Social Commentary | Page 21 | Girls Chase

Social Commentary

Everything I Know About Race and Dating Girls

William Gupta's picture

My friend had just told me that he saw the girl I liked with another guy.

“I don’t get it man! I know that she likes me.”

“Bro, it’s because of this,” he said, pointing to his dark skin.

I responded saying, “What are you talking about man?”

“It’s because you’re black bro; girls like her only date white guys.”

race and dating

Until that point I had not looked at dating through a racial lens. But after that day I started to become more “aware” of race and dating. I started “seeing” that white guys had it easier when it came to getting girls. It didn’t matter that I had dated many different races of girls before. It didn’t matter that I ended up dating the girl that we were talking about. That conversation had given me the ultimate excuse: that if a girl didn’t like me, it was because of my race.

It took me years to get away from that particular train of thought. It still creeps in from time to time, but as soon as I catch myself thinking like that now I cut that line of reasoning. So I will go ahead and answer the question that is on a lot of your minds right now.

Does race matter when it comes to dating? Yes.

Does it matter as much as people think it matters? No.

In this post, I will answer common questions I get from guys about race and dating; some advice for getting over racial insecurities and some stories from my journey.

Modern Marriage, Part 1: Why the Heck Do Guys Get Married?

J.J. Jones's picture

Gentlemen, welcome to Part 1 of this 6-part series on modern marriage (and yes, divorce).

I want to come at this article series with a completely unbiased flavor... because I honest to god think that monogamy can work, even in our contemporary society where the divorce rate exceeds 50%.

why men get married

While I am certainly a fair bit opinionated and will use a few choice words for things I feel strongly about, and will tell you exactly how I feel about each and every little thing marriage-related, you’re going to get nil of the ever-so-prevalent relationship hate that you find on most seduction blogs.

I’ve striven to leave this series as free of my own clutter or baggage as possible (we all have some), to bring you a straight-to-the-point look at the institution of matrimony in the 21st century.

Let’s go.

Egomania, the Blindness You Were Born Into

Cody Lyans's picture

We are all infected.

The Walking Dead is one of the most popular TV-series in the world right now. It is a show about survivors of a zombie apocalypse and their struggle to stay alive... at least on the surface. However, underneath all the blood and gore is actually a show about egos and the stress we feel when things in life don’t go as planned (as usually is the case). One of the strongest themes underlying the show is growth of egomaniacal characters in their quest to “survive”.


The show brings up questions that draw a fine line between what it takes to survive and what it means to go too far. The show is just a fiction, but part of its appeal is that it reflects a lot of people’s concerns and struggles with the question of “what is really necessary?” and “what is egomaniacal?”

One of the main concepts of the show is “we are all infected”, which we can translate roughly to: we are all one mistake or slip away from becoming someone else’s nightmare. If we give up, quit, become a burden, choose an easy path to “survival”, we become the problem for the few left who haven’t.

Are we takers? Or do we walk the line?

Well, for those of you who don’t watch the show, don’t worry, I only bring it up because the topic of this article is egomania, and the famous line “we are all infected” is a good starting point for discussing it.

The number one problem beginners and intermediate guys have with seduction is that they believe they are immune to egomania and don’t need to address it. You think you couldn’t possibly be a bad guy and so never consider that it’s quite possible you are.

Beginners complain and whinge and cry about how THEY are special, about how THEY are the exception to every rule, because they are overwhelmed and surprised by the sheer aggressiveness of reality and how HARD it bitch slaps them into taking responsibility onto their shoulders.

Guys will resort to anything to avoid real improvement:

  • Ask a girl they only sort of like to marry them
  • Abandon responsibilities as a decent dad and become a drunk
  • Avoid women entirely and resort to a porn oasis to get by

Our mistakes often aren’t THAT drastic, normally it is a bit of cynicism here, a few nasty edged decisions there, and an indulgence on occasion that screws over someone you don’t know now and then.

You figure, “Hey? What is the harm?” and you get into the habit of sucking, until one day a responsibility is too big, and BAM, you become the bad guy you swore you never would be.

