Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Is Being a Player a Betrayal to Your Culture?

Hector Castillo's picture

is being a player wrong?
A lifestyle of hedonism, pleasure, and abundant bedmates is quite delightful. Yet if you are a playboy, have you betrayed your society to become one?

Society is changing.

Tectonic plates of social mores are rubbing together and creating earthquakes. The ensuing chaos can be seen all around the world, especially in the U.S.

On one side, we can break it down most simply by Liberalism vs. Conservatism. These are the eternal spectrums of any society. Right now, Liberalism is concerning itself with identity politics and claiming to align itself with two ethical principles – tolerance and compassion. These ethical principles naturally create support for causes like climate change activism, racial and sexual equality, and wide-open immigration policies. Whether this is wrong or right is not the focus of this article. I’m simply pointing out what is happening.

Conservatism is currently concerned with nationalist politics and aligning itself with two ethical principles – tradition and independence. The focus on tradition creates a “the law is right, no matter how you feel” framework, which then leads to a direct conflict with policies like open immigration. Independence-focused politics creates conflict with macro ideas like the EU, NAFTA, and the Paris Climate Agreement. With the victory of Donald Trump, an aftershock is now sweeping countries like Hungary and Poland (who were already quite conservative) and pushing their conservatism farther to the right.

Society is now swinging to the right, toward more conservative values. In fact, it has been for a long time. Liberalism has hit its peak and may decline soon, as its surge from the 1960s has begun to lose its momentum.

This is most evident in the arena of sexuality, which I believe (through observation) to be the control point of the rest of society. Everything seems to revolve around sex (at least that’s how I connect the dots).

And since society seems to be swinging to the right politically, that means some big changes are going to affect our attitude toward sexuality, which has both its pros and cons.

Wounded Man, Nurturing Woman

Chase Amante's picture

nurturing girlfriend
Guys often want a woman who will nurture them. How does a man come to desire this – and is it really the healthiest relationship setup?

There is this dream many men have. In it, a man opens up and tell all his pains, fears, and weaknesses to a woman. In turn, the woman takes it all in, consoles the man, nurtures him, and loves him even more for his sensitivity and innocence.

Often men with this dream try to pull this off with this girl or that. Yet, they are disappointed. The girls they try it with do not respond with the warmth and acceptance they wish for. Instead, the girls they open up to are critical, rather than nurturing. These women often lose respect for them, rather than gain it.

Sometimes this reaction will cause a man to adapt: women are for companionship, homemaking, and sex; they are not for emotional support. Other times, it can cause a man to become bitter: there are no good women out there. No woman will accept me and love me for who I truly am.

Today’s article is about this idea of a nurturing woman you can tell anything you want to to, who will love you regardless how much weakness and vulnerability you share with her, and who will never leave you, no matter what. Are there women out there like this? And is there any role you must play in this – other than to simply offload your emotions to her, and have this girl carry your burdens for you, and bandage your wounds?

Calibration Series Pt. 5: Making Assumptions and Calibrating on the Fly

Alek Rolstad's picture

calibrate assumptions
Before you walk up to a girl, you’re going to make guesses about who she is and how to approach. What signals should you pay attention to, vs. which should you not?

Welcome to the final installment in my Calibration series. If you haven’t caught up on the previous posts, here they are:

Previously, I shared my skepticism regarding different female personalities, types, and archetypes, and their usefulness in pickup and seduction. Many readers assume that calibration is all about analyzing what type of girl you’re dealing with, then proceeding with a certain “method” that fits that exact girl. Well, it isn’t that easy – sorry.

In Part 4, I shared the reasons why I believe such a model is fallible:

  • Recognizing what kind of person she is requires you to spend time with her. This is not possible with cold approach.

  • Recognizing her type and personality is very difficult even if you’ve spent some time with her (through work, school, and other social settings). You don’t really know who she truly is, because you’ve only seen her and interacted with her in one or two settings. I remember back in the day how a particular “Miss Introvert” from class would go nuts when she’s in a club. That was a learning moment for me. I’ve had many similar experiences since.

  • In different settings, you will notice how many sides there are to women. Even if you knew her before, women don’t just experience different emotions more often, they act upon them more than men. In other words, who she is is kind of a fluid concept, especially in a settings that stimulate her a lot (clubs) or social settings that force her to put on a social mask (classrooms).

  • Honestly, when you are in-field trying to seduce, you have higher priorities than trying to perform psychoanalysis and trying to find out who she is. Instead, you have to hook her in, connect, and seduce her. You have limited time, and she has a limited attention span. Pick your tools carefully.

