Investment | Girls Chase


The art of involving a woman more deeply in a conversation, an interaction, a date, a seduction, a relationship.

How to Set a Meta-Frame for Successful Seductions

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

setting the meta-frameFrames are easier to set with the right meta-frame in place. Yet frames feed into the meta-frame to. So how do you set one conducive to success with the women you want?

Hey guys! Welcome back.

Last week we went over meta-frames – what they are and why they are essential. A successful seduction involves the meta-frame to some extent; no two ways around it unless you get lucky, which can also happen.

The meta-frame is “prizability,” the frame where you are the prize and women chase you, instead of the other way around. More importantly, it gives you full control over the frame of the interaction. By default, this will allow you to lead the interaction and come off as dominant (and no, dominance, in this case, is not being the big tough guy who chops wood. We’re talking about social dominance with frame control).

The lack of a meta-frame makes most seductions collapse.

Imagine you want to set a social frame by establishing rapport, and you do so from a frame of neediness (against the meta-frame). You will come off as “try-hard” – trying too hard to get to know her.

Imagine that you are trying to get her to invest in a needy way. That’s a paradox since you’re clearly investing in her and not the other way around.

Now imagine you are trying to set a sexual frame without respect for the meta-frame. You will come off as sexually desperate and perhaps creepy.

You need the meta-frame, or else it all falls apart.

But how is this frame set? That is what we will discuss today.

Screening vs. Qualifying Women: Do You Always Want Her Qualifying?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

screening vs. qualifyingYou can use screens to get women to qualify themselves to you in order to boost rapport. That’s great for investment. But what if you actually care about whether she passes a screen?

I can hear you already:

"But Chase, I thought it was screening and qualifying women? Not screening versus qualifying!"

Ordinarily, yes. This article's about a slightly different tack, however.

In much of usual seduction practice, screening is a tool to get women to qualify. Or a tool to see whether women are invested enough to qualify.

For example, you tell a girl, "There's nothing like a good adventure. Going somewhere new, doing something novel, trying some unique food or experience for the first time. I love it, personally." That's an implied screen.

When you screen her like that, assuming you already have rapport with her, there's a fair bit of pressure on her to qualify herself and answer, "Yes, I like adventure too."

Even if she's the opposite of adventurous, she's going to feel pressure to tell you, "Yeah, that sounds nice," just to avoid breaking rapport.

As she qualifies herself to you like this, she complies with your frame.

If she doesn't qualify herself, it's an indication she may not be that compliant with you just yet.

Either way, this is helpful for your seduction.

But there are certain times you aren't going to want a woman trying to qualify herself to your screens.

Sometimes, you are using the screen to actually screen for whatever it is the screen's about.

And if she starts qualifying herself, instead of giving you the straight truth, she'll be investing, but you aren't going to be getting what information you're after.

Healthy Relationships Are Mutual Ones

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

healthy relationships are mutualAre your romantic relationships mutual… or adversarial? If you want a healthy relationship, you must seek to make yours as mutual (for both parties) as you can.

There has been this rise in what I'd term an 'adversarial approach' to romance.

In a way, the modern seduction community itself came from this. Women were out there, according to the seduction community, with their ' shields', seeking to resist men, to screen them, and test them, and men had to figure out ways to overcome these challenges and cause women to submit to them rather than brush them off.

(I never liked the terms 'bitch shield' or 'shit test', which is why we shortened them to 'shields' and 'tests' here. Even then these terms are still a bit too adversarial for my tastes, but when I began the site those terms were already established and I didn't want to totally reinvent the wheel, so we used them as-is)

It's not only the seduction community. Everything about Western romance has this touch of adversity to it.

Women advising other women say to 'never settle', as if love is this battle for the absolute best man and anything short of that is selling oneself up the river. Men talk about women not being 'worth learning all this', as if to enter a relationship one must learn a form of extreme combat that is no longer worth the reward one gets at the end of it. Women and men alike complain that the opposite sex is no good and not worth being with.

Modern relationship advice often talks about 'compromise', as if the two sides of a relationship are at war, and must come to an accord to move forward on things.

Yet a healthy relationship is not this way.

A healthy relationship is a mutual relationship.

It is one where partners do things together because it is mutually beneficial to do so, and because they enjoy being with and serving each other in their unique man and woman roles.

Tactics Tuesdays: When Women Break Rapport

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

women break rapportWhen women break rapport, it can be either a minor problem… or a major one. But how should you deal with it? Sometimes, more of the same. Sometimes, though, you must do the opposite.

"Come sit with me," you tell a girl. You've talked with her now for about 15 minutes and it seems like it should be that time.

"Are you always this demanding?" she tells you. She doesn't budge. "The benches here are sooo uncomfortable." She still won't budge.

It dawns on you that this girl is breaking rapport.

You thought you had a good vibe going with her. But now she's refusing you, not directly answering your request, and driving the conversation in a different direction.

What should you do?

