Pickup | Page 34 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

Approach One Thousand Women and Believe

Tony Depp's picture

pickup seduction snake oil
Is pickup just a bunch of snake oil? No, and you should take my word for it. After you’ve approached enough girls, you’ll wonder why you ever doubted.

A reader from my newsletter messaged me: “This pickup artist stuff is a scam. All women care about is looks. Pickup guys market to the insecure, selling snake oil.”

“So, how long have you been reading my blog?” I replied.

“About two years now.”


“For the lols.”

For the lols. Right.

It’s the old, eternal debate. Is all this pickup stuff for real, or just a huge set of lies created to sell BS e-courses to hapless, neckbeard virgins? And unless you’re 6’5” with six-pack abs, a full head of luscious hair, and are wealthy, you’ll never get anywhere.

Sorry, you short, bald, broke, fat old bastards. No love for you (unless you buy my book, link at the bottom of this post).

Usually, you should be skeptical. Skepticism is healthy and good.

Somebody is trying to sell you on a pyramid scheme with zero chance of failure? The Earth is actually flat, says your favorite YouTuber? Meth isn’t really that bad, and if you just try it once you’ll be fine?

Skepticism keeps you from wasting your time, health, and money on things that are potentially terrible for you. However, when it comes to self-improvement, skepticism won’t help you; it will hinder your progress.

That’s why so many religions and cults thrive. They depend on the true believers. But the believers also get something from the deal. They receive a community, or message, that helps them transcend or something.

You probably just want to get laid.

When I discovered the Mystery Method, I wasn’t skeptical; not at all. Why would I be? A magician in a top hat is telling me to use negs and magic tricks to sleep with Vegas supermodels. There’s absolutely nothing there to trigger skepticism.

Here’s the thing. All this information is free. Sure, Girls Chase has a subscription and paywall, and we sell an amazing course called One Date (among others), but that’s because we employ a dozen gurus, editors, programmers, video editors, and so on. These people have to eat. But if you Google “How to pick up girls,” between blogs, forums, and YouTube videos, you’ll find decades of material you can binge on for free.

The only benefit to paying for it is to support your favorite author, pinpoint specific niche material or masterful consolidations of the essentials in one beautiful package to speed up your learning process. But you don’t need to pay for it if you don’t need to save time.

Skepticism won’t help you.

You have to ask yourself, "Do I really want to learn?" Then you have to believe in the process, fully. You must let go of all doubt and embrace the path of learning game.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Unlocking Levels with a Woman

Chase Amante's picture
unlocking levels with women
Every step of the way in dating and seduction, women have 'levels' you can unlock. And once you've unlocked a level, it stays unlocked.

In the back of your head, in every courtship you have, you must aim to unlock new levels.

A woman you've slept with is far easier to sleep with again than a woman you haven't slept with yet. This is because you've 'unlocked' the sex level with her. This is just one level, but look at how big a difference there is between women you have slept with and women you haven't.

With the woman you have slept with, you've done it together. She remembers doing it with you. And she won't have nearly the resistance to doing it with you again that a woman who's never been with you will.

Every man realizes this... at least in principle. And at least with women they've already closed the deal with.

It's why men invest a lot more time and energy into booty calling ex-girlfriends and former friends-with-benefits than they do random women from social circle or work they haven't slept with. She might not be sleeping with you currently, but if she's slept with you before, she's a lot more likely to come for a shag than a girl who hasn't bedded down with you yet.

This principle of 'unlocked levels' is also why you see so many women hung up on their exes, even when they know the guy isn't what they want, even when they have seemingly better guys pursuing them they could sleep with (then date)... yet they go back to the ex anyway.

It's why women you hooked up with once back in high school or college, when you run into them 10 or 15 years later, are still significantly easier to bed than any random woman you've just met, all things being equal (e.g., commitment status, etc.).

Once you've unlocked the 'sex' level with a woman, it's permanently unlocked (more or less).

That doesn't mean just because you've slept with a girl before, you definitely can get a repeat at any point in the future. Sometimes doors close.

But it does mean it's going to be a heck of a lot easier for you with her than with a girl you haven't gotten intimate with yet. The doors you've opened are a lot more likely to stay open to you than random closed doors are to open on their own.

But it isn't just sex that works this 'unlock the levels' way.

It's everything.

Female State Control (FSC): Theoretical Causes and Effects

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

female state control (FSC)
Women have a built-in defense mechanism against losing control and screwing the wrong guy. Let’s investigate the groundbreaking theory of Female State Control (FSC).

Hey, everyone. I hope you are all doing great. Last week we discussed a key subject in pickup and seduction, namely anti-slut defense (ASD). We define ASD as the female defense mechanism against social consequences caused by perceived promiscuous behavior. In other words, a defense mechanism that protects women against the potential slut label.

