Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Why Frame Control Is the Most Important Tool in Seduction

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

frame control most important seduction tool
Frame control makes the difference between becoming her lover or getting stuck in her friend zone. If you want sex with the women you meet, this information is vital.

Hey, guys. Today I want to discuss how frame control can impact the entirety of your interactions with women, especially in terms of seduction and sleeping with the women you meet – rather than becoming just friends.

I will get a bit deeper into what effects frames have on how you interact and why it is key to set the right frames early. Failing to do so can make it very difficult to reach your goals with a girl, no matter what they are.

Many guys see seduction and pickup as a linear process – i.e., a set of techniques or steps that follow each other. To some extent, this is true – if you look at pickup from a micro perspective. But you cannot leave out the big picture – how each step of the process affects the others; or more importantly, how previous steps affect future steps.

This is so critical. It is exactly what most guys tend to forget about. Everything builds on previous steps. This post aims to explain how these mechanisms work so that you can gain a better understanding of your game and perhaps, in turn, better it.

To give you some examples of what I am talking about, consider the following:

  • Guy cannot get out of the friend zone – despite his efforts in applying the latest and most powerful pickup tech, he is still stuck there.

  • Guy meets girl, she laughs, touches him, but he totally fails to escalate – she is just not a sexual girl (so you think). Similarly: Guy has a perfect date – now faces last-minute resistance from hell.

  • Guy displays high social value, but all he gets is “take my Instagram” when interacting with girls.

All these issues can be caused by a failure in setting the right frames – or at least, avoiding setting the wrong ones in the first place. The frame you set when you meet will dictate the interaction and will only be amplified with time throughout the interaction(s). The more the frame is set (good or bad), the harder it is to get out of it.

In the case of the friend zone, the guy is stuck because he has been perceived as a friend because of his previous actions, but more importantly, because of the frames he has set through his presence, actions, and so on. And as times goes on, the frame becomes stronger and harder to get out of.

Many of you are familiar with what a frame is and how it comes into play, but for those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, I highly advise that you check out the following posts after reading this one.

How Learning to Dance Helps You Attract Women

Darwin Niwrad's picture

attract women by learning to dance
If you’re good on the dance floor, girls will assume you’re also good in bed. Don’t know how to dance? No problem. Classes are also a great place to meet sexy girls!

Women love a man who can dance. Basically, you’re communicating with your bodies. Sounds a lot like sex, right? When on the dance floor, the way you express your body is imperative for attracting women to you. If it looks like you have two left feet, chances are women will think your sex game is also whack.

However, if your dance game is up to spec, it shows her you’ve got rhythm and that your stroke game is above average. If dance is an intimate language and one that many women listen to, why not learn it?

It’s amazing to see what people turn into when the beat drops. First off, understand that the club attracts those who can’t be themselves during the day. Women go to the club to let loose and be gawked at by every breathing man they pass, while men go to the club to hunt. It’s as if the music makes people undergo some sort of transformation, accompanied by courage juice, of course (aka alcohol).

All the ass grabbing, grinding, twerking, and small talk is part of the scene. Unfortunately, some people overdo it when it comes to getting attention, and some don’t know how to handle the attention.

Too many times I have seen men suffer horrible rejections because they couldn’t stop themselves from creeping up on that booty unsuspectingly. Have you ever mustered up the courage to ask a girl to dance, and soon enough realize your infamous two-step just won’t cut it? If you think you’re not a very good dancer, fear not, because there are ways around this.

The Value of Putting Your Thoughts and Goals on Paper

Tony Depp's picture

write down your goals
If you don’t chronicle your goals and achievements, kick yourself in the ass and start now. Here’s how it will impact your motivation, success, and fulfillment in life.

Will setting goals speed up or improve your game? Of course – but it’s one of those things you should absolutely do... but probably won’t.

When I first started my pickup journey, I didn’t want to improve my communication skills or achieve social freedom. I wanted to bang college babes. A lot of them. That was my only goal.

Looking back, I could have greatly decreased the time it took to learn the fundamentals if I’d had a proper training regimen, with specific goals.

Rather than goals, I had the desire, which is powerful but somewhat unfocused and inefficient. For some reason, having goals felt like stripping the journey of all its mystery and romance. Sort of like the tortured artist who thinks marketing is selling out.

