Tactics Tuesdays | Page 8 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Do a Street Stop

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street stop
There are four (4) ways to meet girls walking on the street: the side stop, the circle stop, the wave stop, and the policeman stop.

You’ve gone out for a stroll on your city streets.

The sunshine’s shining, the birds are chirping, and you’re feeling grand.

Then, you see her: Venus incarnate. A remarkably beautiful woman headed down the street, right to you. You know you have to meet her. There is a pull inside of you that insists on it.

Yet, you can think of no good way to say hi.

She’s striding along, mind on whatever it’s on, not having noticed you one bit.

How can you reach her in a natural, attractive way?

The way you do this is with something called the ‘street stop’; that is, you will quite literally stop her on the street to meet her. There are many different street stops you can use. Today, I’ll give you the four (4) most effective stops I know of. Once you have these at your disposal (and don’t shy away from using them), you’ll be able to meet those stunning girls you see on the street... rather than let them walk on by.

Tactics Tuesdays: Adding New Girl-Getting Tactics to Your Tool Box

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tactics vs. strategy
Tactics are majorly useful to your progress with girls… If you use them right. But use tactics in pursuit of the wrong strategy and you’ll hobble yourself.

I’m going to break slightly from Tactics Tuesdays tradition today to talk about how to learn tactics rather than give you a specific new tactic. To do this, I want to start with a particular hardcase example from our forums, a kissless 27-year-old virgin named Nexus.

Nexus wants to get better with girls... Yet his approach to dating makes this next to impossible. His chief problem is, as we'll identify today, a purely tactical approach to dating, rather than a strategic one.

We’ve discussed the difference between tactics and strategy before, in the context of relationship difficulties.

Today, we’ll talk about tactical vs. strategic learning as you seek to get dates, get kisses, and get laid.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Get Laid When You Have Roommates

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get laid when you have roommates
How do you sleep with a girl when you have a roommate? There are two (2) scenarios: housemates, and roommates… And there exist strategies for each.

This is a question we get a lot on these parts: how do I sleep with girls when I have a roommate?

I’ve done enough hooking up with girls in places where I’ve had housemates, or even full-on roommates (i.e., someone who sleeps in the same room as you). While I usually prefer to have my own place or go to the girl’s place, it’s been my experience that roommates can actually make it easier for you to sleep with new women... I’ll tell you the reasons why in just a minute.

Caveat: this entire article is predicated on you not having totally lame cockblock roommates. If your roommates are lame pricks who don’t get laid and want to do everything in their power to make sure you don’t get laid either, then either change your living situation, or get good at going back to girls’ places or sleeping with girls in less conventional settings.

Assuming your roommates are at least marginally cool people whom we can get to play along with helping their bro get a new girl in the sack (or at least, they’re folks we can get to not interfere), let’s examine some strategies to help you bed babes in spite of your living situation.

Tactics Tuesdays: The 5-Second Kiss

Chase Amante's picture

five second kiss
The 5-second kiss lets you kiss her as soon as you meet her. It’s fun, it’s quick, and it starts things off with a bang (or a smooch).

This is a fairly niche tactic. But it’s still worth knowing (and still fun).

The way the 5-second kiss works is this: you see a girl, beckon her over or pull her over to you, draw her in, and kiss her. And you do so in about five seconds.

You can use this in bars and nightclubs, on the street during the day, or anywhere. Here’s the catch: it only works on girls who are ‘in the mood’ for it, and it only works when you are ‘in the mood’.

The reason you’d do this is for a fun start to an interaction, to break up an otherwise monotonous outing for yourself, or just to feel more ‘alive’ when you’re out at the bar (or wherever). Also, if you’ve never done this, it’s worth doing once, due to the limitation-shattering it provides.

This is not necessarily something you will do to raise your odds of success with the girl in particular you use it with. Though it can sometimes lead to a hookup.

Instead, this is something you use for the pleasure of it, the momentum of it, or to let yourself see what you can do.

Tactics Tuesdays: Where to Post Up in Bars or Clubs

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post up in a club
Guys often post up in all the wrong places when they hit the club. This is the guide to posting up right: all the best spots to nail down in clubs.