ASD helps us understand some of the causes behind female resistance toward sexual advances (in addition to feeling uncomfortable with the person or situation or simply not being that attracted to a guy; the latter is more of a rejection than a form of resistance). This is why women sometimes resist your advances despite being clearly into you.

Today we’ll discuss another form of resistance. In the future, I will cover this in detail. This form is called female state control (FSC). It has been known, at least on an intuitive level by some top seducers, but it has neither been addressed publicly nor written about in much detail. It shocks me a bit that this phenomenon is never discussed, because it is a key factor with encounters and seduction. It isn’t some weird subject that only happens to top-end seducers in rare circumstances. Beginners will also face this issue, actually more often than the pros.

As mentioned, few will discuss what I mention in this article. I know of only one guy who has put words to FSC, and his article was about a different subject. And because this subject is not discussed often, little is known. I will be honest; this is the topic I talk about the most in my seducer circles, and we still have not figured it all out. I am therefore giving you the latest, cutting-edge theory. Some elements of FSC are closely related to other well-known theories from sociology, psychology, and biology.

Here at Girls Chase we normally stick to topics we know inside out. This will be an exception because it is still a theory in development. Therefore, I will only give you the basic elements here, and expound upon it later posts when we know more and have clarity. Certainly more data needs to be collected, but we're on it!

Girls Who Want You, vs. Girls Who Are Bored-but-Available

Chase Amante's picture
available women

There are, in essence, two main classes of women you can hook up with.

The first class is the women who just want you. These women find you attractive (some, even irresistible), compelling, magnetic. There's something about you they like -- or there might be many things about you they like. They're fascinated by you the moment you walk up, or they've grown attached to you over time as they've gotten to know you. They like you, and they actively want to date you, spend time with you, connect with you, be in physical contact with you.

The second class is women who aren't particularly desirous of you, but they are available to you. Many of these women are just bored. Some of them may be available because they're out to rebel, and you fit the "If I hook up with this guy, I'll really be rebelling against Mom/society/my overbearing boyfriend" idea they have in their heads. Some may be available to you for revenge. For some it might be because they want to have an experience. In each of these cases, these women don't want you or like you so much as they want some guy... and you happen to be the best guy available who makes it easy for such a girl to satisfy her mission.

We've talked about this before on Girls Chase. But I really want to dive deep in this article on the girls in the second class.

Because a lot of guys don't even recognize how many women are out there like this at any given time. The fact is though, if you're good with girls, a lot of the women you get will likely come from this class.

Tactics Tuesdays: Watch for the Doggy Dinner Bowl Look in Women

Chase Amante's picture
doggy dinner bowl look
Women wear a specific facial expression when they want sex now. Keep your eyes peeled for it to get some easy wins.

There's a way a woman will look at you when she's totally into you and ready to go.

She tilts her head down. Her eyes widen. Her pupils dilate. Her eyebrows rise. She'll probably smile, and when she does, it looks like a childlike grin she can't control. You transfix her: she stares at you, looking like that, smiling like that, when you're not looking, and also when you are. If you stop speaking and just stare at her yourself, she'll stare back, with those transfixed eyes, longer than she normally would. You have the entirety of her attention. Her awareness radius has shrunk to you, and you alone.

She may face her body completely toward you. She doesn't have to, but she often will.

If she breaks eye contact, when she does it'll be to look down, even if she's usually the in-control sort who doesn't break eye contact down.

The nonverbal message you get from her as she does this is "I'm ready for it. Waiting for you."

The look is not sexy in the traditional flirtatious sense. It is not a thing a woman learns how to do. It is innocent, in a way. There is no practiced sensuality in it.

It's different from normal flirtation.

Instead, the look is wholly, strictly an involuntary expression that more says "I'm eager and willing" than it does "I'm flirty or horny." Eagerness and willingness are the key emotions behind the look. She is ready for whatever you want with her. She's handing herself over to you.

This look is impossible to mistake once you've learned to look for it.

If you haven't yet, it's one of the most absolutely essential looks to watch for.

As soon as you see it, it's 'game over' (in a good way)... if you notice and take action on it.

Level Up Your Game, Pt 1: Awareness and Being Present

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

awareness and being present in seduction
Being present and aware during a seduction helps you pick up on a girl’s state and guide things toward intimacy, all while avoiding wildcards and cockblocks.

Hey guys, it’s Daniel and Varoon starting a co-written series about improving your game!

