Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Who's to Blame for Girls Acting Loose and Slutty?

Chase Amante's picture
why are women slutsGirls act loose and slutty in today’s modern world. Who’s to blame for that though? Is it society? The media? Playboy men? Women themselves?

Commenting on my article “Can You Turn a Ho Into a Housewife?”, our reader Ben (who has multiple times accused me of being a corruptor of fair and innocent maids) claims:

You’ve flip flopped again

We had a debate on the morality of sleeping with women you don't intend to wife up, especially more innocent women.

There you claimed girls' pasts don't have any serious impact, and that I was misconstruing your earlier articles.

You are participating in ho-ing women up, and so destroying their futures and society

First, I’ll say it’s obvious Ben only reads what he wants to read into my words (and probably anybody else’s). I’m the guy who’s been telling you since he started this site to check women’s pasts if you want serious relationships with them and that women’s pasts matter. I don’t remember exactly what conversation Ben refers to (I answer a lot of comments), but whatever I said, it certainly would not be that “women’s pasts don’t have any major impact on anything.”

But I’m not here to rehash old arguments. If you’re concerned whether seduction is a nefarious dark art, read these:

Also this one:

Obviously, Ben’s position would be that women lack agency; that a seducer like me uses his black magic to corrupt the hearts of shy, pure maidens, who sit around innocently, sort of like cows or living room furniture, waiting to be claimed by a good man – that is, unless a bad man like me gets his dirty mitts on them, transforming them from good, moral, and pure to filthy, soulless sluts who aren’t good for anything.

I have addressed all these criticisms in the earlier articles. But to sum up: women have agency; women are a lot filthier than men are; even the purest of pure girls is way dirtier than all but the most depraved of scoundrels; and if a woman wants to have a lot of sloppy sex, she is going to have it whether there are seducers around or not. If there are no men who will seduce her, then she will become the seductress and take care of business herself.

However, as social consciousness continues to rise worldwide, after more than a century of strident individualism, I think it’s worth address things at the society level. Namely, who is to blame for loose, slutty women?

Tactics Tuesdays: Comfort Zone Expansion

Chase Amante's picture
comfort zone expansionHow can a man get comfortable enough with women and dating to be relaxed and natural with them? Only through expanding his comfort zone to include them.

For today’s tactical article, I want to give you a tactic to use in service of an important strategy: making yourself as comfortable as possible with women and dating as you can get.

Most of the time when folks talk about the comfort zone, they talk about breaking out of it. When you are in the process of testing the limits on your comfort zone and going beyond them, this is indeed what you are doing – getting out of your comfort zone.

However, the ultimate effect of breaking out of your comfort zone is to EXPAND your comfort zone, spreading it into new territory. No man ever stops having areas in life he is unfamiliar and uncomfortable with. Yet it is possible to expand his comfort zone so far, in so many places, that he only occasionally and deliberately ends up in scenarios he’s unfamiliar or uncomfortable with. In essence, his comfort zone becomes almost everywhere.

The only way to expand your comfort zone is by treading ground you were previously hesitant to tread. To do that, you need to break out of your comfort zone.

We’ll use a tactic for that today we can dub ‘comfort zone expansion’.

How to Stay Motivated Despite Dating Setbacks

Chase Amante's picture
how to stay motivated despite dating setbacksDating is tough, especially as a beginner. Yet it is possible to remain motivated in dating despite the setbacks – IF you can learn to adapt your goals.

Commenting on my article about how to let a girl go, a reader asked:

Hey man,

Thanks for fleshing out valuable articles. I've been a reader of your site for a long time now. I've had my fair share of success but not enough for the effort I've put in.

Recently I started your 4-girls/day 30 day challenge and I'm having fun with it. It's been 10 days now and I've just got 2 phone numbers which didn't go anywhere. I'm starting to get demotivated. I have a solid process and my fundamentals are good but somehow not seeing success yet.

