Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Tactics Tuesdays: Orgasm Stacking

Chase Amante's picture
orgasm stackingStack a girl’s orgasms together to enable more sexual fun. Use this tactic to help her cum in positions she often can’t… or to ratchet up sexy thrills.

Want to get a girl cumming in a certain position, but you’re struggling to bring her to orgasm in that position? There’s a simple solution to it: orgasm stacking!

Orgasm stacking is when you bring a girl to climax, then stack more climaxes on top of it. In general, you will find once a woman starts cumming, it is easy to make her keep cumming – including in different positions; including in positions she might otherwise have difficulty cumming in much of the time.

There’s a Chinese saying when it comes to sex that “The ox gets tired but the field does not.” This is meant to say that women are virtually inexhaustible once you get them going in sex; the only real limit to a sex session is the energy of the man. In my experience it’s very true. You can use this to your advantage in sex to stack orgasms, then transfer those orgasms to different positions and experiences with her.

Once you start stacking orgasms, you can get girls cumming in all kinds of different positions.

I should note before we dive in: this article assumes you are already adept at making women orgasm one way or another. If you’re unable to make girls cum in general, see our other articles on sex and start there. If you have a girl who’s resistant to orgasming, see this article on training girls to cum. If you can make girls cum but have trouble with endurance, see the articles on lasting longer and avoiding premature ejaculation. Once you’ve got those mastered, you can circle back to this fancy bedroom tactic.

Creep/Trust Spectrum and the NUT Model

Chase Amante's picture
creep/trust and the NUT modelWhy do girls trust some men yet feel uncomfortable with others? The answer lies in NUT: a way of comprehending how creepy or trustworthy someone will be.

Recently, I’ve done a lot of study of people’s experiences with stalkers, murderers, rapists (real rapists… you know, the gunpoint / knifepoint / beat-you-up / drug-you-up / tie-you-up kind), as well as just general creeps people meet in the streets, in the wilderness, and all kinds of places. Many of the people sharing these experiences are women, but there are plenty of men sharing them too. The vast majority of these I found on Reddit’s /r/LetsNotMeet (the best) and /r/CreepyEncounters (second best) boards.

Much of the time, before something bad happens, or even before the storyteller is aware of a threatening presence, he or she senses danger: adrenaline starts pumping, fear kicks in, and the person becomes instantly and suddenly AWARE. At other times, a stranger approaches, without causing any sense of fear or creepiness at all… but then, at some point, something changes (often something subtle) that makes the formerly unthreatening stranger grow frightening.

In some stories, the person under threat manages to encounter another random person or group of people to join forces with so the creep will leave him or her alone. Often the teller has a rapid sense that “this person is safe” and will make a trustworthy ally.

In a few stories, the creepy person turns out to have not been a threat at all, but instead someone with some developmental problem, or someone who mistakenly walked into the wrong house or room, or someone whose intentions just got misread. Much of the time, the creeps being talked about seem to genuinely be creeps.

Part of what I was looking for as I read all these tales was, “What is it that causes some people to set off creep alarms, while other people seem so non-threatening – even downright trustworthy?”

Because what we’re really talking about is “How do you put strangers at ease when you approach them, rather than totally unsettle them?” Very useful if you’re doing cold approach, or pretty much anything where you need to interact with strangers – or even people who aren’t strangers; social circle acquaintances, too.

This led me to what I’ll call the NUT model: three factors that determine how creepy or trustworthy another person seems to be – even if that person is a complete and total stranger.

Why Do White Knights Think Girls Don't Want Sex?

Chase Amante's picture
white knights girls don't want sexAn irate reader accuses me of being a bad man leading conservative girls astray. I ask why white knights like this think girls don’t want sex?

I wrote an article on picking up shy, conservative girls who don’t go out, after guys have been requesting I write this for some time now. As I expected, it triggered some angry white knighting. A reader commenting on the article called me (in essence) a bad man and implied that I am using treachery to beguile poor, unsuspecting damsels into the sack, where I rob them of their innocence (and, presumably?, ruin them for their actual good conservative husbands who will come after me).

