Phone / Text / Email | Girls Chase

Phone / Text / Email

Tips and tactics on being successful with women using the mediums of telephone, email, and text-messaging.

Tactics Tuesdays: Flake Handling, Prevention, and Mindsets

Denton Fisher's picture

flake prevention
A slew of helpful mindsets, prevention tools, and firefighting techniques for handling flakes. What do you do when she cancels on you?

Flakes are an area of dating charged with emotion. A lot of men take flakes personal in a big way. They feel insulted and like their time’s been wasted.

We have a few articles on Girls Chase already on flake-handling. They are:

Today, I want to share with you my views on flakes. Guys at different stages of their journey will give you different takes, and there a lot of different ways to handle flakey acquaintances. At this point, I’ve spent my time in the approach grinder, bedded well over 100 women, and I’ve accepted flakes as a part of the dating game – I’m beyond taking it personal. So my views are going to be different than those of a guy trying to have sex with 100 percent of the women he interacts with.

These mindsets and techniques won’t help you hook up with everything that moves. Not even Hollywood star status, world-class game, or a billion bucks in the bank will do that. And the stage you want to aspire to reach is the one past the stage where you feel the need to hook up with everything that moves. However, along the road to mastering this skill set, men should oscillate between both extremes to ensure proper growth.

With that said, here are my tips on flaking and text game.

Tactics Tuesdays: Calling Her When Texts Don’t Pan Out

Chase Amante's picture

On the heels of Alek’s recent post on fractionation, I want to talk about a fun little technique that uses fractionating your medium of correspondence to get somewhere with girls who aren’t responding well.

This technique is, simply, switching back and forth between texting and calling.

call text splitting

Now, if you’ve done things right from the beginning with a girl, you won’t usually need to use this – a great first impression, framing for the date before you get the number, then solid text game to set things up; that’s usually going to do everything you need it to do.

Usually if you need this technique it’s because you’ve done something wrong:

  • You made a weak first impression
  • You didn’t make it clear you wanted a date with her
  • Your texting was weak and/or unfocused

However, you can still have things unravel sometimes even if you were ‘perfect’; this is if, say, you do it all right, but the day she gets your “hey, let’s get things scheduled” text is a really bad day for her and she puts it off, anchoring negative emotions to texts from you / texts about dates from you in the process. Sometimes a girl can get it in her head that ‘XYZ thing is hard’ (like figuring out where on her schedule you fit), for reasons she isn’t aware of (anchoring), and an otherwise promising connection suddenly goes cold.

For any such situation, you have one neat tool in your toolbox – just vary the means of correspondence, between texts and phone calls (note: email / instant message is basically the same thing as texting, so doesn’t work to vary things enough – we’re talking ‘text-based’ vs. ‘voice-based’ here).

How to Turn Flakes into Dates

William Gupta's picture

You meet her at a coffee shop or the library and have a great interaction; she was laughing at all your jokes and she seemed excited about meeting up with you again. You leave feeling like you and her shared a connection and you are excited about the potential of meeting up again.

You shoot her a text a couple days later, asking her out for drinks. You glance at your phone a couple hours later, still no response. Eventually, you realize that she’s just another flakey number.


How to Set Up a Date with a Girl in 5 Steps

Alek Rolstad's picture

Today I will share some advice on how to set up a date with a girl... for all of you who like to grab phone numbers and have dates with the women you meet.

Now I know there are a lot of different systems on how to set up dates (which is the topic of today), and some might differ from mine on different levels.

What to Do When a Girl is Late for a Date

Chase Amante's picture

late for a dateOn our discussion boards, a member named killerman has run into a situation where girls are changing date times last minute, or otherwise being late for a date. Here’s what he had to say about this:

right there’s one thing that’s really getting on my nerves these days, and it’s girls agreeing to a time but then trying to change it last minute, then being late. it’s really getting on my nerves, but the thing is how do I express it without coming across as an asshole? i understand that sometimes things crop up but sometimes it seems they do it just because they feel like it. i cant remember a girl turned up to a date on time so maybe it’s their way of testing out guys? like maybe they do it on purpose to piss us off then see if we’re genuine by expressing our discontent?