Egomania is a real thing and you START OFF infected.

The Genuine Man, Part 5: How to Not Hate Women

Hector Castillo's picture

Welcome back to the journey! Hope you enjoyed the loving in the last article.

So far, we’ve covered:

  • In Part 1: how to become arrogant and eradicate fear

  • In Part 2: the myth of the heartless player and the risks of arrogance

  • In Part 3: how to cultivate humility and temper arrogance

  • In Part 4: how to love people, learn from them, and take responsibility for others’ feelings

Before we start to develop a healthy love for women, we’re going to identify the venomous thoughts we have about them... because all these things are deep, entrenched obstacles to happy relationships, a stable psyche, and true, breakout, to-the-rooftops-good success.

hate women

Practical Female Psychology, Pt. I: Why I Wrote the Book

Joseph W. South's picture

Note from Chase: this is our first article from Joseph W. South, a long-time staple in the seduction and men’s dating advice community who’s been helping men do better with women for quite some time now. Joseph’s in his mid-40s, and has a broad array of experience with women to contribute. He does a thorough job introducing himself in this article, so I’ll let him take it from here. Here’s Joseph.

Hey guys,
Since this is my first article for Girls Chase, I want to take a moment to introduce myself:

I was born in Toronto in 1969, which makes me 45 years old today. By the age of 39, in 2008, I was retired with over a million American dollars in the bank. By late 2012 I had lost every penny of it and I was completely broke and in debt. I’ve been on a steady path of recovery since I hit bottom, and today, my life and prospects have never been better. Going through that experience taught me humility and new wisdom, while also greatly clarifying the wisdom I already had.

I’ll try to add a personal story in every article I write, so you can put my advice into good context.

I discovered “the game” in 2003. Not the book, The Game by Neil Strauss, which was published in 2005, but the actual game of seducing women, having threesomes, hosting parties for hundreds of people, and juggling multiple girlfriends at the same time. I attended bootcamps, seminars, and voraciously read everything I could get my hands on in this genre. I had the privilege of meeting and interacting with many of the characters depicted in Strauss’ book: everything from brief conversations, to bootcamps, to interviews on my podcast, along with some great friendships that endure to this day. In 2007, I collaborated with Franco [editor: Franco of mASF fame, different from our Franco] and David Clare to produce Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man. For the sake of brevity I will refer to the book as “PFP”.

Is Casual Sex Okay?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Is casual sex morally acceptable? Historically, people have viewed sex as a serious matter that should be restricted. And social conventions have typically told us to withhold sex and control our human lusts.

Most religions therefore consider promiscuity a sin; something immoral that was even punished by death in the Middle Ages. The sanctions for promiscuity have become way lighter since then, and in the modern day West, the sanctions have for the most part become only of a social matter: judging, exclusion, and shame.

Though I’ve covered it in some of my previous articles (like this one or this one), in a nutshell, female sexuality has been restricted in order to create order and avoid chaos. Remember, the majority of males out there compete over the provider role, and therefore are not very sexually attractive to women in comparison to the small minority of lovers – those men whom women find sexually attractive and who provide them sexual satisfaction.

How to Have Sex with Lesbians (When You're a Guy)

Colt Williams's picture

Normally when you see an article title referring to having sex with lesbians, you’d probably assume that it was think an article geared toward women. But, in today’s case, you would be wrong. You would be very, very wrong.

sex with lesbians

One of my friends is a suave South American stud, and I remember a few years ago he would constantly – and proudly – reference his ability to have sex with lesbian women, even if they had never had sex with a guy before. Sometimes he’d say that he could even convert them.

But most of my friend group just laughed it off as idle talk. They said that the one lesbian (or at least what they thought was one) girl that he was able to hook up with had been a complete fluke. But I didn’t adopt this incredulous attitude. Not I, Colt Williams. I looked at this situation with a great deal of intrigue.