I’ll post his comment in full:

Considering that most girls sleep with two or less men in their lives, and conservative girls are in that subset, picking them up is usually unethical.
These women are looking to be with a single man, and being inexperienced they aren't terribly resistant to someone attractive who knows what they're doing.

"First, if you are a conservative man who thinks conservative girls are angels and no man should ever talk of picking them up and despoiling them, cool your heels. The guys I’ve had requesting this article are all guys who want to date these girls as girlfriends, ***or even*** take them as wives."

This last sentence comes from your worldview when it comes to commitment. Wanting to date these girls as girlfriends, where you interact with them for a few years then dump them, is atrocious. These are people who want to find someone to settle down with forever, often also wanting that person to be their only partner, and here you seem to think that 'giving' them a few years of 'commitment' - where there is no intention of marriage from the beginning! - is ... honorable or something.
"Or even wives!" Is worse, as though that's some extreme scenario. That's the baseline expectation for these women when getting into these relationships, and only an apparently extreme subset of the readership looking to sleep with them have the same expectations.

Men looking to marry conservative women might need help, but you're the wrong person to do it.
Men looking to use a conservative girl for months or years and then dump her, are not good people and should not be helped.

(Morally, men who are dealing with virgin conservative women should generally not sleep with them unless they want to marry them. It is hurting them and betraying their expectations. )

Aside from jumping to a bunch of wild conclusions that require some pretty egregious leaps of faith (that: conservative girls universally want to settle down ASAP with the first guy they get with; that conservative girls ‘only ever want one partner’; that I consider marriage an ‘extreme scenario’ [lol?]; that men who want to date conservative girls are “looking to use them for months or years then dump them”; that we said anything at all about sleeping with virgins), the comment itself regards women as these helpless waifs; regards charming men as predators; and regards men like this commenter the poor waifs’ gallant protectors.

I’ll discuss most of these points briefly, but only briefly, as they’re all points I have covered before already.

Beyond that, though, I want to answer a question that arises from this reader’s screed: is it possible to trick women into sex who absolutely DO NOT WANT to have sex with you at all?

Tactics Tuesdays: Approaching & Opening Groups of People

Chase Amante's picture
approach and open groups of peopleApproaching & opening a group of people may seem intimidating. Who do you focus on? How do you handle the others? These 2 strategies get you in the door.

You’re at the bar, or the mall, or the beach, and see a group of people.

You decide you want to talk to them. Maybe they look cool; maybe there’s a cute girl in the group.

Either way, you need to start a conversation… somehow.

How do you open when it’s a group of people?

There are two (2) ways: one bolder, and one more discreet.

How to Pick Up Shy, Conservative Girls Who Don't Go Out

Chase Amante's picture
picking up shy, conservative girlsIt’s not hard to find girls who date around. But how do you find the girls who don’t – and how do you pick up such shy, conservative girls?

The online world is filled with men declaring that all women are out there hooking up constantly, leaping from one man to the next, and that conservative women are unicorns.

The reality however is that the median American woman sleeps with a mere three men in her entire life. 42% of American women sleep with two or fewer men. 21% sleep with just one man all their lives. 6% die virgins, never having been with a man. Why then does it seem like there’s a non-stop sex party going on?

It’s because all these women who aren’t out there dating, partying, and sleeping around are invisible. They’re not on the scene. They don’t actively date much. Most of them have very quiet social lives, or barely even any social life. Most men who are actively dating women – using avenues like dating apps or nightlife – very rarely run into girls like this. Because, again, these women aren’t active in the scene. The smaller number of prolific dating women, on the other hand, are VERY active… and it is easy to run into them a LOT.

I wrote this article to answer a question guys have been asking me lately: namely, where do you have to go and what do you need to do to pick up shy, conservative girls?

Tactics Tuesdays: Romantic Disclaimers

Chase Amante's picture
romantic disclaimersYou’re chatting with a girl, and she hasn’t rejected you, but you’re not certain she’s entirely down with you, either. How do you propose moves safely? With romantic disclaimers.

Let’s say you follow my advice and do your best to move faster with girls.

Just because you’re moving fast is no excuse to not mind social rules. You still must come across socially adroit even as you break society’s usual rules.

One simple way to do this as you ask things, invite girls to things, and make your proposals is with romantic disclaimers.

