-opening.

But what do you do once you open? You transition into material that hooks girls in. The things you have to focus on during the initial phase of the interaction are:

The first one is something you should always do throughout and after the interaction. The second aspect is the key here. There are many ways to hook a girl in a stimulating way. For example:

I use teasing sometimes, although I’m not an expert. I tend to fall into the trap of miscalibrating them and coming off as rude, ruining my sets.

Occasionally, some witty comments come out of my mouth, but it usually happens when I feel on fire – or in state, rather – which we label as high micro (social) momentum.

I will not discuss funny lines or teasing here because I will never write about anything that I am not a full-blown expert in. When it comes to “games”, they usually follow different structures. Using games is kind of out of trend these days.

Many guys prefer being more natural, and even for us technical guys, we like to make things “naturalized” rather than stick to canned games. Using canned games is so 2005 anyway! That said, they do work. They usually hook girls in and can stimulate them enough to buy some time.

Sadly, each game follows a different structure. I could write a post where I compile a bunch of games, but I think these will have been posted elsewhere on the web a century ago. Some examples that come to mind are The Cube, Strawberry Field, and question games. One I personally really like is called "Fuck, Marry, or Kill.”

Tactics Tuesdays: 5 Ways to 'Assume the Sale' with Girls

Chase Amante's picture

assume the sale dating
You know she likes you, but want to avoid resistance when you ask her to do something? Don’t give her the chance to resist. Assume the sale instead.

"Assume the sale."

It's one of the most recognizable sales mantras. Don't ask the prospect if he wants to buy. Assume he does. Then proceed under that assumption.

This advice has long made the rounds in seduction circles as well.

It's good advice, when timed well and calibrated to the girl and the scenario.

When you 'assume the sale' with an interested woman, you aren't jumping the gun heedlessly, of course. You don't assume "Well, she said 'hello' to me, so now I can take her hand and lead her to the washroom" (what you can do when she says 'hello' to you? Assume attraction). Rather than jump any guns, instead you read a girl's signs of interest and when you can tell she's probably ready for something, you just assume she is... and lead.

That's all well and good. If you don't have any sales training though, how do you do this?

Today's Tactics Tuesdays post arms you with five (5) different ways to assume the sale with women - all you have to do pick the method most suitable for your girl and your situation, and apply.

Tactics Tuesdays: Quick Yes-Ladders to Smash Resistance

Chase Amante's picture

yes-ladderOne of the biggest obstacles with women is resistance.

If a girl gives you no resistance, you can do whatever you want with her, right?

“Come with me,” and she goes with you. Great. “Spin around, show me your dress,” and she spins. “Let’s head somewhere a little more private,” and she heads there with you. “Take your shirt off,” and she does. Perfect.

Yet the courtship dance is built on resist-persist. She resists, you persist. She resists, you persist. This ‘persistence testing’ women do is a way for them to vet your confidence and romantic aptitude. And confidence and romantic aptitude are signals to a woman of your mate quality. The more confident you are, and the more you know how to handle whatever she throws your way, the higher caliber a mate she judges you to be.

For this reason, handling resistance is one of the big things you must be able to do to get the women you want.

Today we’ll look at one quick, simple resistance-buster that lets you carve through moderate resistance from otherwise interested women: the quick 2-to-4-step flirtatious yes-ladder.

Build Intrigue and Investment with Conversational Pauses

Alek Rolstad's picture

pause to build intrigue
Talking a lot isn’t what gets a girl interested in what you’re saying. To get her to hook, throw her some bait… then allow time for her intrigue to build.

Hey, guys! I would like to share a quick little tip that you can start applying today. Very simple, yet so key. Again, like I’ve mentioned so many times, just because a trick is basic or simple doesn’t mean it isn’t crucial or powerful – quite the contrary, in truth.

As a matter of fact, what I am about to discuss today comes under what I would label as “fundamentals” – key to becoming good with women.

It doesn’t matter what type of game you run, or where. This trick is useful, no matter what. Not only useful but even a necessity! Let’s get on with it.

This post is fit for beginners as well as more advanced players who need a recap. I’ll share two cool openers and a “hook” gambit you can use, all easy to pull off. A nice little bonus for you!

I/A Catch-22, Part 2: How to Counter the Double-Bind

Varoon Rajah's picture

counter i/a double bind
While it certainly may entrap you, the I/A double-bind can be countered – or even better, using the strategies here, entirely avoided.

Welcome to Part 2 of our series about the investment-attainability double-bind.

In Part 1, we talked about why the double-bind happens:

  • A woman stalls courtship to seek more information through a man’s investment, but this kind of investment reduces a woman’s attraction to him.

  • A woman stalls courtship when a man seems unattainable, which means he seems very attractive but she hopes to rope him into a commitment by making him invest more before sex.

  • Both these elements combined create an unwinnable scenario for either party – by the time a man has invested enough to seem attainable to her, he has also killed his attraction and she no longer wants what she once wanted.

Now let’s dive into strategies to counter the double-bind – and ways not to.

I/A Catch-22, Part 1: Why Is She Withholding Sex?

Varoon Rajah's picture

she's withholding sex
If a girl likes you but withholds sex past a few dates, an investment-attainability double bind may be the culprit.

Have you ever gone on a first date with a girl and things went well with both of you seemingly enjoying each other… then found yourself struggling to take her home and shag her, and instead of doing so, you agree to meet once again for yet another date?

Have you then found yourself going on multiple dates with that woman – some of them quite intensive and creative – and yet, she still refuses to go home with you. Or if she does go home with you, she shies away from having sex? Has this gone on for over five meets?

Today, we’re going to talk about one of the most common double-bind situations in courtship, where a girl’s desire to get a guy to commit to her results in additional investment-seeking – in the form of deferring sex.

This draws out the courtship and causes her to lose interest in him, and they never get together or have sex. Instead, both the man and woman just waste a bunch of time and leave the situation unhappy, not getting what they wanted.

Tactics Tuesdays: Brushing Off Tough Questions

Chase Amante's picture

brush off questions
You never want to explain yourself to a woman’s tough questions. Yet to brush them off, you need the right tactics – and the right mentality.

We’ve talked about tough questions (which fall under the umbrella of ‘tests’) before. I’ve given you some ways to answer these well, as well as a formula to know how to respond to such challenges (i.e., status and respect). And, perhaps most importantly of all, I cautioned you never to explain yourself to women.

Today we’ll talk about a few specific varieties of challenging questions you can receive (from both men and women... though we’ll focus mainly on questions from women today). That variety is tough questions; questions that put you on the spot, in a not-so-helpful-to-your-cause sort of way.

We’ll talk about brushing these questions off. But there’s going to be a twist to how we do this; we don’t want to do a brush off in a way that looks like we are trying not to answer. That’s because if you evade someone’s questions (for too long), it seems like you’re frightened, or have something to hide.

So instead, we want to brush tough questions off in a way that either blows up the question, or lets us answer it on more favorable terms.