Pickup | Page 54 | Girls Chase


Meeting and attracting members of the opposite sex.

How to Pick Up Girls from 2-Sets (or Pairs) Without a Wingman

Alek Rolstad's picture

pick up 2-set
Two girls is one of the most common girl groups you’ll encounter out and about. But peeling one girl off can be tricky – she may not want to leave her friend.

Today I will discuss a subject that may not initially be of huge interest, but once you end up in a situation where you will have to deal with the issue presented, I am sure you will be glad for having this post available to you.

This post will be about dealing with “2-sets” (a pair of two girls). Mind you that the discussion will be about managing to actually pull from this type of set without a wingman. If you have a wingman, and he is either good with women or the stars happen to align, he may hook up with her friend, but that is not always doable. You may not have a wing, or he may be busy with another girl, or perhaps you do have a wing but he is either totally useless or simply not hooking well with the girls in question.

In which case, you are on your own.

Before I get to the technicalities, let us just discuss some preliminary ideas that I believe we should cover first.

And this post will cover this exact situation. It is a pretty tough situation to deal with, so I hope my advice will increase your odds of succeeding. However, do not expect this to go smooth like butter – it never will – because women, unless you are lucky and meet up with two independent women (usually older women), will usually stick to their friend, especially if the friend will end up being alone if she comes with you, which can actually ruin her friendship and put her friend in potential danger. Women are far more risk-averse than men.

In a nutshell: if your girl leaves with you, who is going to take care of her friend?

That’s a tricky one.

Tactics Tuesdays: Kisses for Good Behavior

Chase Amante's picture

cheek kiss reward
When a girl does something good, you can reward her with a cheek kiss… and open up the floodgates of romantic and sexual potential.

This is a fun little tactic I’ve employed over the years that does a lot of good things for you.

The tactic is simple: when she does something you like, give her a peck on the cheek, neck, shoulder, or lips.

There’s a little nuance to it, because the power of the kiss will be tied to the level of investment she gives you. The bigger the investment, the weightier the kiss. The lesser the investment, the lesser the kiss.

I’m going to do a quick section to tell you why this is good. And then I’ll give you a few examples of how and where you’d use it.

3 Ways to Use Social Proof to Be Scaldingly Attractive to Women

Alek Rolstad's picture

social proof pickup
Social proof is one of the most reliable ways to make yourself a total girl magnet. Best of all, there are 3 different ways to get it.

Hey, guys. Today, for the sake of variation, I will take a step back from the predominantly tactical posts (don’t worry, more tactical stuff is coming) and discuss a more theoretical aspect of seduction. Theoretical posts can be useful, as they can help you “make sense” of things and expand your understanding, which can have a practical impact. So, despite this post being mostly theoretical, you will discover there is an underlying practical touch to it.

Either way, today’s subject will be social proof. This subject has been discussed many times here (and sometimes also calledpreselection’), so I will not include an introduction. But overall, social proof in the context of pickup and seduction is one of the many elements that causes women to preselect men by observing them around other women and seeing they are desired by other women. We are more likely to like what others also like, right? In many cases this is true. And women, who are more prone to submit to group pressure and follow the pack, are much more affected by this mechanism than us guys.

The overall idea here is simple: you create attraction by being seen with other women.

Social proof is nothing new to the world of dating, pickup, and seduction. The effects have been discussed to death. How to generate social proof has also been discussed, although there is more to be said about this, I am sure. In this post, I want to present a new framework that can help us expand the notion of social proof in pickup and seduction. I think our current view and definition of social proof is oversimplified. I here present 3 categories of social proof, each with unique aspects that unfold differently and can be driven by different means.

I will discuss each category and how it is achieved. Ultimately, this framework should broaden your understanding of the concept, how it works, and how you can use it. I’ll also provide guidelines on how you can achieve social proof in the way you find most exciting and comfortable.

The three categories we will discuss:

  • Explicit Social Proof

  • Implicit Social Proof

  • Tacit Social Proof

Podcast with the Girls Chase Seduction A-Team: Lessons from Stockholm

Varoon Rajah's picture

Welcome back to another episode of Dating Mechanics! For this podcast, I have something different and special for you. A few of us Girls Chase authors met up in Stockholm, Sweden this past summer for a few days and nights. We met up with each other (some for the first time), met plenty of women, both during the day and

Tactics Tuesdays: Conversations Where the Girl Doesn't Talk Much

Chase Amante's picture

girl doesn't talk much
Sometimes you’ll meet girls who won’t contribute to conversation. When this happens, you’ll have to step up and do the talking yourself.

One of our forum members by the name of Witcher had a few questions about deep diving, one of which was this:

Deep diving demand[s] from the seducer to ask girls a lot of questions, How to not make It look like an interview or audition? This is the impression I have doing it and It feels a little weird.

Of course, one of the keys to deep diving is that you not make it feel like an interview... which means past a certain number of questions, if she hasn’t begun to participate much yet, you need to turn your questions into statements. You can do this with cold reads (instead of: “What do you do for work?”, make it: “You look like either an anthropologist or an entrepreneur, I’m not sure which”). And beyond this, if she doesn’t get more involved, you will need to start to tell stories and otherwise steer the conversation with your own content.