What killerman wants to know here is how to express your disapproval to a girl at having her change times or be late.

What I’d like to use his problem for is to answer, in addition to his own question, a slightly broader one: what do you do when a girl is late for a date?

Do you get mad... or storm off... play it cool... or hang in there and wait... or, do you do something else?

Why Tinder is Still the Best Dating App Out There

Colt Williams's picture

Today’s the last day of the launch of my complete “get laid on Tinder” system; tonight at midnight, the price goes up forever. To top off this even with a bang, I’ve put together a detailed look at Tinder – and why, despite some new up-and-comers in the dating app space, Tinder remains the crown jewel of all dating apps.

Long ago, when a man wanted to meet a woman he was interested in – one who was not only fun and interesting, but also very attractive – he has just had to rely on luck or subject himself to the frenzied and unreliable environments of bars and clubs.

And then, at the beginning of the turn-of-the-century, some smart people who wanted to take advantage of the Internet age created online dating websites. They wanted to use the potential that the Internet had of connecting people locally, statewide, nationally, and globally, and apply that potential to a romantic context. They wanted to be able to bring people together and be a conduit, a spark of people falling in love with mates who they would have never otherwise been exposed to.

But online dating added setbacks: it was stigmatized; most sites were poorly designed; and after a while, the hot girls found that there were just far too many droves of thirsty, desperate men trying to get any kind of female contact or acknowledgment that they possibly could – which often manifested itself in a deluge of dick pics. And because of this unpleasant realization, they began to vacate the online dating scene and leave it for girls who were truly desperate.

And then… in the late 2000s… there came the app revolution.

dating apps

Suddenly you could do everything on your phone. You could check email, play music, and even handle your finances. So it was inevitable that, just like with the outset of the Internet age, someone would take advantage of this revolution in order to bring people together romantically. A few apps tried, but none saw true success until the advent of Tinder in 2012.

Tinder came and swept through the app world. It really put dating apps on the map.

What really got people was its effectiveness and simplicity. You simply look at someone’s photo, see how close you are, and then either swipe yes or no. And if you match, you could message them and potentially meet up.

And the best part was: it was completely anonymous. No one knew that you were on the app. Even people who came across your profile could only see it momentarily unless they matched with you. And if they did not, then you would disappear into oblivion and they would probably forget you soon enough.

dating appsThe icing on the cake: you could use the app from anywhere.

Like most things, in the beginning even Tinder was considered a bit fringe. It was considered – much like its online dating counterparts – for people who were weird or lonely or socially inept or otherwise outside of the norm of society. But slowly… and surely… it became more widespread.

Then in 2013, it started spreading like wildfire. Suddenly, everyone was on it: that girl from work, girls from the university campuses, girls from bars. Finally, something had managed to compel and keep hot, normal, socially adept girls in the online realm.

Now, the app is as ubiquitous as Google maps. Everyone has Tinder. But the best part about it is that it is not online dating. People are not on it to find their soul mate. They are on this king of dating apps for one reason and one reason only: and that is to get laid.

No pretense. No misunderstanding. Even for the women who pretend to be motivated by other reasons, this underlying truth still rings loud and clear.

How to Booty Call Girls You Meet: 8 Steps

J.J. Jones's picture

As a follow up to my last article from a couple of weeks ago on How to Sext & Get Racy Photos from Her (in Only 3 Texts) –and supplemental reading to Chase’s article on the subject of “Booty Calling” – this one will also focus on another “text to sex” method that you can use once you’ve reached (at least) an intermediate skill level with women.

