Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Make Rejections from Girls Work in Your Favor

Alek Rolstad's picture

rejection from girls
Is there a way to make rejections and bad reactions from girls work in your favor? Yes! In fact, it’s super easy with this “walk away and rebound” strategy.

Hey guys. Today I will discuss a subject that may seem a bit odd. Can you actually benefit from a rejection? Can you turn a rejection around into something useful?

And no, I will not attempt any silly reframes claiming that rejections harden you up as a man, or that they serve as great learning lessons (even though they do).

What I’ll discuss is how you can use a rejection and turn it into something beneficial right then and there, at that moment.

I see a couple benefits in having this mindset and skill:

  • Approaching becomes less scary since rejections can be turned into something useful

  • Rejections can actually increase your chances of getting girls

To me, that is a win-win.

But this is just in theory. How it works in practice depends on the circumstances and your ability to calibrate and react accordingly.

Ultimately, it is about how well you perform in the face of rejection. And this is what I will help you with today.

As I cover this technique, I’ll try to be detailed as possible on the nuances. It may be easy to grasp theoretically, but it’s a bit harder to pull off in real life. It requires you to observe small nuances and act on them.

It may be hard for the beginner, due to lack of experience. But the cure is gaining more field experience through trial and failures.

This post is best suited for night game.

How to Attract Your "Type" of Girl, Part 2: By Race

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to attract your type of girl
In Part 2, we go over some girl types (by race) and their general preferences in men. We also lay out the fundamentals you’ll want to develop in order to get with them.

In Part 1 of this series, we talked about how every guy specializes in certain kinds of women as they get better in the game. We discussed the key ingredient to specialize in women (your fundamentals): how you stylize your appearance and behavior. Your image to others will attract or repel particular types of women. Therefore, changing this is the key to a successful specialty.

Of course, guys also want specific types of girls. Maybe you’re a foreign guy who longs for a western blonde woman, or you’re a white or black guy who wants to experience a foreign, exotic beauty.

Either way, there are two groups of women: (1) the women who are attracted to your current looks and behavior, and (2) the women you want. Combining those two groups into one is the crux of successful specialization.

Guys hit a slam dunk when they successfully modify their fundamentals and appearance to be naturally attractive to the same women that they seek! In other words, you can change yourself and your appearance to attract the women you want in your life.

Even better, a girl’s preference is only a part of what she wants. Game is dependent on building a girl’s desire with you in the moment. You can get plenty of girls for whom you are not their preference, simply by instigating and creating their desire through the use of game.

How to Get a Two-Girl Kiss: 3 Easy Steps

Hector Castillo's picture

two girl kiss
When you see a guy in a two-girl kiss, do you wish it was you between those lips? Well, it’s not so hard to pull off with this three-step strategy.

Kissing a girl is good. Kissing two girls at the same time? Double good.

For those who have trouble kissing even one girl, this might sound like an unrealistic challenge. And it might be.

But it’s a lot easier than you think.

Center to our discussion today is something called preselection. You’ve heard of being preapproved for a credit card, right? The credit card company uses math to find people with decent enough credit scores and then offers these people a new credit card. Those people are preapproved based on math. Well, preselection works like that, but with girls preapproving you for kisses (and also sex and relationships).

Now, in contrast to credit card companies, there isn’t much research necessary for a girl to read your value. If a girl sees you with another girl, especially a pretty or even beautiful girl, her body will do all the calculations necessary and immediately get a little wet for you.

You see, a girl needs to like something about you before even flirting with you (much less offering up her lips or vagina). But if she doesn't know you, she needs to employ other measures, such as testing you, to see if you are someone she ought to chase: your fashion, your face, your “screw everything” attitude. Something.

And this can take time. She may be attracted when you approach her, but she needs to see how you act in the next few minutes. Are you the real deal? Then, she goes on a date with you and maybe starts to get really wet if you play it well.

So, what if a girl sees you with a girl as hot as her or hotter?

Instant wetness. But now, instead of an initial attraction only, it’s initial attraction AND security in her instincts. There you are, kissing that gorgeous girl. It’s all the proof she needs that you're the real deal.

8 Signs You're Too Good for Her and Need Someone Better

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

too good for her
Does your relationship feel counterproductive to the life you want? It might be because you are too good for her. Here are some signs it’s time to find someone better.

Have you ever had a girlfriend and asked yourself if you’re too good for her? I have. And that’s about the point when we break up. But a lot of men seem to remain in these relationships, which ultimately turn toxic if they’re not already.

I’ve known men who date women who are obese, alcoholic, sociopathic, racist, ignorant, lazy, materialistic, unclean, stupid — all the worst imaginable traits. Yet they stay with these toxic women for years, some for life.

I could have become one of those guys myself if I hadn’t found this community and learned how to be better with women, to cold approach and learn how to meet new women at will, and develop a taste for self-improvement.

You'll do yourself a favor if you learn how to have abundance with women and not settle for a crappy relationship situation when you don't have to.

