Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Alek Rolstad

Should You Approach Girls in Groups of Two?

Alek Rolstad's picture
approach two-girl groupsMany girls you’ll see out and about come in groups of two. Should you approach two-girl groups? Consider these 7 logistical and 10 girl-related factors.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well.

Lately, I have dedicated numerous posts to opening, hooking, and group theory, including handling big groups and their dynamics.

Today, I’ll explore a topic I have been hesitant about discussing: how to deal with two-sets (groups of two girls). I often get questions about groups of two, especially from my students. Groups of three or four are common at night, but unfortunately, you’ll see groups of two girls often, too.

I say “unfortunately” because dealing with groups of two is the most challenging group size to deal with. It is hard to isolate your girl when she is with one friend. More importantly, they can be frustrating to deal with because many factors determining your success are out of your direct control, and there are hazards to navigate. If you want consistent results in night game, you need to limit those hazardous elements. Sure, sometimes chaos and hazards work in your favor, but generally, the more skilled you are, the more you can get control over difficult situations.

What hazards do you encounter with groups of two? I will explain how to limit hazards and give pointers on when it is worth it to opt for a group of two and when it is not. Using these tips will help you limit the hazardous elements by proper decision-making, which is an underrated and under-discussed element in pickup and seduction.

I will cover different strategies in next week’s post on how you can run two-sets. I will not discuss strategies with a wingman. Dealing with a group of two is more manageable then because you can smoothly isolate your girl if your wingman is doing a good job with her friend. Even better, you may do a “double” when you and your wing pull a group of two girls together. (It isn’t easy to pull off, but it is very satisfying.) I will not review this strategy today because the usual issues will not surface when you have a good wingman. The wingman strategy requires a separate post I intend to write about soon.

Picking Up Girls from Bars that Close Late: Additional Considerations

Alek Rolstad's picture
late closing nightclubsMore considerations to help you pull off your late-closing nightclub pulls. How do you maintain state? How crucial is endurance game? Can you use public transport? And more…

Hey guys and welcome back.

Two weeks ago, I discussed how to deal with early closing hours (venues closing at around 3 a.m. or earlier), and last week, I covered late closing hours (venues closing at 5 a.m. or later). The dynamics in both settings differ, and so do your strategic options. You have less time to strategize in venues that close early and must be bolder to screen out unreceptive girls quickly.

In late closing venues, you have plenty of time to deal with those, and you can run efficient strategies that require more time, like extended verbal game or social proof game.

I also reviewed differences in venue dynamics:

  • With earlier closing times, the venue dynamic works for you by providing a peak hour that usually affects people’s state positively. However, these venues offer more wildcards, which are typically negative. A defined closing time gives you plausible deniability to extract the girl from the venue.

  • With later closing hours, you have a calmer and more settled vibe, and your results depend more on your work. You will be more in control but will get less for free.

Below, I will discuss the remaining logistical factors to consider with state control, sealing the deal, and providing pointers regarding your strategic choices in venues with later closing hours.

This post continues my post on late closing hours, although those who want to know more about early closing hours may still find some valuable details here. If the venues close late where you live, then this expansion post is for you.

Picking Up Girls from Bars that Close Late

Alek Rolstad's picture
picking up girls from late-closing barsClubs that close late can seem like great spots to pick up girls. But there’s a catch – take too long & you’ll find they empty out far before closing time. You need sound strategy to succeed!

Hey guys, welcome back.

Last week, we discussed strategic choices where clubs and the general nightlife close early, around 3 a.m.

To recap:

  • You must be bolder (more sexual and explicit, escalate the vibe faster, and screen out unreceptive girls). How much you screen depends on your skill level and how close it is to closing time.

  • Long-winded verbal and social proof game that take time are not ideal strategies.

  • You rely on the dynamics during prime time (1 to 1.5 hours before closing) to amp up things when girls tend to be more receptive. Use the plausible deniability from the club closing to leave the club with her (and her friends) to pull back to your place (or hers) or go to an after-party.

I won’t review further details from the last post since if you are reading this one and haven’t seen last week’s, it may mean that where you live, venues close late, and you are looking for ways to deal with later closing hours.

