Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

What to Do If She Wants a Relationship Before Sex (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

So she wants a relationship before sex? You don’t even have to date much to encounter this.

You’ll run into girls you like and who like you, but when it comes time to have sex, they have one issue – they want you to be their boyfriend or be serious with them before they give up the cat.


You have to give up your sexual freedom in order to get in bed with her? Some guys are okay with that, but for those of you who don’t see this is as a fair trade, you’re not alone.

In this video, I explore the flaws in this type of trade and how to respond to women who propose it.

The Social Dynamics of Female State Control in Pickup

Alek Rolstad's picture

social dynamics
It’s not always obvious why a girl ejects from a seduction. Let’s take a look at some nuanced aspects of social dynamics as they relate to Female State Control.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will finish up where we last left off. Last week’s discussion was about social frame, focusing on social value, a key aspect of social frame and seduction in general.

Social frame is a bundle term for everything concerning attraction and attractiveness on a social level. A good social frame lets you match with her socially. It contributes to whether or not a girl will feel it is okay to hook up with you. If you lack social frame, you may risk causing her to regain control of her emotions and back off, despite being stimulated by you emotionally. That's what we call Female State Control (FSC), which has been the primary topic of all my posts these last few weeks.

Previously we discussed how:

  • Social value is vital to social frame, and why it’s important to have at least a minimum threshold of social value

  • Social value is relative to where you are at with attracting her

  • You can increase your social value through different techniques and concepts

Today we will discuss another aspect of social frame — social dynamics. We’ll look at the dynamics that take place in the interaction, and how they can make you win the girl or lose her.

This post should present little new information to those who are accustomed to pickup literature, although a recap is always nice. Also, you will see how these concepts relate to social frame and perhaps gain a new perspective on how they affect the interaction and outcome. For this reason, I would recommend even advanced guys read this article.

Let’s get to it.

How to Keep Girls Addicted in Relationships

Varoon Rajah's picture

keep girls addicted in relationships
We’ve all experienced or have seen relationships go stale and die, but they don’t have to. The secret is to keep her addicted with volatility and unpredictability.

I’ve noticed some interesting patterns with a good friend of mine in the city. He’s been seeing this girl for a long time. He met her via day game and it ended up with sex on the first date. It’s been several years now, and he’s been seeing her like a girlfriend, while still gaming and sleeping with other girls discreetly on the side once in a while.

I think he would be trying to meet more women, but he seems to be pretty satiated with her at the moment. Whenever I see him, it’s always her that seems to be messaging and chasing after him. From what he tells me, their sex life is great. She always messages him to get together and sees him 2–4 times a week. It seems that they have wild sex virtually the entire time they’re together. He says she might be doing it to keep him from meeting other girls, which she knows he’s fully capable of doing.

This is a different pattern from what most guys do when they’re with women. They get comfortable, then play it safe in a relationship. Men try to keep their relationship stable — and effectively boring. It’s because the majority of guys are generally safe and boring by nature, so it’s their normal inclination to do the same with the women in their life.

On the other hand, women thrive on change, stimulation, and challenge, especially with shifting feelings and emotions. It’s even better when they can tie the source of those shifting emotions to the man they're with (women do this with bad boys, after all).

How to Pick Up Girls at the Mall

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

pick up girls at the mall
Despite the stories about creeps harassing girls at malls, these female-rich locales are among the best places to meet women. Here’s how to do it right.

For the many years I’ve been teaching guys how to meet women in the daytime, I’d say that (other than the beach) there’s no better location than the mall. And I’ll admit, I’m a bit of an expert at picking up girls at the mall.

The main issue most men have with malls is that it’s not outside, so it feels different. It’s always like this: a guy who’s used to meeting girls at bars can’t do malls; a guy who’s used to streets can’t do malls, and so on. It’s something about the change from the comfortable to uncomfortable, familiar to unfamiliar environments that throws guys off.

That’s why, as a student looking to improve your game, you should put yourself into as many new situations, in as many different environments as possible. Then you're much less likely to get stuck when something unexpected happens.

For example: you spot a pretty girl walking in the mall, so you start to approach her, and she ducks into a clothing store. Oh, now you can’t approach her because she’s in a store, so you stand around outside scratching your nuts, waiting for her to come back out, feeling more and more creepy with every minute, and then just give up.

But if you’d taken the time to put yourself into a situation like this before, you’d be prepared when it inevitably happens again.

Not being able to approach a girl walking into a store at the mall is like not being able to meet women on the dance floor at the bar. Half the venue is useless to you, so you have half the opportunity to meet your dream girl.

6 Ways Online Dating Compares vs. Meeting Women in Real Life

Chase Amante's picture
online dating comparison
Dating apps and online dating are a fast, low effort way to meet loads of partners. But are they a perfect substitute for real life?

Over the last 15 years, the way people use the Internet to date has changed, in some ways.

But in other ways, it's remained exactly the same.

The first time I tried online dating, in 2004, it was still sort of a new, fringe thing. There weren't that many people dating online. There were around 1,000 online dating websites at the time (844, according to Wikipedia). Today, according to Forbes, 1,000 new online dating sites open each year. and Adult Friend Finder were the big fish then (the founder of AFF, Andrew Conru, invented online dating in 1994). Scammers were already well established; a clever spam message from a gorgeous girl-next-door type with a phone number two digits short claiming she saw me on, where I'd recently deactivated my account, lured unlucky-in-love 2004 me into paying $50 to for some fake dating site before I'd figured out what happened. Online dating at the time had a reputation of being a place desperate losers and awkward weirdoes went to. If you tried online dating, there was probably a reason, and that reason was likely an unfortunate one.

