Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Quick Yes-Ladders to Smash Resistance

Chase Amante's picture

yes-ladderOne of the biggest obstacles with women is resistance.

If a girl gives you no resistance, you can do whatever you want with her, right?

“Come with me,” and she goes with you. Great. “Spin around, show me your dress,” and she spins. “Let’s head somewhere a little more private,” and she heads there with you. “Take your shirt off,” and she does. Perfect.

Yet the courtship dance is built on resist-persist. She resists, you persist. She resists, you persist. This ‘persistence testing’ women do is a way for them to vet your confidence and romantic aptitude. And confidence and romantic aptitude are signals to a woman of your mate quality. The more confident you are, and the more you know how to handle whatever she throws your way, the higher caliber a mate she judges you to be.

For this reason, handling resistance is one of the big things you must be able to do to get the women you want.

Today we’ll look at one quick, simple resistance-buster that lets you carve through moderate resistance from otherwise interested women: the quick 2-to-4-step flirtatious yes-ladder.

For Faster Sex, Avoid the Boyfriend Zone

Hector Castillo's picture

Sex won’t happen as quickly if she sees you as a potential boyfriend. Avoid boyfriend qualities and behaviors, and she won’t feel the need to wait for sex.

Girls generally want three types of men in their lives.

Lovers. Men they see as potential sex mates who may or may not be available for longer-term flings. They end up falling the most in love with these men because they are men who make it clear from the get-go what they want from her – sex – and she respects that. They have mostly a sexual value but can also have romantic value to her.

Orbiters. These are men women draw into their lives with some light flirting. Women give these men a sense that maybe something might happen if he provides her with emotions and/or social connections (a job, money, etc.), or they make it clear to the guy that he’s only a friend – but he hopes that might change some day. He has little-to-no sexual or romantic value to her.

Boyfriends. These are men women find cute or charming but seem a bit safer than some rascal lover. They can see themselves dating these men or even marrying them. The most elite of men can straddle the line between a lover and boyfriend quite well, which helps with higher-caliber women who don’t hook up with strangers too often. But most men who are boyfriend types are strictly boyfriend types.

At Girls Chase, we advise readers to focus on enhancing their position as a lover, since it’s the best route to go. Going the “I want to be your boyfriend” route takes more time than it takes to be a lover. Why?

How to Hook Girls In, Pt.1: The Pre-Opener

Alek Rolstad's picture

Being able to open girls and hook them in quickly is essential. These pre-opening tools will help calm your nerves and make the process smoother.

So I listened to Gunwitch’s podcast, and in it he mentioned that passing through the hook-point – when you and the girl (or group) feel settled in an interaction, where you are part of it, not just a stranger from outside trying to get in – is usually the part of the interaction most guys struggle with.

It is also the part that makes guys most nervous, making it even more difficult. The reason this part is difficult is because you don’t have much time. Once you settle in, you have more time; but getting into an interaction with a group is something you only have a few seconds to do.

Their attention spans are short, as they are not yet focused on you. You will not get away with as much, because you have so little playing room. Remember, women don’t need a reason to reject you. Once you hook, you avoid this issue, because they are more dragged in, which gives you more room.

Women judge you based on their first impression. If you mess up, you are screwed. You don’t have much time to present your good qualities, and you have no room for mistakes.

In other words, it is during the initial phase that you must use a lot of brainpower. It is also then that you have to do things perfectly and care about every small detail.

Now, I'm not trying to freak you out.

Firstly, I will provide you with a lot of material that can help you to get it right. Secondly, once you have a girl or group hooked, the hardest part is over. You can then convey your attractive traits in an easier, more peaceful fashion.

Have Men Become Disposable in Dating?

Chase Amante's picture

disposable dating
Have social media and dating apps made modern dating disposable? Not quite – the problem goes back farther than them, to mid-20th Century “throw-away culture.”

Two months back, a reader asked the following question:

Hey Chase could you possible do an article discussing whether men are disposable due to online services like Tinder & Co.? I mean when a man doesn’t put out a good performance on date, a woman can just say “next!” and go on Tinder for more endless matches. I currently feel that way and I thought another perspective man bring some fresh air.

It’s a pertinent question... although not as new of one as apps like Tinder might suggest.

American society (dating apps like Tinder originate from America too) has been accused as far back as 1955 as being a ‘throwaway society’. We have articles on the American habit of throwing away too much; articles that accuse corporations of being at least partly to blame, building things not to last or to become obsolete so consumers pay to upgrade to more recent versions. Other discussions focus on the abundance of material goods in our society, which by extension causes us to devalue those same goods.

This isn’t limited only to the economy and material wealth, either.

There are articles all over the Internet about disposable dating culture. Here’s an article that talks about disposable dating in New York and San Francisco. Here’s a blog post from a woman who talks about ‘recycling’ all the men she’s dated back into the dating pool. Here’s a more general one that discusses how to know if you’ve been in a ‘disposable relationship’.

You could make an argument that some portion of Girls Chase philosophy treats dating relationships like disposable goods. The recommendation to replace rather than chase assumes romantic partners are substitutable goods, and you can ditch one and get another one. The basis behind the advice in articles like “Can’t Stop Thinking About Her” and “Just Friends: A Man’s Worst Nightmare” is this too. I strongly recommend these articles and the perspectives in them, of course; they are necessary tools for navigating the romantic terrain in any developed, urbanized society. However, they reflect upon the nature of dating in a society like that as well as they teach how to navigate it.