Does the Perfect Partner or Relationship Exist?

Chase Amante's picture

perfect partnerI suspect this is more an American problem... in part because I haven't seen it so much outside of America, and in part because America is a nation with people uniquely fixated on "I should get what I want -- all of what I want."

However, there is a certain expectation that a perfect partner and/or relationship should be achievable.

To put that into specific terms:

  • It should be possible to find a partner who shares all the same interests as you

  • It should be possible to find a partner who wants time together when you want it, and to be alone when you want to be alone

  • It should be possible to find a partner with the same love language as you, so you are always happy with her ways of showing affection and she is always happy with yours

  • It should be possible to find a partner who always communicates in exactly the way that works best with you, so you always know what the issue is and never encounter drama

  • It should be possible to find a partner whose sex drive exactly matches yours, so the sex is never too little, and never too much

  • It should be possible to find a partner who's fine to do all the chores that you don't want to do

  • It should be possible to find a partner who has all your other requirements, wrapped up into one: your looks requirements, physique requirements, height requirements, intellect requirements, personality requirements, social life requirements. All wrapped up in one

  • It should be possible to find a partner who wants exactly what you want from the relationship (more closeness or just a little closeness; one child or two children or ten children or no children; to live a lavish lifestyle, or to live a minimalist one). And that, should you change your preferences at some point, she will change her preferences at the same time, or nearly so, and the two of you won't grow apart

  • It should be possible to find a partner who is always pleasing and rarely irritating, and never, ever, ever causes a fuss

The perfect partner, and the perfect relationship.

It should be possible... should it?

Because many relationships end due to what we could ultimately boil down to this one consideration: "She just wasn't perfect enough."

My Truth About Women (And How Most Guys Have It Wrong) Part 2

Alek Rolstad's picture

truth about women

Hey guys, and welcome back.

Here’s part two of a remake of my old mASF article from 2009. In this polemic, I reflect on the current state of affairs in the community, and my challenge of the dogma of the time. I decided to remake it not only for nostalgic purposes but also because many thoughts are still valid today.

Of course, I’ve discovered other things as I grew older and more experienced. I also got some ideas wrong then. To make up for this, I will add my “current day” notes in italics.

Part 1 discussed pickup, street pickup, clubs, and my views. This time, I reflect on women, what they want, and what they are like.

I really challenge the current paradigm, and you can see how the perspective of the new paradigm (the school of sexual game) gives alternative explanations and theories. Although it had its flaws (which I will mention in my present-day remarks), it did explain much about value: being high value and communicating value. In my opinion, the sexual game perspective was better, and I still believe it is. It was not perfect then, but I think I’ve managed to explain its many flaws.


How to Attract Your "Type" of Girl, Part 1: Fundamentals

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to attract your type of girl
Every guy has a “type” of girl that tickles his fancy more than others, whether it’s about her looks or personality. What can you do to get your type chasing you?

Every guy has a "type." When most of us think of women, we think of physical features first over the personality attributes we seek. Both are important, especially in long-term game (relationships are a completely different skillset from pickup). However, the place to start is to get girls with the physical appearance we want, because this is what will ultimately drive our attraction from the get-go.

If you’re a beginner to seduction or the dating game in general, just learning the ropes around women, you may not really know the “type” of girl you’re actively seeking yet. Most likely, you’re physically attracted to a particular type or an “idea” of a girl, and that’s what catches your eye. Once you start having good experiences and successes with women, your desires will change.

We also live in a time, especially in the West, when it’s very easy to date nearly any race or culture if you live in a place with diversity. For instance, New York City has the density and diversity of almost every culture on Earth, plus all the tourists who visit from around the world (and many women seek short flings with a New York guy). The same dynamic exists in Miami, Hawaii, resorts in the Caribbean, and various locations throughout Europe and Asia.

For some guys, there are tons of options for meeting many kinds of women. Being a New Yorker, I can pursue and date almost any race and culture, whether she’s American, an immigrant, or a tourist. For other places, you don’t necessarily have these options. And even then, it takes some time to find just what kind of girl suits your fancy. Physical appearance is certainly desirable for a single sexual experience. Still, if you want something more than a one-night stand, it comes to more than just physical appearance.

I do think that experience and good game helps you get many kinds of women. However, as you grow better and your tastes morph, you start to specialize in certain types of women, both in appearance and personality. In this two-part series, we’ll cover this in-depth.

Relentless Pragmatism Pt. 6: The Transition Phases of Seduction

Daniel Adebayo's picture

seduction transition phases
Here we cover the final transition phases in seduction, focusing on the factors that help you smoothly pull her home and escalate to sex with minimal resistance.