Since 2004, I've tapped online dating to meet women in various ways. Online is a useful supplement, but it's always taken the back seat to real life for me. Of late though I've seen online dating and dating apps become a lot more prominent among men. Meanwhile the portion of their women guys meet in real life is falling.

This is not a good thing for men, for many reasons. You may not want to hear it, but swiping your way through a dating app and thinking you are doing "game" is often not going to lead you where you want... unless you have a very clear idea about what you want.

But it's not all bad news and gloom. Sometimes, the right dating app can be just what you need.

Today let's compare online dating and dating apps to meeting women in the real world. We'll compare along six (6) dimensions:

  1. Quality

  2. Quantity

  3. Intentions

  4. Effort

  5. Risk

  6. Satisfaction

Let's go.

The ONE THING That Drives Women Crazy Above All Else (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

What is the single most attractive quality that women see in a man?

You probably won’t guess it.

It’s not money. It’s not looks. It’s not height. It’s not a big dick. It’s not charm. It’s not intelligence.

Confused yet?

You’ll see, and I’ll explain.

Female State Control Vaccines: Social Frame

Alek Rolstad's picture

female state control
Your social frame is possibly the most important thing when battling Female State Control. This means projecting the right social frame in the right context.

Welcome back. Previously, we have discussed female state control (FSC), described what it is, and presented some solutions. FSC is when a woman backs off (despite liking you) so she doesn’t “lose herself” and get “carried away by you” before she knows for sure you are a good guy for her to get with.

Women are selective, and they know that being aroused or mentally stimulated by a guy is not enough of an indicator of a suitable mate. Yet they tend to get carried away. So whenever women feel like they are losing control, they back off to make a more “rational” assessment of you.

A simple way to put it is this: have you ever gotten a girl aroused and could tell she was into you, yet she backed off saying you are not her type?

Well, that is not an uncommon scenario. This is female state control. She likes you; she is turned out by you, but either:

  • You don’t fit her social standards
  • You do not fit into the usual categories of guys she likes
  • She doesn’t feel comfortable exploring further

What we are dealing with is a lack of what Gunwitch calls “social frame.” And a lack of social frame can force women to control their state whenever they feel emotionally stimulated by you.

So, arousal + social frame = a high chance of pulling (if logistics allow). On the other hand, arousal with a lack of social frame means she will get aroused but control her state.

In other words, having a lack of social frame makes her control herself, and creating a good social frame minimizes your chances of dealing with FSC. In the next three weeks, we will discuss the three aspects of creating social frame that we touched upon last week, but we'll get into greater detail.

These aspects are:

If you're unfamiliar with any of those terms, click on them to learn more.

Today, let’s take a look at the first aspect: social status, value, and overall social dynamics.

But before we get into that, here’s a quick recap of what social frame is as it relates to FSC.

The Correct Response to Drama in a Relationship

Varoon Rajah's picture

responding to drama in relationships
Most guys don’t understand why women create drama in relationships, so their response often makes things worse. Here’s how to deal with it constructively.

How should men effectively deal with drama in their relationships? It’s one of the more common problems men experience. Guys rarely get thrown into a dramatic situation by choice. In cases where the drama is perpetuated by the woman, it is her negative response to a man’s behavior, and it’s an attempt to put her man back in line.

Often, the drama is unexpected, and you are totally unprepared to respond to it in a measured, constructive way. In which case, you typically make things worse.

I talked to one of my best friends in New York City recently about this. We discussed how 90% of the time guys treat drama in a way that makes things worse. Largely, it’s because guys don’t truly understand what the drama is. Like all things with women, the situation isn’t what it actually seems. You can get more information about what to do by reading between the lines from the woman’s point of view.

It’s important not to concern yourself with the drama’s details, for which there could be an infinite number of reasons. Instead, we’re going to cover what factors cause drama and how to respond while remaining attractive. After all, continual drama can result in the decline of the connection between both of you. If you react to it in the wrong way, the chance of maintaining that connection becomes slimmer and slimmer. Or worse, it incentivizes the girl to find a more suitable guy to be with.

Give More Control to Your Dick... and Win!

Tony Depp's picture

When I was a wee horny teenager, there was this girl who would come to my school to play volleyball. I’ll call her Bam Bam. I was smitten by Bam Bam. I literally heard the song “Why do birds suddenly appear…” every time she was near. But I didn’t have the balls to approach her.

Then I changed schools and there she was standing before me. Her friends had become my friends. In a state of shock, I asked her if she wanted to “go out” with me. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Sure!” Easy enough, right? It wasn’t a technique. I was just so horny, I thought I’d explode. I had no clue what else to do but ask her out.

After that, it took years for me to have the balls to ask another girl out. Approach anxiety and the fear of rejection were overwhelming. But eventually, there was an underlying motivation that forced me to just go for it and to learn game. It was the same drive that forced me to ask Bam Bam out.

And what was that driver of action?

My dick.

Tactics Tuesdays: Be Busy When with Women

Chase Amante's picture
busy with women
Busyness can be very attractive to women. But to make it so, you need two things: flirtation and instruction.

Women like busy men. They find them attractive. This is because women like capable men, and busyness implies capability. If you're busy, you must have it going on.

You can't fake busy. Or if you try to, it won't come off well. There's too much nuance to being truly busy to effectively fake it.

However, if you actually are busy, there's a right and a wrong way to use your busyness with women. Use it the wrong way, and women will assume you aren't interested. Use it right, and you can up your attractiveness while making women invest more in you (and commit to the courtship).