Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Turn a Female Friend Into Your Girlfriend

Chase Amante's picture
how to turn a female friend into your girlfriendFriends can resist dating friends. But if you follow these 7 steps, it gets a whole lot easier to turn a female friend into your devoted girlfriend.

We get a lot of guys asking about this topic. My usual advice is to stop obsessing over that one special girl and go meet more girls instead! This does a lot of great things for you – both raising your confidence and training up your skills.

Also, you will generally end up meeting girls you really like sooner or later whom you actually do end up together with. It’s a win all across the board! It’s why my general advice for how to get a girlfriend centers on looking outside your immediate social circle.

But let’s say you’re just not ready to do that yet. You’re just not ready to give up this great girl – you’ve got to take another crack at her. Perhaps you’re not in a position to meet other girls… maybe you’re in the middle of nowhere and she’s the only gal around. Maybe you’re so slammed with schoolwork or work-work that you just don’t have time to socialize with anyone but her.

So, in this article, I’ll show you how to turn a female friend into your girlfriend.

If you want to pull it off, you need to do everything in this guide – no halfway attempts! If you do it halfway, you won’t make her your girlfriend, and she will just remain your friend.

For that reason, be sure you read the guide all the way through. Then, be sure you put each and every one of these steps into action.

Using Sex Talk to Hook Girls Early in a Conversation

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk as an early game hookSex talk can be used to hook girls in the early game. Its viability depends on a few factors – yet when viable you can use it to suck women right in.

Hi guys and welcome back.

Today, I’ll discuss sex talk calibration and how to use sex talk in the early game after the opener and during the hook phase.

First, I emphasize that sex talk has always been a mid-game technique to increase compliance, set sexual frames, and escalate the vibe. So, using sex talk as part of your hook gambit is a bit “off-label” (the pharmaceutical term for medicines used for something other than their usual purpose).

But sex talk can be useful as a hook gambit to immerse girls. For instance, after the opener, whether the opener is an embedded hook in the opener or a hook gambit. The goal is to get a positive reaction from your opener, and if not, you can use a hook gambit. It generates initial compliance, creates more interest, and gets the conversation going. We use hook gambits and other techniques such as assumptions/cold reads, group gambits, and storytelling to accomplish this.

This post covers techniques best suited for night game. In day game, sex talk is mainly used from the mid-game on, typically after isolating to an instant date, or at least, after a solid interaction.

7 Dumb Moves Guys Make on Dates (Which They Think Are Smart!)

Chase Amante's picture
dumb moves guys make on datesGuys do a lot of dumb stuff with girls. But the worst is when guys think dumb things they’re doing are smart! Don’t be guilty of these 7 bonehead moves.

Over on the forum we had a member post how a wingman of his told him it’s a bad move to let girls drive you around on dates. It leads to a “loss of frame”, the wing claimed, because then you are not in control of the car. You are under her power. His wingman further claimed that:

Also, anything can happen when a girl is in the driving seat, such as she can go to any place she wants that is not within my seduction plan. A girl's mind is emotional so her plans can change anytime, and we would like to reduce the chances of this.

This is some real dumb, keyboard jockey thinking on the wingman’s part here. As a guy who never, ever has liked to drive women around if he can avoid it – and hasn’t driven at all in many years now; in fact, my driver’s license is nine years expired, likely to never be renewed – let me just tell you: having women chauffeur you around is the best thing in the world.

And yes, you are more likely to end up in bed with them when they do the driving than you do when you do it.

But this article isn’t just about driving.

It’s about all the dumb moves guys make on dates (plus the initial approach too), which they think improve their positions with girls, that actually make things worse.

Tactics Tuesdays: Retroactive Discounting (Buy-In Tech)

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retroactive discountingHow do you know if a girl likes what you’ve proposed – or if she’s likely to reject or flake on it? By using retroactive discounts to tell… that’s how.

I’ve had guys asking me lately about tactics for generating buy-in with girls.

So here’s one: it’s called ‘retroactive discounting’. Not my term; it comes from the psychology literature. It’s a name for a tactic we’ve all heard before, and possibly used: you offer to do something, and then couch that by saying you’re not sure if she wants to do it / maybe she doesn’t want to do it.

