Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad

New to Day Game? You NEED to Do Night Game or Social Circle Too!

Alek Rolstad's picture
day game social skillsMany day game novices make mistakenly focus JUST on day game… without raising their general social skills up too. This is a big no-no for day game success!

Hey guys.

This post is for struggling beginners.

I have written many posts defending nightgame. Online and day game has become the most popular forms of seduction lately. I understand why online game has become so widespread. It seems easy, and if you struggle with approach anxiety, sitting at home swiping left and right removes some of the scariness of seduction.

You may have this perception that if you swipe through massive numbers of hot girls, one will eventually like you, and getting a date will be a piece of cake, and it will be an easy deal moving forward. But we know it’s not quite that simple for most.

The problem is that dating apps primarily include men. Recently, I did an experiment on the Bumble dating app. I set my profile so that I was interested in both men and women.

Guess what happened? When I was ready to swipe, all I saw were guys, with a ratio of probably 90% men. It blew my mind! After a few hours, I had 53 likes. Next, I deselected that I was interested in men, and I only had three likes!

Those men are most likely bi or gay. They are a minority of men. And despite that, they made up 90% of my suggestions when I was about to swipe! So, imagine what it is like for straight guys, the majority. So finding women online is not ideal.

But what about day game? It’s a legitimate form of game. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of daygame outings. It offers many benefits, like allowing you to pick up girls without having many distractions. You don’t have to deal with the noise and the chaos so common in night game, also appealing.

You often interact one-on-one from the start—the meta in day game, going for single girls, not groups. It allows you to quickly build rapport and connect without distractions, with the intimacy of a one-on-one interaction, without interruptions from her friends. You won’t have to isolate your girl from her group, which can be probelmatic. And you don’t screw up your sleeping rhythm.

So, these are all good reasons, right? Just stick to day game.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 5: Step-by-Step

Alek Rolstad's picture
isolate a girl: wrap upA step-by-step guide to isolating women in a seduction. Follow these key steps and make getting girls alone with you wherever you are straightforward.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

I recently shared four comprehensive posts that delve into various methods and dimensions of isolating your girl.

Today I am providing instructions for isolation techniques with a cheat sheet summarizing everything I’ve discussed about isolation, putting it all in context, and covering all the steps. I will not go into depth here, as I’ve discussed technique details already. If you haven’t read my past posts on isolation, look at the techniques here, choose what you want to work on, and read the linked post below that covers it fully.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 1: Basics

I will not share every pointer covered in my past posts today. I will mention the most efficient, useful, and crucial ones.

If it is your first time hearing about isolation, you’ve come to the right place. Isolation is a crucial technique (some would even say it is THE most essential aspect of pickup and seduction next to frame control).

Isolation is the art of getting a girl alone. It’s especially relevant if you meet girls in groups (very common in social gatherings and night game). As a reminder, here are some benefits of isolation:

  • More intimacy – it’s only you and her. This creates more of a connecting vibe.

  • Fewer distractions – no interruptions mean that you can focus on her alone.

  • Less resistance when escalating – fewer people can see and judge her, making her feel more at ease letting go and escalating the vibe with you.

  • Quieter surroundings – isolation often involves taking her to a calmer area, facilitating verbal communication.

  • Moving her elsewhere – grants you bonus rapport points, as experiencing different spaces makes her feel like she knows you better.

But isolating her can sometimes be tricky, so we dedicated four posts to this, as it is such an important subject.

We discussed a lot of content in those four posts. It may seem like isolation is the hardest thing on earth to pull off. The truth is, if the girl likes you, isolation can be easy: “Hey, wanna go outside and grab a smoke?” Yes, it can be that simple. Sometimes, it is more challenging, and you may need to befriend her friends. By default, I always do so preventively!

Note: the steps may look overblown and advanced because I aim to give as much detail as possible to ensure success. However, this may be overwhelming: it may look overcomplicated, advanced, and too hard to pull off if you are a newer reader. Do not panic. I will provide a simpler setup later in this post.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 4: Mini-Isolation

Alek Rolstad's picture
mini-isolationWhen logistics or compliance don’t permit full isolation with a girl, instead: mini-isolate her. It’s simple, and can springboard you into full isolation.