Indirect Seduction: 3 Common Misconceptions

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

indirect game closing argumentsIs indirect seduction harder than direct? Not necessarily -- not when used right.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today I'm sharing my final thoughts on indirect game. After a long series followed by reports demonstrating how indirect game works in practice, I've covered most aspects of this method. It is up to you to choose which techniques to use within the indirect game framework, molding them into a style that suits you.

Even though it's time to move on from this series and start discussing other subjects, I'm dedicating one last post to clear up any remaining indirect seduction misconceptions. I like to finish what I start, and I am sure many of our beloved readers feel the same way.

I'll discuss and debunk three misconceptions about indirect game:

#1 It's harder than direct game

#2 It requires more work than direct game

#3 It's less time-efficient than direct game

Once we clear up these misconceptions, my path will be clear to discuss other awesome subjects.

Tactics Tuesdays: Teach Her Things

Chase Amante's picture
teach your dateHere's a nice little tactic to get girls you meet and go on dates with to follow your lead and view you as an authority figure: teach them to do things.

One major attraction switch for women is male authority.

If you can show yourself to be an authority to women, they desire you more.

In particular, if you establish yourself as an authority over a woman, she will desire you a lot.

There are numerous ways to establish yourself as an authority in a woman's world... but one of the easiest is to teach her things.

For this Tactics Tuesday, we'll discuss tactically teaching girls things to bring them under your authoritative spell.

Compliance Tests for Attracting Women

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

compliance tests for attractionAttract her more with the aid of compliance tests. Get her to work for you, and suck her in.

Some wise man said that all pickup is compliance.

Oh, that was me.

Tony, What the F$*K is compliance exactly? I’m glad you asked.

Indirect Game, Pt 2: Making Her COMPLY with You

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

indirect gameIndirect game's strength comes from its reliance on ambiguity… which ignites a woman's curiosity about you, the mysterious man she can't seem to faze.

Hey there, and welcome back.

Last week, after sharing why I do not believe in direct game, I started my indirect game series, discussing what it is and how it is run.

For our purposes, indirect game is a form of seduction where:

  1. The seducer keeps his level of interest ambiguous until the girl starts showing interest (usually starting the interaction showing her little to no interest)

  2. The level of interest (and disinterest) you show her is proportional to the girl and the circumstances

  3. The way you show interest remains ambiguous, providing you with flexibility

The idea is to calibrate your actions to the girl.

When mastered, indirect game leads to better meet-to-lay ratios (higher chances of you getting THAT girl as opposed to any girl after many approaches). This is because you calibrate things to the girl.

You maintain more control over the frame of the interaction, so she is more likely to chase you (if done right), giving you a higher chance of generating compliance, making it much easier for you to escalate the interaction toward sex.

Today I would like to discuss compliance a bit further.

Compliance is how willing she is to follow your lead. We can break it down into three categories:

  1. Her overall interest in you and her desire to act

  2. Her willingness to follow your lead

  3. The absence of resistance to the above

I’ll cover resistance in more detail next week when I talk about escalating the interaction to sex using indirect game. I’ll discuss how indirect game helps you avoid resistance and how to deal with it.

Today let’s focus on generating (and maintaining) compliance.

Indirect Game, Pt 1: Interesting Her, Indirectly

Alek Rolstad's picture
indirect gameBy not immediately showing your sexual interest in a girl, Indirect Game allows you to appear mysterious and get her to chase.

Hey there.

Having pointed out many problems with direct game in my previous two articles, today I begin a series about what I consider to be the solution: indirect game.

I have read the comments to my three last articles (the two on direct, and the one on men's power in the dating game). While I am happy to see that this subject has engaged our readers, the fact that some have felt triggered hasn’t escaped my attention.

I attempted to deal with the comments and criticism from my first post on direct game in part two. Then, Chase responded to other remarks in his last post on “similarity of interest.”

I mostly agree with everything Chase mentioned in his post. Our thoughts are aligned on this subject. I will discuss similar subjects here, but we will look at them from a different perspective. This post (and my upcoming posts on indirect game) will be supplementing Chase’s post, which I recommend reading if you decide to follow this series.

If you are curious about how to run indirect game, this article and the following posts are for you. If you are a direct gamer who is curious about how indirect game is run, this is for you as well.

These posts will not only be theoretical; they will also serve as a good strategic template on how to get girls smoothly. It’s an overall game-plan.

Tactics Tuesdays: Compliance Swaps

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

compliance swapsI'll agree, but on these terms… That's the gist of a compliance swap: you agree to what she asks of you, but propose something of your own in return.

Sometimes a woman insists on doing something a certain way and there's no good way out of it for you.

Sometimes you have to travel a far distance to meet her, and it's unrealistic to get her to come to you.

Sometimes she's getting pulled along with a group of people and your only shot with her is to tag along, but in so doing you risk looking like a follower.

How can you maintain a modicum of a leadership role and keep her compliance up even as you invest in things yourself?

With a compliance swap!

This neat little tactic gives you the power back in seemingly powerless situations... and can even make the dice roll your way.