Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

The BISA Method: How to Turn Dreams into Reality

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

How to Turn Dreams into Reality
Learning pickup has changed my life. But the mechanism behind my transformation is applicable for realizing any dream you may have. I call it “The BISA Method.”

Gotta say…

Thanks to this pickup stuff, I’ve had a pretty amazing life.

Back when I first discovered it, I only wanted to fix a problem – I had no idea it would lead to a life where I’m actually paid to pursue my passion to write, date incredibly beautiful women, and travel the world coaching and helping men achieve their goals.

It’s like I won some sort of lottery. Thanks Internet!

I took a chance and it paid off. But look, if you’re new to all this self-improvement stuff, here’s a little story to motivate you. Maybe you’ll want to be a world traveling pickup instructor, maybe not, but my story here will illustrate just how big of an impact learning these skills has had on my life – and how big an impact it could have on yours.

Why Are So Many 'Pick Up Artists' Uncool?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

pickup artist wannabes
If you meet many 'pick up artists', you may realize the majority aren't very cool. There's a very good explanation as to why (and it's not that talking to girls doesn't work).

Over on the forum, one of our members, Ree, asked a provocative question: "Are pick up artists losers?"

He notes:

"Man i have to ask a very tough question.

when i got into seduction,i imagined a seducer is a guy like james bond.

someone who knows how to handle any social situation,someone skilled,well off,charming and with super tight fundamentals.

yet I am in a whatsapp group with a bunch of seducers and only a few satisfy this image.

most puaz that i have had the misfortune to meet,are guys who have read every article of gc but still have victim mentality,entitlement ,bitterness ,very poor fundamentals,meagre results and when i point this out to them,the reactions are usually very hostile and explosive.

something else i have noticed,the few guys who are good and normal would never react like this

for example, say you walk up to me and say, "ree : your girls are ugly"

i would either try to do something about my purpotedly ugly girl,or i would shrug and ignore you,both ways,nothing anyone can say would make me explode with rage.

however in my experience most people take any criticism very badly,
and this just does not affect their seduction only,most puaz i know are jobless or they have very low value,on top of that ,after reading countless articles,they walk around life with a "i know it all attitude"even though they have no credible achievements.

what is your experiences for those of you who have hang around puaz?is the same true for you guys too?"

If you've met many guys into seduction, you've undoubtedly noticed what Ree has: many aren't so good. Many carry around a lot of negative mindsets. The majority aren't so open to criticism. And by and large, many aren't cool.

But why should this be so -- aren't PUAs, by definition, supposed to be babe magnets?

Can You Still Get Dates on Tinder, or Has It Jumped the Shark?

Hector Castillo's picture

Can You Still Get Dates on Tinder
Guys who once saw great success on Tinder are now getting frustrated with it. Fact is, it’s still the best hook-up app; you just need to know how to compete.

When something is new, it’s often much easier to find success with it. And that is definitely the case with Tinder. But despite its maturity, Tinder remains the best app for getting quick dates and hooking up with scaldingly hot women. Simply put, the environment has evolved. There’s plenty of gorgeous women to be found on there, as always, but getting them on dates and into bed isn’t as easy as it used to be. This article aims to teach you how to take full advantage of the app.

When the internet first dawned, it was easy to get noticed and get big. You just had to get on there and put out lots of content or put something out that turned into a viral hit. For example, these days, ranking in SEO (search engine optimization) is hard because, unlike before, everyone is aware of it and has incorporated the idea into their strategy, so competition has boomed.

I mean, it’s the internet, right? But it wasn’t always this way. There were many (foolish) people who initially thought the internet wasn’t a big deal. They stuck to print and television for advertising. As a result, businesses who once ruled the world went bankrupt and were replaced by others that were willing to adapt.

When MySpace took over Friendster as the premier social media platform, we saw the birth of the social media market as we know it today, now having gone through many iterations of failing to adapt and getting dominated by others with more vision.

If you had gotten on there early, used it to build your brand, and eventually adapted to the emerging successors (Twitter, then Facebook, and now Instagram), you could leverage your reach for business and connections – and pussy.

By now, you could have millions of followers, or gobs of cash, even if you weren’t selling anything or particularly entertaining. Don’t you wish you bought a few hundred Bitcoins when they were 10 cents per?

Getting in early can be a very big advantage.


Because no one knows what the hell they’re doing when something is new. And if you’re clever, you can dominate.

Sure, you might understand the principles of marketing and sales, but adapting to the new medium proves difficult.

