Pickup | Page 80 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

How Your Self-Perception Can Make or Break Your Night

Darius Bright's picture

Early in my “career” I noticed a rather peculiar phenomenon – when I was out with guys (and gals) who saw me as a sort of master seducer (usually due to a combination of my image, behavior, and, occasionally, seeing my previous successes), I would find myself performing much better with women. Every single part of the seduction dance would become noticeably easier without any additional conscious effort on my part.


Would you like to guess why this happens?

Sure, being in a good mood because you’re hanging out or meeting people you like plays a significant role, and an occasional comment like “Oh yeah, he’s very experienced in bed” said jokingly in a group setting does its job to create a reputation of someone who knows what he’s doing.

But that’s not it; the change that makes the biggest impact turns out to be in our head.

You see, when I hang out with people who already see me as someone who’s successful with women and expect me to act like that, it puts a certain positive pressure and, in a way, makes it socially okay, even expected, to act sexually.

In turn, I would find myself assuming the role of a sexy guy who pulls women left and right, which, as we’ll learn later in the article, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy – cool, right?

Note that this is happening almost exclusively in our head and, more often than not, without conscious interference – a change in self-perception based on the environment.

How to Ramp Up Social Momentum (and Meet Loads of Girls)

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well. If you haven’t seen many posts from me lately, it is not because I have been busy, but more that we have had a lot of article submissions from both new and old writers, which in itself should be good news for you.

The topic of today is social momentum.

Social Momentum

Social momentum is a mental state (hence also the reason many people in the seduction community refers to this as “state” – “being in state”) where you feel in a social mood where you don’t only feel like socializing with people, but also manage to do so smoothly.

When approaching strangers, you will feel like your openings are smooth as butter – the reactions you will be getting from your approaches will most of the time be positive, and if that is not the case, you won’t bother about it and move on to the next girl/group. When you have social momentum, not only will you feel a boost of energy, but you will feel very social and stop fearing rejections.

So there are a few nice benefits of social momentum:

  • You won’t fear rejections, so you will approach much more

  • Due to your higher level of initial confidence, your approaches will tend to be smoother and your success rate will be higher

  • You will have more fun, obviously

Compared to many other theories in pick-up and seduction, with this one there is a consensus that social momentum is a powerful factor. Everybody agrees that once you build enough social momentum, picking up women becomes much easier and smoother. You just feel on fire – you are the god of the night and nothing can stop you. We will discuss in this post how you can reach it.

However, where the opinion differs is our attitude toward it – should we depend on it or not? Should we give up and go home if we haven’t built social momentum? If not, what can we do if we don’t feel in the mood to socialize? All these questions and more will be answered in this post.

Deciding When to Use Physical vs. Verbal Game

Alek Rolstad's picture

Some claim that physical game is better than verbal because it can be easier to pull off and more efficient. In my last article, we discussed the pros and cons of both methods.

In today’s article, however, we will discuss the pros and cons of both based on the specific context. The main question of this post is: which of the two types of game should you choose: physical (non-verbal) or verbal?

physical vs. verbal

It is not like you can use verbal game in all situations. In some situations physical escalation might not be ideal (think of a situation where you caveman a girl in front of her friends…).

And maybe one of these game types might be better fitted for your personality or your mood.

Identifying what is better for what situation is what this post is all about.

Day Game 101: What Comes After the Approach

Jeff Stanton's picture

In the first part of my Day Game series, “Day Game 101, Part I: Basics and Fundamentals”, you learned all of the fundamentals of meeting women during the day time. In the second part, “Day Game 101: A New Way to Open”, you learned how to overcome one of the biggest hurdles: how not only to approach women, but approach them in the most optimal way possible, i.e., by making it seem like it was fate.

day game approach

I really hope you guys have been approaching women and working on the fundamentals. If you want to master day game you really need to focus and grasp those fundamentals!

While the fundamentals are highly important, it’s also important to have a plan on what to do once you are actually talking to a beautiful woman during the day. That’s where Part 3 comes in. Hold onto your seats because we about to go on a wild ride...

Verbal vs. Nonverbal Approaches to Getting Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

Whether it is better to actually seduce women with your words or just stay quiet and escalate physically is a commonly asked question. Different schools of thought will tell you different things and might even confuse some of you in the long run.

verbal vs. nonverbal game

Some claim that it is better to use physical escalation – as in touching her and looking at her deep in the eyes and cutting the physical spaces between you and her. Others claim that is it the things you say that matters most; that you attract women verbally. It is also common to read about seduction systems that entail both verbal and physical game.

Personally, I have tried it out both ways and I find both equally good. At least that’s how I feel. They are both fun to pull off in practice in their own ways. One gives you an adrenaline kick (physical game), whereas the other gives you a feeling of creating deeper connections with girls (verbal game).