I'd like to see an article on this subject, specifically about inner game and some tips to overcome this nagging feeling of failure.

Thanks again for all the great work you've been doing man.

Setbacks of course are a part of life. You’ve experienced them, I’ve experienced them. Dating is tough, and by all indications for the average person it is getting tougher.

Many people simply give up on dating for a while, retreating to their careers and their pastimes. Hopefully they maintain social circles – which at least offers the chance of bumping into potential mates occasionally purely by being ‘out and about’ – but in today’s digital screen world, more and more don’t even do that.

If you’ve suffered setbacks in dating but you don’t want to give up just yet, come along with me and let’s talk strategies to keep that motivation up.

Wingman Guide, Pt. 6: Switching Targets, Alpha Females, & Big Groups

Alek Rolstad's picture
advanced wingman strategiesIn this advanced wingman strategy guide, you’ll learn how to switch targets with your wingman… how to handle alpha females & big groups… and more.

Hey guys and welcome back.

So far in my now 6-part guide to wingmen, I have covered wingmanning fundamentals. Those posts should be enough to get you and your wing results—lots of results.

You can look at the previous posts as your A-to-Z guide on wingmanning. To review, we’ve covered:

Today, we will step it up a notch and discuss how to deal with trickier wingman situations. This and next week’s posts are for more seasoned seducers and work as an “expansion pack” to my previous posts. The strategies covered below build upon what we’ve discussed, so check out my past five posts on wingmanning. Even if you are a seasoned wingman, you’ll likely find some tips in those posts that you may have missed to benefit your wingmanning game.

[WATCH] Picking Up Girls… PLUS Who Pays for Dates?

Chase Amante's picture

If you haven’t been keeping up with GirlsChase.TV, here’s a quick preview of some of the latest videos you may not have seen.


5 Ways to Get OUT of Paying for Dates (Without Looking Cheap!) [FREE]

In this video by me (a follow-on to forum member Swati’s inaugural video, “$ when to pay $”), I show you just how to ESCAPE from paying for women on dates… without blowing the date by making yourself look like a cheapskate.

How to Handle Late-Night Booty Calls & Texts

Chase Amante's picture
late-night booty callSometimes girls will booty call you late at night. How do you handle these? Can you get a rain check? Who goes to whose place? Here’s the guide.

It’s late one night, you’re just about to get in bed – or perhaps you’re lying in bed already – when out of the blue a girl you know messages you:

Doing anything right now? Feeling bored

What should you do?

What should you say?

The timing is inconvenient (you were just about to fall asleep); can you reschedule her for later?

There’s one thing you need to understand about late-night booty calls and booty texts: whenever you get them, no matter what time it is or what condition you are in, that is a one-time only, limited time offer – and you can either take it then as-is, or pass.

No layaway, no reserving it for later, no rain checks, and usually no counteroffers accepted.

Tactics Tuesdays: When Girls Unexpectedly Open You

Chase Amante's picture
girl unexpectedly opens youAt unexpected times, in unexpected places, women may start talking to you. If you aren’t ‘on’ you can miss these chances. How best should you respond?

Commenting on my article about testing girls for interest before you approach, Sub-Zero asks:

How do you deal with not knowing what to say? There’s times when I guess a girl pings me and I don’t know how to respond or how to close.

For example, would you say that these were pings or invitations?

A: I had one girl say the food I was getting made looks good. I couldn’t tell if it was a ping or if she was making small talk. Anyway, I still didn’t know what else to say. I might have said thank you or something?

B. I was shopping and a girl said something about buying some food for her kid, then she said you probably don’t care what I’m getting my kid. There I didn't say anything because I really had no idea what to say.

So would you say those were pings for me to approach or were they just being social and what should I have said, what do you do or say when you don’t know what to say and are stuck?

