Confidence | Page 37 | Girls Chase


How confidence affects results with women, and how to get your confidence, boldness, and "inner game" tightened up and running smoothly.

How to Develop Charisma as an Introvert

Darius Bright's picture

A girl once said the following about me to a mutual friend:

“You know, the best things about Darius are his deep cuts and his charisma.”

I must say, I was a little surprised. Not about the deep cuts part – since college I was known to wear buttoned shirts with an extra open button and I’ve always preferred V-necks over crew necks on tees.

Quick off topic tip: It works and it’s hot. If you’re of shorter stature be careful though, as it might mess up your upper body proportions and visually make you look shorter.

The part that I was surprised about was that she called me charismatic. You see, I’ve never been the talkative, outgoing, life of a party kind of guy, and back when it was said it was even more obvious than it is now.

Nonetheless, in her eyes I was charismatic.

introvert charisma

What’s interesting is that after that conversation I did indeed start working, at first indirectly, on further developing this quality – though “quality” might not be the best word to describe charisma. As you’ll see in this article, it would be more appropriate to call it a skill than a quality of your character.

As I got better at managing charisma, interesting things started to happen:

  • I would relatively easily find new groups and friends during my nights out (it’s not uncommon by the end of the night to realize that the group I’m currently having fun with, who are inviting me to after parties and the like, consist only of people I don’t really know)

  • Guys often will buy me shots and ask to drink with them (happens less frequently with women, but that’s expected)

  • And people in general seem eager to open up and share their stories.

For example, last time I was out, after ordering my drink, an unknown guy walked up and asked me to join his company of four ladies on the dance floor.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain that, not only does this makes nights out more pleasurable in general and puts you in a very positive state of mind, it also makes the subsequent steps of seduction easier (but don’t be fooled, you still need to make things happen).

With this introduction I first would like to refer you to another article, written by Ricardus, The 3 Things to Know If You Want to Be Charismatic, in which he brilliantly covers the core parts of what makes a man charismatic and how to be one.

I would like to urge you to read that piece first and then come back here, as in my article I would like to focus more on the specifics and strategies you can employ to develop your charisma and do this, even if you’re not a particularly outgoing guy.

5 Limiting Beliefs that are Stopping You from Improving Your Appearance

Darius Bright's picture

“So, you’re still single?”

“Yeah, you know, I just haven’t found the one yet…”

This is an excerpt from an exchange that happened years ago with a girl I somewhat had a crush on. This happened before I learned that there was such a thing as seduction and started out on the path of improvement.

limiting beliefs

The funny thing is, even though now I can imagine her rolling her eyes at this answer and thinking “yeah, right, that’s why you’re single…” at the time, in my mind it made perfect sense – I had a socially acceptable explanation; an excuse that made my non-existent romantic life “okay”.

And the saddest part was that I truly believed that if only I found “the right girl”, I wouldn’t need to put in any effort, better myself, become attractive, and everything would just happen naturally and I’d live happily ever after.

As romantic as it sounds, this pervasive fairytale-like fantasy was actually a limiting belief in disguise, and a common one at that.

But limiting beliefs are in effect not only in relationships and seduction – tell me what you’re struggling with and I’ll tell you in which life area you have the most limiting beliefs.

With this article, I’d like to discuss some of the more common limiting beliefs that are haunting an area very closely related to seduction – your appearance.

The reason why I’m focusing on this area in particular is that, even though all of us know that it’s a great freaking idea to work on becoming better with women – approaching, isolating, escalating, closing, managing relationships, etc. – many men, especially those who struggle and seem to have very little real success with women, still have trouble grasping the role of appearance in seduction and how to work on it.

Just like I did with my “I just haven’t found the one yet” excuse, they are telling themselves socially acceptable stories why they are not sexy men but expect sexy women to fall head over heels for them.

And so, let’s discuss some of those stories.

The Magic Word that Gets You More of What You Want

Drexel Scott's picture

Good day, gentlemen. Today, I’m here to tell you about something profoundly simple yet tortuously difficult for some. Let me ask you something… what if I told you there’s one particular word in the English language that will get you more of what you want than entire essays of other words?

That with this one magical word, you can assert your boundaries, display your standards, and become a stronger man all at the same time?

You would probably think that I’m crazy… and most likely also want to know more! First I will tell you the word, and then we will delve into its dynamics.