In this post, I will discuss the pros and cons of both ways so that you can make a more informed decision as to which one suits you better.

How to Hook Up with Swingers

Drexel Scott's picture

I am not sure how many of you studlings are interested in the kinkier aspects of sexuality. Perhaps you’re just here to get a girlfriend, a wife, or get better at the process of picking up in general – and more power to you!

However, there are others among you who like to see what the limits are, explore everything, and learn from experience what you like and dislike.

For those of you on the more “exploratory path”, you will eventually find yourself interested in topics like threesomes, open relationships, bondage, swinging, and things of that nature.

How To Hook Up With Swingers

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of cool sex stuff to discover, and every interesting thing you do makes you a more knowledgeable, experienced, and stimulating person.

How to Get a One-Night Stand with a Sexy Girl

Colt Williams's picture

It is the goal and dream of young, middle-aged, and seasoned men everywhere. In fact, I am convinced that 90% of the time that males go out it is for this purpose: the one-night stand.

One-Night Stand

There are few things more satisfying than going out, meeting a new sexy girl, executing your game perfectly (or probably just good enough), and then taking her home for a one-night stand.

But on the flip side of this coin, it can be an extremely disappointing feeling to go out with the intention of getting a one-night stand and then, sadly, falling short. And droves of men unfortunately experience this frustration on a nightly basis.

Fact is, most guys have only the haziest of ideas about how to get a one-night stand.

There was a period of nearly 10 months where I slept with quite a few girls, and every single one was a one-night stand. During this period, I learned a thing or two about really fine-tuning my process to this end.

And now I’m pleased to share with you what I’ve learned about getting a one-night stand with sexy girls.

I hope you get a lot from this article, but the key take away should be this: in a one-night stand, your process and decision-making are just as important as your appearance and game. So keep that in mind.

The Ones You Go to, and the Ones Who Go to You

Chase Amante's picture

If you’re like most men, the women you end up with are, by and large, the ones who put themselves on your radar:

  • The girl who sits near you in the library or coffee shop

  • The one who dances next to you at the bar or club

  • The one who glances at you while waiting for the bus or train

ones you go to

These girls signal you, they toss approach invitations your way, and you get up off your butt and go meet them.

If you think about most of the girlfriends you’ve had, they probably fall into this category. Unless you’re a regular street gamer or mass approacher, my guess is most of the women you’ve slept with fall here, period.

Yet, are these the best quality women you can get?

Or are you missing the choicest fruit high up in the trees, for the fruit that’s easier to get, lying readily in reach upon the ground?

Escalation Series Pt. 3: Her Emotions, Stages 5-9

Mateo Navarrete's picture

In the last couple of posts, we have examined the series of events that had to happen both logistically and emotionally in order for an escalation to progress successfully from meet to mate. Escalation

We understand that logistical escalation refers to, from a simplified perspective, where to do something, while emotional escalation refers to when to do something.

This information is important to understand, as the majority of time spent during your learning curve when approaching and socializing will be learning when to do (or say) whatever it is you do (or say).

In other words, when you are in an interaction with a woman to whom you are attracted, you will learn, through trial by error, to recognize the signals that she is communicating to you (mostly non-verbally), as to when to ramp up, or slow down your escalation.

Women are all different, so when you are able to recognize the emotions a woman is experiencing, you will be able to connect with her quickly, effectively, and then build upon this connection to guide the interaction to the Optimal / Desired Reality.

A good way of looking at emotions is to view them as filters. These emotional filters are the keys to decoding her communication.

Escalation Series Pt. 1: The Logistical Timeline of Events

Mateo Navarrete's picture

Last time, to celebrate your successful completion of the fundamentals of communication series, we grew our conversation outline to include what to say next – for now anyway ;-)

Applying your conversation outline during your interactions will allow you to internalize your fundamentals by diverting your focus from what to say next to what to do, and not do, right now!

In turn, this will allow you to determine which of your habits (read: subconscious instinctive behaviors) are effective, or ineffective, at helping you successfully escalate an interaction logistically, physically, and emotionally. Then, simply replace your ineffective habits of behavior with your knowledge of the fundamentals (read: effective behaviors) and experience the difference firsthand!


In this new series, to gain a better understanding of how to effectively escalate an interaction from meet to mate, we are going to breakdown the process both logistically and emotionally.

As I explain this information, you will notice that some of it will seem very abstract, so I will attempt to give concrete examples whenever possible. However, at the same time, understand that the more experience you gain, the less abstract this information will become, as you will internalize these effective mindsets and behaviors.

So let’s get started!