Confidence | Girls Chase


How confidence affects results with women, and how to get your confidence, boldness, and "inner game" tightened up and running smoothly.

10 Dumb Myths About Women Newbie Seducers Often Believe

Chase Amante's picture
myths about womenMen believe a lot of weird/baseless things about women that aren't broadly true. Shed these female myths aside, and be free.

If you're a seduction newbie (i.e., you're new to meeting and getting together with girls), I can guarantee you you have some objectively very silly beliefs about women that don't hold water at all.

It's not your fault you have these beliefs, nor are you dumb yourself just for having them. When the brain lacks real world experience in a thing, it picks up 'experience' by observing other things around it.

And our real-world media environment is just all kinds of stupid with the spin it presents on things.

The beliefs men absorb from the media they watch tend to be almost exclusively wrong. There is very little media out there that actively depicts male-female relations.

So you get this situation where men have limited and also shallow real-world experience with women, while meantime getting bombarded with garbage fiction messages from media, and you can't blame them for forming a bunch of inaccurate beliefs about female nature.

In this article, I'll do my part to expose those myths for what they are: myths.

That way you, as a guy going out there to chat up girls, can set these weird and harmful beliefs aside, and start meeting women.

(the image at the top of this article is not to suggest women don't sing siren songs, by the way. Some women certainly do. It's just a cool image of sirens, which are obviously mythical female figures, so it fits the spirit of the article)

How to Be a Visionary (and Wield Charismatic Authority)

Daniel Adebayo's picture
visionary charismaticThe charismatic arts are the province of politicians, celebrities, and other VIPs. Follow these steps to learn how to build charisma.

Ever wished gorgeous girls would take you more seriously as a potential lover?

Perhaps you’ve wondered how to gain their respect so your seductions would proceed smoother, and women would feel the same passionate emotions you do. After all, it can be extremely frustrating to meet new girls who don’t give you much to work with or match your interest levels.

If so, you’re in luck! There’s a rare breed of man who has freed himself from that plateau. Men like these are called Visionaries — and, as you may have already guessed, they get women investing readily.

Seduction Lessons from Real-Time Strategy Games, Pt 2.

Alek Rolstad's picture
real-time strategy seductionIt’s easy to get a big head because you beat an RTS noob or picked up a DTF girl. Yet a truly good seducer (like a good RTS player) relies on strategy, counters, and skillful pacing.

Hey guys. Welcome back!

Last week my post described how playing RTS games inspired me and taught me lessons over time. Today I’m going to take you through the second and final part of this series.

This series might seem odd to some readers. Isn’t the idea of writing about Real-Time Strategy video games on Girls Chase borderline geeky? Sure.

However, we are talking about strategy games, and to me, pickup and seduction is a strategy game of sorts. As I mentioned last week, it also comes down to execution (the distinction between micro and macro from the gaming world).

Today I’ll continue to discuss what I’ve learned from playing RTS games and how they apply to seduction. Due to the pandemic, I’ve started playing again (what else is there to do?), and the more I play, the more I see how my overall mindset has been influenced by my time playing online.

Last week I broke down the overall ideas behind RTS games and how they apply to seduction, and today I will get deeper into the subject and show how strategic thinking from RTS can help you become a better seducer.

Selection Bias in the Women You Date

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

selection bias in datingEach man forms his opinions on women from the women he meets. Yet not every man meets the same sorts of women — so selection bias shapes his opinions.

I've talked about this a bit here and there. But today I'd like to highlight it specifically (and clearly).

You (yes you, the reader) are suffering from selection bias in the women you date.

Your opinions about women form from a subsection of all women that is almost certainly not comprehensive.

Further, even if you've experienced a broad cross section of women over time, if your seductions of late have been limited to a smaller cross section of women (and any chunk of your seductions across any discrete chunk of time will likely have been), selection bias has crept in whether you realize it or not.

Selection bias is subtle but sometimes insidious. It can lead men to sweeping, inaccurate beliefs about women they don't realize are inaccurate at a broad scale.

Right now, I'd like to highlight how selection bias in dating works, to help you be aware, and allow you to shield yourself from the downsides of this mental glitch we all possess.

Seduction Lessons from Real-Time Strategy Games, Pt. 1

Alek Rolstad's picture
pretty girl playing videogamesReal time strategy game (RTS) and seduction have some surprising overlap. Success in both comes from strategy: both macro and micro.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today I will share an interesting but different article. I think it will be a fun read and quite useful.