Like so:

We could grab drinks this weekend. Maybe that’s not your thing though.

Retroactive discounting allows you to recover in real time from an overly pushy or forward suggestion (e.g., one you made before checking her interests or schedule). But more importantly, it wraps a second consideration into your request – one where even if the girl is not available she can still express interest in you and commit to wanting to see you again.

You will use this one most often when you are zipping along very fast with girls (at least that is when I’ve always made the most use of it) – in other words, where you are aiming to do as much as possible in as little time as you can.

10 Ways to Raise Male Libido/Testosterone + 4 Things to AVOID

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raise your libido & testosteroneThese unconventional science- and experienced-based tips from a skilled seducer will take your libido to the stratosphere… assuming you follow them.

Last week I talked to someone who’d just tried testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). He’s actively dating and bedding new girls, but he wanted an extra edge to boost his sex drive up even higher.

The result of his TRT experiment was not good: while on the therapy he found himself beset with anxiety until he finally quit and went back to normal.

If you’re living in the West right now, you’ve likely been trained to believe something like “the solution to any problem is to pump more laboratory chemicals into your body!” Pills, supplements, hormones, fortified foods, inoculations, patches, vapes, you name it. The only thing I’m not seeing pushed much these days is suppositories (maybe they’ll make a comeback though). Just find the right elixir and eat/drink/inject it in, and voila! Miracle cure!

A few hundred years ago, alchemy was all the rage in Europe, with people busily concocting mixtures and potions hoping to solve all kinds of biological problems, often resulting in injury or even death of the imbiber of said concoctions. We laugh at that now, then we turn right around and load ourselves up with pharmaceuticals that every year more and more get revealed to have some sort of disastrous (or even mortal) effect upon the body… and often the promised result is marginal, fleeting, illusory, or none.

This article ignores all the witches’ brews, alchemical formulae, miracle jungle plants, multicolored sea slug compounds, and Big Pharma-produced Wonder Drugs™ to give you tips to raise your libido by as much as you want using nothing more than your lifestyle.

Because, as we’re about to discuss, the problem men are having with testosterone and libido is NOT a “chemical imbalance” problem that needs fixin’ with yet more chemicals and hormones… it is a LIFESTYLE problem.

When You Can't Pull a Girl Due to Logistics, Use Push-Pull Barriers

Alek Rolstad's picture
push-pull logisticsIf you hit it off with a girl but can’t pull her because she has to mind her friend or there’s no private place to take her, what can you do? Use push-pull!

Hi guys and welcome back.

Not long ago, I wrote a post about how to run 2-sets, groups of two girls, one of the hardest groupings to deal with in pickup and seduction. Isolation is difficult in those settings because you cannot fully isolate without leaving her friend alone. It’s why going for groups bigger than three is easier (unless you are dealing with lone wolves). In my guide, I covered how to work with those settings. I won’t recap that here.

But in a previous post, I suggested a cool technique called a barrier that provides great effects when the logistics are not in your favor (for example, her friend does not want to leave so you have enough alone time).

I would love to drink some Rosé with you back at my place, but I can’t leave your friend behind.

The above example is one of the lines discussed. The idea is to use a push-pull strategy (Tactics Tuesdays: Push-Pull for Getting Girls) and show mixed signals, but the push here is a sign of interest indicating you’d like to do X or talk about X, but can’t because of Y reason (logistical).

I will discuss how this works plus provide a few examples.

Let’s go!

Why Must Men Work So Hard for Women? Are Women Worth It?

Chase Amante's picture
are women worth itA reader wonders why men must “jump through so many hoops” to get women. Are women even worth it? Why can’t men just be themselves?

Commenting on my article “What Women Want”, a reader from Bengaluru, India remarked:

I read this with an open mind but was kind of let down by the final conclusion. "What do women want? They want a man who has become what they want. And need." It made me wonder if thats the highest goal in life for a man?? I've chased women and I've jumped through the hoops. But its never enough, what work do they put in to impress or woo us that we need to bend over backwards to woo them. Change my whole being just to be whoever or whatever the fuck she wants me to be just so that I can experience some sex and physical love?? To feel that I too am wanted loved and desired? That I am beautiful too?
Isn't my masculine essence enough for them?? Can I not just be who I am in my essence and attract from there?? why do I need to jump through so many hoops??

