Phone / Text / Email | Girls Chase

Phone / Text / Email

Tips and tactics on being successful with women using the mediums of telephone, email, and text-messaging.

How to Text a Girl in 2022

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how to text a girl opening graphic

This guide will show you exactly how to text a girl.


  1. Texting a girl examples
  2. Copy-paste texting templates
  3. Emerging texting trends
  4. Must-read resources
  5. Lots more

If you want to go from novice to 'textpert', this guide is for you.

Let's begin.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Scrap Clever

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I’m a huge proponent of comparison and analysis. One of the things I always look at is success rates, how women talk about guys, and how those guys treat women. Something funny I noticed a while back about some differences in how some men communicate with women versus how some other men communicate with women struck a chord with me, and I modified my communication accordingly. Since then, it’s been stronger and easier, and women chase me more.

Sounds like a magic bullet, no? In a way, it kind of is. So here’s the secret formula: take all those times and instances where you’re being ultra clever, and… scrap clever. Toss it in the trash heap.

Email: Not for Important Conversations

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I’ve long avoided email for having important conversations, especially any where I predict there may be even a hint of contention. I couldn’t have told you why before, just that I noticed that email conversations about sensitive topics always tended to go poorly. I’ve even lost a few good people in my life from email debates that got out of hand.

Against my better judgment, I just found myself caught up once again in a back-and-forth email debate with a good friend of mine. And once again, it quickly went from civil to cutthroat in the space of only a few emails.

Secrets to Getting Girls: Natural Number Swapping

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Ever go for a girl’s number, and have it just feel really awkward and contrived? Any idea why that was?

Imagine you’ve met a girl you liked a lot, and the two of you talked for ten minutes. Things went really well for the first seven or eight minutes, but they started to die down at the end. Finally, she says, “Well, I have to go find my friends.” (often, incidentally, a consequence of not moving fast enough with her)

Text Message Flirting

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Texting can be a super fun way to stay in contact with a girl, and to build up rapport and interest with her prior to a date, or even to a conversation – sometimes your first conversation.

But where do you start? It can be a bit overwhelming, especially for the guys out there who traditionally have stumbled on their words around women or never know exactly what to say. That's why, in this article, I'm providing you a how-to on text messaging girls.

Talking vs. Texting & Related Tips

Chase Amante's picture

Update: check out "Text Message Flirting" for a run down on the basics of text messaging, and "How to Text a Girl" for the most comprehensive how-to out there on text messaging women to build rapport and get them on dates.

Text messaging and talking over the phone are two different means of communication, and each have distinct advantages and drawbacks. Let's take a look here at what those are.