The man is a really good friend of mine, and I knew that not only had he hooked up with a couple of lesbians, but he was also dating a girl who had previously been a lesbian and had never even touched a man before. So I knew there had to be something to his claims; I knew there had to be some kind of method to the madness.

And then as I started taking a more concerted look around me, I noticed something very interesting. My friend wasn’t alone. I also thought of a couple of other acquaintances I had who were dating girls who used to be lesbians. And then to push things further, I thought of some of my girlfriends who were once entrenched lesbians but who now are dating guys (one of them just got married to a man, actually).

So toward the end of last year, I made a more concerted effort to try to unravel this mystery of lesbians. And did I succeed? Well, you’ll have to be the judge of that.

How Politics Drive Women’s Sexuality

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing great. In today’s post I will be discussing how different types of society affect our sexual behavior.

politics and sexuality

We will start off talking about how social democratic/socialist societies do so, and then we’ll move on to analyze how sexual behavior is affected by conservative capitalist societies.

It’s worth pointing out that I am not vouching for any form of political organization over another; this post is totally neutral; we’ll be talking about both the pros and cons of each. Keep in mind that the topic is how these societies affect our sexual behavior. So anything else related to capitalism or socialism is irrelevant.

I hope this post can give you some ideas on how things are and help you better understand how society affects people’s sexual behavior.

The Gap Before the Finish Line & the Warrior’s Smile

Hector Castillo's picture

Blistering snow whips at your face. Your skin slowly cracks and numbs by the moment. And with every step, your body begs you to slow down and rest for just a moment…

But if you stop, you die.

Your tribe was just exterminated in a raid and you’re the only one who escaped. All that remains is you and your will.

No one is here to save you.

You are all alone.

Foundational Motivational

Recognizing your desolation and loneliness, water pours from your eyes, granting everything in your sight a glow that you hadn’t noticed before this moment.

Intrigued by the perspective, you stop, disregarding your impending death, and observe your surroundings.

Despite the truth that your life has been stripped to pieces and everything is rapidly killing you, you drink in the world with no prejudice.

Curious, you stick out your tongue and taste the tears and the snow. Just the same. Just water.

You notice that, while the cold hurts, it’s just a feeling. Yes, slightly less satisfying than the warmth of your campfire and the embrace of your former lover, but, nonetheless, still just a feeling.

The fear slowly fades – you recognize that the “world” is just a lot of individual elements reacting on their own to the rest of the elements, no different from you.

A smile creeps upon your lips.

The rest of existence is just as lonely as you are.

Purpose fills you, and you resolve to continue walking.

The cold air still stings, and the tears continue to roll down your cheeks, but your sly grin propels you to a nearby grove of trees where, for one more night, you choose to persist in this life.

High Strategy: The 7 Unresolvable Romantic Conflicts of Interest

Chase Amante's picture

Since my last article on the rebellious mind dealt with the concepts of uncertainty and unknowableness – topics which are always uncomfortable for us since human beings tend to be “truth seekers” who want a final answer (hence: science, religion, philosophy, etc.) – I figured I’d delve into a topic normally cloaked in unknowableness today too.

Specifically, I want to talk about the conflicts of interest inherent in romance and seduction, some of which are effectively irresolvable.

There are many simpler aspects of meeting and having relationships with women that are resolvable, such as:

These all fall into tactical, operational, or, in the case of the last three (or a particularly tricky situation on the first three), some degree of strategic.

However, there are problems in romance that are unresolvable because you and the girl simply have end objectives that are too different, or even in active opposition.

conflicts of interest

These occur at the romance equivalent of “high strategy”, and if yours and hers are diametrically opposed, then one of you must submit his wants to the other’s wants, or the relationship will fail.

I suppose I should caveat then that these are normally unresolvable conflicts of interest – from time to time, one of you may cave to the other and give in to that other’s desire for where the relationship goes (or where it doesn’t go), but unless one party abandons what is in his or her best interests, these conflicts do not resolve in any way other than you and her going your separate ways and meeting other people.

Unless you hack your way around them, which we’ll also talk about (a little later), rather than address them head on again and again and again like what most people try and fail to do.