Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Why Don't Girls Want Intelligent Guys? Part 1: The Problem with Intellectuals

Hector Castillo's picture

girls don't want intelligent guys
Girls seem to go for dumb guys a lot more than they do smart, intelligent guys. Why don’t girls want to date intelligent guys, though?

The seduction community is rife with smart guys, guys who know a lot about history, science, philosophy, and other disciplines that have a high intelligence requirement for competence and mastery.

Why are there so many intelligent men in the community?


Most of them were alone in their teenage years and into their 20s (or 30s). In their search for a solution to their romantic problems, they put their massive minds to the task.

Some of those men became successful. They continued to theorize and eventually write or record their thoughts. They’re the ones who created the seduction community.

Since they're smart, their rhetoric and syntax is affluent, detailed, and nuanced. Thus, the men who most ably learn from these teachers are also intelligent.

Intelligent men go searching, find these resources created by other intelligent men. Then, speaking the same language, they mesh well together, creating a feedback loop of intelligent men teaching other intelligent men.

This is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a great thing. There are certain principles in this field that take time and focus to logically mine and cut, and raw IQ helps quicken that process.

But oftentimes, while intelligence helps with understanding and teaching, and while it looks flashy and impressive on paper or on video, it can get in the way of what this entire community is focused on.

If a Girl Has Sex with You Fast, Is She a Slut?

Chase Amante's picture

fast sex slut
If she has sex with you fast, does that mean she’s easy? Well… it might. Yet you need a bigger sample size than one (i.e., just you and her) to really know.

One of the more prevalent notions about women and time-to-bed (I’m just going to call it ‘TTB’ in this article) is that the faster a girl gets in bed with you, the sluttier she is.

This is not just an Internet meme. It existed long before the Internet did. It probably goes back as far as humans have been a mostly-monogamous species and have possessed language (that is to say, this meme’s at least a million years old).

Like much wisdom that’s been with us for a long time, it’s rooted in truth. On average, easier women have shorter TTBs (times-to-bed). The harder a girl is to get, the longer her TTB is, on average.

BUT, there is a but. There’s a big but. A Kim Kardashian-with-gluteal-implants sized but.

To be more accurate, there are several big buts.

And if you don’t know what they are, there’s a not-insignificant chance you will ditch a low partner count girl who’s never moved as fast with a guy as she did with you and never will again... or wife up a high partner count girl (with similarly high predilections to stray) after mistaking her for a cagey, hard-to-get one because she knew how to play the game (or just wasn’t that into you).

Bust LMR with Fractionation (and Sidestep Women's Resistance to Sex)

Alek Rolstad's picture

LMR fractionation
When women resist sex, it’s easy to get frustrated. But you can beat this resistance (or often even preempt it) with a little dose of fractionation.

Hey, guys. I hope you are doing well. Today I’m going to discuss a very frustrating subject, something that if you can’t deal with can make or break a seduction at the worst possible moment – the last minute before sex.

Last-minute resistance (LMR) is what you face right before you get down to business. You could be in bed, both hot and horny, and just as you make your final move before sex (usually when you try to touch her more intimately or take off her panties, etc.), she resists. In its most simple terms, LMR is “resistance to sex” during the final phase of the escalation process.

Throughout the years, we have published several articles on Girls Chase about LMR. Here are a few:

And a report by me covering a real-life case of last-minute resistance!

This post will cover another technique you can use – in any situation – whether you met her during the daytime, nighttime, social circle, etc. As long as you are at your place, her place, or anywhere you can escalate things in peace, this technique can be used.

Additionally, this technique is rather simple to pull off and not very risky. Sure, as with any technique, practice will generate mastery, but compared to many other techniques, this one is a relatively safe bet, and I would say it’s fit for seducers at all levels.

11 Mindsets and Mentalities Master Pick Up Artists Use (and 3 They Avoid)

Denton Fisher's picture

pickup artist mindset
Successful pick up artists treat their outings very differently from how most men do. This includes mindsets on rejection, ‘the zone’, panning for gold, and more.

