Socializing | Girls Chase


Meeting, getting to know, and generally hobnobbing with the people you meet throughout a lifetime of travels and adventures.

Transmitting Bad Vibes; or, Why People May Not Like You

Frankie Bismarck's picture
bad vibesBad vibes can poison your interaction without you being aware of it. So how do you know if you have a bad vibe problem? And if so… how do you FIX it?

Why do some people simply not like you?

In this article we’re going to look at a common affliction guys have, which is to misinterpret or be unable to understand why others react in a certain – negative – way to their behaviour.

This then leads guys to assume that others are “out to get them” but that this isn’t their fault.

We’ll also go over how you can improve yourself so that others begin to enjoy your presence more, and some potential reasons why they may not be enjoying it presently.

The ego is adept at tricking you into protecting it and overvaluing it when you should be looking outside and not within. When you get too lost inside yourself it is akin to the side effects of clinical depression or chronic injury: you become less aware of your surroundings, to your detriment.

This can make sense from a purely technical point of view. If you have a chronic injury you need to attempt to placate the physical pain to whatever levels you can or, if possible, to heal it using all the tools at your disposal. So you get an added focus boost on this unsolved problem in order to be better poised to overcome it as best you can.

The problem here is that anything outside this problem (which is inside) is relegated to a secondary plane. When a person is suffering from chronic pain it is difficult for them not to transmit this vibe, because you can see it in their eyes, their pain.

And so others feel it by association.

Don't Talk About Pickup to Other People

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

talk about pickupYou should not talk about game with most people. It might be tempting to (especially when it's a major point of interest of yours)… but mum's the word.

This is a sort of public service announcement, mostly for new guys, but really also for any guy who gets a little 'game obsessed' and starts to spout off about game and girls.

In your day-to-day life, you will have ample opportunity to talk about women.

I suggest that, unless you are on a seduction forum or with a group of men whom you know are very much into game, you don't mention it.

That can be trying at times, especially when seduction is your passion.

However, you really are better off not doing it.

The simple fact is that discussing the art of picking up girls is alienating to 99.97831% of men out there, including many other men who like to pick up girls.

We talk about it here on this site, and if you read here often it might feel like a normal conversation subject, even. Nevertheless, for most people, this is a subject they do not ever talk about, and don't feel comfortable talking about.

So you need some rules around discussing it.

The best rule is, "For most people, don't discuss this subject at all."

A sound corollary to that best rule is, "For those you do discuss it with, tread lightly."

Discetion, Reputation, and Boldness When Picking Up Girls

Frankie Bismarck's picture

discretion and reputation
In group situations, you can't be too bold, or girls will reject you to save their reputations. So what do you do? Use discretion instead.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of putting the bricks in place before throwing on the cement concerning making moves on girls. We’ll start by explaining how male and female attraction switches and mating strategies differ. Then we’ll look at crucial plausible deniability. I’ll give examples of how to alert a girl about your intentions to get her in the right mood before taking it to the next level. Finally, we’ll look at how the looks-money-status idea can be deceiving, and how you can signal to a girl that you are a lover before even opening your mouth.

If there is one thing observing male to female dynamics and living a relatively promiscuous lifestyle have taught me after all these years, it is that girls generally don’t respond well to being caught by surprise. Neither do they like being judged nor having their reputation tarnished.

A man can dramatically improve his dating life by gaining a deep understanding of these concepts. First, let’s take a look at the female attraction mechanism and how it differs from ours.

Alek's M.O. for Meeting Women During COVID – Plans B and C

Alek Rolstad's picture

covid dating
COVID-19 has brought challenges, but there’s always a way to flourish in the dating game. These backup plans will help you keep both of your heads happy.

Last week I detailed my overall dating game plan during the pandemic. I shared how and where I approach girls, and what I do beyond that to get them in bed.

Sadly, as many of you know, pandemic policies differ from place to place. My game plan may not fit where you live. Nevertheless, I hope you can get something out of my plan or find some tweaks to make it work for you.

Perhaps you can at least draw some inspiration from my game plan to create your own. I did my best to share my thought process and overall method to create my game plan. Feel free to take that and create a plan that best suits you.

Currently, we are in a phase where the social world has turned upside down. The rules of the game have changed, and we need to calibrate to that. Nothing is set in stone, nor is my game plan. It’s a time to experiment and rediscover our game (or discover it, if you are new to this). Of course, the situation is sad, but it opens up opportunities to rediscover good pickup strategies you may have neglected until now. I will not say we live in exciting times; that would be an exaggeration. But overall, there is an exciting element to it. This is what you should embrace; nay, it's something you must embrace.

Are Your Friends Not into Pickup or Self-Improvement? Find New Ones

Tony Depp's picture

seduction community
Should you talk to your friends about pickup? Most aspiring seducers end up alienating their buddies when they do, so it’s best to find or build your own community.

What if I told you there was a secret, hypnotic, neurolinguistic routine guaranteed to make any beautiful woman incredibly hot for you? That by uttering one phrase, she will instantly fall to her knees and begin worshiping your Phallic Lord Mushroom Tip?

It doesn’t matter how short, fat, bald, old, brown, or purple you are because it’s fail-proof. This knowledge has been guarded by an elite group of top-level pickup gurus for decades and is just now being revealed to the public. Would you want access to this technology?

