Seduction | Page 48 | Girls Chase


Moving from standard attraction to physical and emotional intimacy with a woman of your choice.

29 Things that Make a Woman Resist or Rebuff You

Chase Amante's picture

woman resist youIn my article “Why Leadership is so Key to Seducing Women”, a reader asks the about what the causes are of women resisting or rebuffing you:

Howdy Chase, I would personally like to thank you for your writing. Truly inspiring and life-changing for me.

Your leadership advice has reminded me of your “Tell if her walls are up” article and its pertaining point of avoiding red flags that provoke women’s walls. However, I am clueless what triggers women’s walls. Would you mind elaborating on those landmines? Best regards!

The article he’s referring to, about women’s walls, is this one:

Tell If a Girl Likes You: Are Her Walls Up Or Down?

So what does raise a woman’s walls in the first place?

Well, we can break them down into three (3) categories:

  1. Environmental triggers (stuff not related to you or her)
  2. Her default personality (i.e., it’s her problem)
  3. Things you are doing (i.e., it’s your problem)

Below, I’ll talk about each... plus the best ways for dealing with each.

An Intro to Logistics: Get Her Alone with You

Alek Rolstad's picture

Happy New Year!

I hope you are doing great. Today I will talk about a topic that is too often disregarded but that is KEY to seduction – perhaps one of the most important aspects.

This post is primarily an introduction to logistics. I will add a few links to other posts of mine (in addition to posts from other writers) that cover more in-depth stuff on various logistics related topics as we go along.


What is logistics?

Logistics is basically the scenario in which the seduction is taking place, e.g. your surroundings and the locations you will be working in. Knowing your surroundings and how to use them to their fullest will obviously be of great use.

Most of the time, when talking about logistics in terms of seduction, we often refer to it as a “seduction location” or “having a place to have sex”. And as this is what most people are focused on, so too will we focus on it in this post.

As such, this post is custom-tailored for anyone interested in getting laid, covering the fundamental aspects of logistics.

Awareness Radius: Get Noticed, Reward/Punish, and More

Chase Amante's picture

There’s a forceful concept we haven’t touched on a great deal on Girls Chase before, and that’s awareness radius.

We’ve discussed it a bit in the articles on the bored look and the skeptical look, and we’ve mentioned it as ‘extinction’ in the one on operant conditioning.

However, we’ve not called it by this name... awareness radius.

awareness radius

If you’re good, you’re using awareness radius strategically already, without knowing it. Once you’re consciously familiar with the concept, however, you can use it consciously as well as on autopilot, which makes you more socially formidable.

Even if you’re still learning, I’ll bet you’ll realize you’ve used this one from time to time, and what an impact it’s made. Now just think if you used it strategically.

Because, you see, awareness radius is a tool for communicating your own value, in your mind, relative to others; it’s a tool for rewarding good behavior and punishing bad; and it’s one you can use proactively to increase how much attention others are paying to you and what regard they hold you in.

5 Factors that Give a Man Sexual Confidence

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hey everyone.

Today I wanted to discuss a very important form of confidence that is rarely mentioned, yet is a KEY factor in your success with women. We are here talking about sexual confidence.

sexual confidence

I will first discuss what it is and how it will affect your success with women, then I will give some suggestions on how you can become sexually confident – i.e., tell you how to get there. So this post will be a mix of theory and practical elements.

Tactics Tuesdays: Hugs, Handclasps, and Arm-on-Shoulders

Chase Amante's picture

Today’s article will focus on three different forms of touch for use in similar situations (mostly as greetings... hello and goodbye):

  • Hugs
  • Handclasps (note: not handshakes)
  • And your arm on (or around) her shoulder

With each tactic, we’ll look at when these work best, when they can backfire, how exactly to use them, and what their pros and cons are.

So get yourself into a touchy-feely mood and let’s get to it.

Her Intentions Tell You Just What to Do with Her

William Gupta's picture

Women are constantly putting things you say into categories. They are looking at what you say not only for content but for what you’re trying to get across too.

  • “He said that because he’s trying to show off that he’s smart.”
  • “He told me that because he’s trying to get me alone.”