Experts and multi-million-dollar companies can be annihilated by some random guy with a cellphone who adapts better to the market.

Tinder is no different.

There are some more details that I will flesh out in this article, but the fundamental problem with Tinder is not Tinder itself. It’s that:

But all is not lost. So let’s cover these two barriers – and what you can do about them.

Is It Time to End the Relationship? Here Are the Signs

Hector Castillo's picture

Every relationship eventually ends.

Whether it's the girl, the man, or life coming to its end for one of them or both of them, every relationship must end.

Knowing WHEN to break up is of the utmost importance.

When you're just not into her anymore and you don't want to be with her – that's an obvious sign.

But there are other telling signs the relationship is fading and that to leave it now is the best course of action.

They may surprise you, but these signs usually always point to a relationship where the girl isn't giving the man her full loyalty.

And anything less than full loyalty is not something we want, is it?

There will be some who watch this and wonder if we're being overly paranoid, but as someone who has seen quite a few relationships from all angles, I can tell you the early signs of decay and save you from the inevitable fall that can be easily avoided if you heed the signs.

Watch. And learn.

Do You Need Good Looks to Get Laid?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Do You Need Good Looks to Get Laid?
Do looks matter when attracting women? Sure, they help, but there are other, much more important factors when it comes to getting laid.

Hey, guys. Today, I would like to bang an old drum – discussing the matter of looks and how it plays into seduction. This is a subject we have discussed to death, but I would like to offer another perspective, or at least broach the subject from a different point of view.

There have been multiple views regarding looks. For example, I’m not tall, and I happen to live in northern Europe, where most guys are very tall. That makes me small compared to most guys. But here’s a funny thing about height – it was never a problem for me to be shorter than most of my fellow countrymen.

When I started learning pickup, I never had to read all the ranting about height and meeting women. I started at 15, so my brain was less polluted by limiting beliefs than most guys. I went out meeting girls and never once has my height been an issue.

I never really thought about it until I started seeing the subject discussed over and over again on forums. Luckily, by this point, my experience had proved to me that it’s not an issue that affects my success. Would it be nice to be taller? Sure. Would it have a positive impact on me? Maybe.

But nobody is perfect, and I won't get taller, but I am now closing in on 27. I still have all my hair, and my hair is very beautiful. I do take good care of it, though. I also have a cute baby face, compensated for by masculine facial hair. According to many women, my eyes are dark and intriguing, yet I never heard a single girl telling me this before I entered the world of seduction.

I am also far from being ripped muscle-wise. Before 2016, I was a bit overweight. People who know me well call it the “fatty” period of my pickup career. I’m still not ripped, and never has that been an issue for me. I have the same success today that I did back when I was a little bigger.

Now, there are many aspects of looks, so let’s start by debunking a common saying we see a lot in the pickup community.

The Red-Black Game, Pt.4: Security, Fear, and Predicting Human Behavior

Varoon Rajah's picture

red-black game predicting behavior
Feelings of security or fear largely influence how people play the game. Can these factors be used to predict whether someone will play red or black?

The red-black game is a simple reflection of how decision-making affects outcomes, like what’s called the “butterfly effect.” In Part 3, we started to see how trust, fear, and the outcomes of the red-black game are self-fulfilling prophecies.

Throughout my work story, the company CEO and my colleague Monica both played red at various points when I chose to play black. That created chaos for me because I was unprepared – and now, I was about to be defeated.

However, playing red all the time also invites total destruction. Now we’ll find out what led to Monica’s downfall.

To conclude the red-black game series, we’ll see that stability – or the appearance of stability – affects the perception and presence of trust and fear.

In the end, we’ll see that our own beliefs about the world create that reality, as well as the outcomes of the red-black game.

How to Master Pickup and Seduction as Fast as Humanly Possible

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Fastest Way to Master Pickup and Seduction
Life is short. If you want to spend as much of it as possible in bed with hot women, these 8 tips will send you off to seduction mastery at ludicrous speed.

Remember that scene from The Matrix where Neo plugs his brain into a computer, shudders for five seconds, and says “I know Kung Fu!” Don’t you wish you could learn pickup like that? Just take a pill or plug into a machine and download the skills necessary to become a master seducer?

Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work like that. There’s no five-second path to mastering seduction. However, there are strategies you can employ to speed up the process. It won’t be easy – but what good life doesn’t require a little struggle?

Here are eight tips to help you learn pickup – fast.

