Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Create a Personal Plan for Success with Women

Cody Lyans's picture

Create a Plan for Success with Women
Want to get better with women but don’t know exactly how to go about it? Follow these steps to create a plan that makes efficient use of your time and your mind.

How should you go about planning for success when it comes to learning about women?

This is a difficult question to answer because seduction has many moving parts, but to follow up on my previous post, I will describe my process and the questions I use to forge my way through the chaos.

To plan for success in seduction – or anything you want to get better at – try asking these three questions.

  • What do you need to improve?

  • When do you need to improve it?

  • And why?

These questions might seem simple at first glance, but we can only learn at a certain rate. Therefore, to improve at a rapid pace, you want to streamline the process by focusing on what is most important for you at a certain time, with the right purpose behind it. While these questions are simple, there is a lot more substance to them than meets the eye. So, in this article, I will go through a few things that should make answering them an easier task.

Knowing why you need to learn something requires you to understand the broad context. Knowing when to learn something requires self-awareness. And knowing what to improve requires access to technical details and common trends. The substance of these questions is in how you go about developing technical proficiency, self-awareness, and contextual understanding.

Dating and Relationship Precedent: Avoid Leading Her On (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Spending time with a cute girl is fun. Enjoying sex and good conversation with her is one of the finest pleasures in life.

But sometimes that's all you want.

As lovers of women, it's paramount that we make sure she knows that's all you want and doesn't get her hopes up for anything more than you can offer.

We want to make women happy and leave them better than we found them.

That's why it's important to understand precedent and expectations, in any kind of relationship, sexual and romantic.

Watch the video to learn how to set the right expectations with women.

5 Mindsets to Overcome the Fear of Approaching Women

Alek Rolstad's picture

Mindsets to Overcome the Fear of Approaching Women
The fear of approaching women is a major hurdle for a lot of guys. By adopting these key mindsets, you’ll realize there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Hey guys, welcome back. Last week, we discussed some tips and tricks for dealing with the fear of rejection – i.e., managing the anxiety that keeps you from approaching women.

Here’s what was discussed:

  • It’s totally normal to experience approach anxiety

  • Most guys feel anxious about approaching women

  • Those who don’t feel any anxiety tend to be uncalibrated

  • Even experienced players face lower-level anxiety at times

  • It is hard – if not impossible – to completely get rid of approach anxiety

  • You can do things to effectively manage it

We discussed strategies that, if implemented, should make approaching easier for you. Today, we will go deeper and add some simple-yet-powerful mindsets you can – and should – apply that will make the whole process even simpler.

These are mindsets that I have used in the past with great success. I have also shared them with friends, co-seducers, and newbies. This post is suited for everyone still struggling with approaching women. These mindsets can be used for both day game and night game.

The Red-Black Game, Pt.1: An Analogy for Life and Relationships

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

red-black game analogy for life and relationships
How you play the game of life will determine whether you win or lose. It’s nice if everyone could win all the time, but real life situations often make that impractical.

To close out my writing for the year, I’m going to take a hard look at human behavior in this series. I started writing this article back in January 2018 and, at first, it was one of my most positive – and unrealistic – articles to date.

It put it on the back burner for the rest of the year. Meanwhile, my life unfolded into the greatest whirlwind I’ve ever experienced, a result of the forces of trust and fear, as well as people striving to get what they want from me – and me from them.

When you interact with another human being, there are many elements at play. Two of the biggest are trust and intention. The combination of these two elements – how much you trust someone and how you perceive their intentions – has huge ramifications for how your relationships develop and endure.

This article is a little abstract, but I think it’s a nice model for pondering over how you interact with different people and entities. I’m going to show you a model for approaching your relationships with others for your long-term benefit, whether it be with men or women, in either business or social situations. I’m also going to teach you how to identify when to protect yourself from people who want to hurt, dominate, or take advantage of you.

I believe everyone can grow from this model, and it boils down to one simple thing – when you play a game, everyone wants to win. For you to achieve the strongest level of power in a game, you must ensure that everyone wins their game and are in control of that process.

If you cannot achieve this (i.e., if you cannot win together), then you must ensure that you read the threatening intentions of the other side correctly, successfully dominate the other side, and win against any aggressive threats.

This includes the dating game. Always structure your encounters with women so that both you and her win in the battle. Either dominate your competition or provide winning mechanisms for them, too. We’re going to analyze this by exploring the red-black game.

When to Have Sex with a New Girl

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

How Long Should You Wait to Have Sex
How long you wait to have sex is important no matter the type of relationship you want, be it casual, serious, short or long term. So, what’s too fast and too slow?

How long should you wait to have sex? A month? A week? Seven minutes? Most guys would probably love to be able to have sex with a girl in seven minutes but, in reality, they’d most likely get bored eventually, due to a lack of challenge.

You can learn how to have sex very quickly – but should you? Do you even want to? If you want to have a quick one-night stand, the faster, the better.

But if you want to see a girl again, it might be better to stretch things out and get to know her a bit.

Either way, never ask her how long you should wait to have sex. She doesn’t know, and it’s just going to be awkward for both of you to ask something like that.

As a dating coach, I advise my clients to have sex as quickly as possible, because I’ve seen way more girls lost from moving too slowly than moving too fast. I’ll explain why that is in this post.