Yes, these are both pings (the subject of my article on testing girls for interest). Just like you can ping women to test for interest before approaching, women can ping you too. A ping doesn’t mean she’s ready to hop into bed with you, of course – it just means she’s interested in finding out if you’re someone she can chat with. She might want to date you or might just want to talk. Either way, she’s testing you for openness to a conversation.

The problem Sub-Zero has here, that many guys have, is that women ping you at unexpected times, when you are not prepared to be social. Worse still, because most women expect the man to lead, usually all you’ll get from a girl is a single ping… then she retreats and waits. If you don’t act soon, she gives up, closes off, and runs away!

How can you deal with these situations when girls unexpectedly open you… and where you aren’t already primed for socializing, in any kind of social mood?

Can You Turn a Ho Into a Housewife?

Chase Amante's picture
turn a ho into a housewifeThere comes a time in life when a man debates settling with a ho. Before taking the plunge, however, you’ve gotta know: CAN YOU turn a ho into a housewife?

Came across a post recently where a guy discusses dating a girl who had a one-night stand on vacation then said she regrets it and wants to “build our relationship again.” Here’s the text:

A girl that I have been dating had a one night stand while on vacation. We confessed feelings for each other prior the vacation and we both said that we want to go for each other. We did not made specific agreements for an exclusive relationship.

I feel betrayed because I told her how I feel and than she did this on vacation. She said she regrets it and she wants to put all the effort and time to build our relationship again. She also said that she is afraid to lose me because of this.

My logical brain says that I have to move on because my trust in her is quite low because of this. But the emotional side wants to give her a chance to the relationship again.

What are your opinions on this matter and how would you handle this?

This is just one example of the scenarios guys will encounter when considering settled relationships with women who’ve been “in the field” for a bit. There are others:

  • Women who “had their ho phase” but are “done with that now.”

  • Women who have cheated on partners in the past but “have grown.”

  • Women who dated multiple men at the start, then “settled on” just the one guy.

  • Women who pushed for an open relationship, then later push to close it.

Most guys sense there is something wrong here… some risk or some catch. But they just aren’t sure. The question these men must face is this: can you turn a ho into a housewife?

Wingman Guide, Pt. 5: Calibrating to Your Wing

Alek Rolstad's picture
wingman calibrationTo get the most out of picking up girls with a wingman, the wings need to calibrate to each other. That means working together – and balancing each other’s game.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I want to discuss calibration and additional strategies you can pull off with a wing. This post is an expansion to help perfect your wingmanning skills. We will discuss everything from in-set calibration pointers to state control, and decision-making with your wing.

Up to this point in our guide to wingmanning, we’ve covered a lot of information that may seem exhaustive. Remember, a perfect pickup and seduction does not exist. You will rarely use all the material you know and pull it off perfectly. It’s good to know that often you won’t need it.

The goal is to strive for perfection by giving you as many tools in these posts as possible to get the best results, and you can add or subtract tips and techniques depending on how you and your wing work together. Some methods may suit you; some may not. You may need some strategies to solve potential sticking points, and you should focus on applying these depending on your situation.

So, let’s go through some valuable tips and tricks.

Study: Women Have the Best Sex with Disagreeable Men

Chase Amante's picture
women have the best sex with disagreeable menWomen have better sex with disagreeable, sexually uninhibited, conscientious men. Such men simply BEHAVE in ways that raise the pleasure for their partners.

In yet another blow for nice guys, a study reveals what we’ve all long known: women enjoy sex more with disagreeable bad boys.

In particular, the study found that women have the best sex with men who have a few key traits:

  • Men who are more disagreeable (i.e., more prone to doing what they want).

  • Men who are less sexually inhibited (i.e., more prone to getting wild in bed).

  • Men who are more conscientious (i.e., more likely to do a good job in bed).

So, girls like sex better with dominant bad boys who are at ease with sex and take pride in giving women orgasms. No great surprises here!

The findings are straightforward – but let’s discuss them anyway just to clear up any confusion.