I’ve always loved Real-Time Strategy (RTS) video games, like Age of Empires, Starcraft, and Warcraft III.

This article and its successor will focus on the lessons I’ve learned from playing those games. Plenty of lessons from RTS games apply to seduction. If you read through this article, you’ll see what I mean.

So, whether you’re an RTS nerd like me or not, you’ll find this a pleasant and insightful read.

Disclaimer: In no way am I advocating guys stack pizzas and sodas on their gaming desk and indulge in RTS games in their parents’ basements in the hope of becoming great seducers. That’s not how the seduction game works. Lack of socializing will negatively affect your success with women. You must still go out and meet people, especially women. There is no other way to get good at pickup and seduction.

In this post, I’ll share a parallel with RTS games that exemplifies the importance of field experience and actually doing it (playing in RTS games and meeting women in seduction).

3 Kinds of Seducers and What Motivates Them

Daniel Adebayo's picture
three smartly dressed menMen with the drive to truly excel in seduction possess one of several profiles. Each profile with its different traits and motivations pushes a man’s seduction journey in different directions.

Did you know that the skills you learn in your seducer’s journey are applicable in other areas of life?

For instance, many car salespeople use the contrast principle to increase their personal wealth. The argumentation a lawyer uses to defend a client in court is laced with verbal intent.

Your goal as a seducer is to wield influence to affect the desires and inhibitions of the girls you meet.

However, any game student without a clear sense of his inhibitions will be vulnerable to the influence of others. Most people are influenced every day without being aware.

If you learn to cross-examine your inhibitions and personal desires, you can improve your instincts and become an uninhibited seducer who won’t be easily led astray.

Today we’re going to look at three types of uninhibited men. We’ll also consider some essential features of human nature to help you illuminate the mystery and darkness surrounding your deepest desires so you can find fulfillment in your seducer’s journey.

Tactics Tuesdays: Post-Sex Behavior After Mediocre Sex

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

mediocre sexYour first time in bed goes a long way toward determining whether a woman sees you again. But it’s not about your technical performance. It’s about how you make her feel.

I'm seeing a lot of cases recently where guys are laying girls, giving mediocre performances in bed, then not being able to get those girls out again.

They message them for a while, and the girls message back less and less enthusiastically, less and less frequently.

Eventually these girls drop off their radars altogether.

There are some common themes I'm seeing in both why these girls drop off and why the guys in question can't get them back.

I started this article wanting to talk about follow-up strategies, and I may get around to that.

But as I got into it, it occurred to me that really the core problem is how guys are behaving with women in the bedroom.

So instead, in today's article, I want to give the reader some tactics he can use to reverse this trend in his own seductions, in the bedroom, and retain more of the women he takes to bed.

Girl Hunting: Pickiness vs. Selectiveness

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

girl standards pickyMany guys are ‘too picky’ with girls. They ignore good-looking and great girls. Then end up alone, or stuck with girls who are bad news. You must escape this trap.

Here's a couple of concepts I want to differentiate for newer (and maybe some not-so-newer) guys:

Those of pickiness vs. selectiveness.

If you've read my stuff on screening for both long-term commitment as well as for girls you'll hook up with in one-night stands, you know how much I harp on screening out girls who aren't a fit and/or will cause you problems.

I've cited science that shows men are a lot less discriminating about the women they start relationships with than women are men, and that men look for red flags a lot less.

In other words, men are a lot more likely to stumble into relationship quicksand.

However, there is a flip side to all this discrimination you want to employ as a dater, and that is this: if you are too picky about the wrong things, you can also stunt your growth as a seducer and make it nigh impossible to get enough experience to progress.

This is the double side of being discriminating: you must be discriminating enough, without being too much so.

You must be selective without being overly picky.

How to Work on Both Outer & Inner Game

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

inner and outer gameIt is possible to work on your self-image and outlook while also improving your game technique.

I’ve been coaching clients for many years now. Everyone has nearly the exact same issues, just in different degrees.

The universal problem they all have is taking their boring conversations that get them friendzoned or ignored, and turning them into attraction.

That was the promise that hooked me. If I learned the magic routines then sexy women would just follow me home for wild, no-strings-attached sex.

While that’s happened plenty of times, the reality is much different. I had to face soul-crushing amounts of rejection to develop the most fundamental skills.

Just learning how to approach, talk to women and hold their attention took me almost two years of daily effort.