The Magic Word is…



Know Thyself: Breaking Free of Past and Present

George Russell's picture

If you want to move to the next level with women, you need to know a lot about them.

You need to know what piques their interest, what makes them comfortable, what turns them on, and what keeps them coming back for more.

But it’s not enough to know women. You need to know yourself.


This article is the first of two articles that focus on knowing yourself. In this article, I’m going to convince you that self-knowledge is a powerful tool for attracting women, both in the short term and the long term.

Then I’m going to point out a couple of areas where you might be neglecting your pursuit of self-knowledge.

It’s certainly not all abstract, philosophical, and ivory-tower. You could be neglecting something that has huge consequences for your romantic prospects.

The Genuine Man, Part 10: A King in Action

Hector Castillo's picture

Welcome to the final article in the Genuine Man series.

We’ve covered all the mindsets, techniques, and fundamentals of becoming a genuine man – or at least the overarching principles, which include:

Now I want to show you what that looks like in action, or at least begins to look like once you hit this level. I’ll present many examples of my current genuity and actions and compare them to my former jerk procedures.

5 Tools for Obliterating Suppression and Anxiety

Cody Lyans's picture

A lot of guys who ask for help with women suppress the value of the advice they receive in order to avoid a tender issue. In this article I am going to discuss the tendency to suppress new information in order to continue with old habits and the unconscious anxiety that fuels this behavior.


It is about how suppressive behaviors empower anxiety into a chronic problem and inflate the ego so you never want to LEAVE.

A Doomed Relationship is the Ideal Springboard

George Russell's picture

Note from Chase: this is our first article from George Russell, a writer from across the pond whose work I found refreshing and strong. He’s joined us for a four (4) article trial period, and if you think his stuff is good too, he’ll be back for more as a regular contributor. George’s first article is on using a failing relationship as a springboard for getting back into the dating game. Here’s George.

It’s circling the drain, she’s pulling away, there’s nothing you can do to stop it – you know, you’ve tried everything. She hasn’t left yet, but her eyes are on the exit sign and you know her destination.

Your relationship is doomed. Either you cling on desperately until the bitter end, or you break up with her now before you waste any more time. Right?

Not so fast! There are other ways to handle the end of a relationship.

In this article I’ll show you how to make a smooth and successful transition back into the single life, or straight into a relationship you really want to be in.

doomed relationship

The first step, of course, is to decide that you need to move on. It’s often tempting to give it just one more chance, but bear in mind that lingering in a bad relationship takes its toll. Among other things, it can damage your health, your happiness, and your ability to connect with other people.

If you’re unsure, I recommend you read more on knowing when to break up with a girl. As Chase points out in this article, ending a relationship can be tough. And it’s much tougher for people who don’t prepare for what they know is coming.

The Genuine Man, Part 8: How a Man of Reality Thinks

Hector Castillo's picture

Finally, we made it.

After addressing:

I will now address the question that’s probably been irkin’ you for a while now.

How Your Self-Perception Can Make or Break Your Night

Darius Bright's picture

Early in my “career” I noticed a rather peculiar phenomenon – when I was out with guys (and gals) who saw me as a sort of master seducer (usually due to a combination of my image, behavior, and, occasionally, seeing my previous successes), I would find myself performing much better with women. Every single part of the seduction dance would become noticeably easier without any additional conscious effort on my part.


Would you like to guess why this happens?

Sure, being in a good mood because you’re hanging out or meeting people you like plays a significant role, and an occasional comment like “Oh yeah, he’s very experienced in bed” said jokingly in a group setting does its job to create a reputation of someone who knows what he’s doing.

But that’s not it; the change that makes the biggest impact turns out to be in our head.

You see, when I hang out with people who already see me as someone who’s successful with women and expect me to act like that, it puts a certain positive pressure and, in a way, makes it socially okay, even expected, to act sexually.

In turn, I would find myself assuming the role of a sexy guy who pulls women left and right, which, as we’ll learn later in the article, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy – cool, right?

Note that this is happening almost exclusively in our head and, more often than not, without conscious interference – a change in self-perception based on the environment.

How to Tell Whether It’s Good Advice or Bad

Alek Rolstad's picture

You have probably read a lot of posts online where different websites share conflicting ideas. Ideas and techniques you get from one place do not match the ideas you read somewhere else. In fact, you might have even read two different theories or techniques here on that conflict with each other. That is not unexpected.

In this post, I will discuss how you should approach this issue when you encounter it in order to make it all less confusing for you.
