Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Tactics Tuesdays: Using Sexual Magnetism with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
using sexual magnetism with girlsSome men just ooze powerful sexual magnetism. But what is sexual magnetism? How did they get it? The secret is 3 key aspects – but you’ve got to be a bit of a “seduction pro” first.

This article presupposes you already have solid fundamentals and game. Basically, you are intermediate at least – and probably closer to advanced (or actually advanced). If you’re not there yet, feel free to read it still, but don’t worry if you can’t pull this one off yet – you can come back to it later once your game and attractive qualities are more on-lock.

A forum member named Jeff recently asked about how to convey sexual state to girls the way his highly skilled natural friend does. In other words, how to use sexual magnetism.

About this friend, Jeff says:

I have a friend who's been hitting the field for over 10 years.

Dude's a pro - having racked up easily over 500 lays, and between 100-150 in 2019.

Recently, he told me he moved to a new house (in Delhi, India where he's living) and there's a girl on the first floor (while he's on the fourth).

He ran into her while moving some stuff and all he did was have a 2 minute back and forth with the girl without doing anything fancy, and she was ON him - suggesting they should catch up, party, get a drink, etc.

...all the while being married, with her husband downstairs in the house they're sharing.

I was curious as to what he did to elicit such desire.

By that, I mean -

- Girls text him as opposed to him having to do all the work (of course he texts them, but he barely has to do anything)
- Falling all over him in the club within a few minutes of meeting
- Girls throwing attraction signals at him (like the time he was dancing at a dance workshop and everyone wanted to know who he was)

I, on the other hand, still have work way too hard, probably relying on my verbals a lot more than he does.

Sexual magnetism is an interesting topic. It’s a subset of charisma (which I’ve devoted an entire course to, as well as a series of charismatic breakdowns on Hollywood figures, and a set of beginner’s and pro’s guides to charisma that many guys found helpful)… but rather than focus on general charisma, it zeroes in on the sexual variety.

I gave a quick response on the forum thread, but I want to expand upon that a bit here in an article on what sexual magnetism is and how you can convey it.

Study: Being Alpha Is Not Enough. Being Alpha + Prosocial Is

Chase Amante's picture
alpha is not enoughBeing an alpha male is supposed to get you girls. Right? So why are so many “alphas” dating fat girls – or alone? It’s because “being alpha” is NOT enough!

Way back in the 2000-naughts, the seduction community talked frequently about “alpha males” as obstacles to overcome when picking up. These alpha male guys – the top dogs of mixed male and female groups pick up artists would approach – had to be dealt with properly if you wanted to take up a girl from their groups.

Somewhere in the late 2000-naughts, the idea of “alpha males” got picked up by the nascent manosphere. Except, rather than alpha males being obstacles you had to overcome to get the girl, alpha males transmogrified into heroic exemplars of whom you should aim to become yourself to excel with women and in life.

I did my best to try to stem the tide of this trend even as early as mid-2011, but growth of “alpha male mentality” was inexorable at that point. Today it’s accepted wisdom among a plurality (perhaps even a majority) of Western men that “you’ve got to be alpha” if you want to succeed socially, in business, and in love.

There’s just one problem: plenty of “alpha males” barely get laid, make little money, and have few decent friends. How do we explain this?

To understand it, we have to go back to before the alpha male craze began – back a few decades, in fact, to a study conducted in 1995.

How to Stop Attracting Fat Girls

Chase Amante's picture
stop attracting fat girlsSome guys are complete “fat girl magnets.” If you’re always attracting fat girls though, how do you stop? The solution is part mentality and part behavior.

Are you someone who always has fat girls throwing themselves at him?

It’s a pretty dangerous position to be in, honestly. All it takes is one fat chick throwing herself at you the wrong way for you to end up CRUSHED.

Jokes aside, attracting fat girls is something that happens to some guys, but not ALL guys.

We just had a conversation about it over on the forum. Among comments from some of our members:

fat chicks react very strongly and aggressively asking for number's, staring etc. Does it mean I have low sexual value? [A]m i [a] weirdo?