I didn’t see these sexual desires as goals. My drive to succeed with women was purely instinctual. Just like you need water, I need hot girls. I would never be happy dating mediocre women. It was learn pickup – or become a monk.

But I got over my aversion to writing down goals, and I’m glad I did. Today, I’d be kicking myself if I didn’t. Now I have a dozen journals chronicling years of field research – lists of goals and desired achievements.

Tactics Tuesdays: Recovering from Botched Escalations to Sex

Chase Amante's picture

failed escalation to sex
When you try to have sex with a girl, but fail, often that's it: you won't get another shot with her. Yet all is not lost with her – you still have options.

Failing in your escalation to sex is, often, a kiss of death.

You were inches away from intimacy with a girl... and then you didn't reach sex.

Perhaps you started to kiss her alone at your place, but she broke things off and left. Or you got her clothes partly off and had your hands on her body, only for her to get up, dress, and depart.

What's more maddening still is the power dynamic shift that occurs after a failed attempt at mating like this. She cools off to you dramatically... while you go crazy trying to get her back!

It's nuts. And it drives you nuts.

How can she be so cool toward you when the two of you were so close to intimacy?

In today's article we'll talk about a few tactics to attempt to turn things around in these sorts of situations. We'll also talk about why, from a strategic point of view, unless the girl is an absolute keeper, it's often better to take at best a few more shots, yet be ready to walk away.

14 “Anytime” Compliments to Use on Her Today

Hector Castillo's picture

how to compliment a girl
A good compliment goes a long way with women. But to give a good compliment and have it be effective can take a bit of know-how. Here’s everything you need.

I love to give a good compliment. It makes me happy to compliment girls, because if I’m not being brazenly honest with someone, I’m uncomfortable. I have to be like that.

Plus, it’s so beautifully polarizing to compliment women. It’s the epitome of strength, in my opinion.

All of that “oh, never compliment a girl, because you’ll make her think you’re just another loser who’s chasing her” nonsense is exactly that – nonsense.

Are there times when you shouldn’t compliment a girl? SURE.

If she’s being a snotty ho with her nose in the air? Don’t compliment her. She doesn’t deserve it.

But if you just met her and you’re having a conversation, and she’s been nothing but nice and warm?


I find the “don’t give her a compliment” camp quite funny because they’re so afraid of coming off like they’re “beta” that they inevitably come off as beta. They’re afraid of some girl thinking, “Oh, he likes me.” Sounds pretty lame to me.

Complimenting a girl makes it a man-to-woman interaction. She knows you’re attracted, have a sexual and romantic interest in her, and are going for it.

Girls respect that purposefulness.

Okay, so why is the title of this article “14 Anytime Compliments to Use on Her Today”?

Because you can use these compliments anywhere and anytime.

The sun is up? Compliment.

The sun is down? Compliment.

The world is ending in an inferno of chaos? Compliment.

You can use it at any point in the conversation.

The first thing you say (the “open”)? COMPLIMENT.

Five minutes into conversation? Compliment.

As you’re fishing for the edge of her uterus with your dick? CUMPLIMENT.

K. Cool. Compliments are cool.

So, how do you give a good compliment?

Beware of Girls It's Too Easy to Meet!

Chase Amante's picture

easy to meet girls
Some girls make themselves easy to meet as a part of their dating strategy. But you should beware of these girls yourself... because when you meet them, YOU are the target.

A friend of mine in a country new to him went to an expatriate meeting not long ago. He's a guy who keeps himself attractive and is otherwise good with women, so he's not hard up for dates. He noted how the only truly attractive women at this expat meeting were the wives of male expatriates present. All the single/available women were unattractive, or older; single mothers; and so on.

This called to mind a general mantra I've hewed to over the years: beware of girls it's too easy to meet!

I don't mean girls who are 'easy'... as in "she's so easy to sleep with."

I mean girls it is easy to meet.

The easier it is to meet her, generally, the farther down your batting average you do if you go dating her.

How to Enjoy Sex As a Beginner (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Are you new to this whole sex thing?

Ladies and gentleman, this is for everyone.

It's okay if you are new to sex. Been there. Everyone has. Hell, I couldn't even keep my dick hard once it came time to put on the condom the first time. Took me MONTHS to finally fuck my girlfriend once she was ready.

That was hard enough (lol), but then actually having great sex? Took a lot of practice.

