Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Have Sex with a Girl... and All Her Friends, Too (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Can’t decide who you want to sleep with? Cuz they’re all just so damn hot? No fear, just bang them all!

Ah, yes, seems like a fun idea, then you think about it and realize the monumental scandal that would be upon you and your reputation.

Is there a way to pull this off without totally ruining your relationships with these women?

Are women okay with you shagging their friends, and then them (or her first then the others... or maybe all together)?

I will show thee the way.

Click play!

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Blindfold Routine

Pablo Garcia's picture

By: Pablo Garcia

pickup and seduction gambit: blindfold
This seduction gambit is useful for screening for girls who are into kink and BDSM. It uses proxies and sexual prizing to get her curious and super horny for you.

Hey there, guys!

Today I’m going to share a pickup/seduction routine that I regularly use when I’m out doing night game where I am living in a capital city of northern Europe. It’s called the blindfold routine, and it’s given me plenty of easy lays, so I’d like to share some of its gold with you.

An important side note is that the routine should be delivered after you have opened the girl and she is somewhat hooked to you. You will benefit the most if you use it mid-game, and then it can be quite explosive.

In an Age of Connectivity, Maintain Your Privacy

Chase Amante's picture
just you and her
In the Internet age, everyone's cavalier about privacy. But now that people are routinely smeared, fired, and jailed for what they share online, should you still be so cavalier?

Right now, everyone's aware of how little privacy everybody else has in the Internet age.

We're all aware of it, but few of us care. Most people are actually pretty cavalier about their privacy.

Most people are on social media. A lot of people want to be big on social media. Pictures of their lives, videos, and so on. They want to blow up and get all those sweet, transitory thumbs up from random people.

Trading privacy for social approval is an attractive prospect when you are younger. I did it; a lot of people do it.

There is an important thing to understand about privacy though, and it is that the stuff you put out there to help you (by making you look cool, giving you a stage to stand on, and the like) can also come back to bite you.

It is important, especially while you're in your more self-focused, self-aggrandizing period of life (typically your teens and early-to-mid-twenties) to do everything with privacy in mind.

Picking Up Girls: The 5 Types of Pickup

Tony Depp's picture

types of pickup
Pickup is the art of meeting women and taking them to bed, and practically anyone can do it. To get started, here’s an introduction to the five types of pickup.

There are only five types of pickup:

  1. Direct
  2. Indirect
  3. Day game
  4. Night game
  5. Online

I know nerds love going super-meta with their game theory. I understand. It’s an amazing art form that’s incredibly simple, yet infinitely deep and rewarding.

Take a look at martial arts, for example. What’s a fight, other than using your body to kick, punch, and damage an opponent? Yet the martial arts, as combat sports — or acts of creative expression — can be broken down into limitless meta concepts, as seen in the countless schools, from Muay Thai, Boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling to Sumo. In the end, it’s all punching, kicking, and wrestling.

In its simplest form, pickup is about using your charisma to charm a woman into bed.

6 Things to Do to Start a Relationship Off Strong

Hector Castillo's picture

start a relationship
When you start a relationship, you set its foundation. How good it is and how long it lasts depend on how strong that foundation is. Be wise, and use these rocks.

A house is built on a solid foundation. Do it any other way, and it will crumble at any moment. It might be tomorrow, or it might be three years from now. Either way, it won’t last as long as it could have had you built it correctly. You must start a relationship the same way you start building a house.

A relationship is a house.

Your actions and her actions are the beams. Your thoughts and her thoughts are the architecture. The feelings between you two are the interior. As the house is taking form, give it a firm foundation to stand on with strong materials.

Here are six ways to ensure that the foundation is solid.

During the Pickup, Do You Make Her Feel Like It's Just You and Her?

Chase Amante's picture
just you and her
An intimate feeling during a seduction is crucial to moving forward. Without it, you may never get far with women, no matter how many approaches you make.

Sometimes guys go out to meet girls and girls can tell the guy isn't fully into them.

This may be due to the guy not wanting to throw all his chips in on a girl, to avoid the sting if she rejects him.

Or it might be a consequence of him going around in social butterfly mode, and not being able to commit to an interaction with any one girl.

Regardless, the girl can tell the guy has only one foot in the seduction... and the other foot out of it.

And since he hasn't committed to their interaction, neither too does she.

Thus starts a vicious circle for "one-foot-in" seducers, as they bounce from girl to girl, never committed to their interactions, finding the women they meet do not commit to things either, so that they themselves continue to not commit to their conversations, whether to protect themselves or to keep themselves moving, and on the cycle goes.

Many guys who burn out of nightlife cold approach or day game cold approach are guys who do this... guys who never (or rarely ever) commit to an interaction with a woman.

Women follow your lead (if they like you and accept you as a leader).

If you do not commit to a courtship, women will not commit to it.

Sure, you will occasionally get girls to chase you despite your non-committal nature.

However, the vast majority of the time, with the vast majority of the girls, if you want to get anywhere, you have to go both feet in.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Femme Fatale

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

seduction gambit femme fatale
Here’s a secret weapon of mine. This seduction gambit gets very sexual very quickly; it introduces touch and creates investment and compliance, but no resistance!

Hey guys. Welcome back. Today I feel like getting practical and want to share a powerful seduction gambit FOR NIGHT GAME. It is one of my deadly routines.

This gambit has been hailed in close circles as a super potent cannon. It’s been mentioned as a “secret” gambit for a while now. Some people knew it as “femme fatale” but never knew what it was about. They just knew that those who understood it received amazing results.