  • Also, this may not be the case for you, but many of us operate in highly-chaotic environments like clubs. As mentioned earlier, such places affect her emotionally, which will have an impact on her presence, but the chaos makes it very difficult for us to judge and discern who she is. And we ourselves will be more stressed, and the chaos will cloud our perceptions.

That said, without contradicting the points above (and the points of my previous posts), I will make a little argument for how using personality types can be a bit useful. However, there are lots of caveats, and the way I personally use them will differ a bit from how others would expect.

After presenting my framework, I will share with you the categories I use. But let’s first lay out the framework of how I would use personality types in calibration.

Using Visualization and Affirmation to Skyrocket Success with Girls

Denton Fisher's picture

pickup affirmations and visualizations
Affirmations and visualizations are more than just New Age mumbo jumbo – they work. And they can help you do better with girls, and get the women you want.

Even if your desire suddenly appears before you, it may just as quickly pass you by if you haven’t prepared your mind to say “yes.”

Most guys are hesitant to try visualization and affirmations, and some think it would be just as helpful to throw a penny in a wishing well. But contrary to popular (skeptical) belief, they work.

For me, these two things were among the biggest factors in my social progress. If it were not for me visualizing my results differently, I probably never would have changed for the better. There is a reason so many successful people tout the effectiveness of these tools. So let me show you how you can use the power of the mind to send your results to the next level.

Tactics Tuesdays: 4 Tips to Handle Conversations in Groups

Chase Amante's picture

conversation in groups
How do you handle conversation in a group… especially when there’s a girl you like and want to talk to there? With 3-second eye contact, quality face time, and more.

Ideally, you’d like to be able to meet a girl one-on-one, hit it off with her, and run through the courtship free of distractions or interruptions. You know, that’s like meet her on the street... or in the café... or in the bar... or waiting for the train... and she’s allll by herself. All yours, from the moment you walk up.

In reality, you’ll get this some of the time. But if you’re waiting for only girls you can meet in isolation, you’ll pass up a lot of pretty girls who might otherwise have available to you. Girls you did not approach because they were with other people, and you didn’t want to have to deal with a group conversation.

It is a little dicier handling group conversations. However, there are upsides too. The biggest of which is, like the old ‘group theory’ of yesteryear PUA, once she sees you win over her group of friends, suddenly it becomes a lot easier for her to show attraction to you and agree to move forward with you (assuming she does like you). Effectively managing a conversation with multiple people involved, while also showing interest in and proceeding things forward with one specific girl in the group, shows a lot of good, attractive qualities about you. Leadership, confidence, social savvy, influence, ability to build a private world with her even as you charm everyone else... all these are on display as you work your way deftly through a group conversation situation, if you’re doing it right.

In this article, I’m going to give you some tips on doing it right, to better put you in that ‘successful group conversationalist’ bin.

8 Signs Your Friend Is a Psychopath

Hector Castillo's picture

signs of a psychopath
Psychopaths have tremendous social acumen, but can be very harmful to those closest to them. Here are the 8 signs your friend is one.

They are everywhere. They work with you. They’re in your social circle. They might even be a family member.

Hell, you may even be one.

Psychopaths are everywhere.

Okay, they’re not everywhere. There’s no way to know for sure, but current estimates are that 1% of the population are psychopaths.

And psychopaths are people, except they lack sympathy. Sympathy, not empathy. That’s the big distinction I think needs clarification. If they lacked empathy, they would have a very hard time fitting in with people and manipulating them, since they’d have no idea how those people felt. In fact, it’s more accurate to say that people on the autism spectrum lack empathy. A common factor in autistic people is they regularly have no clue how others feel in a conversation, and they cannot read the most basic of social cues (which are communicated via facial expressions, body language, voice tonality, etc.).

By lacking sympathy, however, psychopaths lack the ability to actually be concerned about you. They lack the emotional response necessary to think “I feel scared for him if he makes this bad decision, so I’ll save him from it” or “He’ll be hurt if I do this to him, so I won’t do it to him.” To conceptually understand something is not even in the same universe as emotionally understanding something. The latter is infinitely more clear.

They may be able to conceptually understand that you might not like it if they bone your girlfriend, but they won’t feel the potential of regret when they consider the possibility of you finding out and being heartbroken.

You can see how this might be potentially dangerous to date a psychopath or have one as a friend. They do not have Nature’s control mechanism of sympathy that serves to prevent mass tragedies in the human species.

