Confidence | Page 56 | Girls Chase


How confidence affects results with women, and how to get your confidence, boldness, and "inner game" tightened up and running smoothly.

Using Day Game to Get Girls: 14 Myths Debunked

Ricardus Domino's picture

day gameLet me tell you something that might shock you…

Going to bars and clubs can actually PREVENT you from getting the girls you want!

When I first started approaching women almost a decade ago now, I always went straight to the bars and clubs... and I always went with one or more friends.

It seems to make sense, right?

Lots of single women make themselves look pretty and go there to flirt... people have free time, alcohol serves as a social lubricant and everybody is having fun, listening to music and being social.

Well... all that is true, and so for most men who want to meet a girl, bars and clubs are the INTUITIVE choice. But, as we know, most things in dating science are COUNTERINTUITIVE.

And while I do still go to clubs and bars with friends sometimes to have a good time and maybe a flirt, I prefer to meet women during the day now, and when I'm alone.

This article is about day game - about approaching women during the day - and the advantages that has over "night game". That doesn't mean that any of what you are about to read in this article is the gospel. The night definitely has its perks as well - but let me play devil's advocate here and lay out a bit of a different perspective for you.

I deliberately wrote this in a controversial way to think outside the box a bit, and while some of the following "myths" are actually valid some of the time, one thing is always true:

The more we question things we've believed for a long time... the more we realize that the opposite of a profound truth is often also a profound truth.

Book Excerpts: Don't Look Down (and Here's Why)

Chase Amante's picture

don't look downThere's a good chance you know it already, instinctively if not consciously, but the first rule of eye contact, of course, is this: don't look down. Why's that so important?

The reason, you'll quickly find, is what looking down means. When you break eye contact with someone, you communicate something very specific about yourself and your emotions toward that person, the esteem you hold them in, and how you view yourself socially and status-wise in relation to them.

And just like this, when a woman breaks eye contact with you, she communicates something very specific to you too, based entirely on the manner in which she does it.

This week's excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams explains exactly what each of these ways in which you can lose eye contact mean - and exactly why you want to make sure that, whatever you do with a girl, you don't look down.

How to Get What You Want (with Women and Life)

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to get what you wantEver find yourself wondering how to get what you want?

When was the last time you did something that was clearly not in your best interest?

Don’t worry, we all do it sometimes… In fact, most people do it A LOT:

  • We go on a diet, and then order a pizza the next day.
  • We sign up for a gym, pay the membership for a full year and then stop going after a month.
  • We set a financial goal, and then never seem to get around to starting that business.

Do any of these sound at all familiar?

Why does this happen?

I mean, it’s not like it’s hard to figure out HOW to do these things… as Tony Robbins says, “We know what to do.”

Yet for some reason, we always feel caught and smile the smile of recognition when Robbins adds: “…but we don’t do what we know!”

What would it do for you, if you could take control of your own behavior and DO what you know will ultimately improve your life? If you suddenly found yourself with the power to get what you want? How much better would your love life be… how much more money could you earn… and how much better would you look in the mirror?

How to Seduce Women Like the All-Time Greats

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to seduce womenThey are the stuff of legends… the true MASTERS of seduction. They truly knew how to seduce women.

Some of them are fictional characters, like Don Juan de Marco… others are historical figures that really existed, such as the infamous Giacomo Casanova.

Some may be guys we know personally… everybody has at least ONE friend that every girl in school was chasing after (and he probably hooked up with more than half of them too!).

Others may be guys you’ve seen at the club that seem to know everything there is to know about how to attract women… like that guy who was surrounded by beautiful women, all vying for his attention and trying to be the chosen one he would take home that night!

It can be hard not to get jealous…

But no matter whether your goal is to how to seduce women as well as these legendary Lotharios, or whether you just want to master your own dating life well enough to find one special girl… there is a LOT to be learned from a true master.

This is true for any craft, and it’s no different with seduction.

So let’s look at the ingredients that make true masters… and what we can learn from them, in order to reach our own highest potential!

Never Give Up: The ONE KEY to Success with Women

Ricardus Domino's picture

never give up“Drop the hype, Ricardus!

Can there really be just ONE key to success? If it was that easy, then why wouldn’t everybody be doing it?”

Well, I didn’t say it was EASY. I said it was THE KEY!

I understand you’re probably skeptical about such a claim – I know I would be.

But by the time you’ve finished reading this article, I’m sure you will agree: If you use this one key, you WILL succeed… there’s just no way around it.

And it you don’t use it, you WILL fail… JUST as inevitably.

Okay, okay… so WHAT IS this key?

In almost a decade of studying psychology and social interactions, I have noticed a very disturbing phenomenon: about 95% of people who try to improve their dating life NEVER reach their IDEAL goal.

This article will put YOU in the other 5%.

Of course most people eventually find SOMEBODY to settle for… but the great majority of people never really attract their DREAM partner… and they never really build the PERFECT social life style.

This is not only true for dating:

  • 95% of people who start a business never reach true financial independence (or at least not before they’re too old to truly enjoy it).
  • 95% of people who get into body building never develop that show-stopper physique that makes girls break into sweat when they walk past them at the beach.
  • 95% of people who want to travel the world never end up taking the plunge… they never dare to quit their job and their apartment and buy that plane ticket to freedom.

How come we often set goals and don’t achieve them? Is it because the goals were unrealistic to begin with?

Certainly NOT.

There are MANY people in the world who are already the exact life style you want right NOW… so it is definitely POSSIBLE!

The question is then - what makes the difference between the 5% of people who live the lives of their dreams… and the 95% that do not?