The better your fundamentals, the faster you hook girls in... and the more likely you are to end up in conversations where girls pelt you with questions and/or open up about themselves from the get-go. Yet even if your fundamentals are in a class of their own, you will still encounter women who seem, for lack of a better term for it, ‘conversationally impaired’.

Could be she isn’t interested. Could be she’s not in a social mood. Could be she’s just a quiet person and not particularly talkative.

But if you find yourself in such a conversation, with a girl who sticks around and passes your compliance tests (so you know you’re not wasting your time on a disinterested girl), yet nevertheless doesn’t contribute, you will need another approach.

You’ll need to be able to run the conversation when the girl’s contribution is all or mostly absent.

The "I've Got to Wait for Girls to Meet Me" Thing

Chase Amante's picture

wait for her to approach
Do you wait for girls to approach you? It may be scary to approach women yourself, but waiting for them to ask first is a losing proposition.

One of the members of our forum has talked about his strategy of waiting for girls to meet him, and then spitting game at them. It doesn't seem to work well for him, since he is perpetually single and has been hung up on the same girl for over a year, hoping every time she breaks up with a boyfriend that maybe she'll pay more attention to him.

Nevertheless though, he's committed. He ignores all the advice from every other member on there and from me that he forget this girl and go meet new ones. This is his strategy, and he's decided to stick to it.

I don't think there are a lot of guys who are 100% into this strategy of “I've just got to wait for women to come meet me”, like Neal is. But there are guys who slip into this some or a lot of the time. So we should talk about it.

Because even while objectively this is about as effective as thinking, “I've just got to wait for the money to come to me,” or, “I've just got to wait until a Ferrari shows up in my driveway,” subjectively it can feel like a valid strategy at the time when you're thinking it.

But it's not a valid strategy. It's a terrible strategy.

3 Sex Gambits: Good/Bad Sex, Sex is Unfair, and the Dark Side

Alek Rolstad's picture

sex gambit
Use these 3 sex gambits in conversation with women you meet to put their minds squarely on sex… in a very good way.

Hey, guys. I hope you are doing great.

Today I decided it was time to get practical again and share some very simple techniques that will allow you to achieve so much – and be easy to pull off. Intermediate players should have few problems pulling these off, and beginners (as long as you are comfortable enough to keep a conversation going with a girl) should also be able to make some of these techniques work.

Now, just as every other technique I have shared in the past, these serve as examples. Yes, you may use the techniques shared more or less word by word – they have all been tested multiple times with great success – but the key thing is to understand the underlying principles and use those techniques as inspiration for your own material. If you want to use a technique as presented, that’s up to you, but I think it is key to understand the underlying concepts no matter what.

The techniques I am about to share will follow more or less similar structures and principles (I will cover all of them in a minute), and they should help you keep the conversation going – a conversation that:

Sound good? Let’s get on with it.

Tactics Tuesdays: "I'm Just Kidding" + Touch

Chase Amante's picture

I'm just kidding
Want to walk back a mistake, or calibrate your sexual innuendo? “I’m just kidding” + touch is the perfect tactic to let you do so.

One of the most potentially powerful lines you can add to your canned line arsenal is “I’m just kidding”... followed up by a bit of touch.

This line plus touch lets you reframe all sorts of situations. It lets you rebuild attainability in an instant with girls who were about to auto-reject you. And it can amplify a woman’s intrigued confusion.

“I’m just kidding” plus touch was a crucial part of the old seduction community “Grand Master style” (which consists of extreme sexual directness with women, right from the opener... if you’re interested in this style, let me know in the comments and I’ll do an article on it). The tactic gives you an easy way to backtrack if a chase frame or sex talk goes a little sour.

Because it’s such a powerful tactic, there’s a little nuance to it. Get that nuance down, and you have an effective means to control the flow of a conversation and the flow of the emotions within it.

The Single Guy's Guide to Starting Fresh in a New City

Chase Amante's picture

how to get started in a new city
You’ve changed towns, but you don’t know anyone. How can you get started in a new city? This guide shows you how.

You’re about to move to a completely new city... or you’ve already moved there. It’s exciting, it’s fresh, and it’s a little scary. Here is this novel metropolis where you don’t know anyone.

It could be filled with opportunity: awesome new friends, beautiful new girlfriends, delicious new food. Wondrous new places to see, riveting new activities to partake in.

Or it could be lonesome, boring, and fill you with homesickness for your old abode.

How will you know? You won’t know until you’ve been there a while. But there’s a secret most social veterans who’ve moved around a bit know: what makes a place is not so much the place itself, but the people you know there, and the things you do there.

A well-connected guy with lots of cool friends, pretty girlfriends, and fun things to do in an otherwise small and boring town will live a better, fuller, more exciting life than a lonely guy who doesn’t go out and doesn’t know anyone, even if that guy lives in the biggest, most interesting city on Earth.

So our focus is to turn you into the well-connected guy who knows lots of outstanding people and does lots of outstanding things... no matter how big or small or busy or not his new town might be.

You’re going to learn how to get started in a new city. And in particular, you’re going to learn how to do that in a way that maximizes your exposure to excellent friends, women, locations, and activities.

This articles divides into sections each of those four items (friends, women, locations, activities). You can jump around with the table of contents if you prefer to skim and don’t want to read the whole piece in a single sitting. But for the maximum new city experience, I suggest you go through the full article.

We’ll begin this article with a look at location: where in town you should go for fun, and where in town you should live.