Social Commentary | Girls Chase

Social Commentary

Can You Still Get Dates on Tinder, or Has It Jumped the Shark?

Hector Castillo's picture

Can You Still Get Dates on Tinder
Guys who once saw great success on Tinder are now getting frustrated with it. Fact is, it’s still the best hook-up app; you just need to know how to compete.

When something is new, it’s often much easier to find success with it. And that is definitely the case with Tinder. But despite its maturity, Tinder remains the best app for getting quick dates and hooking up with scaldingly hot women. Simply put, the environment has evolved. There’s plenty of gorgeous women to be found on there, as always, but getting them on dates and into bed isn’t as easy as it used to be. This article aims to teach you how to take full advantage of the app.

When the internet first dawned, it was easy to get noticed and get big. You just had to get on there and put out lots of content or put something out that turned into a viral hit. For example, these days, ranking in SEO (search engine optimization) is hard because, unlike before, everyone is aware of it and has incorporated the idea into their strategy, so competition has boomed.

I mean, it’s the internet, right? But it wasn’t always this way. There were many (foolish) people who initially thought the internet wasn’t a big deal. They stuck to print and television for advertising. As a result, businesses who once ruled the world went bankrupt and were replaced by others that were willing to adapt.

When MySpace took over Friendster as the premier social media platform, we saw the birth of the social media market as we know it today, now having gone through many iterations of failing to adapt and getting dominated by others with more vision.

If you had gotten on there early, used it to build your brand, and eventually adapted to the emerging successors (Twitter, then Facebook, and now Instagram), you could leverage your reach for business and connections – and pussy.

By now, you could have millions of followers, or gobs of cash, even if you weren’t selling anything or particularly entertaining. Don’t you wish you bought a few hundred Bitcoins when they were 10 cents per?

Getting in early can be a very big advantage.


Because no one knows what the hell they’re doing when something is new. And if you’re clever, you can dominate.

Sure, you might understand the principles of marketing and sales, but adapting to the new medium proves difficult.

Experts and multi-million-dollar companies can be annihilated by some random guy with a cellphone who adapts better to the market.

Tinder is no different.

There are some more details that I will flesh out in this article, but the fundamental problem with Tinder is not Tinder itself. It’s that:

But all is not lost. So let’s cover these two barriers – and what you can do about them.

The Red-Black Game, Pt.4: Security, Fear, and Predicting Human Behavior

Varoon Rajah's picture

red-black game predicting behavior
Feelings of security or fear largely influence how people play the game. Can these factors be used to predict whether someone will play red or black?

The red-black game is a simple reflection of how decision-making affects outcomes, like what’s called the “butterfly effect.” In Part 3, we started to see how trust, fear, and the outcomes of the red-black game are self-fulfilling prophecies.

Throughout my work story, the company CEO and my colleague Monica both played red at various points when I chose to play black. That created chaos for me because I was unprepared – and now, I was about to be defeated.

However, playing red all the time also invites total destruction. Now we’ll find out what led to Monica’s downfall.

To conclude the red-black game series, we’ll see that stability – or the appearance of stability – affects the perception and presence of trust and fear.

In the end, we’ll see that our own beliefs about the world create that reality, as well as the outcomes of the red-black game.

The Red-Black Game, Pt.3: Real-Life Example of How I Got the Shaft

Varoon Rajah's picture

Red-Black Game: How I Got the Shaft
The Red-Black Game can get hairy in competitive situations. Let’s take a look at an example from my own life where I get the shaft for not protecting myself.

Welcome back to The Red-Black Game – covering the brutality of life!

In Part 2, it was important to understand the utility of playing red in the game. Perhaps even more crucial, however, we discussed how important it is to defend yourself against red players and neutralize threats before they have the chance to execute.

Now let’s look at how stability – or the appearance of stability – affects the perception and presence of trust and fear, and how the outcomes of the red-black game can be self-fulfilling prophecies.

Ultimately, we’ll see how your beliefs about the world create that exact reality.

Life is full of self-fulfilling prophecies. Our thoughts define our actions.

As we saw in Parts 1 and 2, once fear enters a person’s psyche, they question motives and make decisions that shift the dynamics from red to black. However, it’s ultimately black – i.e., collaborative approaches – that create wins for great ventures.

On the other hand, while red players are capable of winning, we’ll also see that playing red too often – sometimes to an addictive degree – can cause total failure and self-annihilation.

What Makes a Man a REAL Man? (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

This question is very pertinent for our time. As women continue to become more like men and men become like women, those of us who desire to be TRUE men need some direction.