But I did do one thing right from the beginning, and I'll teach it to you in this video.

Sex is fun and very healthy. If you want to have good relationships, sex is the cornerstone of those relationships.

And sex is, yeah, it's AWESOME because it's awesome.

Shouldn't need to sell you on that, right?

So let's make you better and have you enjoying it more!!

How to Be Bold with Women in a Sexy, Calibrated Way

Alek Rolstad's picture

how to be bold in seduction
Boldness wins games. When it comes to picking up women, this is especially true. But you need to calibrate your boldness to the girl. Here’s how.

Last week’s article focused primarily on clubbing and how you should maximize your results despite dealing with the roughest and toughest time of the year – namely, when it's super cold. In that article we discussed everything from:

  • Venue selection
  • State control
  • Overall pick up strategy

When we discussed overall pickup strategy, we mentioned how being bold is a good call in the winter, and I’d like to expand on boldness in this article.

What “being bold” means is hard to discern, but some pointers:

Boldness is key to amplifying her response and stimulating her emotionally. This is much needed in the winter, as women are “understimulated” by default.

However, boldness can be useful even outside of winter. There are implications regarding boldness, so we will consider those. We will also discuss how to calibrate your boldness.

Keep in mind – and this is key – this post is not advocating you to be bold per se, but perhaps bolder in your approach – which often many guys need to be to up their results.

Everything you need to know about boldness and boldening up your game will be covered here!

20 Types of Girls You'll Meet in Day Game

Tony Depp's picture

girl types day game tips
Pickup artists are essentially actors – and women, the audience. These day-game tips will help you identify which niche a woman belongs in and calibrate to her quickly.

It’s impossible to find one day-game technique for all women because their archetypes are as diverse as rainforest plant life. I always advise massive field experience – I mean hundreds, or thousands of approaches over a period of years, to build reference memories, rather than relying on techniques alone.

Sometimes when I’m gaming, I feel like I’m playing Grand Theft Auto. In my twelve years of professional skirt-chasing, I’ve met many clichés and stereotypes. So for fun, I thought I’d give you the low-down on 20 of them.

Most game boils down to recognizing and adapting to patterns. You can learn to recognize the archetype and adapt to the social pattern. It’s a bit of a guessing game, but with practice, you can identify the different sorts of girls very quickly and adapt your strategy appropriately.


Girls, Girls, Girls

One girl will be open and friendly, another dismissive, shy, or rude. Some are adventurous, and others are cowardly. Some are all about Justin Bieber, and others dark metal. Some swallow and some won’t.

Pickup artists are essentially actors – and women, the audience. The advanced day gamer will be able to identify which niche a woman belongs in and calibrate quickly. You wouldn’t want to play a comedian for a vampire fan, or an action star for a lover of romance – metaphorically.

“Shouldn’t you just be yourself?”

Well sure – if you’re an amateur. The professional rake knows how to throw on a seductive identity like a super hero’s cloak, and only reveals his true self when she’s fully hooked. That’s why Clark Kent couldn’t bang Lois until she discovered he was Superman. Clark Kent sucks.

So on that note, here are 20 types of girls you’ll meet during day game.

9 Things Women Want from the Men Around Them

Hector Castillo's picture

What Women Like in Men
What do women want in men? The “what” is relatively simple; but in a romantic context, it’s also about what you should and shouldn’t give them as a man.

What do women want? More specifically, what do women want from men?

Most of the time when these questions are asked, you get some derivative of “Who the hell knows?” and everyone laughs.

But we’ve figured it out and have it all cataloged here at Girls Chase. We have a pretty darn good idea of what women want from a romantic partner.

We know what women want in the short-term and the long-term.

And we teach you how to become a man who can supply it all.

I’ll go over what women want in this article, but just because a woman wants something doesn’t mean you should give it to her. That shouldn’t sound too revolutionary. If you were to give everyone what they want all the time, your resources and time would drain in an instant.

You should only give women what they want so long as it aligns with your personal values and if it helps you achieve your goals.This might sound like a business framework applied to romance, and it very much is.

But while one should be kind and generous, there are limits to how much you should give if you are romantically interested in a woman. And that’s the departure-point premise of this article.

So, with that said, I'll tackle the subject from the perspective of what women want in a romantic partner, long or short term. I'll also discuss what you should and shouldn't give her, and under what circumstances.