Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

How to Handle Late-Night Booty Calls & Texts

Chase Amante's picture
late-night booty callSometimes girls will booty call you late at night. How do you handle these? Can you get a rain check? Who goes to whose place? Here’s the guide.

It’s late one night, you’re just about to get in bed – or perhaps you’re lying in bed already – when out of the blue a girl you know messages you:

Doing anything right now? Feeling bored

What should you do?

What should you say?

The timing is inconvenient (you were just about to fall asleep); can you reschedule her for later?

There’s one thing you need to understand about late-night booty calls and booty texts: whenever you get them, no matter what time it is or what condition you are in, that is a one-time only, limited time offer – and you can either take it then as-is, or pass.

No layaway, no reserving it for later, no rain checks, and usually no counteroffers accepted.

Tactics Tuesdays: When Girls Unexpectedly Open You

Chase Amante's picture
girl unexpectedly opens youAt unexpected times, in unexpected places, women may start talking to you. If you aren’t ‘on’ you can miss these chances. How best should you respond?

Commenting on my article about testing girls for interest before you approach, Sub-Zero asks:

How do you deal with not knowing what to say? There’s times when I guess a girl pings me and I don’t know how to respond or how to close.

For example, would you say that these were pings or invitations?

A: I had one girl say the food I was getting made looks good. I couldn’t tell if it was a ping or if she was making small talk. Anyway, I still didn’t know what else to say. I might have said thank you or something?

B. I was shopping and a girl said something about buying some food for her kid, then she said you probably don’t care what I’m getting my kid. There I didn't say anything because I really had no idea what to say.

So would you say those were pings for me to approach or were they just being social and what should I have said, what do you do or say when you don’t know what to say and are stuck?

Yes, these are both pings (the subject of my article on testing girls for interest). Just like you can ping women to test for interest before approaching, women can ping you too. A ping doesn’t mean she’s ready to hop into bed with you, of course – it just means she’s interested in finding out if you’re someone she can chat with. She might want to date you or might just want to talk. Either way, she’s testing you for openness to a conversation.

The problem Sub-Zero has here, that many guys have, is that women ping you at unexpected times, when you are not prepared to be social. Worse still, because most women expect the man to lead, usually all you’ll get from a girl is a single ping… then she retreats and waits. If you don’t act soon, she gives up, closes off, and runs away!

How can you deal with these situations when girls unexpectedly open you… and where you aren’t already primed for socializing, in any kind of social mood?

Can You Turn a Ho Into a Housewife?

Chase Amante's picture
turn a ho into a housewifeThere comes a time in life when a man debates settling with a ho. Before taking the plunge, however, you’ve gotta know: CAN YOU turn a ho into a housewife?

Came across a post recently where a guy discusses dating a girl who had a one-night stand on vacation then said she regrets it and wants to “build our relationship again.” Here’s the text:

A girl that I have been dating had a one night stand while on vacation. We confessed feelings for each other prior the vacation and we both said that we want to go for each other. We did not made specific agreements for an exclusive relationship.

I feel betrayed because I told her how I feel and than she did this on vacation. She said she regrets it and she wants to put all the effort and time to build our relationship again. She also said that she is afraid to lose me because of this.

My logical brain says that I have to move on because my trust in her is quite low because of this. But the emotional side wants to give her a chance to the relationship again.

What are your opinions on this matter and how would you handle this?

This is just one example of the scenarios guys will encounter when considering settled relationships with women who’ve been “in the field” for a bit. There are others:

  • Women who “had their ho phase” but are “done with that now.”

  • Women who have cheated on partners in the past but “have grown.”

  • Women who dated multiple men at the start, then “settled on” just the one guy.

  • Women who pushed for an open relationship, then later push to close it.

Most guys sense there is something wrong here… some risk or some catch. But they just aren’t sure. The question these men must face is this: can you turn a ho into a housewife?

Study: Women Have the Best Sex with Disagreeable Men

Chase Amante's picture
women have the best sex with disagreeable menWomen have better sex with disagreeable, sexually uninhibited, conscientious men. Such men simply BEHAVE in ways that raise the pleasure for their partners.

