Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Be Persistent with Girls Without Looking Desperate

Alek Rolstad's picture

be persistent with girls without looking desperate
It’s a proven fact that persistence gets you laid, but there is a fine line between being persistent in an attractive, dominant way vs. coming off as desperate.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today, we’re going to discuss persistence and its limits. Persistence is a technique commonly used when facing resistance with women. It’s a good way to both:

  • Counter her resistance

  • Find out whether she is resisting or just not into you

The typical rule says persist three times, and if that doesn’t work, you should back off and consider her behavior a swing of rejection, unless she reinitiates on her own. Obviously, this rule should be broken if you face heavy resistance. You know, the type of behavior that screams “Hell no!” If you encounter those signals, you need to back off fully.

Persistence is attractive because:

  • It takes away the woman’s guilt about hooking up – she initially resisted, but you convinced her. This is a good way to counter anti-slut defense-related resistance.

  • It shows you’re a man who knows what he wants and is confident enough to go for it.

  • It displays dominance, which is also attractive.

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding dominance. Many guys usually confuse persistence with neediness. The line between persistence and neediness – which we know is death to female compliance and attraction – is a fine one that can be difficult to see.

So, let’s look at how to persist the right way without coming off as needy. Some of these points have been discussed before, but I always think recaps of key concepts, especially those which add different perspectives, are useful. Additionally, newer guys will benefit a lot from this post.

How to Build a Harem, Pt 5: Phases of Non-Monogamous Relationships

Varoon Rajah's picture

non-monogamous mltr relationship phases
Every relationship has its phases, but non-monogamous setups are often more challenging. Handle each phase well to help things go smoothly and make it last.

Welcome back to the Harem series. In this article, I will continue discussing how to date and manage relationships with many women in an implicitly non-monogamous arrangement. In Parts 3 and 4, we discussed how to compartmentalize your many relationships and structure your lifestyle to balance the number of girls you desire with what’s possible within the system. 

Let’s move on to discuss the life cycle of these relationships, as understanding how they evolve is key to affecting their outcome and longevity. After all, every relationship (even outside this system) has a specific life path. As a man, the dominant force in the relationship, you are in control of where it goes, based on the type of relationship you desire. It’s up to the girl to accept it, or reject it and find another man who wants what she wants.

As the leader in this dating structure, through the whole process, you’ll be guiding the path of these relationships, to protect the woman and create the best outcome for both of you. Ideally, you will structure the relationship so that she understands precisely what it is, how non-monogamy works, and whether it’s something she wants or not.

It’s also important to structure this in a way that makes it easy for her to say yes or no and increases the likelihood of her accepting the implicit non-monogamy model, regardless of her own previous experiences and desires. 

To set up the right path for this system, you must set the correct frames very early, so she understands exactly what it is you do and what she’s getting into. You’ll be conveying most of the information about the relationship through your behavior, not through words, although they will come into play. The life cycle of this relationship type is split into six different parts, and the woman needs to cross all the thresholds to ensure its longevity.

If your girl makes it through all these stages within the first six months or so, you can bet that she’ll be in your life for many years – for as long as you want her to be.

How to Treat Ghosts, Flakes, and Rejections from Girls

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

ghosts flakes and rejections
Do you get WAY more rejections than dates? Well, it’s the same for even the best seducers. Here’s how treating rejection differently can help.

Violets are blue, roses are red, without many options, seduction is dead.

I’m a true poet.

How familiar is this day-game situation? You approach a girl, give her a compliment, talk for a few minutes, get her number, text a few times, ask her out, and… nothing. She just answers “lol”, changes the subject, or flitters away like a pretty ghost.

It feels like a diss, doesn’t it? After all, you had the guts to approach her. You spent months, perhaps years, learning how to do this – to overcome your shyness, your approach anxiety. To improve everything from your appearance and body language to your worldview and lifestyle!

And she doesn’t care. Not one bit. She didn’t even ask you a single question about yourself. How dare she. You spent thousands of dollars on self-help, seminars, books, and online courses. You learned to meditate, increase your income, and build world-class social skills.

And she flakes. It’s like you’ve reverted to a San Francisco street turd.

Just last week, I went to a gay pride parade and met this lovely creature. Long, black hair down to her bum. Wide, full lips. Big, expressive eyes. I reached out my hand and she placed hers in it. I pulled her in and said, “You’re something, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she nodded, her body pressed against mine, eyes staring straight into mine. A minute of conversation, and we kissed. Approaches don’t get much better than this.

It was “you had me at hello” game.

We were going on separate paths, so I got her number. I got home, still a bit giddy from that post-flirtation high. That evening, I texted her. Nine hours later, she replied with “Haha.” The lowest investment reply possible. So, I waited eight hours and texted her again. No reply. No “Sorry I’m not interested” or “Maybe another time.” Just annoying silence.