FYI, when I talk about late talking hours, I mean venues with closing hours starting at 5 a.m. to venues that never close.

  • Warm-up venues that close earlier than the main venues do not count, although you can meet girls and seal the deal there earlier.

  • Some cities where clubs close at 6 a.m. have after-hours venues that close at 9 a.m. or later (or don’t close). As you can imagine, the crowd is very niche with true party people. I enjoy those venues, but most people will be home before the regular clubs close. When most venues close and people stop partying there, that defines the “closing hour” where you are.

“Late” closing time is typically after 3 or 4 a.m. Most southern, eastern, and central European clubs close around 5 to 7 a.m. But some clubs in Germany open Friday and close on Sunday afternoon. As you can imagine, these are in Berlin, where there’s a niche market.

So, what is the dynamic of such venues?

Picking Up Girls from Bars that Close Early

Alek Rolstad's picture
early closing times in bars & nightclubsSome nightlife venues close early. Yet you can still pick up girls at them. The way you go about it requires good strategy – and a little advance planning.

Hey guys, welcome back.

In the next two posts, I’ll discuss the strategic management of nighttime game. Today, I will start with nightlife with early closing times, and next week, I will discuss how game changes when nightlife never truly sleeps. We will discuss how your game should vary given the venue’s hours where you live and clubs that close early (at or before three a.m.) or later (after 4 a.m.). It’s an under-discussed yet important factor you should not neglect, as it affects dynamics and your strategic choices.

When I talk about late opening hours, I refer to the usual opening hours of most venues in a particular location (where you live).

I won’t discuss after-hours places, as they are not the norm. Say most clubs close at 3 a.m. where you live, but a few after-hours places are open until 5 or 6. Unless the after-hours clubs are the norm in your nightlife (only a niche tends to go frequently), then it is the “standard” opening hours I am considering; in this case, 3 a.m.

Similarly, even if most clubs close at 3 a.m., some venues may close earlier. In this case, we still consider the closing hour to be 3 a.m. because the places that close earlier, say at 1 a.m. (usually smaller venues like pubs or lounges), can serve as a warm-up, and most frequenting these will eventually go to a club. Thus, the normal opening hour is what you should consider in your assessment.

It does not mean you cannot pull from venues that close earlier, nor does it mean you cannot pull early. However, in your overall game plan, you should not consider this due to the likelihood of ending up in a place that follows the usual closing hours.

The normal closing hours in your city can vary by location. You can get a good idea of what it is by checking:

  • The time clubs are legally allowed to be open without a special permit (after-hours venues).

  • The time most people head home.

4 Signs a Girl Can Be Picked Up THAT Night

Alek Rolstad's picture
pick a girl to pick up that nightWhen it comes to picking girls up, the savvy man looks for signs she’s open to that. Which signs does he look for? Compliance, logistics, plus 2 more.

Note: due to a slipup in the posting order, we published Part II of this series on choosing the right girls to pick up first. This is Part I of the series – last week’s article comes after this week’s.

Hey guys and welcome.

Today, I’ll cover an under-discussed topic extremely relevant in settings when multiple girls are chasing or showing interest in you: How do you know which girl to choose? This may seem contradictory because you can select who you want, but you have factors to consider before deciding.

Choosing the wrong target can cost you the night and the lay. If you go out with the intent to get a girl home that night, selecting the right target is critical. (Remember that the meta in night game is same night lays because taking numbers at night often results in flakes.)

It matters little how charming you are, how much her friends love you, if the girl has to get up early, if she lives far away, or has a last train to catch. There are anecdotal exceptions. (Once, I pulled a girl who had a flight to catch in four hours, and I got her friend to bring her luggage to the airport so she could leave straight from my place to the airport.) We will not discuss these exceptions here because we operate (and should operate) with probabilities, and whatever offers the highest chance of success is the right move.

You often have plenty of equally hot and cool girls with cold approach in night game. It lets you move on from a girl with terrible logistics, which I usually recommend. It isn’t like she isn’t replaceable—she is! Because you do not know her and have only barely met her superficially, moving on to another equally beautiful girl is no big deal.