Are Women Intimidated by You? You Might Be Surprised

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

intimidate women
Men often think women don't like them for something unrelated. When in fact 'she's intimidated by you' is often the true cause of women's reserve.

Do you intimidate women?

Might you intimidate women even if you think you don't?

For years, a professionally successful friend of mine has struggled with women. He's a tall guy with a healthy bank account, a good head on his shoulders, and a rugged ex-Marine Corps background. On top of all that, he's studied game under many of the more notable seduction gurus that have come and gone.

This friend does direct day game, and everyone who's gone out with him tells me his game is very solid. It's no problem for him to attract attractive (and often much younger) women. He has little difficulty to get them out onto dates either. Many of them come home to his place after, and often he's able to kiss them and begin the escalation.

But there his efforts stop. Because almost every single woman he ends up this far with (and he gets this far with lots of girls) puts the brakes on hard and leaves. He can go almost a year without sleeping with a new girl sometimes, despite bringing girl after girl to his place and getting to the kiss.

He's tried taking it slow and stretching things out across multiple dates. He's tried going for it in one date. He tried an exercise I gave him, where his mission was to invite one girl home each day for 30 days, including women he'd just met on the street. It surprised him how easy it was to get girls back to his place -- yet none of these girls he pulled home slept with him.

He's tried technique after technique, method after method. He's tried abandoning seduction techniques and focusing on the gym or clothes or other physical attractive qualities. He's tried everything. He's mystified myself and a few other very experienced friends too... purely by dumb luck a guy who pulls as many women home as he does should sleep with one of them at least accidentally. But almost every single seduction of his ends the same way.

In the end though, it turned out there was one thing above all he had to fix.

Once he fixed it, he finally cleared his final hurdle to getting together with women he wanted.

That one thing was intimidate women less -- a problem he did not even realize he had.

9 Ways to Answer “What Do You Do” Without Saying What You Do

Hector Castillo's picture

Answer 'What Do You Do' Without Saying What You Do
To avoid boring people out when they ask a question like “What do you do?” try answering the question without really answering it.

Learning the nuances of the most basic social norms is something most people don’t give much thought to.

In college, I remember spending a lot of time contemplating how to respond to that weird “Hey, how are you?” exchange that happens when you pass someone you know. Most of the time, they say “Good, how are you?” and don’t even listen as they walk past. Responding with “Good, thanks” is a necessary but useless response.

How do you make those interactions more interesting and less awkward?

I took the time to figure that out, and it helped a lot.

The same goes for the question, “What do you do?”

If you approach a lot of girls – which you should if you want to get dates, sex, and girlfriends – then you’re going to hear “What do you do?” a lot.

It will also come in other forms.

“What do you do for work?”

“What do you do for a living?”

“Where do you work?”

Your answer won’t change much, regardless. As long as you understand the basic root of what they’re asking, answering is simple.

So, what’s going on when someone asks “What do you do?” and how do you respond to it in a way that makes you interesting and cool?

Here are nine ways to do it without giving the typical, boring answer of what you actually do.

First, let’s go over why it’s boring to tell girls what you do – most of the time.

Planning and Tracking Progress Are Essential to Get Good with Women

Cody Lyans's picture

planning and tracking progress with women
If you don’t know where you are or what path to take, you’ll get lost with no hope of reaching your destination. Here’s how to get your bearings.

Over the last decade of coaching guys on how to solve their problems with getting good with women, I have noticed a pattern.

Building a successful style of game is a tough task, and when push comes to shove, a lot of guys give up before they establish a strong baseline and find what truly works for them.

I can see how to scale each individual problem that’s holding a guy back, but I then have to help him navigate around obstacles close to him so that the job of tackling all his issues doesn’t leave him overwhelmed and confused.

To build a successful style of game, you need to find the right plan for dealing with all that is necessary to reach your end goal before you give up in frustration. Revamping oneself into a successful seducer is very doable, but it usually requires much more than addressing just a few simple things. And that’s why most guys struggle with girls.

It’s hard to get anywhere without being able to see clearly where you are, where you’ve been, and what roads you need to take, right? Without that knowledge, it’s understandable that people fall victim to “are we there yet?” syndrome and become hopeless after hearing “no” so many times – and figure they’re better off changing course to familiar territory.

So, in this article, I’m going to explain how planning and tracking progress will help you avoid getting bogged down, frustrated, and feeling like you’re wasting your time. It will transform “are we there yet?” to “I’ve come this far and I know what’s next.”