A romantic disclaimer is any bit of language you use to take the edge off anything you say that might otherwise be a bit improper. For girls who dig you but weren’t expecting you to move that fast, it can make all the difference.

10 Lessons from Drunk Chase to Help You Pick Up Girls

Chase Amante's picture
picking up women drunkWhen you pick up girls drunk, you behave in a more instinctive way – that SOMETIMES works better. I share 10 lessons learned from picking up drunk.

I talked to a guy the other day who asked me if it was hard figuring out what went wrong (when things did go wrong) back when I was first learning to pick up girls.

I said yes, to some extent, but I think I had it easier than many guys. I more or less started out my seduction journey with the VAC attraction model. That gave me a system for deciphering what was happening in a pickup and why right from the get-go. I also had a few other troubleshooting tools I received pretty early on.

Another thing I did while learning, I told him, was to “pay close attention to what Drunk Chase was doing.”

Back in the day, I used to be a pretty heavy drinker. A lot of guys get sloppy when they’re drunk and do a lot worse at picking up girls. But my problem when I was newer was social anxiety. Me getting drunk made me fun, cool, and smooth. I’d often go out, get very drunk, and pick up girls… a lot more easily than I could when sober. One of my early wingmen remarked to me that, “You’re really relaxed and cool when you’re drunk. I wish you could be like that all the time!”

He had a fair point. So, I made it my goal to be more like Drunk Chase all the time.

After that, even when I was hammered drunk, there’d be a little ‘Sober Chase’ inside my head, observing what I was doing, and taking notes. “Oh wow, I can’t believe I just did that,” I’d be saying, as Drunk Me pulled off yet another wild thing with a girl. I’d be even more shocked that it worked.

The lessons I learned from Drunk Chase I then applied to Sober Chase’s game.

As it turned out, they worked just as well sober as they did drunk.

I don’t drink to excess anymore. I kicked that habit, fortunately. It got a little too out-of-hand at one point. I was putting myself in too many risky situations while drunk and had one too many close calls.

Nevertheless, I still learned a lot during that period, and since the topic came up the other day, I thought it might be fun to share 10 of the lessons I learned from ‘Drunk Chase’ about how to better pick up girls.

Study: Women Know You're Attracted to Them by Scent

Chase Amante's picture
women smell men's interestWomen can sense a man’s interest levels from his odor. A girl who smells interest ‘wakes up’ out of autopilot – and must decide if she likes him back too.

Approach enough girls and it becomes pretty obvious that women can kind of tell when you genuinely want them versus when you’re just phoning it in.

You might wonder though, how do they tell? Is it the way you smile? Some subtle change in your behavior? A study by psychologists at Houston’s Rice University found women respond subconsciously to men’s “sexual sweat”:

Our results here show that the brain also recognizes the socioemotional information contained in the human sexual sweat. This is so despite the facts that subjects were verbally unaware of the nature of the olfactory stimuli and that the intensity and pleasantness differences had been statistically controlled for. Our findings provide olfactory evidence that the right orbitofrontal cortex and the right fusiform participate in the processing of chemosensory human socioemotional information. Moreover, they also offer neural support for the existence of affective communication through human sociochemosensory cues, a subject extensively studied in animal research but hitherto little known in humans.

Women do not consciously realize they’re responding to the scent of a man’s sweat (the study examined only women smelling men’s scents). It happens at a level below that of conscious awareness. But they nevertheless still do recognize it, and their brains respond in a different way to sexual sweat than they do to neutral sweat or other smells.

Tactics Tuesdays: Agree & Amplify to Beat Girls' Tests

Chase Amante's picture
agree and amplifyWhen women hit you with a double bind, here’s one easy way out of that: agree with what they say, then amplify it to the point of comical absurdity.

It’s time to talk about an old classic of test vanquishing: agree & amplify.

Agree and amplify is a simple technique you can use to get out of any light or unserious tests women throw your way. Women’s tests may stump you you’re a novice with girls, and may still occasionally trip you up a bit even at higher levels of skill and experience – especially when you encounter tests unfamiliar to you.

With agree and amplify in-hand, however, you can dodge most tests easily and maintain control of the frame.