Welcome back, students of the game. If you missed the first five articles in this series, here they are:

  1. The Best Mindset to Get Better with Women
  2. Flavors of Screening and Volume Game
  3. Zen and Naturally Attractive Personas
  4. Influence Game and Optimization
  5. The Transition Phases of Seduction

Through the eyes of Pete and Matthew, we’ve come to understand that choosing to become a screener, a natural, or a controller can send you hurtling toward a variety of exciting destinations in the seducer’s journey. But for you to realize your potential in each school of seduction, and start seeing better results in your dating life, you must take pragmatic steps to refine your cold approach process.

As we discussed in Part 5, whenever you consider the challenge of taking a new conquest to bed, to get the best odds of success, you need to lead her past all four transition phases. The choices you make during each transition phase form the backbone of your process. Unfortunately, it’s very common for men to lose beautiful women they could have had sex with because they made bad decisions during their attempted pickups. You can avoid those frustrating and disappointing experiences by learning how to make pragmatic choices as your seductions unfold.

Think of this series as your guide to playing the game adeptly. Like any game worth playing, though, practice makes perfect.

The topics we cover in this final article will serve as a comprehensive breakdown of the last two transition phases and the final dose of pragmatism in this series. So, read on if you’ve ever wondered how to get first date sex, close out your same-night lays, or even pull off same-day lays more consistently.

The Law of Attraction Isn't Magic. It's Psychology

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

attraction magic
The Law of Attraction isn’t some magical force, but it sure feels that way when you take the real, pragmatic steps necessary to build positive momentum.

In 2006, a book and movie about the Law of Attraction, The Secret, went super meme.

Suddenly, all my friends, coworkers, and family were like, “Just think positive! Have you seen The Secret?”

Now in 2019, it seems like everyone is a certified life coach. Or they at least watch Joe Rogan. But in 2006, the idea that “energy” could be manipulated by pure intention was still foreign, at least outside Yogis, Buddhists, and stoners.

Even I was seduced at first that “positive thought” could, through pure intent and without action, manifest your wildest dreams. At the time, spurred by my recent discovery of seduction material, it keyed up with my interest in self-development, which had a similar philosophy of “always positive, never negative.”

But could I just “think positive” and attract the most beautiful women into my life? Like magic? Could I just write a best-selling novel on my first try?

Not exactly.

The basic premise of The Secret is that there’s a universal energy called “The Law of Attraction,” and if you harness its power, you can create the reality you desire. The documentary had plenty of expert interviews with new-age pseudo-scientists, philosophers, and even Buddhist monks, who, with the power of love chants, could allegedly change the molecular structure of snowflakes. On the other spectrum, they claimed that negative words made the snowflakes wither and melt.

After watching The Secret, one couldn’t help but feel like their whole life had been lived in a deep, dark well of negativity, and if they only believed, then all their prayers would be answered. You didn’t need to actually “do” anything but “believe.” It’s your negativity and limiting beliefs that manifest your problems. So, if you just stop focusing on your problems, you won’t create them. Just focus on positive thoughts, and you’d create only positive outcomes.

That’s where the philosophy lost me. It just sounded an awful lot like prayer for agnostics, a religion for people without religion. Instead of praying to Jesus, you pray to the Law of Attraction. “Oh, The Secret, please fill my bank account with money and help me get laid!”

The Secret was a massive success, and a long-forgotten Buddhist philosophy was re-introduced to the Western world: a world without religion, desperate for some sort of spiritual guidance. And thousands of motivational Facebook memes later, its influence can still be felt.

My Truth About Women (And How Most Guys Have It Wrong) Part 1

Alek Rolstad's picture

truth about women

Hey guys. Currently I am writing down my life story from 2007 to today. Doing so, I got immersed in the past and revisited some great moments: crazy stories, amazing women, and all my great revelations about women and the art of seduction.

I also had some good flashbacks from the old mASF (Moderated Alt.Seduction.Fast) boards, the pickup community forum that used to be its main home, hosting all the big names in seduction.

I had joined this community in 2007 at the age of 15. I quickly skimmed through it. Being so young, I was a fast learner. But I also had little life experience, which seemed to be a curse, but it also forced me to think on my own. No experience meant no bias. So, I was always open to seeing the world differently.

I will take credit for being one of the pioneers to introduce "sex talk" not as a necessity to escalate the process into sex, but as a tool for creating attraction and compliance. By this, I mean:

Upon learning how to do these things, one could get laid with a much higher consistency. This was a different approach than what most guys were doing. I was getting plenty of followers, and many older members enjoyed my new, fresh ideas. But these concepts were also prone to criticism for contradicting the current beliefs back then, which included “Don’t verbalize sex.”

Nevertheless, the administrator of the mASF, Formhandle, invited me to join the elite forum called Masterminds, which was available to the public for reading, but where only selected members could post (Chase and Cody were also members).

What I’m sharing today is a remake of my first post there from early 2009 when I was 17. I’ll fix the spelling and may rephrase bad formulations. I'll also include clarifying "notes from the present" to show how my thinking has evolved.

So, here is part 1 of 2 of the remake of the old mASF article that was lost after its decline. Enjoy.