Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad

8 Useful Mindsets for Meeting Women in Nightclubs

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In this post I will share my thoughts on meeting women in nightclubs. Nightclubs have often been the spot many would at first consider natural to meeting women, especially those who are students of the art of seduction.

Yet many new players tend to avoid going to clubs to meet women because of the fact that there are other possible options that seems easier and more efficient than picking up girls in bars and clubs.

I agree with those saying that nightclubs are too messy and chaotic, because often they are, yet there are other positive aspects to meeting women in nightclubs. Some of the positive sides are, for example, that you can meet a huge spectrum of different women in a short amount of time. Also, meeting women in clubs allows you to easily have sex with them on the initial meeting – in fact, you can end up having really exciting and crazy nights.

meeting women in nightclubs

However, meeting women in nightclubs is hard, but with the right mindsets it all becomes somewhat easier. Yes, of course it requires lots of practice to become good at meeting women in clubs, but usually the biggest cause of failures is not lack of skill, but the wrong mindsets.

In this post I will cover some mindsets that I still use and that have helped my friends and me a lot. So I hope you enjoy this post.

What are Beautiful Women's Expectations in Dating?

Alek Rolstad's picture

First, I would like to apologize for being inactive and not being able to answer the questions in the comment sections of my posts. I have been very busy lately. But keep in mind that I am reading your comments; they help me get inspired for future posts. This post for instance has been inspired by comments from posters. I would like to make posts based on the comments I get, so that I can give you even better reading material. Hope you enjoy this one.

I wrote an article recently about having fast sex where I mentioned that going for fast sex is beneficial because it communicates that you are a lover, and that being a lover is a good thing when it comes to seduction, as it makes laying beautiful women easier.

In the comment section, however, some men mentioned that, according to their experience, beautiful women they meet tend to display a desire for providers more than a desire for lovers, and that they are not willing to have sex fast.

beautiful women's expectations

Here are the comments:


I am at the point where I am trying to go for really pretty women. However, I am running into some difficulty. My issue is that I am meeting women of quality who don't want first meeting sex. I am getting a feeling that quality women (the real pretty ones) can have sex whenever and with whomever they want at any given time. So a lover who just provides them with sex is really nothing to them since they can get sex from anyone. So, what I am saying is since quality women have a lot of options to choose from they are more prone to being "gamed" (meaning taking them out on dates and playing the game). In your experience do you think this is true? Do you think quality women need to be "gamed"? Or is my entire thinking flawed, do I need rewiring?


And another one:

I also tend to find out that Women of Quality (not your average cute college girl or a drunk club girl) simply will NOT sleep with you until dates 3-5, no matter what you do. I am fairly successful with women and have no problem seducing them on the first date, if we are both on the same wavelengths. Some of the Women of Quality (especially late 20s-early 30s, as opposed to early 20s) just don't have sex early on and they would cut down any and all attempts to do so.

These are very interesting points. Let me now give my answers. In this post I will cover my opinion on the issue. I believe these topics needs clarification and I hope this will clarify a few things for many of you.

Why to Have Fast Sex with a Girl You've Just Met

Alek Rolstad's picture

fast sexGentlemen!

In this post I am going to argue for the necessity of having fast sex; for having sex with women the very first time you meet them.

Personally, I rarely take women’s numbers; I actually can’t remember the last time I took a woman’s phone number. And that’s not because I’m taking their email addresses or Facebooks, either.

I am not really the type of man who has the patience. I want to feel the rush, the excitement, and the joy of doing something spontaneous with a woman. So, taking this into consideration, I need to admit that I get very frustrated when someone asks me about “dating” or “how to seduce a particular girl”, because, though I can answer them, these are not my preferred topics. Many other posters around here would give out better answers to such things.

However, if you’d like to discuss one-night stands, cold approaches, female sexuality, sex talk, seduction theory, threesomes, escalation, or anything else that is related to having dirty, spontaneous sex with hot women in exciting environments, then feel free to ask me questions.

Should I Make Her My Girlfriend?

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“I am in love – should I make her my girlfriend?”

I have, on multiple occasions, including in the comment sections here at Girls Chase, been asked such a question.

should I make her my girlfriend?

We humans can bond with one another emotionally and experience a stream of emotion that is very intense. We often refer to that experience as love, and, as we know, love is a strong thing.

As you meet women, you will probably meet some you truly like – i.e., some who you would maybe even say you’ve fallen for.