Same thing happens with me ..

I am an expert in this subject. … Update from last night: another potential pitfall is a broken bed frame.

Obviously, if you love those rolls of fat, you’ll have no need or desire to stop attracting fat girls.

But if it’s a problem for you, let me tell you right now: it’s totally doable to stop the big girls wanting you.

So, while we usually discuss creating attraction on this site, today let’s take a detour – and talk about breaking it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Party Pooper Girl Inoculation

Chase Amante's picture
party pooper girl inoculationParty pooper girls can ruin your seductions – not to mention your good mood. Yet with the right inoculation, you can protect your interactions and image.

Sometimes you’re going to find yourself talking to one or more girls who are just total party poopers.

They’re low energy, in bad moods, don’t respond to your humor, or otherwise act all prickly.

Now, what you don’t want to do is get caught up in these girls’ bad moods. But you also don’t want to get caught trying to change their moods for them either. That’s not your job, nor is it a good use of your time and energy.

So what do you do with these party pooper girls? If you already approached them, only to discover too late that they’re a total drag, you need some way to either get things going with their rest of their group, or else get out of there without it feeling like you got the wind sucked out of you.

The solution is party pooper girl inoculation – measures you take to firmly have a handle on the frame in the face of girls who are no fun.

Cyber Week Promo: 64% Off "Approaching Girls" Package

Chase Amante's picture
cyber week promo 2023Save $264 off this package of three (3) great Girls Chase programs: How to Make Girls Chase, Meet Girls Everywhere, and the Touch-A-Girl System.

It’s Cyber Week 2023, which means an awesome CYBER DEAL from Girls Chase.

I’ve assembled our three (3) best “approach the girl” trainings into one SINGLE package of approaching awesomeness… the “Meeting Girls Trifecta.”

What to Say When Family Asks About Your Love Life at Thanksgiving

Chase Amante's picture
answering family love life-related questions at thanksgivingFamilies can get very nosy about your love life at Thanksgiving. What do you say to these probing questions? How do you avoid rocking the holiday boat?

Figured I’d do a quick little timely piece for the holidays here.

Every year (if you’re American) family gets together and you get the most prying personal questions about your love life during Thanksgiving.

I’ve seen various people give advice on how to reply to inquisitive family members. Most of what I’ve seen comes across prickly or hostile. I don’t know why so many people recommend prickly responses to inquisitive family members… poor relationships with family? Extremely nosy family members who don’t take a gentle ‘no’ for an answer?

Anyway, this site is about socializing EFFECTIVELY, and an effective socializer makes use of grace and charm to achieve his social ends, not prickly hostility.

Thus, we are going to have a look at how to deal, in adroit and charming ways, with those inquisitive family members who dare pry into the dusty secrets of your covert love life.

If You're Worried What an FWB Is Doing, Why Is That?

Chase Amante's picture
jealous fwbWhy do people get jealous about FWBs? It’s only casual, right? So… why get jealous feelings? There are two reasons why this happens: abundance and control.

A little while ago, I came across a forum thread where the poster discussed pangs of jealousy about what his promiscuous friend-with-benefits was up to in the two months he’s been out-of-town. He says:

I met a hot girl while traveling abroad a couple of months ago. We slept together 15-20 times. All the signs tell me she's the promiscuous type. We've kept in daily contact since I returned home 8 weeks ago and I'm due to travel to where she lives again in two weeks. I've had STD tests done and nothing showed up gladly, but that negative test says nothing about how promiscuous she is or isn't.

Anyway, given that this isn't even an official relationship, why do I keep having jealous pangs and urges to know what she's getting up to? She says she's waiting for me but I'm not naive enough to believe that a promiscuous person by nature would go two months without sex. So given the obvious fact she's slept with at least one person over the last few weeks (perhaps a local FB in her location), what's up with my weird obsessiveness over what she's doing?

