Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Use Misdirection in Your Seductions of Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

misdirection seduction
A ubiquitous but under-discussed tool in every good seducer's skill set is the art of misdirection. Let's peek at how you can use misdirection to better seduce the women you meet.

One of the most enjoyable things about the art of seduction is how open it is to a variety of angles, all of them unique, and all encompassing fascinating aspects of human psychology.

We know techniques like cold reading. Deep diving. Chase frames. Sex talk. Screening and qualifying. Compliance stacking. Yes-ladders. Forcing framing. Resistance busting. And so on and so forth. All these tactics are a pleasure to use, and for the woman you use them upon, they're a pleasure to have used on her.

You see, women enjoy to be seduced.

If they didn't enjoy it, they wouldn't let you get away with it.

While uninitiated men think seducers are big baddies who trick unsuspecting women into unwanted intimacy, any veteran seducer knows the opposite is true. It's the low-skilled non-seducers who ply women with alcohol until their decision-making is impaired or snake their ways into women's trusts via the 'friend zone'.

Seducers do the opposite.

When you're a seducer, you're honest. Even when you're using your tactics, the woman still knows what your game is. She's not dumb. She plays along, however, because she likes it.

And we can use misdirection to play this game with her.

While it might have a bad rap as a tool of pickpockets and con artists, misdirection is also a part of magic shows, carnivals, and some of the very best books and movies out there, that leave you riveted to your seat and unable to turn away.

You can use misdirection to the same effect within your own seductions.

It will give you more success, and a lot more enjoyment.

Alek's M.O. for Meeting Women During COVID – Plans B and C

Alek Rolstad's picture

covid dating
COVID-19 has brought challenges, but there’s always a way to flourish in the dating game. These backup plans will help you keep both of your heads happy.

Last week I detailed my overall dating game plan during the pandemic. I shared how and where I approach girls, and what I do beyond that to get them in bed.

Sadly, as many of you know, pandemic policies differ from place to place. My game plan may not fit where you live. Nevertheless, I hope you can get something out of my plan or find some tweaks to make it work for you.

Perhaps you can at least draw some inspiration from my game plan to create your own. I did my best to share my thought process and overall method to create my game plan. Feel free to take that and create a plan that best suits you.

Currently, we are in a phase where the social world has turned upside down. The rules of the game have changed, and we need to calibrate to that. Nothing is set in stone, nor is my game plan. It’s a time to experiment and rediscover our game (or discover it, if you are new to this). Of course, the situation is sad, but it opens up opportunities to rediscover good pickup strategies you may have neglected until now. I will not say we live in exciting times; that would be an exaggeration. But overall, there is an exciting element to it. This is what you should embrace; nay, it's something you must embrace.

Attention Grabs – Make Girls Think They Invited YOU to Approach

Allen Reyes's picture

By: Allen Reyes

approach girls
Your normal go-to openers may be great, but they can be even better if you make her think SHE invited YOU to approach. It’s so easy you can start doing this now!

In this article, I’ll discuss what to do BEFORE you try to hook in a pickup. On the initial approach, you want to make a girl feel like she invited you to approach her.

Advanced guys who don‘t understand this idea are probably saying, “What? That’s impossible!” But, it’ll come together if you keep reading.

Let’s start with the basics and work up to the more complex.

5 Ways to Know If You’re Dating a Woman or Just Hooking Up

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

dating a woman
How do you know whether you’re dating a woman or just hooking up? It’s hard to tell sometimes, and this confusion can really foul up whatever it is you have going on.

Dating a woman in 2020 can be confusing. With the popularity of hookup apps, dating sites, and even cold approach, combined with a sexually liberal culture, who’s to know when you’re actually dating versus just hooking up?

You’d think it's always the man who aims for a hookup. But it’s not always like that. I remember when I lost my virginity at the sweet age of 15. She was 17 and had these mega-yummy huge bazoingas. For some reason, she decided we had to bang and dragged me off to her seduction location.

Following my first sexual encounter, I was ecstatic. Now I finally had a girlfriend, I figured, imagining all the sex and good times I was going to have with her. But she had different ideas. The more I pursued her, the less I heard from her. This was before texting, so she just didn’t answer the phone or return voice messages.

After a few weeks, I got the hint. She didn’t want a boyfriend. She just wanted to have a hookup. It was disappointing because I didn’t know when I’d ever get another girl, but that’s life. After she slept with me, she did half the guys in town. She just loved sex — or hated her dad.

Some women will want a relationship, and others will just want a good time. When you’re inexperienced, telling the difference can be tough. So in this guide, I’m going to help you out.

Do Bad Evil Seducer Men Corrupt Innocent Women?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

corrupt women
Was your pure princess corrupted by a dirty playboy? Does it really even work that way? We explore whether women are innocent doves, ruined by filthy, devilish men.