He might hail from India, but he may as well be from the West, because I’ve been getting comments like these from men in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and Western and Eastern Europe. I get them from other parts of the world as well, like Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America.

The remarks all condense down to sentiments such as:

  • “Women aren’t worth all this work.”
  • “Women aren’t worth the effort.”

Sometimes women are said to be not worth it “anymore”, implying they once were, but no longer are. Other times women are implied to have always not been worth the effort.

When I read old books (as I am wont to do), I come across the sentiment sometimes there, too – men, hundreds or thousands of years ago, writing that in effect “women aren’t worth it.”

A sentiment this broad, held by so many men, across the world, across time, beggars the mind as one wonders how humanity could have survived with so many men considering women so “unworthy of it.”

Why must men work so hard for women? Are women worth the work?

[WATCH] New Videos PLUS: Want to Be a Star on GirlsChase.TV?

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GirlsChase.TV thumbnailsFive new GirlsChase.TV videos await. Also in this article: an opportunity to join GC.TV as a creator… PLUS a preview of some of our latest creators to join.

We’re up and running again with a solid batch of new GirlsChase.TV content (after a stretch of buggy tech problems not being able to upload videos for a while… running your own in-house YouTube is hard!).

But first, before I get into the latest videos – are you a seasoned seducer who’d like to build his own brand and become a GirlsChase.TV star? Come join the GirlsChase.TV team. Build a following, promote your offers, and make a little pocket change on the site while you’re at it. See this forum post for the full details on how you can become a GC TV star.

That exciting news out of the way, here’s the latest.

Tactics Tuesdays: Bait-and-Switch Tension Pops

Chase Amante's picture
bait and switch tension popsWhen girls create unhelpful frames, use a bait-and-switch tension pop (a B&S pop). B&S pops build investment, seize the frame, and tease her all at once.

Have you ever done the thing where a girl was waiting with bated breath for what you were going to say, thinking it was some big, significant reveal…

… only for you to tell her something absurdly lame or mundane? And she just started laughing, maybe punched you in the arm or called you really bad, as ALL the tension in the air evaporated and the two of you were chill… perhaps there was even a little magical spark because of it?

Even if you haven’t, you’ve doubtless seen this tactic from time to time in shows and movies.

I call this technique the ‘bait-and-switch tension pop’. Or the B&S pop for short.

It’s a bait-and-switch (she THINKS she’s about to hear something profound from you… instead she gets something cheesy) that POPS whatever tension you’d built up with her.

It’s a niche tactic with a handful of excellent uses, and one worth keeping in your toolbox.

Seduce MORE Girls by Becoming a "Romantic Blank Slate"

Chase Amante's picture
romantic blank slateSure, you can tell girls all about you and get a girl here and there. Yet, to seduce MORE girls: become a blank slate women project their fantasies onto.

Your average, ordinary guy dreams of being able to seduce any woman in the world. He dreams of being able to do this by walking right up, saying the right things, and wooing women right off their feet.

However, this dream of his has one fatal flaw: it is that he imagines doing all of it while totally being himself.

You can’t pick up every woman by being yourself. A lot of women aren’t looking for ‘you’, with your unique personality, predilections, and set of interests and desires. Some women certainly are. Many, however, are not.

So if you go around advertising who you are and what you are in unequivocal terms, many women who are on the hunt for a man will decide you simply don’t match their criteria.

If you’re only on the hunt for supremely compatible girls, of course, then this is great! You won’t mind these rejections, because it’s merely a sign that you and the girl weren’t a fit.

If, on the other hand, you are after casting as broad a net as possible – enjoying as much success with women as possible – then you are not going to want to miss out on perfectly good lovers this way.

Thus, if the goal is indeed to seduce more women, instead of advertising yourself as this clearcut, exactingly defined man with very specific features who will only fit the desired types of a handful of the women he meets, you are going to want to do something else:

You are going to want to be the Romantic Blank Slate.