In yet another blow for nice guys, a study reveals what we’ve all long known: women enjoy sex more with disagreeable bad boys.

In particular, the study found that women have the best sex with men who have a few key traits:

  • Men who are more disagreeable (i.e., more prone to doing what they want).

  • Men who are less sexually inhibited (i.e., more prone to getting wild in bed).

  • Men who are more conscientious (i.e., more likely to do a good job in bed).

So, girls like sex better with dominant bad boys who are at ease with sex and take pride in giving women orgasms. No great surprises here!

The findings are straightforward – but let’s discuss them anyway just to clear up any confusion.

Tactics Tuesdays: 7 Example Stories for Early Conversation

Chase Amante's picture
example stories to tell in early conversationIt’s early into a conversation and you’d like to tell a story. What do you talk about? These 7 examples help you figure out just what tale to tell.

In a comment on my article “How to Tell a Story that Rivets and Captivates”, Greg remarks:

Very interesting article, thank you, I really appreciated it. But now that I know how to tell a story (the form), the problem is what stories to tell (the content). A long list of story examples to tell (one sentence per example, not the complete stories, just the basic idea) (like 30 stories exemples at least) could help in developing or finding one's own stories. Because I don't know about others, but for me, I feel like I don't have any stories to tell.

Sure, story examples. We can talk about some of those.

For this article, I’m going to focus on early conversation stories, since that’s the place the most guys have the most trouble. E.g., “How do I get the storytelling started with a girl I’m talking to?”

We’ll break it down into two categories for this piece: “crazy thing” stories and “cool DHV” stories. Before we begin, I want to preface with a note on the ‘recency’ requirement for early conversation stories.

How to Let a Girl Go

Chase Amante's picture
how to let a girl goAre you stuck pining for or pursuing a girl you can’t get or have? Then you need to let that girl go. Easier said than done right? Well here’s HOW to do it.

It’s not an uncommon position for men to find themselves in: there’s this girl a guy’s fallen for, and he just can’t let her go.

I talked about the intoxicating, transfixing aspects of this kind of single-minded fixation upon an individual girl in my article “Can't Stop Thinking About Her? Here's Why You Need to Meet More Girls.” I know that one struck a chord, too, because it’s been read over a million times. Among the other 3257 articles on this website written over the last 16 years, only twelve have more pageviews.

Today I want to talk about one specific aspect of becoming fixated on an individual woman or girl: how to let her go.

How to detach, move on, and live a life without being haunted by a woman it’s best you forgot.

Undersexed Women, Girlfriends Cause Heaps of Drama

Chase Amante's picture
undersexed women cause heaps of dramaWhen women are fertile and sexually frustrated, they cause drama. How you avoid this drama is straightforward: sex her mind out when she ovulates.

I can’t believe I haven’t written an article on this before, but it just came to mind I haven’t. When women aren’t getting sexed enough, they cause mountains of drama.

This is an incontrovertible law of female nature. If you haven’t learned this rule, you may find drama exploding from women out of seemingly nowhere. One day she’s affectionate and horny… then the next day she’s an erupting volcano of malevolent fury. What happened?

You’ll get a dozen different explanations, blames, and excuses from her about what precipitated the drama. But the real source of drama if you trace it back is this: either you didn’t lay her at all, or you didn’t lay her well enough.

How to Test Girls for Interest BEFORE You Approach (Pinging)

Chase Amante's picture
test girls' interest before you approachBefore you approach a girl, test her for interest. By doing this – using ‘pings’ – you can virtually eliminate rejection, and find many more yesses.

How to Want a Girl Less Than She Wants You

Chase Amante's picture
how to want a girl less than she wants youIf you’re the one who approaches a girl, how can you want a girl less than she wants you? It seems like a conundrum… yet many guys do it every day.

Beneath my article about Instagram dating’s uncomfortable truths, reader Sub-Zero asked the following:

Could you clarify things for me when it comes to wanting the woman less than she wants you when you’re the one approaching her and asking her out?