I've been meaning to write this article for a bit, and we just got another one of these comments. The comment was on my article where I talked about feeling sad when splitting with a woman, not knowing if she'll ever find another guy on my level.

The commentator naturally said this showed I was an evil man for dating women and ruining them for other men and that I should only do friends-with-benefits or something (as if that was something I was even interested in!).

So I guess now's as good a time as any to address this belief that some guys hold.

Namely, that women are innocent, dove-like creatures, who are tragically ruined by diabolical romance fiends (like me), who seduce them, capture their hearts like they've never been captured before, then boot them out into the cold, to never be able to truly love a man again.

It's a kind of reverse-Disney; Prince Charming, rather than making the Princess's dreams come true, transforms her dreams into bitter lifelong regrets.

Is this how it really works?

Alek's M.O. for Meeting Women During COVID – Plan A

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

covid dating
Here I share my current modus operandi for meeting and sleeping with women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dating can still be quite lucrative, you just need to adapt.

Hey guys. And welcome back. Today I would like to share my current M.O. (modus operandi) on how I’m dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

My M.O. may not work where you live, since lockdown policies are different everywhere (more tips on that here).

This makes it very difficult to write a clear-cut guide. For this reason, I was hesitant to share my game plan. Due to fluctuations in the pandemic and political climate, my game plan can change.

And this makes it challenging to make a straightforward “how to pick up girls during the pandemic” guide. At first, I hoped things would calm down and get back to normal. Unfortunately, it does not seem like this pandemic is about to end anytime soon.

I know this frustrates many of you, so I decided to share my plan. Maybe you can extract elements from it or use it as an inspiration.

The way to deal with this pandemic is by observing your current situation, analyzing the lockdown policies to find loopholes. This is how you can make a semi-decent game plan.

Lockdown policies can change, just as the course of the pandemic is ever-changing. You need to anticipate. This is one of Machiavelli’s core concepts from his famous book, The Prince. Virtue is one’s ability to deal with fortune, good or bad. Those who are prepared will survive unfortunate events, and unfortunate events will occur. Being prepared is being virtuous.

Enough political theory. The point is, this advice is particularly important during this time. You need not only to create a “pandemic” M.O., but you also need to anticipate changes. You can adjust your M.O. to changes. You may consider having other M.O.s if lockdown policies become more severe. Next week, I will share my backup B and C plans, which unfortunately may come into fruition since there is talk about a potential second wave in the works, and more strict policies may come with it.

For now, here is my current cold-approach M.O.

Tactics Tuesdays: Keep Fingering Her (Don't Stop!)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

keep fingering herThe easiest way to escalate to sex with a woman is to start fingering her… and then just never stop until your member's inside her.

There's this magical little love button every woman's got.

It's called the clitoris.

Most guys figure out that when they rub this magical love button, women get very turned on.

A girl whose clitoris you rub (once you've readied her for that step, of course) becomes animalistic.

She grows ready for sex.

Because of this most guys will rub that little love button.

Yet at some point most men do this weird, funny thing: they decide it is time for their penis to enter the woman, so they stop rubbing her love button and start fumbling around.

Yet when they stop rubbing her love button, and start to fumble around with their belt buckles, and condoms, and positioning, and getting over her the right way, and getting their penis into her in the right spot, very often the animalistic passion the woman felt while her love button was being rubbed recedes.

The spell breaks. Passion subsides. Logic reemerges.

Many times women 'come to their senses' and toss up new walls of last minute resistance.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that." "It's too fast for me." "I think we've gone far enough."

Sometimes this is enough to end the escalation altogether, and the man doesn't get sex.

I have seen men concoct all sorts of brilliant plans for how they'll do things better the next time they reach a similar position with a girl. They will say certain things, they say; or they'll get out ahead of her objections up front, or maintain a more unshakeable frame.

While those things will help, there's something a lot simpler, a lot more pleasurable, and infinitely more effective you can do, as well.

It is to simply keep fingering her until you've fully penetrated her with your penis, and not stop till then.

You just don't let off that love button until you've filled her love canal.

Why Men Lose Women: It's Not Hypergamy – It's Something Else

Chase Amante's picture
why men lose women
Many men think women leave them for a Bigger, Better Deal: a richer guy, a better-looking guy, a higher status guy. But hypergamy is not why men lose women. Instead, it's something else.

The other day, a friend shared a YouTube video with me from a guy on a channel called Entrepreneurs with Cars. The guy in the video (his name's Richard Cooper) seemed like an intelligent, thoughtful guy who genuinely wanted to help men, and I couldn't help liking him.