Beliefs have a strange way of becoming truth.

Ever since I started on my journey of seduction mastery, I was told time and again that if I could only think how successful guys thought, I would get the same results. Well, I’ve come to find there is a lot of truth in this. So today I want to teach you a few of those essential mindsets that make a man phenomenal at getting new women.

Many of the thoughts going through your head that are counterproductive to success with women will not change from practice in the field. I have seen too many guys go out night after night simply to reinforce the thoughts that make their nights go south. And of course they can’t recognize the ill effects and negative feedback loops.

We’ve all heard self-help gurus talk about self-fulfilling prophecies: whatever you believe will happen will happen, causing your perception of how the world works to be reinforced. So when it comes to changing your thoughts, know that a lot of the work is going to come during your quiet time when you can sit down and visualize a night when you use the incredible tools I am about to give you.

Are You a Unique, Special Individual? You're Probably Missing the Basics

Chase Amante's picture

unique special
Sometimes you don’t want to follow the instructions. The instructions are for other folks, not you! But if you still aren’t getting results, maybe it’s time to change things up.

Over the years, we’ve seen myriad guys come and go who struggle with a specific problem. These guys are among the most frustrated folks we see at Girls Chase. Not only are they frustrated themselves, but they frustrate everyone who tries to help them, too.

You see, what they want is a magic pill. They want you to tell them how to do everything you teach guys how to do – only they want you to teach them to do it faster and easier than how you teach all those other guys how to do it.

It doesn’t matter how fast the method you’re teaching is. It could take two weeks to work; they’d still want to know how to do it in four days. When you finally persuade them to put the work in, they take a couple of half-hearted shots at it, all their dreams don’t instantly come true, and they give up. It’s too hard, they’re too unmotivated they say. Then they want you to motivate them. Or, even better, give them some kind of shortcut you haven’t told them about before.

We’ve seen it a lot on the discussion boards. Some of the guys we banned in 2017 were long-time members who kept asking for magic pills, chafing at the suggestion when other members suggested they start with the basics, then whined about how hard it was and how unfair their situations were.

And I wondered to myself: “What the heck is these guys’ problems? Why can’t they just do the work and quit whining about it? Why do they ask for magic pills over and over and over again? They’ve GOT all my stuff – and all everybody else’s stuff – right here on the darn site!”

Sure, there’s a lot of material here, and it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we have the quiz and our programs, though. Both of those are condensed information that takes you through a guided process. There’s also the newbie assignment on the boards, which only takes 14 days and a little courage to do. We have paths for guys who are new and want to start getting results. But some guys don’t take them – then not only don’t they follow the paths we’ve laid out for them, but they continue to complain about not getting results anyway. What’s going on with people like this?

Well, as it turns out, a piece of scientific research fresh off the presses (published at the end of December) has figured out what’s going on with people who do this.

Tactics Tuesdays: Do You Command, Suggest, or Request Her Compliance?

Hector Castillo's picture

compliance request
You want a girl to do something. So what do you do – suggest she do it, request her to do it, or command her to do it? Each can have very different outcomes.

It feels manly to order people around and command their compliance. Women respect and admire a man who can order others around. Even if doing so is not always the most tactful of moves, it’s the more dominant move, since it is the most effortless. You are not visibly considering the feelings of others or trying to avoid conflict; you are asserting your power plainly and without fear.

Given the popularity of egalitarianism in our modern societies, the rough, commanding element of traditional masculinity has been demonized.

However, this is a trick. You’ve been sold the idea that people don’t like order and being ordered.

This is both true and false.

It is true that people would rather be in charge – if they could be. Everyone wants to be at the top – if it was easy.

But it’s not, so most people choose a different tactic: trick people into not even fighting each other. Dominate through convincing others that domination is shameful, brutal, and archaic.

Machiavellian tactics at their finest.