That’s how they got me, too.

When I first got into pickup, it was still a very niche, underground community, and that was the allure. They offered a secret knowledge that very few men were aware of.

There weren’t YouTube infield videos with millions of views, and only certain coaches were just beginning to promote a more mainstream, less “hypnotic” version of seduction. It was based on the idea that words alone had power, and less on the more modern, common sense, holistic view of flirtation and self-development. It was very attractive to nerds like myself.

But it was the magic hypnotism that got me hooked. I wanted the Hogwartsian powers of seduction. What scared most normies off the topic was exactly what attracted me. Because if this turned most people off, then it must mean it worked. I had (and still have) the view that most people fear the truth and are a lot like sheep. If they’re running from something, I tend to head toward it.

What sort of person are you? Do you run with the herd, or do you question the narrative?

Can You Still Meet People During Coronavirus?

Chase Amante's picture
meet people coronavirus
As coronavirus locks down the world, can you still have a social life… and what ARE the real risks of the disease – should you risk a venture outdoors? Image credit:

Coronavirus is sweeping the Western world now, after having already swept across East Asia.


8 Ways to Build a Social Circle Filled with Awesome People

Tony Depp's picture

social circle
A quality social circle does a lot for you: connects you, loves you, helps you win at life. These tips provide simple ways to join one or build one from scratch.

Some of the best times of my life were when I had a large social circle filled with awesome people.

Yes, there are benefits to being a loner, too, especially if you need to do deep work, but having an awesome social circle full of interesting people can be incredibly rewarding.


Introvert or Extrovert?

To be noted, I’m what you’d call an introvert. It’s not a crippling disorder or anything; I just like my alone time. In my coaching experience, I’ve found most men who are drawn to the seduction community are also introverted. And many use this as an excuse for not going out or having an active social circle. The result is they never get laid (without paying for it).

If this is you, that’s cool. You can be introverted, but you can also put on your extrovert hat, which metaphorically may be a flat cap or a top hat or one of those deals with a propeller on top. Whatever you have, just pick it up and try it on. Pretend to be an extrovert just to see what it feels like, what the benefits are of a more social life. Trust me, depending on the sort of group you align with, there can be many.

If Your Friends Are Needy About Women, Don't Talk About Women to Them

Chase Amante's picture
needy friends women
Friends who are needy with women become bad friends to you when women get involved. Best solution? Keep them away from woman stuff.

A couple months back, a member of our forums named Fluxcapacitor shared this tale:

Dudes! I went out with a couple of mates this week an I noticed this girl that I was interested in, my mate apparently seen her a week or so before. He went on to tell me he talked to her (which was surprising because he doesn't approach) and he got her number. She ignored 2 text messages, then he found her on social media (stalker alert...) an she didn't accept the "friend" or respond to his message. I don't think this is going anywhere fast for him.....

I felt like I couldn't approach this girl while he was about (he doesn't have abundance mentality an I wouldn't be surprised if he's already name their future children already :') ) an that it would look like I was stepping on his toes. I also thought to myself she'd have seen me with him so would possibly turn me down or ghost me to so it wasn't awkward but maybe she isn't that considerate......

I decided not to approach due to him cause I felt it would have looked like a dick move, but I don't think he's getting anywhere with it an so there's no harm in it.

Any thoughts dudes?

My response was this:

In an Age of Connectivity, Maintain Your Privacy

Chase Amante's picture
just you and her
In the Internet age, everyone's cavalier about privacy. But now that people are routinely smeared, fired, and jailed for what they share online, should you still be so cavalier?

Right now, everyone's aware of how little privacy everybody else has in the Internet age.

We're all aware of it, but few of us care. Most people are actually pretty cavalier about their privacy.

Most people are on social media. A lot of people want to be big on social media. Pictures of their lives, videos, and so on. They want to blow up and get all those sweet, transitory thumbs up from random people.

Trading privacy for social approval is an attractive prospect when you are younger. I did it; a lot of people do it.

There is an important thing to understand about privacy though, and it is that the stuff you put out there to help you (by making you look cool, giving you a stage to stand on, and the like) can also come back to bite you.

It is important, especially while you're in your more self-focused, self-aggrandizing period of life (typically your teens and early-to-mid-twenties) to do everything with privacy in mind.

Tactics Tuesdays: Pawning Girls for Better (or More Into You) Girls

Chase Amante's picture

pawn a girlThere's an old seduction tactic called 'pawning'.

When you pawn a girl, you trade one girl in for another.

This is something you'll mostly use in social venues, like bars, parties, and networking events.

Pawning relies on the principles of social proof (people like people whom other people like) and preselection (women find more attractive those men whom other women like).

It also takes advantage of the fact that women usually have much lower guards when approached by a strange man and woman than they when a strange man alone approaches.

What is pawning?

Pawning is when you bring another girl along you've met with you to meet new people... then leave the old girl in the new group, while you pair off with a new girl from the group you've just approached. You have, in effect, pawned your old girl off for someone new. Pawning is useful for trading up to more attractive women, or women who are more attracted to you.

Often in social venues, the prettiest girls there will not be standing around by themselves. Instead they'll be in groups, and you need to find a way into the group to access the girls. Pawning is a way to gain access.