Remember to choose a girl to pick up and eventually commit; otherwise, closing time approaches, and all those leads you had may end up with someone else, have left, or become bored from your indecisiveness. The latter is important to discuss because it is easy to get carried away when feeling on fire and having plenty of girls flirting with you. What often happens is that the momentum keeps you doing this, and eventually, you go home alone.

It is fine to be social, flirt around the venue, and generate social proof, but you should “commit” to one of your leads at some point. However, there are right and wrong ways of doing this, and making the wrong decision can cost you the night.

So, we will discuss choosing which girl to commit to and how to do it properly while avoiding common pitfalls.

How to Choose the RIGHT Girl on a Night Out (& Get Her Into You)

Alek Rolstad's picture
choose the right girlOut at night, you must pick a girl to focus on if you want success. To do so, pick the right girl, focus on her, and take care not to inspire jealousy among her friends…

Hey guys. Welcome back. I hope you are all doing great.

Today I’ll continue where I last left off last time in my article on factors that influence whether a girl can be picked up that night. I discussed why choosing a girl when out at night is crucial, committing to her instead of being a social butterfly who flirts with everyone.

When you flirt with everyone, you end up home alone with a burrito in your hand (literally and metaphorically). This applies to night game as you will likely open multiple girls and different groups and may get a few good leads. If you are on fire, many girls may be chasing you, which is good for social proof and your mood. The problem is, sticking with that for too long generates auto-rejection and makes you appear indecisive. If you are lucky, you still waste valuable time you should have spent isolating, establishing rapport (building a connection), and escalating the vibe to push an interaction further.

Eventually, you must select your girl of the night. We discussed choosing which girl to commit to (aside from looks and personality, which matter, of course. It’s subjective but should weigh in nevertheless). Choosing the wrong girl may cost you the night (if your goal is getting laid that night, which is the meta in night game as taking numbers is unreliable in this setting).

Some factors to look for:

Talking to Girls in Groups: Fun Gambits You Can Use

Alek Rolstad's picture
girl group gambitsGirls in groups may seem intimidating. Yet with the right approach, groups of girls can be fun (and romantically productive!). So, put these gambits to use…

Hi guys. I hope you are doing well.

Today I want to continue discussing hooking. Hooking applies to all interactions, whether it’s day or night game. It is prominent in night game, especially heavier forms of hooking. The more complex hooking techniques in night game focus on attention grabs and stimulation. In day game, lighter hooking techniques, such as a few light assumptions, some intrigue, a light story, or rapport questions can do the trick.

In night game, you need more juice. Your hooks must be more stimulating because you are in a competitive environment that is more energized.

Another unique aspect of day game is that you are dealing with groups. Often, groups of three girls are common, but also groups of two (ouch, challenging to deal with for logistical reasons), or sometimes you need to work with bigger groups.

Now this may seem like an extra challenge, but knowing how to deal with groups can benefit you. When you handle a group properly, you can get your girl to like you more and win her friends over, making you appear more attractive and helping with your overall plans.

So, today, I’ll tell you how to hook groups and present gambits that are especially suited for groups.

The gambits do not differ much from my usual hook gambits. I just add a few tweaks. First, I’ll discuss “generalized” group hook techniques and move on to “individualized” group hook gambits.

Is She Shy or Does She Just Want Attention?

Alek Rolstad's picture
is a girl shy or attention-seeking?It can be tough to determine if a girl is interested but shy… or just wants your attention. Use these telltale clues to figure out which camp she falls in.

Hey guys, welcome back.

(Advanced guys will benefit the most from this post).

Last week I discussed hooking and dealing with positive, neutral, and negative responses to your openers and hook gambits.

I mentioned situations when the girl responds positively, yet not as favorably as you’d like: not positive enough to make you feel comfortable escalating the vibe (touching, sexualizing, etc.).

Perhaps the vibe is great. The girl is smiling, laughing, and displaying many signs of interest, yet you feel stuck and unable to escalate.

She is so hot and cute. You think, “Finally, I am meeting a girl who seems interested!” You want to play it safe and not make a move.

Right off the bat, let me say that this is a terrible strategy.