And I still haven’t heard from her.

Do not waste yourself in rejection; do not bark against the bad but chant the beauty of the good.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


“But Tony, you’re supposed to be a Grand Master Jedi Puuaah! No girls flake on real Pooooass!”

Yeah, girls flake on me, ignore me, diss me – just like you and every guru, coach, and player I know. No matter how tight your game is, most women just won’t be interested or available. They might humor you or amuse themselves at your expense, but they won’t go home with you or ever see you again. That’s just the cold reality of the game. Sniff.

But there’s some girl out there who’s down. She’s very down. It’s your job to find her. That’s why numbers matter. The more leads you have, the better your odds.

Why Am I Not Good Enough for Her?

Hector Castillo's picture

not good enough for her
You want her, but you don’t think you’re good enough. Well, you’re probably right. But there is a solution! It’s not quick. But it’s doable, and it will work.

“Why am I not good enough?” you ask?

You aren’t good enough, that’s for sure. And the “why” part is easy. Not sure if you expected that answer. Welcome to Girls Chase.

I’m not here to tell you that you’re good enough. That you’re fine the way you are. That would be a lie. It might make you feel good for a few seconds, even a few minutes. Tomorrow, you might remember it. By the end of the week, you’ll have forgotten it. You’ll scroll through Instagram and see some gorgeous girl pop up on your feed. Maybe you know her. Maybe you don’t.

What is true is that she’s not your girl. You’ve never kissed her. You’ve never made her wet. You’ve never been inside her. Hell, you’ve probably never even been on her mind for longer than the brief moment your image passed through her focus.

Then, like a bubble, you disappeared. Have you been with a girl of her caliber? Have you been with any girl? Depending on your answer, the thought of “I’m not good enough” and the question of “Why am I not good enough?” will receive this response from the universe:

“No, you’re not. Because you suck.”

If reading that pisses you off, stop reading now.

11 Ways Women Express Interest that Most Guys Miss

Chase Amante's picture

express interest
Women use subtle ways to express their interest. Keep an eye out for these 11 signs though, and women's subtle signals become clear as day.

Women express interest in men in all sorts of subtle ways. Much of the time, you may not even pick up on the signs... or you may have a vague sense she's interested, but not be sure.

It's a common thing for a guy to think maybe a girl's interested, but actually you're not sure, so you let her go... only to realize later on that, yep, she was definitely interested -- and you missed your shot.

In the list below, we'll lay out 11 of the more subtle ways women use to express interest in you. Once armed with these, you won't have to wonder if "maybe she is." You'll know when you've spotted one of the signs -- and can proceed with her accordingly.

Let's start with #1.

How to Get Laid Without Relying on Attraction

Alek Rolstad's picture

how to get laid without attraction
Ever had sex with a girl you weren’t that into? Well, the phenomenon works both ways! With enough compliance, you can get laid even if she’s not attracted to you.

Hey guys, welcome back. Today, I’m going to get more theoretical to clear up a few misconceptions that I know many guys have and, more importantly, solve a common paradox many students of seduction suffer from.

We’re going to talk about “attraction”, one of the most common terms in this field, which often gets thrown around without proper definition, making it confusing or meaningless.

Today’s post aims to clarify the concept of “attraction” in a better way, which will not only help you make sense of it but also assist you when reading future posts on seduction.

We will also delve into the psychology behind it, giving you a deeper understanding of the human mind, which will assist you further in your future adventures.

Give Her a Memorable Date with Just One Compliment

Varoon Rajah's picture

one compliment rule
One compliment is all it takes to deepen your connection with a girl. If it’s thoughtful and genuinely conveyed, it can really help move things forward.

Here’s a nifty little tool you can use on dates. It’s best used to manage your attainability on a date and show a girl that you genuinely like her. It allows you to accelerate the speed of the date and transition it into something more intimate.

However, the way you use it must be timely and carefully calibrated to the moment.

This is a tool that was taught to me by my friend Franco, Girls Chase board moderator, so all credit goes to him. It revamped the way I went about first dates, and my pull rate increased dramatically. It basically shifts any girl on a date into overdrive the moment you use it, but you must use this tactic at the correct moment to exploit its full potential.

Today, we’re going to talk about dates – specifically, first dates. You’re always going to be setting up your dates correctly using other Girls Chase-taught procedures no matter what stage you’re at in the courtship. You approached her, got her number, and asked her on a date. Now you’re going out together somewhere, so she’s invested in seeing where this is heading.

The Journey to Become a Master Pickup Artist

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

how to master pickup seduction
Practically anyone can go from sexless to seduction mastery if they do what it takes. But what does it take? Be ready for a long journey… but one that’s worth it.

One fateful day, I was sitting with a few roommates in my living room, staring bovine-like at the dull, hypnotic glow of the television. A news program came on about pickup artists. A coach was taking a group of awkward men around to various bars and parks, forcing them to approach women. The coach said that any man, no matter who he is, can learn to seduce women with skill.


