Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Instantly Connect with Women You Meet via the Use of Pacing

Alek Rolstad's picture

connect with women
A true observation about a woman immediately makes her feel like you’re on her wavelength. Use these truisms to disarm and connect with her.

Hey guys, and welcome back. So after having written 3 very practical articles, sharing some more or less advanced techniques – the last post being particularly advanced – I decided to give you something that can benefit everyone, including fresher players.

That said, the technique I am about to share, although simpler, is still very powerful (things do not always have to be super hard and complex to work like a charm). I am sure many intermediate and advanced players will enjoy this post and benefit from it.

The topic of today is about pacing – pacing HER ongoing reality. Now, what does that mean? Pacing is all about displaying an understanding of how it feels to be in her shoes, in her world, in her body.

Allow me to demonstrate with an example (more examples to come).

Alek: You know… (pause) … there is… something I find extremely fascinating.

Her: And what is that?

Alek: What it must feel like to be out here, surrounded by weird, creepy men, almost to the point of losing all hope of finally finding someone (point to self) who can take you on that adventure that rocks your world.

Her: True.

Alek: And yet here you are, still hoping for that one chance in a million that you will finally get to experience those adventures you truly seek.

The previous example may be a bit advanced, I agree, but do not worry – here is a simpler example:

Alek: I do find it interesting how the mere fact that standing here with that goofy yet tasty cocktail in your hand must feel classy in a way, and that every sip of that cocktail reminds you of good times – of leisure and freedom.

Her: -What-ever-

Now, in that example, I did not assume too many things, but I used a lot truisms, such as her holding a drink, enjoying freedom and leisure (club bars are known to provide those experiences). How can she really disagree with me?

I will give you more examples in a bit, but let us break this down.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Screen Out * Diggers

Chase Amante's picture

screen * diggers
An * digger is a girl who picks which guy to date via one single quality: his muscles, or skin color, or wallet, or military status, or more.

In my article on how to avoid divorce rape, I discussed wife screening. In particular, I talked about how to screen out gold diggers, social climbers, and husband hunters. A reader didn’t like this, and took a mocking tone toward the act of screening out undesirables:

Really good article. Especially that pick the right wife part.

Do you plan on writing an article on screening out muscle* diggers?

There are some evil women out there who dig muscular men. They want to look at your muscles, touch it, ask you to hug them, to lift something etc.

“What’s the problem?” you might ask.

The problem is that those women don’t like you for you like yo mamma does. They don’t give you ego validation. If you were skinny, they wouldn’t even look at you.

What advice would you give to muscular guys?

Would you tell them to slouch, hide their muscles, wear oversized clothes, get fat asap?

You might think that I’m just jealous of those guys and trying to sabotage them... you might think that I’m in auto-rejection by calling those women evil, superficial when I realize that I’ll only ever be able to jerk off to their Instagram photos at best. I’m not.


* you can substitute this with fashion, popularity, credentials, nice haircut, tatoos etc.

Mockery aside, he has a point: there really ARE * diggers... and you often will want to screen them out. (I’ll likely do a second article sometime soon about the weird recent Western trend of not screening wives and girlfriends more specifically, too)

In today’s article, we’ll talk about why to screen, in case you haven’t been burned by women before and you aren’t convinced a woman would ever use a man. But then we’ll talk practical solutions. Since, obviously, totally concealing your best qualities (e.g., getting fat ASAP) will usually be counterproductive.

Cool Guys Get Laid, Weirdos Don't

Denton Fisher's picture

cool guys weirdos
Weird guys struggle to get dates or get laid with women. It’s a simple path from weirdo to cool guy – but it’s not without dead ends and blind alleys.

With so much content out there about how to get good with women, it gets a bit nauseating for beginners. You hear stuff from so many sects of game that you find your head spinning from the sheer number of articles and videos. So let me say something no one else seems to have said thus far: being good at game simply means being a cool, witty guy who can get the job done and not be butt hurt if things don’t go well. This is game in a nutshell.

If you are given advice that seems like something a “weird guy” would do, go ahead and try it out, but chances are, it may not be an attractive trait. Just be wary.

Often I find this thing called seduction is heavily complicated. The ability to understand it in both a complicated and simple way will help you grow and develop this skill. This understanding can ultimately help you reach your desired end result. So, considering that I usually go way in depth and overly complicate every piece of seduction material, today I am going the other route by breaking down game into its simplest components.