The 3 Things to Know If You Want to Be Charismatic

Ricardus Domino's picture

be charismaticSome guys seem to be born lucky... They have a natural charisma about them that just magically DRAWS people in. Women are attracted to them, men follow their lead, and everybody likes to be around them. They just KNOW how to be charismatic, and no one ever had to teach it to them.

For centuries, people have been wondering what exactly this magical aura is, and what causes somebody to have it.

In fact, the French call it the “je-ne-sais-quoi” – in English: the “I don’t know what.”

You will even hear women say these exact words when they talk about a man they find irresistibly attractive. “I just don’t know what it IS about him!” – Because often this man isn’t particularly PHYSICALLY attractive.

And while women don’t know why they like him, they also can’t stop calling him, or dropping whatever it is they’re doing to meet up with him… or sleeping with him, for that matter.

Many people simply admit defeat around this kind of man… they think he got lucky, he “has it”, and that “you have to be born with it”.

But is that really logical? If you did the exact same things as this man – if you behaved in the same way, had the same body language, and said the same words – if you KNEW how to be charismatic – wouldn’t you have the same effect on people?

No brainer… of COURSE you would.

A world-famous chef might be able to prepare a better “Crème Brûlée” than you can – and he may have a lot of talent in this area that you don’t have.

But guess what. If you can take the exact same ingredients and combine them in the exact same way, you WILL get the exact same dish.

No two ways about it.

Can't-Miss Tips for Getting the First Kiss with a Girl

Ricardus Domino's picture

first kissAh, the first kiss.

Does the following sound familiar?

"This conversation with her is going great... man, she’s a real cutie… and she seems to be having a good time too... maybe... yes... I *think* she's flirting with me too!

"But... what if I try to kiss her now and she rejects me? I'll have made a fool out of myself... and maybe that'll blow all my chances with her... I can't take that risk... I better play it safe."

This is a pre-recorded voice message, installed on just about every man's mental hard-drive… at birth.

(It almost seems mother nature doesn’t want you to produce offspring at all sometimes, doesn’t it?)

So… we need to scramble that file... and fast.

FACT: If she’s talking to you, one on one, chances are she likes you… or she’s at least considering the possibility.

Which means, she’s EXPECTING you to kiss her… and in fact, it will even be WEIRD to her if you don’t make a move.

She will think that you’re either not that into her, or that you just don’t have the balls to take things to the next level… and either way, it will cause her interest in you to diminish.

It’s ironic… men are afraid to ruin their chances by making a move, when in reality the opposite is true… not taking things to a physical level with a woman is the number ONE reason why guys end up in the dreaded “friend-zone”!

A Good First Impression: Making One Every Time

Ricardus Domino's picture

good first impressionAs we all know, you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression. And this is more than just a cliché... this is HUGE!

I'll say it again: You just DON'T get a second chance!

Studies in the field of sales have confirmed the old adage. As it turns out, 80% of our perception of a person is formed in the first 3 minutes. But what’s more: 80% of THAT takes place in the first few SECONDS!

Do I have your attention?


So, what is the ideal first impression a girl should have of you?

If you don't know the answer to this question, you might be practicing the WRONG things… which means that all the hard sweat, blood and tears you invest might actually make your first impression LESS favorable.

What do you think? Should you be

  • Friendly or Macho?
  • Tough or Charming?
  • Dominant or Likeable?

What kind of first impression will make her feel ATTRACTED to you?

Let’s take a closer look. Your first impression comes down to three things:

And number three is the biggie.

How to Be a Dominant Man: What You Didn't Know About the 'Winner Effect'

Chase Amante's picture

how to be a dominant manDominance is a touchy topic. It's positively loaded with cultural baggage - in the West, we're averse to both the idea of being dominant over others and of others being dominant over us. It has all kinds of ill-favored connotations that most would rather just avoid. I'm throwing all of that out today though and talking to you about how to be a dominant man, political correctness and sensitivity aside - and I'm going to teach you a lot of things you didn't know about dominance before today.

In the post on how to be an alpha male (without becoming a stereotype), we broke down the difference between what's generally thought of as "alpha" and what alpha actually is, and about the character of the nomad -- the man who's neither alpha, nor beta, nor any other role in a social hierarchy, but instead operates outside it entirely.

I've long noticed a failure to differentiate among "being alpha" and "being dominant" in those who discuss social dynamics. They're treated as one and the same -- if you're being alpha, you're dominant, and if you're being dominant, you're alpha.

But they aren't the same. Being alpha's about heading up your group.

Meanwhile, being dominant... that's about something else altogether. What that is -- that and the winner effect -- is what this article is all about.

Tactics Tuesdays: Going Out Alone to Meet Women

Ricardus Domino's picture

going out aloneIt has been said that people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death… Seinfeld’s little twist on this idea is that at a funeral, people would rather be lying in the coffin than giving the eulogy.

I believe there is something that we fear even more than public speaking: approaching beautiful women. And this fear gets multiplied when we’re going out alone, without our buddies and “wingmen” around.

I remember the first time I went out ALONE to meet girls. Just the thought of it made me nervous, but I had been told that it’s a great exercise to build confidence and social skills.

Right after I left the house I realized I was hungry… and got something to eat. But while I was still waiting for my food, I became aware that this was nothing but creative avoidance – I was giving myself reasons to put off the dreaded exercise until the last possible moment!

And once I had left the restaurant, I started REALLY getting nervous… and psyching myself out. After half an hour of this, I couldn’t even have asked a girl what time it was… leave alone flirt with one!

Thank God I’ve long since overcome this hurdle, but the question is…