Hey guys.

Today I will share another isolation technique to use when isolation is difficult. Try this option If you run into situations when the go-to strategy granting full isolation, as described in my previous articles, is not feasible. Your best bet is to opt for mini-isolation: you are still near her group but slightly outside, say just three feet away. You may not be entirely alone with her; however, her friends are not directly part of your interaction.

As you can imagine, being completely isolated is more desirable because it allows more benefits:

  • You both have more intimacy.

  • You have fewer chances of people chiming in and disrupting your interaction.

  • She will feel more at ease acting sexually and escalating with you away from her peers, and, even better, she is not in view of everyone in the venue.

The problem is that sometimes you cannot fully isolate for various reasons. I will discuss these below.

So, what can you do? Do you keep conversing with the whole group? Sure, that is one solution, but it is more challenging to set the right frames with your girl when you deal with the entire group. And how do you truly connect and escalate the vibe with your girl if you are dealing with the whole group? A better option would be to go for something in between. This is where mini-isolation comes in—the “lesser evil” option.

Mini-isolation allows you to get some peace and intimacy.

Read on to find out how to get your girl mini-isolated and what to do during mini-isolation.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 3: Qualify to Isolate

Alek Rolstad's picture
qualification isolationWant to make it even simpler to isolate a girl you’ve been chatting up? Here’s all you have to do: qualify her first, THEN isolate her.

Hey guys. Welcome back to my series on isolation.

You already know that isolation is crucial when meeting girls in groups, typically in night game settings. Isolation makes the interaction and seduction easier. It generates more intimacy, facilitates rapport, builds connection, and helps to escalate the vibe, reducing resistance from your girl. On top of this, it also reduces being cockblocked. Isolation is essential.

In my first post, we discussed the basics of isolation and its benefits, isolation factors, and using “isolation requests.” We also shared tips to increase your odds of succeeding, such as using seeding, plausible deniability, and reducing the pressure by letting her friends know where you are isolating your girl.

In my last post, the second post on isolation in this series, we went through social dynamics and how that plays into isolation: what makes it more difficult and easier, how to calibrate, and, more importantly, how to deal with challenging isolation situations.

Finally, we covered how important it is to win over the alpha girl when attempting to isolate. The alpha girl usually gets the final say on whether you get to isolate your girl (unless your target is the alpha girl). We suggested that it is wise to ask the alpha, in addition to your girl, whether you can isolate. We also discussed why doing this is often your best call, so if you are curious why, check my previous article.

Today, I want to share another technique that will increase your odds of isolating successfully: qualification. In addition to facilitating isolation, this technique provides many other benefits. I’ve mentioned these in my past posts on qualification, detailing how to qualify and why you should qualify. If you do not know how to qualify, consider this required reading for this post.

I will give a brief recap here, but that may not be enough if you are unfamiliar with the subject. You must familiarize yourself with this because it is a crucial and fundamental seduction technique.

Isolating Girls You Like by Using Clever Social Dynamics

Alek Rolstad's picture
isolate a girl with social dynamicsWhen you want to get a girl alone with you but she’s with friends, use it to your advantage. With her friend’s approval, isolating a girl gets even easier…

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Last time we discussed isolation basics: the art of getting her alone with you and away from her group of friends.

We covered why isolation is essential and went over basic techniques.

So why is it essential?

  • You create more intimacy; it’s only you and her. You have a more connecting vibe.

  • Fewer distractions as it is all about you and her. You can focus on her alone.

  • You have less resistance when escalating with fewer people to see and judge her, helping her feel more at ease about letting go and escalating the vibe with you.

  • Usually, you both move to a quieter area, facilitating verbal communication.

  • Moving her around grants you bonus rapport points, as experiencing different spaces with someone makes them feel like they know you.