He made some points about women leaving men, and men's need to be aware this might happen, I thought were perfectly solid. He also has a bunch of nice little quippy phrases, like, "she's not yours, it's just your turn," and, "a woman should be a compliment to your life, not the focus." This is useful stuff for the ordinary clueless man to hear, although the advice is imperfect (I'll discuss why below); regardless, it's going to help wake a lot of guys up.

However, in this video, Cooper attributes the tendency of women to leave men to something you see strewn about the red pill / manosphere community: hypergamy.

That is to say, a very manospherian variety of hypergamy, better described as, "She's always looking for the Bigger, Better Deal."

It is when you stop chasing excellence, Cooper says, that women decide they're through with you.

You can watch the video here:

Women might not leave right away if you stop chasing excellence, he says.

Maybe it might take a while.

Nevertheless, once your pursuit of excellence ends, a countdown timer starts, during which you can either get back on track or get left in the dust.

Is this right?

Well, it's close... but it's no cigar.

Because it is not, in actuality, hypergamy -- nor even the end of chasing excellence -- that causes women to leave.

And there is indeed a cause, and it is indeed something you can control for.

However, the actual cause of why women leave is, in fact, something else.

15 Grooming Tips for Men Who Want to Look Good

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

Manly does not mean malodorous. Well-groomed does not mean weak. These grooming issues tip the scales between success and failure with women.

Grooming isn’t a town in Wyoming. Grooming is what you, as a man, should be doing to attract the sexiest women possible.

When I teach in-person at live bootcamps, one of the most annoying aspects of my job is when a man shows up with very obvious grooming deficiencies. So today, I’m going to point out the top grooming blind spots for men.


Does Grooming Matter?

Most of these mistakes are so clear to me it is almost painful. Why should I have to tell the guy he’s making these basic grooming mistakes? Does he not have self-respect?

I’m not talking about fashion mistakes. That’s a different subject. I’m talking about grooming — keeping your look clean and tidy as though you care about yourself.

Most men are clueless when it comes to fashion, too, and they use “game” as an excuse not to learn about it.

“But with game, I thought it doesn’t matter what you wear,” they say to me.

No, you need to groom yourself properly, and learn about fashion. It's a very important part of fundamentals.

Can You Approach 4 Girls Per Day for 30 Days?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

4 approaches per day
If you can do 4 approaches per day for 30 days straight, you can build some incredible momentum – and get some fantastic new women into your life.

A few nights ago, a friend of mine had a woman he describes as quite beautiful, with whom he's built a great connection over the past few weeks and for whom he's really begun to fall, come over to his home. She showed up in a tight red dress, with a plunging neckline, displaying her huge breasts (the biggest of any girl he's been with, he says... and he's been with about 70 women; he's not inexperienced), and her tight figure (she does a lot of running and biking).

This friend, a Christian, who has been trying not to have sex before marriage, and tells girls this, had this fetching red dress girl he's been seeing for a few weeks sit down next to him on his couch. She then turned and point blank (apparently having had enough of chastity) asked him, "Do you want to fuck me?"

My friend really doesn't like to violate his religious principles... and he also worries that any time he sleeps with a woman he doesn't marry, he does some harm to her. But anyway -- he's also no saint.

So he gulped, looked at this comely girl, and told her "Um... yes."

He then gave her three rounds before they parted ways. (and now he feels both good, because he really likes her, and also got laid, and bad, because he violated his principles!)

The very next day he went out, did a few more approaches, and met another girl he immediately liked.

He also had a few more dates set up throughout the week with other women he'd approached, whom he liked.

And yet another girl from his past whom he'd also very much liked but who'd ghosted him long ago suddenly messaged him.

This friend's a rather experienced day gamer, but he'd been in a rut. He hadn't been approaching much, and many of his approaches of late had not worked out.

Girls flaked on their dates with him; if he brought them home they'd resist his escalation and run off; and he was generally not doing too hot.

He's a middle-aged guy (mid-40s) and isn't interested in casual sex anymore. He just wants a wife -- one young enough to start a family with.

We were talking, and I said if I had 30 days with him in which I could get him to do absolutely everything I instructed him to do, I was confident I could find him a wife he'd be very happy with by the end of those 30 days.

He asked what my plan would be. I listed out 10 items.

Some of those we couldn't realistically do at the moment, because they'd require my active in-person involvement (I'd sit in on his dates and even on his escalations at his home to see where he's going wrong; I'd go around with him and pump the buying temperature on women he was meeting to motivate them to sleep with him; do approaches myself and pawn the women off onto him; etc.).

But there was one item on my list he could very easily do on his own:

Four (4) approaches per day. Every day. For 30 days.

And when he saw that in my list, he decided to try it on his own.

And just like that, he was right back in it.