Their only concern is what they can get from you, how much it will cost them, and... that’s it, really.

They aren’t fundamentally evil or malicious, but they do have the capacity to be more cruel and malicious than the average person. Given the right conditions, they will strike without a second thought.

It’s imperative, then, that you learn how to spot a psychopath so you can make more informed decisions on what role you want them to play in your life.

12 Ways to Spot a Transsexual (Signs She's a He)

Chase Amante's picture

spot a transsexual
Not every transsexual wants you to know all the details. To not get catfished, you need to know how to spot a transsexual – and steer clear of traps.

I just saw the David Cronenberg movie M. Butterfly, about a dude who seduces another dude who doesn’t know he’s a dude, and carries on an affair with him for 20 years and even convinces him they had a child together. All based on a true story (you can read about it on Wikipedia). What a weird movie that was (I’ve always loved both main actors, too – Jeremy Irons and John Lone. Terrific talents. Though this sure was a strange flick). Anyway, got me thinking about this topic.

A while back, I was out with a group of people in a new city. Our group consisted of five guys and four girls. Three of the girls were friends, but one was a little separate from the rest of the group. And this one... something about her triggered my “there’s something weird here” radar.

She was dressed in a sexy teal dress, and went around flirting with all the boys. She had an eye for me in particular. But to me, she looked like the women I’d seen in a cougar club in Del Mar; skin too-tight on the face (obvious sign of a face lift), lips full in an unnatural way (Botox?), dressed too flashy for an average girl. “She must be an older woman hunting for younger guys,” I thought.

At one point though, the guy I knew there leaned in and told me “She used to be a guy.”

Light bulbs went off. Ah... that’s what I was picking up on.

“Her last boyfriend didn’t find out until they’d been sleeping together for a month,” he said.

“Interesting,” I said. “How’d he react to that?”

“He was pretty upset,” my friend said.

This article is about how to not end up like that duped boyfriend, or some of the other men I’ve had transsexuals tell me about from their romantic histories (one, showing me a picture of a boyfriend, about said boyfriend: “He got used to it”). It’s about how to spot a transsexual – because not every transsexual wants you to know the truth.

Calibration Series Pt. 4: Should You Calibrate to Her Personality?

Alek Rolstad's picture

calibrate to her personality
How should you calibrate your approach to a girl’s personality? Or, more importantly, should you even bother with this at all?

Welcome back, gents!

In this vast series on calibration, we have so far covered 3 key subjects:

Scrawny to Brawny: The Ultimate Guide to Bulking Up for Hard Gainers

Guest Contributor's picture

scrawny to brawny
If it’s hard for you to build muscle, this is the guide you want. The hard gainer’s approach to going from scrawny to brawny, pretty darn fast.

I remember being in high school – oh, what an awkward time. I had just gone through puberty, my voice was beginning to get deeper, and I had a newfound infatuation with women. I was a pretty attractive kid, and quite a few girls were interested in me, but there was just one problem – I was what’s known as a hard gainer.

Hard gainers are typically guys with a very fast metabolism who, no matter how much they eat, just cannot seem to put on any muscle. You go to the gym, spend HOURS working out, eat as much as you can stomach, and follow all the bodybuilding advice you get from the “experts.” And what do you have to show for it? Some scrawny arms, tiny shoulders, and a flabby little gut.

I’m sure that a lot of guys can relate to this. You see the jacked dudes walking around at your local college campus, nightclubs, etc., and you wonder how in the hell they do it. “How does someone get 22-inch biceps without steroids?”

We know that being strong and in shape is an important factor when it comes to your fundamentals and generating physical attraction, but being able to sport BIG muscles is even better.

Like many reading this, I didn’t have BIG muscles. I weighed a whopping 125 pounds soaking wet when I was 18 years old, and eventually I decided I’d had enough. Fast forward five years, and I’m a bulging behemoth coming in at 185 pounds and 6% body fat. So, whether you want to shred off those pounds of fat, put on some real muscle mass, or even just look a little bit better, it’s all possible if you’re willing to put in the work.

And for hard gainers like you and me, getting big muscles takes focused effort, which is why I’ve put this article together. I’m going to give you the vital information and advice you need to level the playing field on your way to real brawn.

The Pleasure-Loving Man: Bring Out a Woman's Wild Side

Varoon Rajah's picture

woman's wild side
All women have a wild side. But they won’t show it except to certain types of men. The pleasure-loving man knows how to bring this side out.
