Relationships | Page 27 | Girls Chase


The continuing and ongoing encounters and involvement you maintain with a woman once you've slept together and become intimate -- whether weeks or months or years -- or more.

How to Get Rid of Jealousy (Mostly)

William Gupta's picture

I came home in a blind rage. I had seen my ex-girlfriend out with one of my friends and was ready to end both of them. I walked into my house with my fists clenched and sweat dripping from my forehead. My dad noticed and immediately pulled me aside asking me what was wrong. I lied and said nothing was wrong. But after a few more pointed questions from my father, I finally caved and said why I was so upset.


“Son, you have a jealousy problem.”

“No I don’t Dad!”

There was no reasoning with me; the emotion had consumed the rational part of my brain. I wasn’t Will, I was Jealous Will. That night my dad imparted a great deal of wisdom to me. It took me years to fully understand it and another couple years to embody it. That’s not to say I never get jealous anymore. But my episodes are now nothing more than a passing inconvenience.

With the help of my dad and my life experience, I have figured out ways to discharge jealousy quickly. I have also adopted a philosophy that makes it very difficult to feel jealous in the first place.

Before I venture further, I want to establish what this post isn’t. This post is not a guide to “keeping your girl in check” or “when your jealousy is a clue that she’s cheating”, this is just about your internal state and how to have a life of less jealousy.

Modern Marriage, Part 6: How to Bounce Back From Divorce

J.J. Jones's picture

Hey fellas, just a quick recap before we begin here:

In Part 1 of the series we explored all of the reasons why men get married.

Then in Part 2 we discussed what most men’s expectations for marriage are like, and why they most of the time are not very feasible.

Part 3 brought to us a laundry list of things that ruin marriages.

We then discovered what happens when your expectations of marriage fall short, and when and if damage control is needed in Part 4.

Most recently, in Part 5, we examined the divorce process and how to navigate it properly. Now it is finally time to figure out what the heck to do after it all shakes out.

So, welcome to the Grand Finale.

bounce back from divorce

5 Sizzling Sex Tactics Guaranteed to Make Her Purr with Pleasure

Ethan Fierre's picture

It’s an unfortunate fact, but true nonetheless: an overwhelming majority of sexual partners lack substantial knowledge as to what actually turns the other one on.

sex tactics

For one reason or another, most people nowadays are either:

  1. too ashamed,
  2. too deluded,
  3. too identified with being a spectator,
  4. too obsessed with their self-image, or
  5. simply too inexperienced

... to be particularly good in bed (the last issue is by far the easiest to remedy).

Yet if you want to be able to take on the role of the “lover” in a girl’s life, amazing sex and the opportunity to be around a man with such an exciting, stimulating presence is what you’re implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) offering the girl you’re seducing.

So in this post, I’d like to share with you some basic ways the lover looks at sex, as well as a handful of techniques that you can immediately start to use to take your sex life to the next level.

However, before we get into the tactical goodies, let’s start out with some clarification as to what good sex is... and is not.

Modern Marriage, Part 5: How to Handle the Divorce Process

J.J. Jones's picture

Hey, guys. A quick recap of the series thus far, in case you missed any of the articles and would like to go back and read them to catch up with us:

In Part 5, we’re going to talk about what to do when your efforts to repair your marriage fail and a mutual decision is made to part ways for good.

Before we begin, I do want to note that family and divorce law varies significantly across not only continents and countries, but can even deviate a great deal within those (the degree of autonomy differs from country to country, but you get my point here).

handle divorce

Getting a divorce is extremely challenging in many ways, but probably the biggest hurdle of all is trying to work through all of the legal processes. Trying to accomplish all of it by yourself is overwhelming, and there will be many a decision that requires knowledge of the legal procedures and family law that is in place in your jurisdiction.

If you need legal advice, I strongly suggest you consult with a good family attorney with roots in your county/township/municipality who is highly familiar with the laws and processes of your local government.

So, you’re getting a divorce. It’s all utterly horrifying and you don’t know where to start! How do you manage all of this?

Modern Marriage, Part 4: When Marriage Doesn’t Match Expectations

J.J. Jones's picture

Gentlemen, welcome back.

Today in Part 4 we are going to take a look at:

  1. What can happen when marriage doesn’t meet your expectations,

  2. What (if anything) you can and should do about it when this happens, and,

  3. A couple of things you should never do.

Because, as we found out in Part 2, let’s face it: no marriages meet all of the expectations that are set for them.


The percentage of Americans who divorce has been above 40 percent even since 1970s. There are a lot of reasons that that number is what it is. Unarguably though, is the notion that the inability to reconcile differences is what eventually makes things come to a head and is why we divorce.

Is infidelity the reason you got divorced? Roundabout, perhaps, yes. But it was really more because a reconciliation couldn’t be reached.

How about a financial crisis? Can two people just become so poor that some crazy law says they have to get a divorce? No, it’s because they can’t agree on how to repair the problem (or they just don’t).

Your marriage is never going to be as fruitful and perfect as you think it will be, and you’re going to deal with a whole slew of life problems that affect one or the both of you. It’s not the problems themselves that cause divorce to happen, it’s the people not being able to deal with them that is the biggest issue.

So what exactly happens when you end up in an unfulfilling, dead-as-nails marriage that suffers from one (or a multitude!) of the more serious relationship-downers that we discovered in Part 3?