Dating apps (like Tinder, Bumble, and Bagel Meets Coffee) ultimately are just the latest iteration of this modern American approach to personal relationships.

But is our approach these days truly disposable? Is it so only with men, or with women too? And if dating has become disposable, how much of online dating and social media is the culprit?

3 Ways to Use Sexual Misinterpretation with Girls

Chase Amante's picture

sexual misinterpretation
Sexual misinterpretation lets you turn your conversations fun and sexual in a snap. There are 3 ways to use misinterpretation: softball, standard, and tease.

Ever notice how some men are able to seamlessly sexualize their conversations with women?

How even as a guy when you talk to these guys things unfailingly turn sexual? Sex jokes; sexual topics; everything is sex, sex, sex. How do they do it... and further, how can you do it, with girls?

Sexual misinterpretation and sexual reinterpretation are how you steer your conversation down sexual alleys even when there was little or nothing openly sexual about the conversation before you took the wheel.

These are unique strategies that require certain mental focuses to make work, a certain degree of on-your-feet thinking, and a dash of humor. If you can pull them off though, you gain a new superpower: the ability to make any conversation you have with a woman a sexual one.

This is crucial for tactics like chase framing and sex talk. And it's just lots of fun in general.

Before we get to the outward mechanicals of reinterpretation, we're going to start with the inner foci you need to make the magic happen.

3 Legendary Movie Manhandle Kisses to Model Your Kisses After

Chase Amante's picture

manhandle kiss
3 classic manhandle movie kisses that made women melt on-screen and in the audience. Plus, the breakdowns for how to kiss women the way these men did.

Eight years ago we introduced manhandle kisses, those magical, manly kisses that turn a resistant or hesitant woman to one who melts into you.

Watching/seeing is often better than merely reading, though, so today we’re going to look at a few examples from cinema history.

First, a caveat on manhandle kisses: if you can’t read women well, don’t use manhandle kisses. Save them for when your experience levels are up and your instincts honed. If you’re in the West, be somewhat careful with manhandle kisses regardless your skill, instinct, and experience levels. Most Western women fortunately aren’t false rape accusing nutbags, but there is a moral panic in swing in the late 2010s English-speaking world, and it’s gotten trickier than when we ran the first manhandle kisses article way back when.

If you can avoid being a complete doofus about these kisses, though, a manhandle kiss is an awesome, mighty way to make a splash with a girl who was on the fence about kissing you... or who’d grown gun-shy after all the buildup to the kiss.

Below you’ll find three (3) legendary manhandle kisses taken from movie history – plus, the analysis to go with them.

Build Intrigue and Investment with Conversational Pauses

Alek Rolstad's picture

pause to build intrigue
Talking a lot isn’t what gets a girl interested in what you’re saying. To get her to hook, throw her some bait… then allow time for her intrigue to build.

Hey, guys! I would like to share a quick little tip that you can start applying today. Very simple, yet so key. Again, like I’ve mentioned so many times, just because a trick is basic or simple doesn’t mean it isn’t crucial or powerful – quite the contrary, in truth.

As a matter of fact, what I am about to discuss today comes under what I would label as “fundamentals” – key to becoming good with women.

It doesn’t matter what type of game you run, or where. This trick is useful, no matter what. Not only useful but even a necessity! Let’s get on with it.

This post is fit for beginners as well as more advanced players who need a recap. I’ll share two cool openers and a “hook” gambit you can use, all easy to pull off. A nice little bonus for you!

I/A Catch-22, Part 2: How to Counter the Double-Bind

Varoon Rajah's picture

counter i/a double bind
While it certainly may entrap you, the I/A double-bind can be countered – or even better, using the strategies here, entirely avoided.

Welcome to Part 2 of our series about the investment-attainability double-bind.

In Part 1, we talked about why the double-bind happens:

  • A woman stalls courtship to seek more information through a man’s investment, but this kind of investment reduces a woman’s attraction to him.

  • A woman stalls courtship when a man seems unattainable, which means he seems very attractive but she hopes to rope him into a commitment by making him invest more before sex.

  • Both these elements combined create an unwinnable scenario for either party – by the time a man has invested enough to seem attainable to her, he has also killed his attraction and she no longer wants what she once wanted.

Now let’s dive into strategies to counter the double-bind – and ways not to.

Women Want Your Attention

Chase Amante's picture

women attention
Everybody likes attention. Yet with women, attention is more than a means to an end – getting your attention is very often the end itself.

Women will tell you they want a lot of things.

But there’s one thing women want from you above and beyond all else: your attention.

They can want this attention to take various forms.

Some women want you to be smitten with them.

Some women want you to chase after them.

Some women want you to feel like you could never have them (yet pine after them regardless).

Some women want you to court them, seduce them, and make love to them.

Some women just want you to think they’re amazing.

But the one thing all women have in common is they want you to notice them, look at them, and pay them attention.

As a man, this is important for you to understand. All the women around you fight for your attention. They do it in different ways. Some tempt you; some shame you; some scold you; some befriend you; some agree with you. All seek to have you notice them, listen to them, and invest your time and energy into them.

You must understand you can control which women receive your attention... and what they must give you in exchange for it.

But just because you can control this, doesn’t mean you will. Many women are far better at extracting attention from men without giving things men value in return for it than men are at getting what they want in return.