We were chatting about game one day and brainstormed the idea to meet up in Canada, go out and wing each other, then write about it. At the time of writing, Daniel’s just gotten out of a several-month fling, and Varoon is single again after seven years. And since night game has never been a focus for Varoon, he's now committed to learning it – from scratch! We figured this would be a great way to understand and write about pitfalls guys face learning the game (applicable to all situations with girls – not just with night game).

From a weekend we spent together recently in Canada – not only to write these articles but also to train in game – we’re going to cover 20 tips guys can use to improve their game in this four-part series.

We got a proper lay report out of this link-up, too, and the lessons learned were many!

To kick off Part 1, we’ll talk about the importance of awareness and being present.

How to Get Laid by Creating “Backup” Logistics

Alek Rolstad's picture

get laid with backup logistics
Are you good at snagging girls' numbers at bars and clubs but can’t turn them into anything? Here’s the perfect technique to turn those numbers into sex – tonight!

Hey, guys. Welcome back. I hope you are all doing great!

Today we will discuss logistics! Ah yes, logistics – a subject of such great importance that so many of you find boring.

I will share one of my techniques that is nearly 100% based on logistics – it has given me tons of lays. In fact, the first time I got 8 lays in one month (years ago) was by using this technique.

This is a simple logistical technique that is EASY TO PULL OFF yet very powerful on many levels. You will need some basic pickup skills to pull it off, so knowing a decent level of fundamentals may be a prerequisite for the full effect. But even if you don’t know the basics yet, this can still work (but the better your fundamentals, the better it will work).

FYI, this post is about night game.

Let's get to it!

The Girlfriend Pickup Dip

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

girlfriend pickup dipIf you're exclusively a monogamous sort of guy, this article won't apply to you at all.

However, if you ever find yourself in situations where you have one or more women you see regularly for sex, yet you're still on the dating scene, looking for new girls to pair up with, you will encounter this.

It's a phenomenon we might call The Girlfriend Pickup Dip.

The Dip looks like this: once you have a woman or two to tend to your sexual needs regularly, your motivation to seek new sex partners begins to dry up.

You grow less driven to secure new girls. Your tolerance for dating-related difficulties (like women flaking, testing you, or sending you mixed signals) erodes.

You may still go out, but the hunger isn't there. It's harder to get higher caliber women, too, despite everything you've been told: that high caliber women like guys who aren't needy, that women want men other women want, that women can 'smell' success... despite these things, when your drive isn't there, women can sense it, and that's the biggest thing. Because high caliber women want men who value them highly, and are willing to put a minimum level of investment in to get them.

Thus, as an almost inevitable consequence, as you bring more women into your life, and 'fill your pipeline' or 'fill up your rotation', you reach a point where your motivation to keep adding new women falls, and you are less-good at getting the really top notch girls you got at your hungriest, as well as just doing the same volume of new girls in general.

This is The Dip, and if you like multiple women in your life, it can be a thorn in your side.

Tactics Tuesdays: The 'Too Distracted' Opener

Chase Amante's picture
too distracted by you opener
A simple, fun, direct opener to use on girls who are stationary and alone. "I'm too distracted by you" puts the blame on HER for being too cute.

This is a little gem from the old mASF seduction forums (credit: Lifeguard).

It goes like this: you're out somewhere and see a pretty girl, so you approach, give your name, tell her she distracted you with her cuteness, and ask her name.


You're in the café and see a girl. You approach her and tell her, "Hi, I'm Lucas. I was sitting over there trying to read my book but I am too distracted by how cute you are. What's your name?"

This opener combines direct with situational relevance, so it's to-the-point but still grounded.

It's also versatile (useful in a lot of different situations), as we'll see just below.

2 Strategies for Making a Move on a Girl

Alek Rolstad's picture

get laid make a move
You should never wait for a girl to make a move toward sex. That’s your job. These two move-making strategies will help you get the job done in most situations.

Should I pull the trigger? Should I make a move?

It’s a hard question. A question anyone in the field asks themselves often about girls – particularly if the girl is cute and the interaction seems to be going the right way.

So, what do I mean by pulling the trigger? It is making a direct move to push the interaction toward intimacy and sex. That big step depends on the situation, the girl, and you.

Making a move could mean:

No matter which one you are dealing with, it can be the gateway to the next level in your interaction.

If you fail to make a move, you will likely not get the girl. Reread this, because it is important:

“If you do not make a move, you will not get the girl.”

If you don’t make a move, three things will happen:

  • If you are lucky, the interaction goes stale – not forward but at least not backward

  • If you are unlucky, she will get bored or think you are weak and lose attraction for you

  • If you are very unlucky, she will bail and hook up with another guy. If your night truly is crap, she will do it in front of your face. But if it makes you feel any better, let me tell you that this happens to all of us

Now let's get to the finer points.