Surely, you won’t be as proportionally liked as you would if you were more commanding and dominant, but you would be more respected and get what you want more often. Also, you would, if you became legendary, be liked more by sheer quantity than if you were to stay in your lane. This is the trade-off. You’re more likely to be liked if you’re soft, but this is only because you don’t pose a threat.

This is what was behind my series on self-respect and the ego/self. Those who shame or criticize the self and ego are nothing more than misguided softies at best, and wolves convincing you to don sheep-wool at worst.

However, the vast majority of humanity being soft, compliant, and submissive indicates that people do like order, or at least prefer it over other real-world alternatives.

Allow me to put it bluntly – if someone keeps doing something, he prefers it. I don’t care how harmful, unhealthy, or disturbing the behavior, if someone keeps doing it, he likes it more than whatever else is available. If someone is lazy, fat, and unambitious, he prefers to be that way, because the prospect of being driven, in-shape, and prideful sounds harsher than the occasional shortness of breath, erectile dysfunction, lack of financial independence, and TGIF mentality.

Social concerns are very powerful drivers of preference. The scariest consequence for most people is that others won’t like them.

2017: The Year in Review (Plus What's in Store for 2018)

Chase Amante's picture

year in review 2017
We review what changed and what content went up in 2017. And we look forward to what you can expect from Girls Chase throughout the next year.

So that’s it. 2017’s a wrap! I hope it’s been an excellent year for you. It’s been another very solid year for Girls Chase. 2018 should be a fairly revolutionary one I think (with article tracks and with One Date – which we’re finally ready to launch – plus more awesome things we’ve got in the works for you)... but we’ll get to that in the second half of this post.

Before we do, we’ll review the year that’s just wrapped, and all the content posted therein.

As in past year-end reviews (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016), we’ll discuss what’s changed this year at Girls Chase. We’ll talk overall posting statistics for you numbers guys. We’ll link you up to some of the best articles of this past year, as judged by comment counts, page views, and editorial opinion.

And then we’ll talk about what’s to come in the next year – our tenth year online.

Let’s plunge in.

Where to Touch a Girl to Turn Her On: The Finger Routine

Pablo Garcia's picture

where to touch a girl
Where do you touch a girl to turn her on? Upper arm ➡ shoulders ➡ neck and ears ➡ cleavage. How do you touch her? With the Finger Routine.

Hey, guys. I truly hope you are doing well.

I must first apologize for having been inactive lately with writing articles. But I have not been inactive in the field. In fact, today is the first Saturday night since the summer that I’ve been home writing instead of out picking up girls.

My wingman and fellow Girls Chase writer, Alek Rolstad, has requested that I share a juicy technique on how and where to touch a girl to turn her on. This technique has gotten me a lot of success. So here it is!

One of my areas of expertise in seduction happens to be physical escalation. The “move” covered in this post is extremely powerful, and it will allow you to accomplish so many things. I will of course cover the mechanisms behind it as well as other practical matters related to its use.

The best part of this technique is that, despite its raw power, it is extremely easy to pull off. I believe that beginning, intermediate, and advanced players will benefit from this post (Alek has been using this technique almost every night, too). No matter your level, you can pull this off.

Another thing to note is that this technique can work in all situations where physical escalation is appropriate:

Using Social Proof to Get Laid: A Report (with Demonstrations)

Alek Rolstad's picture

how to use social proof to get laid
Alek demonstrates how to build and use social proof to pick up a girl in a nightclub. See loads of social proof building examples and demonstrations on the way to the pickup.

Hey, guys. I’m finishing this year off with a report that will cover an event that took place last weekend. The idea here is to give you a story that will be entertaining, present some techniques, and give you an example of how they are used in real life.

Here at Girls Chase, we cover a lot of techniques, new ideas, new tricks, and solutions to issues you face in your dating life. However, in some cases, reports can be useful in order to demonstrate:

  • The context in which the techniques are used

  • How many techniques are used over the course of a night, and how they contribute

  • Which techniques fit different situations (how to analyze the situation and decide which techniques to use)

  • Which techniques work well with others

  • How it all comes together in a seduction

This can be a great addition to the actual posts covering the original concepts shared on this website. It helps put things into perspective.