Remember, any interaction that stagnates and doesn’t move forward will erode. The only exception to this is when the girl is part of your social circle, in love with you, and things will work out anyway. And even then, a stagnating interaction is potentially dangerous.

Consider those typical “all-nighters” with a sweet, compliant girl you believe is genuinely into you. Both of you spend time together, laugh and have fun, only to face major resistance the moment you try to escalate. The best-case scenario: you part ways. The worst-case scenario: some random jerk picks her up.

Never let the interaction stagnate. You have two choices:

  1. If you make a move, things either work out and go uphill or not work out and go downhill.

  1. If you make no move, things will not work out, deteriorate, and go downhill.


  • She will get bored eventually. Women love the tension and stimulation from interactions when men escalate or attempt to escalate the vibe (assuming they are interested in the guy).

  • If you do not make a move, you disqualify yourself as a confident, sexual man; therefore, she views you as an unsuitable lover. Bad.

  • The frame becomes less sexual as the interaction progresses. But if the frame becomes more sexual, you are less likely to face resistance, including last-minute resistance the moment you try to escalate. The resistance from her cognitive dissonance is caused by experiencing two different perceptions that clash.

So, to calibrate, you need information. When she reacts positively, it’s a reaction you can calibrate to. You can calibrate differently if you receive a negative reaction. If the interaction stagnates, you get no reaction and no information you can calibrate to. You will be in the dark. Not ideal.

You can find more information here: If You're Stuck in a Seduction, Do This.

Let’s say you followed my advice and received a somewhat positive response from a girl (but not as positive as you’d wish, or she is not showing obvious signs of interest). Yet you make a move on her.

But some resistance occurs. Let’s go over four causes of resistance and how to deal with each.

First, a few words about compliance for review.

What to Do When the Girl You Open Is Neutral or Negative

Alek Rolstad's picture
open a girl who is neutral or negativeIf you open a girl in conversation, but her response is neutral or negative, what then? Follow these steps when you get less-than-stellar responses to your opens.

Hey all. I hope you are doing fine. Today I will resume where we left discussing opening and hooking. Last time I mentioned how some openers contain embedded hooks while others do not and reviewed factors defining whether your opener can lead to a potential hook and when you should focus on hook game.

Today I want to drill down further on opening and hooking. One of my experienced students pointed out that despite his level, there is no such thing as “talking too much about opening and hooking,” and I fully agree.

So, let’s discuss what to do when the hook is absent and the response is negative, neutral, or not as positive as you’d like after you deliver your opener.

The negative response sucks; usually, it’s a rejection, and there’s little confusion about what is happening.

Neutral vibes are confusing. Should you stay, or should you leave? The “not as positive as you’d like” response is likely the worst because you feel a sense of hope, yet the vibe is not positive enough to move, isolate, escalate the vibe, and push the interaction forward. It’s a common situation. You feel that things are working out, the girl seems positive, yet it seems like the interaction is going nowhere. Most men start believing that as long as they keep interacting, sooner rather than later, she will crack, and she just needs more time.

Not so. In those situations, it is better to make a move at the risk of losing the girl than be stuck in an interaction that goes nowhere. So, make that move!

I have more to say but thought it would be better to dedicate a post (next week) because this situation is one many men face, and it is not necessarily all about the hooking phase.

With that said, let’s concentrate on hooking and how to handle positive, neutral, and negative responses.

Hooking a Girl Into Talking with You at the Opener

Alek Rolstad's picture
openers and hooksStarting a conversation with a girl gets easier when you can hook her right at the opener. Certain openers let you do this… as can sufficient attraction.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today I’ll discuss a topic that is never over-discussed: hooking.

What is hooking? It is immersing the girl in the interaction. You start as a stranger approaching her and become a guy having a mutual exchange. I wouldn’t say it is “knowing” her, but you are moving closer to that point. You become a cool, interesting, and sexy guy who she is okay talking to, her peers are okay talking to, and who she pays attention to.

A successful hook gives you the feeling of being “in.”

I have written many posts about this subject. Some call it the “transition phase,” the phase after the opener when you move from breaking the ice to having a conversation. I prefer the word hooking.

There are several techniques to help you hook:

The list goes on. You have many options.