If you pick up girls in bars and clubs, one of the issues you will soon run into is where to post up inside these venues. You’re not going to be walking around non-stop for four hours straight, for instance. And you likely won’t meet your girl for the night soon after you enter the venue, and grab a seat with her, then leave. It happens sometimes, but usually you’ll be there for a while.

Thus comes the strategic consideration of where to post up. Where are you going to position yourself when you aren’t circulating through the crowd or chatting up a girl?

This sounds like a minor point. Just pick anywhere to hang at for a while, right?

Yet if you’ve spent any amount of time in bars, lounges, or nightclubs, you’ve already seen many a ‘bachelor’s row’: that long line of lonely men, standing alone or in pairs or trios, shoulder to shoulder, clutching their drinks and watching the crowd. Finding the right spot to post up at is not something that comes natural to most men.

If you don’t want exile in bachelor’s row (and you definitely don’t want exile in bachelor’s row), you’ll need to pick better post-up spots to bide your time at.

Tactics Tuesdays: 2 Techniques that Let You Read Minds

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read her mind
What if you could read a girl’s mind? It’s possible to get inside anyone’s head – but you’ve got to know the techniques.

It is uncanny how some people seem unnaturally good at getting into your head. They can understand your needs and wants. Know when you are feeling a certain way. And do it as if they possess a weird sixth sense that lends a window into your mind.

Sometimes it makes you wonder if these people are born with a special ability.

But, as cool as that sounds, I do not believe in ESP.

What these so-called mind readers are incorporating – either consciously or subconsciously – is a set of techniques that allow them that extra edge. What are these techniques, and how can you master them?

Through my adolescent years I was caught in a social fog, unable to read people or their feelings, let alone their thoughts. I struggled and grasped at seemingly nothing, trying to find a firm hold on what was going on around me. Interactions with my peers seemed to buzz by me in a flurry, and I just could not keep up no matter how hard I tried.

People utterly baffled me. After several years, amazing mentorships, and loads of experience, I can say now that I am no longer that confused kid. Now a veteran seductionist, I am in the top percentile of social acuity. But it is not because I was born this way. It is because of the tricks and interactions I have accumulated in my five plus years picking up women.

With this learned knowledge and skill, I can cold read someone with 85-90 percent accuracy using what I am about to teach you.

Tactics Tuesdays: A2daMIR-Style Banter and Frame Control

Chase Amante's picture

Natural and nightclub bouncer, A2daMIR wielded a unique and masterful approach to seduction... Focused on turning the tables on girls.

One of the all-time best posters on the now-defunct mASF seduction forum was a guy named A2daMIR. A2daMIR was a Boston-based nightclub bouncer who routinely pulled off brilliant pickups... Typically with hot and bitchy girls. His ribald sexual humor was one of my inspirations for chase framing, but he has tech beyond just innuendo.

A2daMIR long claimed that his success came from having big muscles. He worked out hard for a number of years to build a ripped body, and after he reached a certain point, that’s when he noted his sexual results began to shoot up. Yet if you ask me, it was A2daMIR’s brain, not his body, that was the biggest factor in his success with girls. I’ve seen tons of extremely muscular men with dog-ugly girls, and had one of the most muscular guys I’ve ever known (this guy was absolutely HUGE) break down in tears to me about how he was never going to find a girl. A2daMIR had something these other muscle-bound guys didn’t.

Which is not to rag on muscles (muscles are great). If you have the time to build them, muscles are a real boon, although the greatest boon seems to be the intimidation factor they have on other men, and your own feeling of confidence to be ballsy and asshole-ish (when you choose to be) without having to worry about getting clobbered by some meathead who doesn’t like what you have to say. Perhaps also your sex drive; lifting hard and heavy over a sustained amount of time generates huge amounts of testosterone (and the sex drive to match). Muscles also have a certain curiosity factor for most girls, girls do find them attractive, and certain women have ‘muscle fetishes’ (the same way some guys like girls with huge breasts, or big behinds, or muscular legs, etc.). However, these are beside the point.

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to what I view as A2daMIR’s most defining signature: his ability to maintain his frame with hot, bitchy, defiant girls, in a way that both turns the tables on them and draws them in at the same time.