How to Get Anything from Anyone: The Law of Social Exchange

Chase Amante's picture

get anything from anyone
You can get anything to give you whatever you want. But to do it, you must obey the Law of Social Exchange (and all its small wrinkles).

We have a small group of guys on the Girls Chase forums whose deepest wish is to live the ‘cool guy life’ they see in the movies. You know... the fly guy with the babes hanging off his arm, who’s always on the invite list to all the hottest parties, forever in-demand.

Sometimes other forum members criticize this wish. And those critical members do have a point. Who cares how popular you are if you can go out and get top quality girls and top quality friends? Who needs the superficial trappings of being The Guy? It’s like chasing money for the sake of being rich. Not because you actually need that money to accomplish anything. You just want the image and the feeling of wealth.

I agree with the critical members this ‘popularity for the sake of popularity’ is not a worthy end goal. But I think it’s also worth recognizing that if you’ve never had this – if you’ve always been the outsider, rejected, never really a part of things – it can be a monkey on your back until you get it and achieve it. Some guys just need to experience the spotlight first before they can move on to worthier things.

So, if you find yourself wishing and wondering and hoping for more... to be more included, to have more babes on your arm, to go to more cool parties... to be The Guy everyone knows, talks about, and admires... this article is the one you’ve waited all your life for.

In it, I’m going to introduce you to a new social law, like the Law of Least Effort. But rather than the appearance of social power, this law governs the construction and maintenance of social ties. This law I call the Law of Social Exchange.

How to Use "Weasel Words" to Implant Ideas in Her Head

Alek Rolstad's picture

weasel words
How do you make a woman feel what you want her to feel? One way is with weasel words – phrases you slip into speech designed to elicit specific emotions.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Previously, I shared a sex-talk routine based on orgasm control. We discussed the underlying mechanism that made it work, the particular aspect of sexual prizing, and how the gambit I presented helped us generate that form of attraction.

Today, we will discuss the different verbal tools that I used to spice up the whole gambit and make it sound more exciting, all while stimulating her emotionally (even further). Many of these techniques will be covered here. This post basically covers all the “spices” of the gambit, whereas the previous post covered the “meat” itself.

Before you read this post, grab yourself a cup of tea or coffee – because you better be awake.

All of the material below is just icing on the cake, really. It is for you who want to take things to the next level. We will cover a bunch of concepts from neuro-semantics and even hypnosis. You have been warned.

"Just the Tip" and 4 Other Foot-in-the-Door Techniques

Chase Amante's picture

just the tip
When she isn’t ready for the whole thing, sometimes you can get in with just the tip. But you can use this tactic in many more ways than just sex.

Time for a fun post.

In psychology, there's a form of compliance known as the ‘foot-in-the-door' technique. The basic premise of it is once you get someone to agree to something little, you can easily expand it to a great deal more. Just like getting your foot in the door enough for you to then widen the door.

We've talked about a few of these over the years. “Just sit for five minutes”, for instance, I talked about in “Don't Let Her Go.”

Today, I'm going to give you a template for this form of compliance. And I'll give you five (5) common examples of when and how to use this.

5 Social Media Signs She Thinks Her Boyfriend is a Chump

Hector Castillo's picture

social media boyfriend
If she’s calling him loyal on social media, she thinks her boyfriend’s a chump. See all 5 ways to tell social media champs from chumps.

Social media is, like celebrity gossip, a waste of time.

But like celebrity gossip, it’s also a direct view into human psychology at its most brutal and honest – if you can see past the Snapchat filters and fake love.

With this article, I hope to show you how seemingly empty entertainment, like social media, can actually grant insight into how women use public displays of affection to signal their own value as a mate and, inadvertently, shame their boyfriends.

Top 7 Easiest Ways to Get Laid & Raise Your Notch Count

Chase Amante's picture

easiest ways to get laid
The 7 easiest ways to get laid in the world... for when you’re in a big hurry to get more notches.

One of our readers, who goes by the handle ‘Sub-Zero’, has been on me to talk about the easiest ways to get laid I know. He’s asked me this question a few times over the years, and I’ve given him a bunch of notch count shortcuts. But he wants more. So I figured I’d put together a definitive piece on this... compiling all the best ways I know to get laid fast and put notches on your bedpost.