After a while, you pretty much decide to stop doing cold approaches and instead aim to get that one particular girl as your girlfriend.

Such a thing happens to most of us, including Chase and I. I will, in this post, share my opinions on this topic. But keep in mind that you know best what is best for you, and if you believe that trying to get this particular girl to become you girlfriend, no matter what, is an ideal thing for you to do, then you must do whatever floats your boat.

Mutual Escalation

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Mutual EscalationToday I am going to discuss a very simple concept that will make your physical escalation smoother, more efficient, and much more powerful.

I am sure the concept won’t sound like rocket science. And I am sure that some experienced players here at Girls Chase probably do this unconsciously, but I’d still recommend they read this post, in order to become aware of what they’re doing.

Others have probably thought about this concept but have only rarely used it in practice, as I seldom see it used by men out there.

Either way, this concept is VERY simple. Beginners, intermediates, and pros will all benefit from learning about it, and I also believe most men will be able to pull it off (as long as you manage to “simply escalate”).

I will call this concept “mutual escalation”.

Is the Mating Game Fair for Men?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Is the mating game fair? Do women have an advantage in the mating game?

These are good questions to ask; questions that many of you have probably asked yourself at one time or another.

I often see guys perceiving women as more privileged in the mating game. They get free drinks, lots of male attention, and seem to be able to get any man they want, whenever they want.

When we men see this, we may start envying them and calling out for justice.

is mating fair?

In this post, I will discuss whether or not the mating game is unjust or not, and what to do if it is just.

The Art of Learning to Pick Up and Sleep with Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture

Happy New Year!

I am sure many of you have set goals to become better with women and seduction in 2014.

Therefore, I’ve chosen to put together an article about the learning process. In this post, I’d like to share my personal experience learning seduction - and I’ll also share lots of tips and advice that ought to help you learn faster.

learning pickup

The purpose of this post is to make progress easier for you and give you some guidance along the way. I also hope this piece motivates you to keep learning about seduction!

How to Tell a Sex Story, Part II

Alek Rolstad's picture

Last time in Part I of this series, we discussed how to transition from a casual conversation into sharing sex stories with women, without making it awkward. I promised you that the second article concerning this topic will be about how to juice it up, but also how we can proceed after having shared a sex story with a girl.

So here is the plan for today:

  • How to add more Juice to your sex stories

  • What to do after sharing your awesome sex story

  • Finish it off with a recap

How to Tell a Sex Story, Part I

Alek Rolstad's picture

Sharing stories is a good way of conveying your personality, which is the pillar of what creates attraction. What attracts women are the elements, or we might call them the traits, of your personality that are attractive.

For example, you can display higher value by sharing a story of yours, which can be done by telling the girl you’re talking to a story in which you are experiencing an exciting event, or just simply communicating to her that you have an exciting life. Maybe the story communicates social proof, or preselection – where you meet other girls.

There are no doubts that all this works, but what I wanted to talk about today is the usage of storytelling as a tool to convey a sexual personality. Say, by sharing sexual experiences in order for you to be perceived by her as a sexually experienced man.

sex story

Further you can also share a story in order to make a girl horny – as your story will be like an erotic novel to her ears, allowing her to fantasize about the event by herself (women love pornographic literature – such as erotic novels).

And, sharing sex stories can also work to set the right frame. As I mentioned in my introduction post about sex talk: the frame will define her perception of you; which means that if she perceives you as a sexual man, she will treat you like one. How people perceive you plays a crucial role in defining their behavior toward you.

So now, in this article we will lay out the different steps in how you can pull this off properly.

  • How to transition into a sex story

  • How to actually tell a sex story

  • Short Recap

We will get right into the first step.

How to Have Discreet Sex (and Communicate Discretion)

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

discreet sexToday I want to discuss to the topic of discretion in seduction. In my opinion, this is one of the most powerful tools a seducer can use to get women.

Being low-key will not only get you laid, it will also allow you to have crazy and discreet sex with women. Is sex really all that we want? I am sure many of you fantasize about dirty sex, or watch dirty porn. Admit it or not, I do not care; all I know is that there is majority here who truly want to do some dirty stuff.

In this article we will cover what being discreet and low-key is all about, and why it works so well in seduction.

In the second section, I’ll give you multiple tools that you can use in different settings to communicate secrecy - and get discreet sex.

Let’s go.