And to illustrate this, I’m going to use excerpts from a couple of reports of his... And break down the tactics he uses.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Approach Girls Who are Eating Alone

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girl eating alone
How to approach a girl eating alone – you must disarm her concerns of awkwardness first. Then you turn the tables.

This one’s a bit niche. But hey, I just covered a very broad topic (in great detail!) yesterday in my how to get a girlfriend article. So I think I can tackle a specific one here.

On our discussion boards, forum member CuriosityKillsTheCat asks:

I’ve approached girls eating many times. It was difficult. Most of the time she had to stop and talked with me. Also I hadn’t find a way to move her to another place. Phone numbers were 100% flake.

Do you guys approach girls eating? My school’s cafeteria has many girls sitting alone eating there. I might miss out big opportunities.

(here’s his forum thread on this)

It seems like a simple one to solve: she’s by herself, just go talk to her. Right?

Except it’s a little more complicated than that. Try it out, and you’ll find it’s often a bit awkward and a little intrusive to approach a girl who’s seated alone, eating her meal. You can make her feel trapped, and if there are ample places to sit, you look like you’re chasing her if you go all the way over to her. There are plenty of snares here for you to fall into.

Is there a way to consistently approach girls alone in large cafeterias (or elsewhere), and have it go well?

Tactics Tuesdays: Fixing a Poor Tactical Focus

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tactical reset
What happens if you just aren’t getting anywhere with girls? Should you grind it out? No – instead, enter the tactical reset.

Have you ever seen those a guy who tries to learn game, but no matter what, he just can’t get results?

He could spend months – or in the extreme, years – and never progress beyond getting phone numbers from girls (that never lead to dates) or make-outs with them (that never lead to sex).

Hopefully, you haven’t experienced anything quite so bad (the worst-case guys do seem to be a small minority). But maybe you’ve seen some flavor of this... You’ve hit a plateau, tried to grind it out, and just nothing was working. How do you deal with these situations?

In today’s article, I’m going to share with you the approach I’ve found most helpful for resolving this issue: it’s what I call a ‘tactical reset’.

Before we get to that though, let’s talk about why these hang-ups happen.

Tactics Tuesdays: “That’s Fake” and Practice Mentality

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practice mentality
When you start to change your appearance or behavior, people can call you fake. Or you might even feel fake. Yet with Practice Mentality, you can avoid all this.

In my August article on seven major dating mistakes, a reader asks about people who view (or attack) self-improvement efforts or general behavior as ‘being fake’ or ‘not being real’:

This is regarding barriers to improving fundamentals and improving your life in general:

Did you notice how people label any potential improvement as fake? If they improve, they think, people won’t like them for who they are and that’s bad. For people who have had advantages for a long time it seems like a natural part of them.

For example:

– Someone who is fat thinks that if he loses weight and women start liking him more, then they don’t like him for who he really is. They are just a bunch of superficial cunts. But, if you’ve been thin for a long time, it seems like a part of you.

– If you dress poorly, improving your fashion will seem as fake. Who cares how you dress? People should like you for who you are. But, those who dress well will tell you it’s just a part of them – part of who they are.

– Being famous or wealthy and getting great results with women also seems fake to many people (99.999% of people don’t have access to fame or great wealth). So, you’ll hear terms like ‘fame-digger’ or ‘gold-digger’ used to describe those superficial women who like rock stars, football players or bankers/CEOs.

– The same goes for learning ‘game’. If you’re learning it, then you’re just a fake manipulator.


What do you think about this phenomenon? Is it even real or am I delusional?

Well, first off, this is absolutely a genuine phenomenon, and it’s something every man who sits down to improve himself in one dimension or another encounters.

You start to change something about yourself, and somebody calls you fake. Or you see others change their reactions toward you as you change superficial details about yourself, and you decide they are fake. Or maybe you even look at your outward displays, deem them nothing like whom you are on the inside, and label yourself a fake.

I’m going to talk briefly about why people view people engaged in self-improvement as fake, and then I’m going to give you a useful mindset I’ve long used to not have to worry about this.

I call it the ‘Practice Mentality’. But we’ll get to that.