This post is entirely focused on practical, fast-working means to up your notch count. It’s not focused on how to reach a certain quality of woman or how to get a girlfriend. It’s not even focused on teaching you how to get girls in general. You may use it in conjunction with the other material on this website on how to do better with women, be more attractive, and increase your percentages with girls... Nevertheless, that’s not the point of this post.

This post is fully and entirely dedicated to means you can use to bed lots of girls with a minimum of seduction skill. As with anything, the stronger your skill set with women and the more attractive you’ve made yourself, the more mileage you’ll get out of each of these 7 ways.

Yet, these paths to put more girls in your bed will work regardless where you’re starting out at.

So without any more ado, let’s give you those 7 different paths to lots of sex with lots of women.

Talk About Orgasm Control, and Turn Her On

Alek Rolstad's picture

talk about orgasm control
Just met her in the bar, and want a fun way to take things sexual fast? Break out the orgasm control routine – and watch her get hot in a hurry.

I’ve decided to write a follow-up to my tantric sex gambit. The idea behind that post was to not only give you a powerful gambit to play around with, but also give myself an opportunity to share the principles behind it, so you can learn from them. In other words, those principles serve as examples of how certain concepts can be used.

In the previous post, we discussed how the tantric sex gambit would:

  • Display sexual prizing – by showing your knowledge related to sex and framing you as a good lover

  • Introduce the topic of sex in a low-key, not overly-explicit way – tantric sex is hot, but it’s not very explicit. We also discussed how using a proxy could allow us to introduce the topic with more ease (e.g., “I read somewhere that…”)

  • Force some touching (and eye contact) – when doing that quick demo, you hold hands and face each other, looking each other in the eyes

  • Provide an easy way to get her entranced – by breathing together

  • Incorporate other minor stuff, too – rich descriptions, commands, and so on

This time around, we will focus on more explicit material and communicating even more sexual prizing – how to talk about sex and really communicate that you know your shit. So this time, our focus will be:

  • Sexual prizing (again)

  • Making her horny by being more explicit

  • Contrasting – to set us apart from other men and other people, framing ourselves as sexually superior

  • How to use fractionation to create anticipation and amplify everything

  • Using more amplifying language (e.g., “more and more”)

These things can all seem very difficult to grasp by simply reading about the gambit. There is so much to remember, and if you are not used to using advanced verbals, this can seem overly confusing. However, my experience tells me that once you see it exemplified in light of the explanations, it should make more sense. So we will exemplify things before discussing the concepts used.

Remember, practice makes champions, but the first try may be a bit off (I highly doubt you will experience any major side-effects from doing this wrong). With practice, you should improve your flow and experience these awesome techniques at full power.

But again, I will not lie, this post is made for intermediate to advanced players. Feel free to read it if you are a beginner, but do not expect to get too far with this stuff right away unless you have your fundamentals in check (at least) and preferably have some experience with women. Either way, let us get on with this technique.

9 Ways Technology is Hurting Your Seduction

Davi Diluna's picture

technology and seduction
Technology offers myriad colossal benefits. Yet, it can hurt your ability to meet and succeed with women just as much as it helps.

Errol Flynn, gazing into his girl’s eyes, taking her face into his excited hands... getting closer to her, just about to kiss… and *bliiim* he gets a Snapchat notification, opens it, and starts chatting and sending duck-face selfies.

Difficult to imagine such a situation, right? Well, it’s not THAT far from what’s happening today with young generations. You’re probably thinking “Nah, Davi is exaggerating, I’m not THAT addicted to technology. No worries on my end.” But let me tell you, technology’s influence on your game can be WAY more subtle, and even good seducers get trapped in some of the modern world’s pitfalls.

Now, don’t get me wrong. This is not an anti-tech piece; rather, it is meant to illustrate how tech can hamper your success with women if used improperly.

In this article, I’ll detail three different categories in which today’s technology has an impact.

First of all, conversations: we have so many different communication methods now, and they all have their own rules. People are having more and more virtual exchanges than vivid, real-life discussions. And they take the digital world’s rules as face value and apply them in real life – DANGER.

I’ll also cover the impacts this has on approaches, before talking about three specific problems affecting your seducer-you: investment/availability, power delegation, and immediacy.