For this occasion, I will be using the following techniques and strategies:

These will be the main concepts applied in this report. Things like opening, escalation, and other basics will of course be applied, too.

I know many of you are fans of my sex talk and were hoping for me to give you one of those reports. I will try to make more of those. The reason I chose this subject is because serious verbal seduction requires you to be able to talk without too much interruption. Where I live, the smoking areas tend to allow for that. Unfortunately, during the winter, it is too cold to do this outside, which means I have to stick to indoor club game, which makes sex talk difficult. I also think variation in the content of my reports is a good thing. Previously, we covered sexual tension; before that, we covered a typical verbal seduction night, and so on. Today we will focus on “social game,” although I will use some sexual gambits!

On the night in question, I was wearing black Chelsea boots (must have), a black sweater, a long necklace, a red bomber jacket with some cool “Chinese dragon” prints, and tight black jeans. With my long hair, I looked like a 70s rockstar.

A bit of background on the night: I was in this venue till 2am, and I left as a result of some drama with one of my girls. I had to let her go, which kinda sucked. In other words, my mood was not great. However, when shit like this happens, the best call is to venue change (go somewhere else). This report takes place in the new venue.

How to Build a Harem, Pt 1: Queen Theory

Varoon Rajah's picture

queen theory
In Part 1 of the harem series, we talk about Queen Theory: how women position themselves as long-term partners and jockey for roles and status.

Having created a constantly evolving harem for the past three years running multi-dating relationships, as well as having dated some of these women for 3+ YEARS in this arrangement, it’s time to share with you a series of articles that covers my experience and lessons learned.

So if you’ve been considering such relationships, or you’ve been experimenting with them but have run into issues, this series is for you. We’ll cover all the facets of dating several women at a time (i.e., any relationship non-monogamous in nature), and we’ll go over what it takes to do so successfully and with minimal drama.

To begin, we will cover the first of three biggest concerns in a woman’s dating life. Those concerns are:

  1. Catching and keeping the top man

  2. Her self-interest

  3. Her reputation

Women use the social and sexual marketplaces to advance their own agenda. Thus all these factors are important.

The way to handle the first concern is to understand all the implications of Queen Theory, which is the focus of this article.

A few months ago, I wound up in a threesome with one of my multiple long-term relationship (mLTR) girlfriends and her girl friend. My girlfriend had an event one Sunday, to which she invited me and two of her girl friends. I met her there and proceeded to grab drinks. Over the course of the event, one of her girl friends took a liking to me, and I took a liking to her.

I cleared my intention with my girlfriend before giving both girls a ride home. But instead of them going home, we ended up at my place. Long story short, one thing led to another and we started to get into a threesome.

Everything was going perfectly. I was watching and playing with two sexy women while they played with each other. Eventually, after having our fun, we all fell asleep together – me in between these two sexy girls.

In the morning around 5:00am, I started to feel horny, and my girlfriend motioned me to play with her while the friend slept. I tried my best but just couldn’t get hard. In that moment, I actually desired the other girl, not my girlfriend. Needless to say, I stopped trying after failing for a little while, then went back to sleep.

An hour or so later, I started escalating on the friend, and my girlfriend went to the bathroom. I then started shagging the friend, but when my girlfriend got back, she was very annoyed. She said “ahem,” indicating for me to stop. Once the friend left a little later, my girlfriend and I didn’t have sex; instead, we spent the next hour going over what happened and my feelings for her and the friend. I was forced to handle some drama and her concerns that I didn’t value my girlfriend sexually like I did the new girl.

While I submitted to her frame (honestly, I probably shouldn’t have; I gave her too much power there), I learned how important it is to understand Queen Theory.

Queen Theory in a nutshell:

  • Every woman who is dating a man in an emotional capacity wants to feel like she’s the #1 woman in his life. Always.

  • No woman wants to share her man emotionally. Always.