I never could quite understand this, and I’ve read your desireless article a few times, but it still isn’t working for me.

How do we want the woman less than she wants us when she isn’t putting that much effort in, and we’re the ones that are pursuing her?

It’s a simple question but it has a lot of merit! How can you want a girl less than she wants you, when YOU are the one making the approach? Are you just kidding yourself? How can this be?

At the beginning, you may indeed need to ‘kid yourself’ to a degree – though there are ways to do this more effectively. In the end, though, you will arrive at a place where you are able to approach yet truly want the women you approach less than they want you (assuming, that is, that they are interested!).

So, below, let’s talk about how to want a girl less than she wants you.

Girls' Dates & Exes Are Never as Perfect as You Imagine

Chase Amante's picture
girls dates are not perfectGirls will giddily talk up the guys they are (or were) going out with. Yet the actual man is never quite as impressive as the picture girls paint…

Several weeks ago a reader named Jason H. asked the following on my article about the reasons for there being so many single people:

Have you any advise in seeing things from the women's POV and feeling how women feel attracted differently from us men?

I've been reading Girlschase long enough to know that women and men at a GUT level are attracted to and prioritize different things.

The men part I GET at a deep gut/intuitive level when I read the articles. "I'm like yeah that makes sense!". Of course we prioritise youth and beauty. But I experience a cognitive dissonance to some extent when I read about what women prioritise with sexual attraction - because I don't FEEL the same way they do about dominance, humor, confidence & competence. These things don't turn me on at a gut level.

So I'm fighting the part of me that feels women prioritise - looks, height,muscles at low body fat or popularity. Dating apps (I'm not on it) but of men who are on it are competing with the only factor that's assessed on it -looks. So when I hear a female friend say I matched with a 6ft4 guy who is into martial arts he sounds like fun - it irritates me because I'm like well 'I'm pretty sure they value these other traits more' but they match a good looking guy or very tall guy and they are excited to meet him.

I want to be attractive enough so that women feel this same way more instantly. I've had good success by improving fundamentals and bedding women. The difference is it takes me longer to flip attraction triggers. I want it happening quicker and more passively.
I've come to realise is women have various attraction triggers and it's more complex than men.
- A tall man can trigger their attraction switch - which then can be built on
- A popular guy who is preselected can trigger their attraction switch (has happened to me several times)
- Dominance, humour, competence and confidence etc all can trigger it.

What I've come to realise is that men need a BUY-IN. So an average looking guy at average height needs to have excellence in SOME form that women value: showing competence at something they value fitness/sport/music/art or dominance/humour/popularity - whatever it is

Following your article on Tao of Steve I've focused on becoming excellent fitness/physique wise which has led to more attention from women: more stares, smiles,comments which is all positive. While working on fundamentals across the board.

Back to my original question.

I know these things are true. Even objectively I see women with men similar to themselves but less physically attractive.

Yet I'm struggling to overcome this part of me that's obsessed with thinking women's no.1 priority is this. All it takes is a face value comment from a woman saying they like tall guys, or that guy is easy on the eyes/amazing body. Yet I don't hear comments about that guy is so funny he turns me on. Or that guy is sexy (while also not referring to a handsome/tall/ripped guy).

How do I overcome this insecurity/cognitive dissonance?
How am I able to understand or FEEL what women feel at a gut level about attraction without PROJECTING my own feelings?

I really like the concept of talking about understanding female attraction at a gut level.

However, Jason H. brings up another point here, which I think is more important to address FIRST:

Namely, how people work to present an image of themselves as successful by playing up how awesome their dates and lovers are… and how if you aren’t careful you can get totally suckered by it!

Everybody does this… but girls do it more. Girls are the masters at it. Girls will tell you constantly how picky they are, how excellent their ex-boyfriends were, how refined their taste is. And the illusion will hold! … right up until you actually meet the guys these girls are going with (and say to yourself “Huh?!”).

So before we talk about understanding female attraction at an intuitive, gut level (which I still would like to talk about), FIRST let’s make sure we understand this equally important concept, that the way women describe their standards and the men in their lives and the way those men actually are tend to be two very different things.