That said, yes, I’m also a pickup artist, and so are most contributors on this site. But we’re all dating coaches who understand that not everyone is keen on the “pickup” mentality when it comes to dating, and that’s totally cool.

Everyone has different woman goals, so we are here, first and foremost, to help you get what you want, no matter what your goals may be, short or long term.

The following advice... is for everyone.

Tactics Tuesdays: Smile, Eyebrows Up, Open Eyes

Chase Amante's picture

smile and attraction
It's basic, but it's also easy to forget to do. Smile when you approach a girl, and your odds of success with her go way up.

Sometimes the simplest stuff is the most important.

Every now and again, despite however many years at this, I will go out and discover things aren't going my way. Women don't glance at me or hover near me; when I approach them, they're lukewarm.

At first, whenever something like this happens, I assume it's randomness and asymmetry. Not everyone who sees you will like you; not everyone you talk with you'll connect with. Yet sometimes the pattern keeps up, well past the point you can chalk it all up as randomness. You meet more girls, talk to more girls, and they're still not as receptive as they should be.

Whenever this happens, I do a post-mortem on the outing. What did I do wrong? Where'd I screw up? I can usually find a few areas.

One of the most common, though, is also one of the most basic. All too often, I've been off in whatever kind of mood, and realize I haven't been smiling.

Women Are Emotional (But Not Irrational) – The Method Behind the Madness

Hector Castillo's picture

Women Are Emotional But Not Irrational
Think women are crazy? If so, it’s probably because you’ve dated one. Fact is, beneath their seemingly emotional disarray, you’ll find a high level of rationality.

Men like to complain about how emotional and irrational women are. We even hear many of those claims in the seduction community and its neighboring communities – e.g., the Manosphere, the Red Pill community, etc.

“Women are feelz before realz.”

“Chick logic.”

Some of these guys even brand women children who are incapable of making adult decisions based on logic and reason. Here at Girls Chase, we know better.

Women are emotional, but not irrational. In fact, they are far more rational than you can imagine – when it comes to what’s important.

Put another way, women are guided by their emotions, but that doesn’t lead them to make as many stupid decisions as you might think. That’s the real accusation behind men calling women “irrational,” isn’t it? That they are less capable of making sound decisions?

Let’s be clear – there is some truth to the claim that women are less rational than men. Men are the leaders of our species, better equipped to make hard decisions like where to eat dinner or how to defeat an army. But when it comes to sexual selection, women are vastly more competent than men. That’s why 80% of women in history have reproduced, whereas for men, that figure is below 40%.

The emotion-based behavior of women leads them to be vastly more successful at sexual selection than men, which makes them highly rational, since sexual selection is one of the most important decisions – perhaps the most important – that any human can make.

Thus, I would argue that women are not irrational. They’re simply designed for different purposes than men and perform their purpose well because of their emotional nature.

How to Get Girls on Instagram? Use Stories! (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Instagram is a complicated and wondrous place. It's filled with butts, boobs, and babes. It's difficult for me to even go on Instagram sometimes, because I see so many amazingly beautiful women and I get horny and...

But back to the point!

Instagram has LOTS of hot chicks, and if you can play the game right, you can get with them.

The hotter and more popular she is, the harder it gets, but as with any skill, there are levels.

And the way you develop that skill is by applying the correct principles to the various elements of Instagram.

One of the facets of Instagram you need to learn is STORIES.

What are they and how do they work?

Watch this video.

How to Deal with Approach Anxiety – A Practical Guide

Alek Rolstad's picture

How to Deal with Approach Anxiety
Approach anxiety can make it extremely difficult to meet women. While likely incurable, it can be effectively managed with these simple, practical tips.

I have heard from many good seducers and players who, despite all their success and experience with women, still feel approach anxiety.

They, too, get that tingly feeling in their chest while their minds play tricks on them, holding them back from meeting potentially amazing women.

Not approaching because of anxiety is sad because you might be missing out on many fun adventures and amazing women. I know many of you hate having this feeling of anxiety.

So, does this mean there is no hope for you? Not at all. You can drastically reduce your anxiety, but you will have to force yourself to do it... and reconquer it every time you go out.

The subject of today’s post will be approach anxiety management – why you have it and practical steps to minimize it. Next week, I’ll discuss some powerful mindsets that will help you take action.

How to Build a Harem, Pt 8: Non-Monogamy and Revolving Doors

Varoon Rajah's picture

non-monogamy and revolving doors
Non-monogamy can make a woman feel trapped, but if she’s free to sleep with other men and exit the relationship with your blessing, you’re more likely to keep her around.

One of the more peculiar aspects of this non-monogamy relationship style is that you allow your women to sleep with and date other men. You will also have that ability – to sleep with as many women as you want – with your girlfriend’s full consent (but lack of knowledge about the other women).

We are talking about an implicit, non-monogamous, multiple-partner structure here. The main difference between this system and one-sided or implicit monogamy is that you allow your partners to pursue relationships with other partners as well.

With implicit monogamy, the guy forbids his girl to sleep with other men, while he sleeps with other women freely. This always sounds great to guys – needy, possessive alphas push for this the most – but women fear it and feel trapped in such setups. The implicit non-monogamous system grants women more security and freedom.

We’re going to talk about the implications of this because they are quite extensive in terms of how they impact your dating life in the system. All these concepts tie back into everything else we have discussed so far in the Harem series.