Most guys are unaware of this layer of communication, which leads to them making clumsy mistakes. But I’m not writing this article to talk about the clumsy mistakes you might be making in conversation, I’m writing this article for you to learn how to look at conversations the same way a woman does.


Adding this layer will make it easier for you to see why women say some of the things they do. It will also help you give a woman exactly what she wants, when she wants it (which is the fastest way to get what you want). At the end of this article, I share a painful story that was the catalyst for me writing this.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Make Her Kiss You Back

Francesco Toggianini's picture

Note from Chase: This is our first article from Francesco Toggianini, our first contributor from Italy. Francesco’s joining us for a four-article series trial, and if you like his articles and he keeps the quality up, we will bring him on as a regular contributor. Here’s Francesco, with his first article, on getting her to kiss you back.

The title of the article itself contains an important implication: you go for the kiss first, and then the girl kisses you back. It is your job to make the first move. Forget about this truth, and you’ve forgotten about the most important quality of a man: leading the interaction.

make her kiss you

Most of the results I’ve achieved in this game have come after I realized the overall importance of leading, and started to apply that insight infield. Leading could be the subject of an entire new article, but today we are talking about kisses and make-outs, so let’s dive a bit deeper into that.

Why Leadership is so Key to Seducing Women

Chase Amante's picture

seduction leadership“Get up.

“Stand up for just a second.

“Step over here please, I want to show you something.

“Okay, now turn around – eh! Not so fast. Turn around slowly.

“Hmm, okay, you’ll do. So tell me how this friend screwed you over exactly.”

Ever wonder why leading women and getting investment from them is such a lynchpin of seduction?

In all honesty, you can take a woman who’s completely unattracted to you, and if you can get her to follow your lead well enough, you can take her to bed and take her as your lover. I’ve done it plenty of times.

It’s nice when she’s into you. But it’s nice to know you’ve got options too, even when she isn’t.

However, if you don’t understand why leading like this, and getting buy-in and compliance like this is so crucially important to your success rate with girls, you’re going to miss a lot of opportunities to use it where you really should be using it.

So why’s it so vital?

Will Netflix and Chill Actually Get You Sex?

Chase Amante's picture

2015’s most popular humorous way to suggest a girl coming over to your place to hook up has been the phrase ‘Netflix and chill’, mostly used to joke about hooking up online, like so:

Netflix and chill

Netflix and chill

Netflix and chill

So, as we’re concerned on this site with what actually works, two questions then:

  1. Should you ever use ‘Netflix and chill’, or any other trendy line like this?

  2. How good are humorous/trendy lines at getting girls back to your place?

This post will answer both.

The 5 Factors of Successfully Picking Up Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing great.

Recently I have posted A LOT of practical posts - covering techniques and tactics in addition to some real life situations of me in the field. I haven't posted any theoretical posts in a long time. Although I prefer the practical element of seduction - I find them more interesting and useful - I still believe some theory can help you understand how this all fits together.


Note that I will still give you some practical examples when explaining this theoretical model though - so for those of you who like to read practical stuff, there will be plenty of goodies in here for you as well.

Today I would like to discuss 5 key factors that I believe have an effect on whether you will get the girl or not.

The key factors are:

Some of these factors can sometimes affect one another (but not necessarily). Everything in seduction is more or less connected. This is why understanding the whole picture is key in order to succeed at this.

Now, understand this before I move on: nothing when it comes to seduction is static. This means that any of the factors listed above are prone to change any minute. However, there are no guarantees that they will do so - and sometimes you simply cannot do much about a particular situation.

There are 3 things you can do to affect these 5 factors:

  • Directly affecting it - with your pick-up and seduction skills (such as affecting her mood - which is what seduction is primarily all about)

  • Move on, drop it, and meet new women. Oftentimes, this is the best solution (if you've persisted 3 times and you are still getting nowhere, better move on)

  • Focus on another key factor and hope that the changes that you might trigger on one factor will bypass any difficulty (so let us say that both your and her logistics sucks, then if you manage to get her so horny - to the point of no return - logistics will not matter anymore)

Anyway, I do not expect you to get all this right away. If anything is unclear so far, that is totally fine, because I will use the rest of this post to explain everything above in more depth, followed by some examples. Hopefully, by the end of this post, everything becomes clearer for you.

Let's get on with it.