We discussed different settings where isolation occurs, ranging from natural isolation (when it happens accidentally) to actively isolating your girl with isolation requests (asking her to go somewhere with you). The ley for successfully isolating is how your girl feels about you (unless it is an accidental isolation).

Consider these factors before trying to isolate:

  • How compliant she is toward you. (How attracted is she?)

  • How comfortable she is around you.

  • How much her friends like you, and how secure they are in letting you be around her.

We also covered techniques to increase your odds of successfully isolating, such as seeding, thread slicing, open loops, and plausible deniability.

Today we will dive deeper into actively isolating her with requests. We will focus on group dynamics and how that plays into isolation by making or breaking your isolation attempt. You will learn how to use social dynamics to increase your chances of successfully isolating even more.

The main goal is to understand how social dynamics affect isolation requests and how playing the social dynamics correctly will up your success rate.

And as you will see, it plays a huge role.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 1: Basics

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to isolate a girlIsolating a girl is critical to moving your seductions forward. Use these simple steps to isolate girls and get them alone with you, away from other people.

Hey there. Welcome back.

After scrolling through the site, I realized we have nearly everything covered: every interaction phase of courtship, almost every imaginable situation. And we have many posts covering subjects from different perspectives with varied solutions. That’s awesome!

But I see very few posts on how to isolate a girl — that is, how to get your girl alone and away from her group of friends. There are plenty of posts that mention it and discuss its importance. But few talk about how to get her alone.

You’ll find one good post on the subject that covers the basics: Tactics Tuesdays: How to Isolate a Girl Away from Her Friends. Considering it is a crucial topic essential to successful seduction, it baffles me that we have not written more about it.

It’s not just a phenomenon seen here. It is rarely discussed in general in the community—whether on forums, in YouTube videos, on other sites, or in products. And it is odd!

Seduction almost always requires that you get her alone at some point. Yes, there are odd exceptions, but don’t rely on them just as you should not rely on group sex and orgies. Not all seduction requires isolation, though. If you meet a girl online or through an app, they will be alone with you. If you go for a lone wolf, common in daygame, you will be alone with her from the start.

But going for girls in groups, commonly done in night game, will require you to isolate her. If you meet girls in clubs, you must learn how to isolate a girl. You will need to know isolation basics if you meet a girl in bars, lounges, or social events.

So today, I intend to cover this subject in-depth with a three-post series. This post will be like Chase’s post as I will provide my take on isolation. My next two posts will cover deadly efficient advanced techniques that my students and I use successfully. They have a higher success rate than the basic strategies. However, the basic strategies have their place, and the more advanced tech builds upon them.

Let’s begin.

Spotting the Alpha Girl in a Group (& Winning Her Over)

Alek Rolstad's picture
alpha girlThe alpha girl (or alpha female) of a group of girls can help you – or hinder you. You must know who she is & how to approach her to succeed with her group.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today I want to discuss a subject we haven’t talked about: social dynamics and group theory. This post will be handy for those who meet girls in bars, clubs, and social events, as these places have groups. The day game meta is about going for lone wolves. But day gamers sometimes go for groups, so this post may apply to them.

I will discuss dynamic group theory as it applies to alpha girl theory, specifically who leads the group and who are the followers. As you can imagine, this plays a crucial role in defining how the interaction goes and affects your game plan.

First, I want to credit my friend and wingman (the best wingman) Pablo Garcia, aka Pelusita, for introducing this theory to me. Back in the day, he wanted to write a post like this.

This post is an extension to my past group theory posts: A New Take on Mystery’s Group Theory for Meeting Girls in Groups.

Sex Talk Gambit: Women's Sexual Subjectification

Alek Rolstad's picture
sexual subjectification gambitWhat if you could take the hot topic of sexual objectification… and turn it into an arousing subject for romantic exploration? With this gambit, you can.

Hey guys and welcome back. It has been a while since we’ve discussed sex talk gambits, and I decided to share one today to add another gambit to my compilation:

STICKIED: Sex Talk Gambits Compilation (And more).