As most of you hopefully know, we rarely recommend using texting for anything more than just setting up logistics, the reason being that texting as a communication medium is so impersonal that it just generally doesn't lend itself well to instilling the type of emotion(s) in a woman that you’re able to in person.

In the case of sexting and exchanging racy photos, we’re breaking that rule a tad (but for good reason). However, in this scenario, logistics is exactly the reason. To setup a booty call.

how to booty call

How to Sext & Get Racy Photos from Her (in Only 3 Texts)

J.J. Jones's picture

By: J.J. Jones

Note from Chase: this article from J.J. is focused on a direct “how to sext” method that is different from and complementary to the more playful method Colt talked about in “Sext Like a Pro: Is Sexting Girls Worth Your Time?

how to sext

Before we get started I’d like to just point out that this article is geared primarily toward teaching how to sext your way to racy, naughty photos from girls for intermediate to advanced guys. It’s not so much that I think someone who isn’t on that level yet with women cannot pull this off, but rather that it’s easy to blow girls out if you don’t do it correctly.

If you’re at the beginner stage, or even just a hair past it, I’d caution against using this for the mere fact that you need to be making it as far as you can in each interaction so that you are able to rack up reference points and experience so you can improve with women faster.

Additionally (if you mess up while doing this), creeping girls out isn’t ever a good thing, and, if you’re trying to pull this off with women who live near you, there’s a good chance she probably knows some of your friends or colleagues. Don’t let what happened to Brett Favre be your fate.

Those caveats out of the way, let’s get right to this, shall we?

If you’ve overheard women talk about men who ask them for sexy pictures of themselves, I’ll bet the reactions they claim to have had weren’t very positive, were they? However, don’t be fooled by this chicanery; if I had to wager on it, I’d guess that about eighty percent of women (and a greater percentage than that the more attractive and mature she is!) possess at least a small-to-medium sized smut gallery stored away on their cell phones for this very purpose.

And, some would surprise you, as I’ve dated quite a few women who would send me nude photos all of the time.

If there’s a whole lot going on in your head right now about this... good. I’m going to answer all those swirling questions you have along with many more that you haven’t even conjured up yet.

What to Do When She Gets Back in Touch

Chase Amante's picture

Was chatting with J.J. yesterday about girls contacting you out of the blue with a, “Hey, what’s up! How are you? We should get drinks/coffee and catch up!” message, and what this means / the right way to play it.

gets back in touch

These contacts – whether by text, phone, social media, email, or what have you – out of the blue always seem exciting; they’re like free dates (or even a free hook up, if you’re imagining far enough ahead).

You get them and it’s, “All right! Score! This girl wants me bad!

And then... much of the time after you reply, you never end up meeting her.

All that initial enthusiasm she had to reconnect with you simply dies down and peters out.

That might seem irritating, or mysterious, or downright vexing to you – “Who can understand a woman?” you might say.

But it all has to do with those little things called ‘intrigue’ and ‘investment’, and what happens when you have too little of them – or, how things play out when you have enough.

Top 6 Online Dating Sites (and Why They’re Top)

Colt Williams's picture

A while back Chase wrote an article on “How to Meet Tons of Girls on Plenty of Fish”. He’s also written a couple of other articles on how to find success with online dating and online dating sites.

Dating Sites

Needless to say, this site is definitely geared toward handling your fundamentals and process when in person with a girl. But, that being said, it is called “Girls Chase”, and there are many mediums in which you can get a pussycat to chase you.

I believe that one should always defer to in-person when dealing with women, whenever possible; however, online dating can definitely be a fine supplement to one’s game. If you read Chase’s myriad articles on the process of online dating – which he spent a lot of time tinkering with, creating profiles on, and doing tons and tons of research on – you will gain some key insights on how to jumpstart your progress and avoid a lot of common pitfalls.

And if you want to supplement your game with some online dating, then you will definitely want to know what the best websites are. So today, I’m going to outline the 6 best online dating sites and why they are on top. So let’s get to it.