What makes a man a MAN, and not a boy?

The seduction community, the manosphere community, and the red pill community emerged as a reaction to our increasing feminization.

They were necessary and very helpful for many men.

But what they missed was the KEY elements of what makes a man a man – the universal traits.

Yes, men should be stoic. Yes, men should be strong. Yes, men should do X and Y... but these answers are all, in my opinion, too constrictive and simply usher in another extreme.

What I try to explain in this video is a distillation of what makes a man a man in clear terms that hold true to the masculine spirit without forcing any particular ethics upon you that may not fit your personality or your goals in life.

I hope this helps.

The Red-Black Game, Pt.2: Playing for Self-Preservation

Varoon Rajah's picture

red-black game playing for self-preservation
“Speak softly, and carry a big stick” was Theodore Roosevelt’s suggestion for how to play the Red-Black Game. Let’s talk about why it’s such a great strategy.

In my first article about the red-black game, we covered the mechanics of the game and how the choices involved reflect those we make in life.

We spent a great deal of time analyzing the implications of choosing black, which we use to build support, generate enthusiasm, and win together.

Now let’s look more closely at red and how self-preservation fits into the picture.

We concluded that when it comes to internal issues, where you want stakeholders to win with you, it’s best to play black. Trust, collaborate, cooperate, and play nice but firm. Alternatively, when you have an external issue, where you see a threat that you cannot move to your side, it’s best to play red. Compete, defeat, and do whatever it takes to win.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all people are out for the same thing or have the same values at the same times. Sometimes, circumstances beyond the control of one or both parties make it impossible or impractical to partake in mutually beneficial models.

Unexpected changes in the wind, the market, or personal circumstances can lead to legitimate fear and mistrust in everyone. Mutual benefit is not always a matter of trusting other people in a relationship.

You could trust someone implicitly, but can you always trust the security of the underlying situation, and can you trust that circumstances won’t change? The one constant in life is change, so you should expect and prepare for changes throughout your life.

Why Cuffing Season Is So Awesome for Single Guys (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Cuffing season.

’Tis upon us!

How does one take full advantage of this season when horny, love-hungry women are frolicking around looking for something... someone?

You get your fishing rod out, drop a line into the cold water, and start jiggin'. The fish WILL bite.

Whether you’re looking for a fish to last you a long time (a relationship), or maybe you just want to net some quickie fishies during the spawn, you’re in luck.

I'll teach you how to get both sex and relationships during this festive time.

The Red-Black Game, Pt.1: An Analogy for Life and Relationships

Varoon Rajah's picture

By: Varoon Rajah

red-black game analogy for life and relationships
How you play the game of life will determine whether you win or lose. It’s nice if everyone could win all the time, but real life situations often make that impractical.

To close out my writing for the year, I’m going to take a hard look at human behavior in this series. I started writing this article back in January 2018 and, at first, it was one of my most positive – and unrealistic – articles to date.

It put it on the back burner for the rest of the year. Meanwhile, my life unfolded into the greatest whirlwind I’ve ever experienced, a result of the forces of trust and fear, as well as people striving to get what they want from me – and me from them.

When you interact with another human being, there are many elements at play. Two of the biggest are trust and intention. The combination of these two elements – how much you trust someone and how you perceive their intentions – has huge ramifications for how your relationships develop and endure.

This article is a little abstract, but I think it’s a nice model for pondering over how you interact with different people and entities. I’m going to show you a model for approaching your relationships with others for your long-term benefit, whether it be with men or women, in either business or social situations. I’m also going to teach you how to identify when to protect yourself from people who want to hurt, dominate, or take advantage of you.

I believe everyone can grow from this model, and it boils down to one simple thing – when you play a game, everyone wants to win. For you to achieve the strongest level of power in a game, you must ensure that everyone wins their game and are in control of that process.

If you cannot achieve this (i.e., if you cannot win together), then you must ensure that you read the threatening intentions of the other side correctly, successfully dominate the other side, and win against any aggressive threats.

This includes the dating game. Always structure your encounters with women so that both you and her win in the battle. Either dominate your competition or provide winning mechanisms for them, too. We’re going to analyze this by exploring the red-black game.

Women Are Emotional (But Not Irrational) – The Method Behind the Madness

Hector Castillo's picture

Women Are Emotional But Not Irrational
Think women are crazy? If so, it’s probably because you’ve dated one. Fact is, beneath their seemingly emotional disarray, you’ll find a high level of rationality.

Men like to complain about how emotional and irrational women are. We even hear many of those claims in the seduction community and its neighboring communities – e.g., the Manosphere, the Red Pill community, etc.