I found that when my marriage was getting to the point where it had seen better days that the toughest thing I had to deal with by far was the shift in the balance of power that occurred when I actually started to sense things beginning to go haywire in the first place, and started scrambling to make things “right” again.

Modern Marriage, Part 3: Things That Ruin Marriages

J.J. Jones's picture

I feel as though the perfect follow-up to our last entry in this series, Part 2: What Men Think Marriage Will Be Like, is an article exploring all the bad things that happen when your relationship doesn't turn out quite as perfect as you thought it would and the whole thing starts to go haywire.

Also, if you're just jumping in here, see Part 1, where we explain in detail reasons why guys get married in the first place.

Usually it's not any one little thing that will sour the grapes, but rather a combination of a handful of different problems that really does a relationship in.


As a married couple, you are going to constantly face life situations head-on together, and while many of these can be avoided completely and others just come with the territory, all of these that we'll talk about in this article can end up being cause for divorce and should have the kibosh put on them as soon as you observe them.

In Chase's recent article The Key to Nipping Girlfriend Drama in the Bud in LTRs, we found that you can't be non-reactive and turn a blind eye to certain issues like you would early on in relationships. As explained in the article, the landscape changes significantly in a long-term relationship, and at times you actually need to be quite dogged in going about actually getting her to tell you about her concerns or problems in the first place.

Conflict resolution is important. However, conflict prevention is preferred, right? Though at some point there will be situations that either can't or just don't get prevented, so you end up having to deal with them.

As a final note before we get started: There's one really ginormous, obvious problem that I'm not even going to tear into here - and only because it is fairly cut and dry and I think most guys get this - and that is physical abuse. I just do not feel that it is a subject that warrants a copious amount of commentary. It is basically the lowest possible low that can happen in a relationship, far worse even than anything that follows.

How to Decipher Female Subcommunication

Joseph W. South's picture

You should be stronger than me

Don’t you know you supposed to be the man?

You always wanna talk it through – I don’t care!

Why’d you always put me in control?

— Stronger Than Me by Amy Winehouse

One of the most important aspects to understand about female psychology is the use and existence of a type of language known as subcommunication – a secret language evolved by women over millennia in a male-dominated world. In this secret language, women communicate their sexuality freely, but in a way that most men cannot hear or understand. Women have learned the hard way, through millennia, that men have a psychological need to create a type of schizophrenic distinction among women, slotting all women into a category of either “whores” or “Madonnas”.


Subcommunication – as a feminine subset of the English language – is based on communicating with indirection, double meaning, ambiguity, emotionality, and imprecision for the following purposes:

  • To preserve social harmony.

  • On the other hand, to stir up competition amongst people when it seems profitable to do so.

  • To avoid responsibility and establish plausible deniability.

  • To signal intent to someone, as in “Tell without telling, ask without asking.”

  • To establish boundaries and frames of interactions.

  • To avoid commitment; maintain ambivalence; keep options open.

It’s important to realize that Subcommunication imposes upon the recipient responsibility for correctly interpreting the meaning. In this article, I’m going to focus on Subcommunication in the context of female sexuality.

Modern Marriage, Part 2: What Men Hope Marriage is Like

J.J. Jones's picture

By: J.J. Jones

In Part 1 of this series, we took an in-depth look into the reasons why guys get married.

In Part 2, we will explore what these men think their marriages will be like, and also a few examples of (if they do not watch their P’s and Q’s) where and how things can go completely and utterly wrong, wrong, wrong.

I can’t help but find it a wee bit amusing how guys get so stoked to tie the knot to their special girl, and everything is all puppy dogs and rainbows, and then six months later she is carrying his nuts around in her purse.

hope marriage is like

What do men really want to get out of marriage?

  • A nice house?
  • A two-car garage?
  • 3.2 kids?
  • Endless blow jobs and sandwiches?

That’s not even close to the half of it. While men are naturally a little more laid back about things and do not have the crazy sky-high expectations of an endless fairy tale like women do, the problem persists that men usually end up not only getting less of what they actually want, but end up getting a whole lot of other things that they really do not want and really hadn’t bargained on either.

And the more careless and less socially savvy the man is, the less his expectations are actually met.

Female Basic Conflict: Understanding Women’s Ambivalence

Joseph W. South's picture

Tell me, what you’re thinking about

When you got me waiting patiently

Usually, I don’t have to wait for nobody

But there’s something about you

That really got me feeling weak

— Tell Me, by P. Diddy. Vocals here sung by Christina Aguilera.

If you truly want to understand the psychology of women, you must be aware of, and willing to accept, a paradoxical truth: women feel greater sexual attraction towards men who are less inclined to provide for them emotionally and financially.

female basic conflict

Euphemistically you can say: in their heads women know that nice guys make much better husbands, but deep within their secret hearts, women love to love bad boys.

This paradoxical phenomenon is literally a schizophrenic duality between a woman’s need for survival on the one hand, and her need to express her own sexuality on the other. This creates a psychological condition where a woman’s sexuality is necessarily ambivalent and conflicted.

Simply put, the Female Basic Conflict is the need to manipulate a man into the role of her Provider, followed by an automatic contempt and/or lowering of her sexual attraction towards a man who lets her do so.