The way this gambit works is to allow yourself to get HYPER SEXUAL in just a FEW minutes. It uses mechanisms for increased compliance. I will, of course, fully cover how and why it works.

I have pulled girls with this almost RIGHT away. It’s because this gambit will allow you to amp her up quickly since it will get so sexual that the girl cannot control herself.

Now, some may think, “Oh, here we go; another super risky gambit which either works very well or very badly.” Let me state CLEARLY that this is not the case. There is very little chance of facing resistance or bad vibes.

Honestly, I have not received ANY adverse reactions from this. I have not experienced any forms of resistance, whether it is female state control (FSC) or anti-slut defense (ASD).

The idea behind this gambit is to get from social to sexual, even in groups. This gambit was created during a Scandinavian winter where you have these issues:

  • Women default to a very non-sexual state (because of the cold and humid winter)

  • There isn’t much time to interact with girls in smoking areas because it’s cold, and girls will run back inside. You must hit quickly and do so powerfully or get nowhere.

This gambit works in warmer temperatures, too. I’m just sharing some background info.

Be aware that this routine may get you laid super quickly, and often, but it may not always do so. However, if it doesn't give you its full effect, it will still help you stimulate girls and set a sexual frame. In other words, you won’t lose anything by using it.

Again, this routine is best for night game (I would not recommend it for day game). It does require you have solid fundamentals in place before attempting, since it requires some calibration and technical understanding of pickup and seduction.

Information Management for Smooth Relationships

Varoon Rajah's picture

information management in relationships
Expect women to remember everything you tell them. If they get conflicting information, it inevitably causes friction, so be mindful and congruent with what you share.

This is a little darker than most of my articles. My intent is to educate why it’s vital to control the information flow coming to and from women you're romantically involved with. Whether you’re new to getting girls, are experienced, want a monogamous long-term relationship, desire one-night stands, or prefer to date many women at once, it’s beneficial to manage the information that you share and convey.

Just to be clear, I am a HUGE fan of being open, honest, and upfront with women, and I do not condone lying. Our greatest mission as responsible men is to avoid hurting a girl, which can lead to many problems. Instead, our mission is to understand what we want with the opposite sex, and what women want from men, and to meet in the middle. We want to have fun together and experience a healthy relationship, doing our best to minimize emotional pain in the process.

However, women have superpowers when it comes to understanding men that many of us simply don’t have. They are masters at understanding social dynamics. Part of the reason all women are so good at this is that they’re masters at acquiring and processing different pieces of information very quickly.

So, as intelligent guys who are the leaders of women in the mating game, it’s our job to manage the flow of information to our women for their sanity as well as our own. Information control is related to frame control. What you tell and reveal to her influences the way she sees and values you, and how she executes her relationship with you.

The best information you can give her is inherently valuable to the type of man women are looking for: confident, dominant, attractive, sought after, healthy, masculine, passionate, among many other traits.

9 Ways to Make One Night Stand Sex Good

Tony Depp's picture

one night stand sex
One night stands happen either because that’s what you wanted or because the sex was awful. These tips eliminate the “bad sex” issues and make her want to see you again.

When women tell me about their sex lives, I repeatedly hear that one night stand sex usually sucks. Perhaps it’s rushed, sloppy, unimaginative, uncaring, or just not good for her. And that’s why it doesn't progress beyond a one night stand.

Who wants to have even more sex with someone you had a terrible experience with?

Personally, I don’t like one night stand sex. I want 10 or 50 one night stands. If I find this girl attractive, I want to call her up for a repeat performance any time I wish. The only time I want one night stand sex is if she’s annoying, not that attractive, or I’m passing through her city and have one night only.

The truth is, one night stands for men are hard to come by. That’s why there are books, YouTube channels, and entire digital courses dedicated to teaching men how to pull chicks. It’s never easy.

So on that note, let this be a guide on how to evolve your one night stands into a situation where you have the power of choice.

6 Things to Do with a Girl with a Bad Attitude

Hector Castillo's picture

bad attitude
When a girl has a bad attitude, does it mean she’s a bitch? Is she having a bad day? How do you deal with her and move forward, and how do you know when to walk away?

What do you do with a girl who has a bad attitude?

Usually, when you’re seducing a girl right, she'll be more like a teenager in love. Yeah, maybe she teases you a little and doesn’t have a problem putting her foot down if you cross a line, but she’s almost entirely under your spell. She’s smiling, eager, curious, and almost can’t control her giddiness when she’s around you.

But seductions are not always so perfect.

Sometimes an amazing romance can begin with some attitude. Maybe it’s you that caused her bad attitude or something else.

She’s upset about something. I mean, she is a woman.

In these cases, they’re usually irritated with something. It’s in their nature. But she’s also human, and people go through stuff. So a bad attitude doesn’t always mean she’s a bitch. She might be, but you don’t know until you have the experience to distinguish between a girl with attitude and a girl with a bad attitude.

As men, we lean toward calling her a “bitch.” It’s an instinctual disgust of women with too much attitude. We see them as unruly and unreasonable.

When a girl around me has a bad attitude, even if it’s not directed toward me, it irks me. And it should, to an extent.

You should also find it funny. I mean, what’s this girl’s ire to you? She’s just a girl.

But what if she’s your girl or you want her to be yours? Her crappy attitude can ruin the whole vibe. Unless, of course, you handle it right.

Let’s learn how to deal with a girl’s bad attitude, or when to know that it’s not worth the trouble.