“Women are feelz before realz.”

“Chick logic.”

Some of these guys even brand women children who are incapable of making adult decisions based on logic and reason. Here at Girls Chase, we know better.

Women are emotional, but not irrational. In fact, they are far more rational than you can imagine – when it comes to what’s important.

Put another way, women are guided by their emotions, but that doesn’t lead them to make as many stupid decisions as you might think. That’s the real accusation behind men calling women “irrational,” isn’t it? That they are less capable of making sound decisions?

Let’s be clear – there is some truth to the claim that women are less rational than men. Men are the leaders of our species, better equipped to make hard decisions like where to eat dinner or how to defeat an army. But when it comes to sexual selection, women are vastly more competent than men. That’s why 80% of women in history have reproduced, whereas for men, that figure is below 40%.

The emotion-based behavior of women leads them to be vastly more successful at sexual selection than men, which makes them highly rational, since sexual selection is one of the most important decisions – perhaps the most important – that any human can make.

Thus, I would argue that women are not irrational. They’re simply designed for different purposes than men and perform their purpose well because of their emotional nature.

How to Build a Harem, Pt 7: The Ethics of Non-Transparency

Varoon Rajah's picture

ethics of non-transparency
In a non-monogamous relationship, is it ethical to keep your partners in the dark about each other? Let’s explore the reasons why it is – for you and for them.

Girls Chase reader Damien asked me a question about a relationship he had with a woman that lasted two years in a non-monogamous setup. He noted that his girlfriend was mostly drama-free and easy to manage, which is the way it should be.

However, Damien also mentioned that he felt like he was lying to her at times by withholding information about what he was doing with other girls. I thought this was an interesting topic to explore in the context of this system and non-monogamy in general.

Damien writes:

“I had a non-monogamous relationship for two years where I ran things exactly like described in this article, but it always felt like I was lying to the girl (even though I was just not telling her the details). Also, that girl was low-drama and easy to manage.

So, should a man tell his partner about all his activities, or is it better for him to protect his partner by withholding certain information that he knows could be harmful to their relationship? It’s a tough question, one that is worthy of an article because it’s the central concept of understanding how the harem system works – and all implicit systems.

We’re going to explore the ethics and philosophy behind the harem system. As you’ll see, the system was not designed to enable men to lie to women – quite the opposite. It was designed to protect and sustain women and to look out for their interests.

It’s a non-monogamous system, so it does largely cater to men. After all, it’s an innate male desire to have sex with many different partners, and there’s no getting around that. For women, the system holds a different promise, and most of it is dependent on the man.

Even monogamous guys who have been with the same woman in a loving relationship for many years feel a desire for other kinds of pussy. Not every guy gives in to their desires, but I do know many men and women in monogamous setups who do, which might make it the most dishonest agreement of all. It’s not just men that have a desire to sleep around. Often, women share the same level of horniness as men – or even more so.

Emotionally, women always desire to be with the strongest man in the pool and seek commitment and security with that man exclusively. Sexuality, however, can be very different.

Most times, a woman won’t cheat on her man or even consider sleeping with other men if she’s sexually satisfied by her main partner, because there’s no reason for her to. With this in mind, let’s talk about the implications of the system.

The Myth of "The One": Is There Really Just One Person Out There for You?

Chase Amante's picture

only one the one
The myth of only one The One out there for you comes from hormones and Hollywood. The truth is, there is more than one soul mate for you.

In my article on how women express interest, Bruhaha asked:

"Hey Chase, of recent I was in a heated debate with a religious friend of mine. He holds the view that there is only one girl for every guy in this world and vice versa. I argued that if that were the case, then every widower that remarries is doing a great injustice to the rest of his fellows. This is b'se he would be encroaching on other people's ones. And that the church should actually publicly denounce the holding of such ceremonies in order to be considerate to the rest of the population so that they can have a perfect shot at their ones also. That's when it struck me that you have never actually covered this issue before. I hope sometime to come, when you feel like it, it would really be cool to have your perspective on this issue. I would suggest you entitle it "Debunking the myth of the One", if you don't mind of course. Carpet diem!"

And he's right, I haven't addressed it on here, at least not in article form. I've discussed it a bit in comments over the years... but no standalone article on the subject.

So let's get one up.

Three things we should talk about with 'soul mates' and 'The One':

  1. Are there people you match better with than others?
  2. Is there only one truly perfect match?
  3. Are soul mates drawn toward each other?

All are interesting questions. We'll explore all today.