What Does It Take to Master Pickup?

I ran to my room and googled “pickup artist” while the rest of my roommates picked at their teeth and turned on the PlayStation.

I discovered a whole community that existed in forums, where people discussed PUA philosophies. I read dozens of books like Mystery Method and Double Your Dating. I watched hours of video like The Annihilation Method by Style and so many others. I felt like Harry Potter when he finally realized he didn’t have to live as a muggle anymore – there was a land where magic was real, and with that magic, he could finally get a smoking hot, little pixie to do his sexual bidding. And so, I immediately… did nothing at all.

It took me a year of studying before I decided “enough” and moved to Montreal for the sole purpose of becoming an expert in pickup. Not because I wanted to start a business or impress people on YouTube. Because I wanted to date beautiful women. I didn’t just want to be good at it – I wanted to master it. I wanted to be a Jedi with women.

I went out seven days and nights a week for almost two years. And boy, did I suck at it. It was the hardest but one of the most critical things I ever did, and I don’t regret one tiny bit of that journey – except for that time I caught molluscum from a handjob.

My first night alone at a bar in romantic Montreal. I stood there in that crowded room, surrounded by beautiful people having fun – and pretended to be on my phone.

how to master pickup seduction
Yeah, I’m just waiting for my friends. That’s it. Don’t look at me.

Then, after a few more failed nights of inaction, I actually tried approaching girls. Most of them ignored me or were outright annoyed. Some held up their hands, ushering me away. Others just pretended they couldn’t hear me. It was terrible.

A few weeks later, I started getting better reactions and even a few phone numbers. Then, on my 90th night out, I finally got laid.

The Dark Side of Hedonism and the Party Lifestyle

Hector Castillo's picture

dark side of hedonism and partying
Sometimes the party ends too soon… the booze ran dry, the music stopped, the cops were called, or the darkness gobbled you up and swallowed you whole.

Pleasure is beautiful. It fills us with rapture and excitement. Even the prospect of pleasure imbues us with energy. We want to feel.

Pleasure wasn’t demonized by the Buddha, only the attachment to it, which is why he recommended the pleasures that come from meditation instead. Jhanas (meditative states) don’t have a double-edged structure like the pleasures of the flesh and mind do – yes, thinking and day-dreaming are in the same category as bodily pleasures, at least with respect to their addictive qualities.

They come and go, but they’re propped up on nothing but concentration and discernment. When they go, they don’t crash. Pleasures of the mind and flesh, however, can bring crashes – minor and grand.

Too many drinks can turn into a fight, a car accident, or drowning in your own vomit. Too much sex can turn into an unwanted pregnancy, a disease, or a hurtful situation (e.g., ruining a relationship). Too many hard drugs can kill you by their own hand or tempt you into taking yourself out of the game.

Every action has consequences. Many times, you will be safe, but it only takes one situation to end it all. What I want to do with this article is open your mind to the dark side of hedonism. There is a light side, and it is beautiful, but that part is easy to see. The hard part is facing the darkness and still smiling.

The Life Benefits and Costs of Learning Seduction Game

Varoon Rajah's picture

cost and benefits of learning seduction game
Should you focus more on your career or your game? Ultimately, both are important aspects every man should invest in as early as possible to be truly happy in life.

I recently visited my friend in Seattle during an extra-long layover on a business trip – he’s admittedly far less woman-experienced than me, but he’s also a decade younger. I was asked a question I see asked often in various ways – how valuable is it to learn game as an investment, as far as effort versus rewards is concerned?

We do have some articles covering this on Girls Chase:

Considering my friend’s question, I thought I’d add my own perspective on the importance of learning game in life versus focusing your effort on other endeavors.

Sex and women are one of the biggest drives that men have by nature, and it’s no accident. We’re designed to reproduce, and we’re designed to seek and screw women. But despite this, the truth is that most men are terrible with women. The majority – probably 95% – don’t find or follow websites like Girls Chase, nor bother to learn (or even attempt to see the importance of learning) how to become better-suited to attracting and keeping the opposite sex. Often, it’s deemed unnecessary or too hard to warrant the effort.

There are also guys who see other men doing well with women and assume that this kind of success isn’t even possible for themselves. Minorities often hold this view, believing that it’s impossible for them to attract the same kind of women more skilled men get. Other guys notice that men in certain social circles tend to do better than others – a bartender, international tour guide, or frat bro versus your average Joe, for instance.

Well, there is some truth to this, but it’s worth examining more closely because your experience with women is tied to the timeline of your life, and your ability to attract women as a man is largely determined by how much effort you put into learning about women.

As you’ll see, there are no accidents when it comes to why certain men do better with women – and get hotter girlfriends more frequently – than other guys.