Today’s gambit is ideal to use in early game, as it truly works as chick crack: an attention grab that gets girls talking, ideally what you want in early game since it helps generate a hook and solidify it.

But that does not mean you cannot use this gambit later. You can because you acquire other benefits such as sexual prizing. And sexual prizing is invaluable—conveying that you are a good lover through communicating traits that are usually attributed to great lovers: experience, skills, understanding, plus knowledge about sex, women, and relationships, as well as comfort building and pacing.

I’ll review the mechanisms at play and how to use the gambit.

So here is “the sexual subjectification” gambit. It’s about discussing objectification.

First, I’ll give my definition of objectification. If that bores you and you want to get straight to the gambit and the practical element, you can skip the section below.

Showing Interest in Girls via Statements of Interest (SOIs)

Alek Rolstad's picture
statements of interestA statement of interest (SOI) lets you directly state interest in a girl you like. There are pros and cons to this – yet if short on time it can be ideal.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

I have shared a few posts on qualification recently. Today, I’ll discuss another way of qualifying girls that is more direct, depending on the context. Qualifying a girl creates that dynamic so she matches your standards and you match hers, usually due to her qualifying to you first. You want to do this to develop the mutual attraction between you two and create an “it’s on” (or a “click” ) moment.

One usually starts the qualification process after a girl shows significant interest to solidify the bond and reinforce the vibe between you two. After all, you want to generate compliance (attraction) AND get something out of the interaction. Your goal is to escalate the vibe and create that bond— a “you two are meant to be” type of vibe. The latter will facilitate the escalation process.

Sometimes, generating compliance may be enough; however, the process is easier when you qualify the girl. It reduces resistance; she feels more comfortable and allowed—“he and I are meant to be.” As she thinks that, she will backward-rationalize that escalating the vibe with you is positive and natural. It is okay and normal to escalate the vibe with men she feels that connection with, right?

What does qualification look like? Here is a template:

  1. Use a qualifier. You want to trigger a qualification by using a qualifier: challenge her on something, ask if she is X (that you find attractive), or ask for an opinion.

  2. If she qualifies and meets your expectations and standards, she is qualifying to you.

  3. Qualify to her. As she qualifies to you, consider it good behavior on her end. Now reward her by qualifying back. This is the moment you show interest back.

The idea is to show interest without appearing needy while reconciling her attraction with yours. I have discussed the ins and outs of this in my previous post.

Here is an example:

Me: [talking about a subject that involves adventure]…and by the way, are you adventurous? (Qualifying her)

Her: Yes! I am! Blahblahblah (her qualifying to you)

Me: Oh! I love adventurous people! (Qualifying to her)

You’ll find plenty of examples in my previous articles.

Showing Interest in Girls: Direct Game vs. Indirect Game

Alek Rolstad's picture
show interest direct vs. indirect gameThe way you show interest in a girl – and the time you do it at – differs by your approach. Will you go direct on her, or do things in a more indirect way?

Hey guys and welcome back.

I receive many emails and messages on the forums, about indirect game. My students also express concern about this.

Men often read my posts or hear about indirect game through other sources and usually dislike it, as they see it as too passive, slow, and complicated. There’s a misconception that you do not show any interest with indirect game, so you do not get to escalate the vibe nor screen for receptive girls. You waste tons of time with random girls, just chatting.

But this is not true.

You do show interest with indirect game; at least when done correctly. There are some extreme versions of indirect game, where you do not display any interest, hoping she will come running for you as she sees you as the prize. Some women like men who reject them. However, this only works if the girl is really into you and has a codependent personality. If not, the odds of it working are low. So it’s not a good strategy in my book.

In general, I advise that you show interest when using indirect game.

When compared to direct game and especially neo-direct game, it’s true that you will typically show less interest using indirect game. However, many direct gamers show too much interest, and I think they are just being uncalibrated. Uncalibrated pickup is not a style of pickup; it’s simply BAD pickup.

The real difference between indirect and direct game is when and how you show interest.

Before describing the indirect game mindset, I will discuss when and how to show interest and how it conveys you as “the prize.”