I suspect this stems from my lack of an abundance mindset. In in my early 30s but I don't have a high body count at all. I've spent 12 years of my adult life in long-term relationships. I thought though by this point in life you learn not to give so much of a **** about these things. I guess I'm posting for advice on just letting go and not really caring what women I have casual flings with are getting up to, no matter how much I like them. It doesn't even feel fair of me to get jealous over what she's up to seeing as I didn't ask her to be in a relationship.

The forum poster got a number of replies, essentially boiling down to either “just stop caring” or “sounds like you’re not cut out for this type of relationship.” At one point he even stated that “I don’t know why I act like this.”

But all along a part of the explanation for his behavior was right there in his original post:

I suspect this stems from my lack of an abundance mindset. In in my early 30s but I don't have a high body count at all. I've spent 12 years of my adult life in long-term relationships. I thought though by this point in life you learn not to give so much of a **** about these things.

He’s probably right about why he’s feeling insecure about this girl – although there’s another possible explanation too.

Tactics Tuesdays: Don't Give Her What She Wants

Chase Amante's picture
don't give her what she wantsGirls ask for things they think they want from you. If you give them these though the attraction dies out. Why? Because what girls want ≠ what they need!

The title for this one is a bit deceptive. Because you ARE going to give her what she actually wants… but you aren’t going to give her what she says she wants.

As you’re talking with women, they will frequently ask you for things or fish for things from you, like:

  • Compliments
  • Reassurance
  • Qualification
  • Free drinks
  • Free food
  • Other compliance

If you give a girl exactly what she asks for when she asks for it, which is what a lot of guys will do, because they feel like they have to, or see no way to decline without looking rude or insensitive, she loses attraction for you. You are not the sexy bad boy rebel she cannot tame. You are, rather, just another guy who will do exactly what she asks of him.

The challenge of course is that you can’t do absolutely nothing, either. She’s asked you for something… you have to reply in some way. You can’t just withdraw into your turtle shell to hide.

What we’re going to do with this Tactics Tuesdays piece is to look at how to give her not what she wants, but what she needs to move things forward instead.

What Motivates a Man: Pleasure or Victory?

Chase Amante's picture
what motivates a man: pleasure or victory?Some men long for pleasure. Others crave victory. Knowing which motivates you more will help you decide where how to lead the most rewarding dating life.

We’ve been talking about who cold approach pickup is for recently. There’s always a contingent of men who really loves cold approach and considers it the best. But there is also always a contingent of men who rejects it, finding it too difficult, inefficient, frustrating, humiliating, and so on.

Cold approach still works – it’ll always work; it works in every society imaginable – but it has always been hard to learn, and that it’ll also always be. Approaching people you don’t know, charming their socks off, and attracting them so much as to make them want to do things you want them to do is never going to be a simple skill to learn.

I see a chance to allay some cognitive dissonance for some readers here though about another dimension of who cold approach is for versus who it is not… while at the same time discussing male motivation, another topic of perennial interest here.

Namely, we are going to talk about the two (2) types of men there are, when it comes to motivation, so that you can better understand what YOU are really in it for – and where you’d do best to concentrate your romantic efforts.

Tactics Tuesdays: Deep Diving Off of Her Compliments

Chase Amante's picture
deep diving a girl when she compliments youUse this simple process to take the compliments others pay you and springboard off them into a deep dive.

Commenting on a recent article of mine, reader Cian requests “tips on how to gracefully reply to compliments and leverage them to further the conversation/Deep Dive process.”

His first request is simple enough. The way to reply to a compliment is, “Thank you.”

You don’t launch into a story (makes you look self-satisfied). You don’t engage in self-deprecation (makes you look uncomfortable taking a compliment). You don’t compliment back, usually – at least not instantly (makes you look reactive and lessens the impact of any compliments you do pay).

You just say thanks.

Can you use compliments as deep dive fuel though?

If so, how does that work? How do you use someone else’s compliment about you as an excuse to get to know more about your interlocuter?